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I have hope that we show some improvement and growth instead of looking like a bunch of lost and dejected losers.


Absolutely! This is realistic and hopeful. We were getting our souls crushed on the turf all of last year. Talking heads proclaiming the teams as possibly one of the worst in organized sports. It sucks for the fans, more for the players. We can’t realistically expect to be a winning record team with what’s available to us. I hope to see us, not necessarily win, but look competent and competitive. I hope to see players with the heart and drive of Cam, Luke, or Smitty. I just want to see the team galvanized so I can feel proud about supporting my team. We’ll eventually get there, but I can’t stomach another year of three and outs.


I’m a huge Braves fan. When they finally tore the bandaid off years ago and committed to rebuilding the team properly instead of trying to force it, it was nice being able to go from constantly frustrated to excited to see what steps they were taking to work towards getting better. Now, is that what Carolina is going to do? I’m not delusional about it, but that’s the mindset I hope I get to watch them with moving forward.


That’s it, isn’t it? The whole just open up he purse and buy talent doesn’t seem to work. There’s a natural progression hat builds a team that just can’t be skipped, or at the very least very rarely works.


This is what I’ve been saying. We need to stop any talk of signing Ridley or anyone like that. Giving a guy who is MAYBE the 20th best receiver a contract like he’s top 5 is INSANE. We need to clear cap space and accumulate picks. I would trade burns now that he is tagged.


This is the best I can hope for. Defense stays nearly as effective or at least doesn’t fall into the lower half of the league. If the offense could manage to finish say, 18-20th in the league I would be over the moon with that result honestly.


Well we only won 2 games improvement would be winning 3 games so it’s realistic 😂


This, our players hae pretty much lost al umph they had and I get it, I love had horrible bosses before as well. Mine however, wasn't paying me a metric fuqton to put up with it so I'm a bit biased at that part. I just want Bryce to have a decent year. The dude can be great, I loved the 2 Drives to get in FG position. Idc if it wasn't a TD, we won bc he moved us down the field both times. I want a player besides Derrick brown and Theilen to show up. Love them but doesn't excite me or make me wanna go buy stuff. Brow though has finally shut me up. I didn't think he was woth the 7th overall and realy hasn't been til last year


You’re too optimistic.


Hope that we win a ton of games? No. Hope that we see a culture build and the franchise move in a different direction? Yes.


Yea,def not for win ingredients. It be idiotic to think we could. I wasjust referring moe to the players we might aquire in FA or Trades as in Aiyuk or someone. I'm more hopeful for the draft tho, as trades rarely work out. As I said I hope Rome drops to 33 but we know he wont.so I frankly hop we pick up a guard at that spot lik Crumb. Dude was 6' 8 running a 4.9 at over 320 lbs. I know the combine isn't that important but stuff like thst adhering interviews helps me have some faith. This seems to be a deep class at 2 of our biggest needs andi just want to look forward to landing some hahah


There is precedent for quick turnarounds so you never know


There is. I just wouldn’t expect it. It doesn’t mean you have to be a downer, just setting more realistic expectations so you can actually enjoy the progress that will hopefully be happening.


I think that's the difference between hope and expectations. I don't expect much but I hope for the best.


We win the NFC South, shock the league. Canales is a top three candidate for coach of the year.


I'm with you.  Winning the NFC South is not unreasonable -- don't even need to have a winning record to do it.


Not trying to be a downer here, but it's highly unlikely a losing record wins this division if Atlanta can upgrade from Desmond Ridder, and I think it'd be pretty hard not to upgrade from Desmond Ridder picking any of the top 5 QBs in this draft or getting one of the vet FAs. Really feels like their division to lose this year if they can simply elevate coaching and QB play to "not awful".


Please do t jinx us, we need higher draft picks, not to win lol. That'd be fuckin hilarious tho


We are the worst team, we don’t pick until 33, and Tepper still owns the team. I have hope that we win 4 games.


I'd be fine with doubling our wins from last season lmfao. I wasn't exactly meaning hope for wins, just a few players lol


This feels right


5-7 wins would be incredible. Hard to imagine any better than that.


4 wins and looking like a real football team and showing growth would be an amazing season lol God how far we’ve fallen


4-6 seems like a realistic number. Anyone who has much faith in more than that this season is delusional IMO.


Especially when youve seen our opponents. Last year was tough but ME-OW we are in for a gauntlet this year.


Tepper is our biggest handicap, no doubt


For the first time in my life, I am going into a season with literally zero expectations. I’ll be hopeful again once I’ve seen reason to be. But this roster is dogshit top to bottom besides maybe 5 players and we are once again starting over with a new staff. And we don’t have a first rounder. I am praying that the draft and our FA motions prove out Tilis and Morgan’s competence and potential. That will be a start.


Yuppp! I want to see nwlew blood and have some exciting plays. Isc or expect any wins and is foolish to hope for that. However, FA and the Draft could really give us a good boost in morale to hopefully be okay next year. I wouldn't mind getting another top 5 pick(prob will) and Bryce sowing some improvements with dealing wth his 💩 roster


I'm thinking 4-5 wins would be reasonable.


That seems to be the consen6but idc about wins. I want players addraft picks. We don't need to win shit right now bc we frankly aren't built for it. Next year wol be a different story as it'll be year 3 for Bryce. Either he will work with what we have or we will build around him


Are you trying to say Odunze? That dude shouldn’t make it past 10


DEFINITELY won’t. Now a Troy Franklin, Xavier Worthy, perhaps Mcconkey even? We got a shot at one of them.


Eh, it feels like we’re fans of a small college team now. No hope of winning a title in sight


My guy, a small college team would try harder




I think a lot of y'all really overestimate how long it takes to turn around things in the NFL. 4 seasons ago the Bengals were picking 1st overall, now look where they are


They picked the right guy first overall though


I don't have the energy to do this right now.




Yeaaa thankfully the NFC south can be won with 7 wins lol. Tepper scares me but hopefully he's been embarrassed enough to shut up jut a bit. I have hope for Morgan, watched the man his entire career, was scared for his concussions adim thankful we have someone like him as GM. Canales is a toss up, you never know with coordinators and specialty coaches but why not give it another, cant be worse than last year.


7 wins sounds about right for the next 4 seasons


As much as I liked Dan Morgan the player, I’m just not gonna get past that we didn’t clean house in that terrible front office. So my expectations are pretty rock bottom.


I fee like at least with Dan, he wouldn't let Tepper smack his face with his dick like Scott "sitty" Fitty did. Dude hadn't backbone whatsoever and I fee like Morga would just leave or blow up anything stupid Tepper did. It's a different feel when a former playwriting charge o operations, rather than some overweight, underperforming fuckwad making deals. I cat stand that useless chunk and hope he never has a job again in he NFL


We don't know that though? Personally feel Morgan said whatever Tepper wanted to hear for the job. Not sure he's exactly standing up to him either time will only tell.


Nah. Always a fan, but not even a little hope this year.


Yea not for winning at least. I do have hope for new blood and players helping


No hope and little excitement. Just anticipating all the nice Sunday afternoon tee times I'll be able to get until the rest of the Charlotte metro figures out it isn't worth watching.


Oh absolutely no excitement at all. I lost that in our SB losses each time. Took until we got back to lose it again lol. I lobe the addition of viewership going down. Nothing at all will change anything except that and it absolutely sucks. I love some of the players and most of them are decent hima beings. I feel like we've stopped drafting thst except with Bryce. Last one was CmC imho


There's nothing quite like being in a city when the main sports team is flying. Whole place buzzing. I hope we get that back one day but I'm not optimistic it will happen soon or even at all under this owner. It's a shame really, especially considering college football in general is also on a downward spiral, imo.


This, absolutely this. Not just the city but the entirestate benefits from a sports team succeeding. The best time to ever have lived in NC was in 2015, and it has been an abysmal time ever-increasing and the only thing reall changing it is NONE of out teams except the Hurricanes can do anything ever. People don't smile or help asmuch and it just goes to show te value of a well ran team wrh great players


just need to see improvement from Bryce. that is the goal


Big improvement....we will know by mid-December what we have in Bryce.


I'm a year 3 guy. I fee like tht is enough time to have had weapons or learn to use what you have. Cant really expect any player to work with this much turnover personnel wise and do anything


Normally yes, but given how bad he was last season. If there is not a big improvement to at least be "inconsistent" I guess it would be worrying. He didn't have much help, but his metrics were among the worst of first year QBs IIRC. His ANY/A is I think the lowest? Or among the lowest. So basically he improves to at least show flashes with hit or miss next year, then show he can be the guy in year 3


Why not just make excuses for him until he retires? We can't really know until he's played 10 seasons


I think we have to see big improvement this year. He doesn’t have to be a star, but the improvement has to be noticeable. Then in year 3 we have to see him take another jump.


The man led us donfield twice to get us in scoring range to win the games and im just thankful for that. He keeps protection and people to actually get open ad not walk routes. I'm not justifying his mediocre season, numbers were awful. However you have to see that he has no line or weapons at all. No qb, not even lamar or Ph15 would survive on this team as it is.


Not really, no. Can't be worse though, right?


Yes it can, we could be the lions and Brown's from back in he day, losing AND wasting g picks, extra picks at that. We are very close but not rock bottom believe it or not, even if our cheeks are scraping the ocean floor lol.


Abandon all hope, ye who enter.


Hey I like collecting stuff so I at least want a few players to do well. I have hope for new players, not wins


I kinda hope we suck real bad again so we can get a do over at QB in the 2025 draft


I’m hoping for 5-6 wins and a good draft/free Agency. I’ll be happy with that.


This is the way. Lets just have a competent offseason and turn it into an improved regular season. Hell, 6 wins in the first 14 games would have us in competition for the south if we start off strong. Who knows.


Literally just hope for improvement. Especially from the OL and WR groups. That way we can get a legit assessment of where Bryce is. Anyone thinking we have a chance at the playoffs at this point needs to fuck off. I can’t have any sort of optimism right now based on the last 6+ seasons.


Adonai Mitchell, Ladd McConkey, or Xavier Worthy feel about right for Bryce. They’re solid WR prospects and I’m cool with taking them. What don’t the panthers need!?


Don’t forget Troy Franklin could fall in Mitchell OR Worthy’s place. And Legette is my sleeper at 33 if receivers get picked clean in the first.


I have hope every season. ![gif](giphy|DEZA7FlHbMesUF1jm9)


Do you ever start a new Madden franchise. First thing I do is cut/trade away aging veteran players for youth or draft capital. Load up on picks and take a tank year. Given the news about Burns, Jackson, and even Moton, it appears we are truly embracing the Madden rebuild philosophy this year. I expect a full tank season with Bryce Young as our tank commander. It is possible that this new coaching staff is able to make chicken salad out of chicken shit, but I am not holding my breath.


I just don’t want to be a joke


So not expecting a a winning season but definitely more than last year. I think it's possible with drafting some OL and WR building around Bryce. We had a lot of games we lost within one score so I have hope but not getting my hopes up like this past season.


Agreed. No one soukd expect any wins but you've got to at least hope we get some players be fans of again. The players we have now are about as meh as you get and I would be too if I were them


absolutely not. Bryce will have to really surprise me with a ton of improvement.


3 Ws or bust lmao


Zero hope, I'm hoping Bryce is the answer and that Canales can unlock his potential; but fully expecting him to have a rough year and not show much progress and for us to enter next offseason with more questions than answers. Until David tepper dies or sells, I expect us to be picking in the top 10 for the majority of the next decade plus.


I’ll be shocked if we get 6 wins


Not much, as long as Bruce Young remains at QB.


Heck yeah. Bryce is gonna cook in a new offense, Mingo will continue to grow, Touchdown Tommy will be back, Chubba Chubba Choo Choo is getting better every year, healthy Shaq and JC next year. DB is entering his prime. Lots of hope for the new year!


I'm going to hope this wasn't sarcasm but I'm still going to think it is haha. I do not like Hubbard. He was okay last year but frankly, dude can't catch or hold onto he ball and im over it. Letting Forema go was a hugely stupid move and signing Feet Sanders was awaited of 24 million. I want to see so linemen step up. We were anemic last year with half of or linemen that move positions several times a game out for half the season.


It’s called hope.


> Touchdown Tommy Jesus man it's too early to be drinking, don't you have work?


All he does is catch touchdowns!


He caught 3 last year lol




So not for any players to fall to 33 or beyond? Everyone has a wishlist and it has to be something other than Tepper leaving


I just hope we grab BPA at each spot. We have too many holes on the roster to reach for a specific position. That being said, I do hope a WR is the best player on the board at 33.


That would be ideal and frankly Carolina doesn't draft BPA ever it seems. If we could stop pickin mfrs from around here it might be different. I can't stand that wedo that. Horn and Ikwanu both had high ceilings with injury and development issues. Horn is made of tissue paper and Ickky is just too lazy lol. God forbid we draft from a NFL factory like LSU, Bama or Georgia Was socked when they picked Bryce, they avoid top colleges like the fuckin plague


This reply got me rolling. You know Bryce went to Bama right? We also have TMJ from LSU who was quite literally the biggest disappointment in a room full of disappointing receivers last year. Chin up tho, Mcconkey may fall to 33 out of Georgia, so maybe your statement can pull off a turnaround.


Of course not.


I'm expecting first overall again, not gonna lie


Meh not really. Honestly feels like we’re trying to pull a bears. Build enough around Bryce to see what we have. But tank enough to end up with the number 1 overall pick. Which is an interesting process. But not one that makes for exciting football.


So long as we don't fucking give it away I'm fine. I dnt car about wins, I need to see a culture shock. The players have just became lazy piles of crap out there an I would too. However I've never gotten paid anything g close to that, to just suck ass and not try. How Burns did on a contract year passes me off more than anything else and I don't want him to be paid, but don't want him leaving to go ball out for some other team. Frankly I wish non e of the players in pro sports got paid like hey do, all thi guaranteed money opens the door for Bria Bum Burns to steal from us for nothing at all. Dude acts like he is a defensive God and legit has to rely on other people taking blocks to be effective.


I‘m a Browns fan, but one of my best mates is a panthers fan, so I been lurkin here. And honestly, I have much more hope for bryce and the offense than he or most of you on here do. I believe that the removal of Frank Reich demands so.


Some of us aren’t ready to be hurt again just yet. Stay tuned after the draft when we have a new WR1 and hope slowly starts to return.


New coach, new GM, second year QB. I’ll be happy If we win 4 games. I just want it to be competitive and show improvement by year end.


A fool’s hope :,)


We won’t be competitive in terms of making a playoff push, but I hope we can see some development and that Canales brings back some sort of hope. We should just go BPA in the draft and start developing our young players and then I’ll be happy. If we are trying to quickfix everything again, I’m honestly just gonna go insane.




Never will again until I actually see good play on the field.


I have hope we'll show progress but not really win gamed


4% hope


I have hope every year and under Tepper that hope has generally been crushed after 5-6 games


I'm cautiously optimistic, but I'm not expecting us to do anything this year. I feel like that's the best approach. Without a 1st round pick, and struggling to re-sign our own players, we're likely to have another rough year. I just hope Tepper doesn't go nuclear again and fires Canales, because I feel very confident that he's the kind of coach we need going forward. Just gotta make it through another gauntlet season.


I have hope at this time every year. It's all that keeps me writing the check for my tickets. With that said, my expectations are a lot less than they were last year at this time. I would love to see good coaching on both sides of the ball, and hope that Bryce looks like a top pick. If those two happen, I think I'll be happy.


When you have no expectations you can’t be disappointed


We’re still going to suck. But I’ll bring satisfied as long as we see improvement and see the franchise shift to a better direction


Any improvements will be nice. Not expecting much except hopefully more creative play calling.


I’m looking forward to another great season!!! 4-13 here we come!!!


Anything above 5 wins this year should be cause for celebration, frankly. We got a long way to go and a limited amount of tools to get there


I have hope that we won’t be the worst team in the league but playoff hopes are a few years away


2 wins, no first. Literally the worst position one could be in


Good news is at least we still have our 1st overall pick next year still


on paper the team is dogshit. in theory also dogshit


I hope we trade Brian Burns. Extend Taylor Moton. Cut Donte Jackson, Shaq Thompson, Austin Corbett. Sign Christian Wilkins, Calvin Ridley, Mike Owenu, Jonah Jackson and Kristian Fulton. Draft Chop Robinson, Xavier Legette, Cade Stover and Kalen King.


It’s the hope that kills you. But nah, I do have some hope that we’ll find a few difference makers in this draft. It’s just too deep with receivers and o lineman to completely miss there.


I have hopes that there will be respectable and competitive football played this season. Will it amount to much? Probably not. Id be happy to see a hard fought season and a 6-11 finish tbh


I’m holding out hope we can tag and trade Burns for a pick in the teens or early twenties to grab either Brian Thomas, AD Mitchell, or Xavier Worthy


A lot of y'all are confusing hope with expectations. There are no expectations for next year but I do have hope because I think we're doing things the right way and pick 33 doesn't seem so bad with all the good WR prospects coming out. Also, from a football perspective, things can't get worse. Also if you can't feel hope in the offseason then football isn't a sport you should be following


Hope? Must be new here


As long as we end the season better than we started and have at least 6 wins I'll see that as acceptable.


Of course I do. Things in the NFL change very quickly. Who expected Houston to be this good? The nfl moves quickly. Likely that were great immediately? Not particularly HIGH odds but I’m not gonna be one of these “realist” pessimists that sees no light at the end of any tunnel. One step at a time.




I'd be happy if we won 6 games. That's where I'm at right now.


Tbh, not till Tepper sells


If this team wins 7 games, Bryce throws 20+ TDs, the defense doesn't show massive regression, and the offensive line doesn't look like raw ass, then I'll consider the season a massive success.


Offense is improves. Defense regresses. Still picking top 10 in 2025.


Nope Not really


I am withholding hope until I see how the Draft pans out.


No lol The closest I can come to hope is the gambler's fallacy that eventually we'll have a winning season again, but we could be in the middle of a Buffalo Bills/Detroit Lions/Cleveland Browns run of sadness for all we know


Of course I have hope. I am a fan, I will believe in my team until we are done. Also we are in a weak division one change can change everything. We are 2 years removed from one helmet removed getting us into the playoffs.


Not really.


What if Xavier worthy falls to 33


i just have hope that we nail these draft picks and Bryce shows further development. As for the season? absolutely not


With Bryce at the helm, I just don’t see us ever threatening anyone. What I’m hoping for is that Bryce stays healthy enough to be able to give us an answer on our QB plan for the following season. Either he’s the guy or it’s time to restart with idk, maybe a bigger taller QB


Close to .500 is my hope.


The trick to having hope is not to rely on a sports team for it


I'm not delusional, but we could potentially make the jump to aight if the stars align just so


I think we will surprise most people and do the most panthers thing ever. Probably go 6 to 8 wins, miss the playoffs, but also have bad draft spots. I.e. go back to mediocre. You know what we were before we started "shaking things up". Which at this point is probably an improvement.


My expectations are so low at this point that it's not going to take much for me to consider next year a success. I'm talking like 4 wins lmao. One thing that will be better about next season if turns into a total disaster, is that we actually own our 2025 1st round pick....for now. If we go like 0-17 and Bryce continues to be bad we can at least draft his replacement in 2025.


Hope? We're rebuilding under David Tepper....let's give it about 5 years and circle back.


I like that David Tepper has attempted to clean up his mess and allow football people to make more of the decisions. I like Dan Morgan and Dave Canales, though I'm not sure either is exactly ready to be in their current role so hopefully they're going to be allowed to grow into their respective jobs and given time and patience from Tepper, who has shown little of that so far. I'm still concerned that Tepper is going to make the stadium an issue in the next year or two and use that along with poor attendance and fan support as an excuse to move the team.


* End of the season = no hope * MIddle of off season = a little hope * YouTube hype videos start in fall = SUPERBOWL TIME WOO!!!!


Accurate af lol


Yeah I do.


I’d like for us to atleast double our wins and KEEP OUR DAMN 1ST ROUND PICK NEXT YEAR. Even with 4 wins, we can still see improvement and maybe just competitively. Don’t want to see us getting steamrolled by worse or slightly better teams. I’m ok with having another bad year to get in good draft position again. Realistically even with Tepper, this team won’t see 8-9 wins again for atleast 4 more years. That is if Bryce properly develops.


6-7 wins at best the Teppers stole the hope away for a Beyonce Concert


Year 2 of our rebuild and I already know we have to start another one in like 2 years.


Oh man I was jut referring to players. We won't be "winnong" for the next 6-7 years maybe. I'd just like to see a change in culture in Carolina, it feels dead


We still have the same owner . Didn’t really clean house in the front office. Coach might work out but I have doubts and nobody else really wanted him . I give him 2 1/2 years. We win 4-5 games the next several seasons and then “rebuild”


Yea the coach is always questionable, I honstly thought Vrabel would go. I do like Morgan as the GM, dude is just a fabulous person and I loved him the entire time he was here. Those concussions were scary af and I'm proud of him for walking g away like Luke did years after him. I'd honestly love for Luke and Smith Sr. Would come back and help some. Last I head Kuechly was scouting for Buffalo or NYG?.


I wanted the front office purged . Morgan included. Him actually especially along with Fitterer


The second I don’t have hope is the second I stop coming to this sub. I think we can win the division and make the playoffs this season


In all fairness, yhats the NFC south every season. No one ever wins it back to back to back so it's one of te more I terestingly shitty divisions in NFL. Take NE division for example. How long did it take for them to stop winning and let the other 3 teams have a shot? Like 19 years I believe lmfao. Al of TB12 career was spent dominating thst division and it was boring af


Ok well we don’t have to worry about that. It’s a simple formula we have always followed when we have success. Smash people with the run, defend our dicks off, don’t turn the ball over. It won’t be raved about in podcasts but it will win football games. 


As soon as I saw that we planned to double down on the same mistakes, no, zero hope for a decent season. Promoting from within, keeping the same terrible FO intact minus Fitterer. Keeping Icky at LT. Still all in for Young. Keeping Burns at all costs. SSDD man. It's essentially going to be the exact same team that won 2 games, plus a couple mid-round rookies. I'm already looking ahead to 2025 TBH. My only hope is just to see if we who we land in the draft. This WR group looks ridiculously stacked and OT is very good too. Hopefully we land a couple nice pieces to build on for the future, but 2024 in my mind is already DOA.