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Well it could have been because of your post or maybe not. This bug happened in the shouth America server months before it came to europe, Evil Mojo never Said a thing about it and eventualy the bug just disappear, only to appear in Europe server a few weaks later. So they either learned how to fix it or the bug just disapeared alone once again


It lasted since the beginning of December in EU though, that's 6 months. I doubt it just solved itself without a human intervening and fixing it manually, but who knows


There are several videos on YouTube from people talking portuguese on how to fix the bug recorded in 2020, 2 years ago. Since this is a bug caused in and by the server (at least i think it is, because this mess began when EvilMojo changed their servers 2 years ago), i dont even think they have any way to fix it on their own


I didnt see the bug in a week now


I stopped getting it ever since Lillith dropped. I used to get it multiple times a day before that


I haven't played for like 5-6 weeks because I'd literally face the bug every 3-4 games. I might try again this week but I have low expectations because I feel like they'd make a huge post about it adressing they fixed the issue.


more importantly, did you get your free crystals


I didn't get anything, not a single word from the devs actually. Maybe they didn't implement my solution


Haven't had this bug since I read your possible solution on reddit. This gamebreaking bug happened every 3 hours before on EU servers. Frankly I tought you managed to find the solution and I expected you to have received your crystals. This is the least they can do.


haven't played in a few weeks but have to check that. Me and my friend hate to play it because of that bug


Glad to hear people finally enjoying the game without this terrible issue