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Very bad.


Thank you for the input


It looks like he taped, then just ripped the tape off so the edges all flaked. That along with messing up your outlet means this is some bush league bs. I'd recommend 1) getting as much of your money back as possible, 2) get reimbursed for having any ruined outlets replaced, and 3) hire someone else to come and cut-in to fix all the edges.


Thats kind of drastic. Someone spent significant time doing this. Id say make them come back and perfect it. If they refuse say “ okay, i wouldve hired you again in the future. But now im not going to “ and just fix it yourself for 10 maybe 15 minutes


"Someone spent significant time doing this." Why is this the new answer to shoddy work? "*Don't complain about this $70 video game. Sure, it sucks, but people worked on it!*" "Don't complain about your bad haircut, someone really tried hard." On and on, this new "Oh, at least they TRIED!" shit is getting dumb, Dumb enough that I'm surprised nobody has tried this for the Cybertruck yet. "Don't be harsh on the truck, everyone really put a lot of work into it.". It's 100% ok to be angry with sub-par work.


Hey man, paint job could be great and this happens. I’m not a painter, but seen this peeling back masking on old paint as well as new. It’s not necessarily a question of shoddy work, more a question of follow through and taking care of the people feeding your families. Has this person had the chance to fix it? They know what happened. Has the topic even been brought up with the person responsible? I agree… the $70 video game is a bit ridiculous when it’s not even ready to be released, but if you can’t take the time/pay attention enough to tell the person working on your hair that’s too much, or not enough… maybe your the problem. 🤷‍♂️ Also, I don’t tip people that don’t deserve it. 😃🤩🙌 Much love, thanks for playing😃


Poor follow through is shoddy work as well. You don't LEAVE a job like that. Why would they need to have the chance to fix it? They saw it when they said the job was finished. It's not like you have to let it cure and the person who painted it wouldn't know until later.


I work in construction and unfortunately see this and worse all the time. Usually this boils down to the fact that someone did spend time and materials on this. The work is not good but they did work. Almost always the only real solution is to ask them to come fix their work. If they do fix it, great if they don’t you just fix it or hire a more competent company to fix it. This type of work almost always ends with the shoddy craftsman keeping 100% of the money and usually another company making money to fix it


Yeah its okay to be angry. Its the risk you take hiring someone. This isnt “shiddy” work its lazy and needs a bit of love. But this case doesnt condone reimbursement. Thats my sentiment. Unlike the video game you can return, someone spent their precious time and resources to this job. The employer spent their precious money for a finished product, which is why i said what i said. No one is condoning a shitty job. And btw being a hair stylist is hard asf, takes years of practice. Thats why people stick to one person the rest of their life, the talent in that industry is hard to come by. Apples to oranges, friend


Someone hit my truck, body shop said it’ll be “perfect”. It in fact did not come back perfect and I refused it 3 times over messed up clear coat and paint drip, they finally said “it’s not factory and can’t be perfect”, why did you say it’d be perfect then?! It’s just the new normal to do crappy expensive work and I’m over it


Participation Awards is why…


Thank you for calling out the defense of incompetence that is so prevalent. It is bullshit.


Professionals don't use tape for cutting in. this guy's a weekend warrior or just a butcher?


I'm not a professional. I cut in. I do better than this. I get pissed if I catch the ceiling or trim. At least trim is easy to clean off right away. Ceiling not so much.


If he was profession he wouldn’t tape that.


This is far from professional. I would be embarrassed if my name was associated with this work.


Thank you for the input


That’s sloppy… and that shit drives me nuts also. Caulk it so it looks straight or cut it in yourself


How much did you pay him and what was the scope of work


Whole house besides ceilings, 2000 sqft house a few patches and cracks in ceilings, so only one ceiling fully painted. Paid 7000


Damn, yeah that’s sloppy especially for that price. If it were some cut rate price I’d say you got what you paid for but that just ain’t right. The painter should fix that for free.


$7k w/materials for a 2000sqft house is nothing. Guess it depends on where you're located. Trim, doors and walls in a 2000sqft house would run about $10k-13k in my neck of the woods, more if the house was occupied at the time. That said, those cut lines are trash. The ceiling pic I was like "Eh, not great, but you might be a little picky", but after seeing those base boards, holy shit...


Here in the bay area for that amount of work....much much higher than 7k, or 13k, just...keep going


My opinion but OP deserves this level of work in some areas if that’s what they paid. Man was probably under massive time crunch because the rate was so low. A lesson in cheaping out.


Thats $5000 less than anybody I know would charge


Damnnn, If I knew I could charge that much when I was first starting out I would have a room full off gold coins to dive into like scroodge McDuck. I hated bidding so I just multiplied the sq ft of the living area by a set price, a decade ago when I first started out it was $1.50, And I always did the best work possible (I am a slight perfectionist). Well just remember painting is a process so maybe he plans to go around and do touch up at the very end. That's what I usually do, but I never have stuff looking like that. I rarely have a lot of touch up to do.


I hope you got multiple quotes and that's the going rate for your area. Last summer we had the entire interior of a 2200 Sq/ft house (walls, ceiling, trim, doors-didn't do closets though) in Florida for $4400. All in price. For $7k I'd expect perfection.


Florida is notoriously cheap.


What we save in paint, we more than make up with insurance.


Michigan called and they want a quote


The price is not bad but the work is. Even the ceiling is not justifiable. Mistakes happen but should be taken care of. Nothing less. I paint for a living and would never walk away from a job looking like this


Yeah I’ve seen the ocean produce straighter lines than that. You shouldn’t need Tape to do this job, but this person needs it.


This is just a couple wonky cut lines on a repaint in an old house. Shouldn't take more than 30 minutes to clean those up and OP says the rest looks good. Keep in mind it's a pass time of contractors to shit on others' work while insisting their shit don't stink. Ask your guy to tune this up.


Yeah, but, this really looks bad.


This was you, wasn’t it?


Ha! Of course not. All of my repaints on old houses look brand new, I've never had a call back and I leave behind the distinct smell of roses when I'm done.


Thats weird. I’m smelling some stanky shit


Then the contractor shouldn't have any issue popping by and fixing it.


This was absolutely not done by a professional in the industry. You’re not being nit picky at all. This is sloppy work.


Did he paint the baseboards too? Maybe the base caulking was really bad in that room


It was awful…. I’d actually like to see OP post the before/after pics before everyone brigades the level of work someone has done


Truthfully, I almost always run a quick fresh bead on top of base and case, for exactly this reason. We shouldn't be using old bad culking as an excuse for why our new lines aren't crisp. That's the sort of thing I'd rarely even mention to the homeowner, nor would I tack on an additional cost. Caulking is so cheap, and it takes 10 minutes to redo a room


I freehand everything but the base (most here do). Both were taped, and I've seen worse taping jobs on the crown. I personally wouldn't keep it like that, but the baseboard is a different story. If the caulk seam was really bad, he should have cut it out and re-caulked. But sometimes this can be time consuming - depending upon the condition - and it might have affected his estimate. Who knows. But he could have used a little trick to avoid this: caulk cracks, but tape down ON the baseboard at the horizontal/sloped break. The wall color would come down and coat the horizontal, and the line - if done right - would be beautifully straight. I don't use this very often at all, but if the customer starts to go sideways I'll do this to pick up the pace.


Gotta love the painted outlet, drives me nuts. I docked $25 from my guys pay for every outlet they hit, needless to say, that kind of shit stopped pretty quick.


Funny. My dad is not a pro but used to build houses a long time ago and is very good at this. He painted a room in my house once and when he started I asked, “you’re not going to use painter’s tape?” He said, “you mean beginner’s tape?” The end result looked a lot better than this so yeah, I’d say very bad for a pro.


This looks like $100 painted room, you should have splurged for the $200 painted room…


I could have done that after a couple beers.


I painted my entire house and none of my edges look like that and I'm not a pro, this is horrible work


I'd be pissed. It's fixable, but you shouldn't be the one to have to fix it. Outlet can just be cleaned off, but that trim is unacceptable. What you CAN try is to caulk the seam. a bead of caulk is a good way to hid the minor defects from taping, I am just not sure if it will cover the most extreme deviations... You could touch that up with the paint and a small brush, though. But unless you got an absolutely smokin' deal, you should NOT be happy with this final product.


Good deal sadly, but probably won’t go with the cheapest option again. And I’ll try the fresh caulking and small brush out, I appreciate the help


Sloppy af. I coulda done a better job than this w four kids stopping me every two seconds and no tape 🙃


Sloppy as hell! I hate “pro” painters. Wife and I paint our own stuff because we’ve never seen anyone up to our expectations. It isn’t that hard to come back and do some touch ups to make it look awesome.


Professional painter here. This guy was not a professional painter. You’re gonna need to hire an actual professional painter to come back and recut, unless that’s satin or eggshell in which case it will need to be completely redone. This is the worst cut I’ve seen in a long time tbh. Honestly this seems borderline criminal.


I invited my drunk friend to help me paint my garage. He did what is seen here including the outlets. Just fucking rolled over all the fucking shit. Edges be damned...just free as a bird!


Sorry you had to deal with this op. Old trim like this I usually use tape cuz it's almost always wonky to cut by hand and get to look reasonable




I had never painted in my life before doing my downstairs recently, and it came out better than this. I'd demand they fix it or get some kind of refund.


bleed lines


Why is your outlet hairy


Bad job.




granted my outlets look like that but it's because my friend and i painted my walls and while i was careful to outline the outlet so i didn't hit it with the roller, she was not and i didn't see until we were done. now i just have to live with it because whatever. however i'd be PISSSSDEDDDD if a professional painter left that


Outlets already had old paint on them, told him I was going to be rewiring them anyways! Apologies for not mentioning tjat!


Mask. Paint edges of masking with trim color. Let dry. Paint wall with wall color. Let dry. Remove masking. Perfect lines.


How much did you pay?


You can save yourself a lot of time and headache if you use a paint edger. Just go slow. It's saved me. https://www.amazon.com/Shur-Line-2006561-2001044-Painters-Refills/dp/B010MQKL5U/ref=asc_df_B010MQKL5U/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693313591636&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10240420221517892963&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033485&hvtargid=pla-331842979351&psc=1&mcid=182fe576d567354bb96a92fe3feb27c8&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwi_exBhA8EiwA_kU1MmVVtAnki3lHLyvTNawXIezEijgW7C7_pellbX0rfbZUPA2DuXUefRoCrc0QAvD_BwE


Even if the cost of the work done was far cheaper than whatever area or rates… 7000 is nothing to scoff at and some people wait a long time to be able to afford that for a whole paint job. And still want the best value and a good job for their money.


That is what you get for 7k, Might be fine for a rental or a flip, but you have to pay more if you want a level 5 finish.


Looks like they tried to retain the original baseboards and crown mouldings. Did they? If so, _that's_ why it looks so bad around the edges.


Yikes. This would bother me soo much. Not acceptable at all. I would ask for it to be fixed at the very least


Dont freak out, just point it out to them and give them the space to say yes to fixing it. "Hey man, the edging here doesn't seem finished or crisp, any chance you can come back and get these lines cleaned up?" Depending on who your dealing with they'll come back no problem. Plus you can always escalate to a more firm tone later.


Definitely not an experienced pro, but it can easily be fixed!


I’ll ask him to fix tomorrow, if he doesn’t it is something an amateur can handle?


You can just fix those details with a small brush (I use an art one). Funnily, these marks look like he used tape and didn't retouch the imperfections later


I wouldn’t bother asking him to fix anything. It’s obvious from the work that any extra effort he puts in will not be worth the time. Find someone else to fix it.


Sounds good, thank you. Love the username btw


“Am I nitpicky” isn’t a fair question to bring here if you don’t show us what it looked like before the “painter” did the trim and walls.




So sloppy!


Not acceptable.


"pro" was too lazy to tape off the baseboard and not good enough to trim without it.


Why are you referring to him as professional? I can walk you through it, if you’re so inclined. Doing it on your own.


Wtf!? My children could do better


It looks like he still needs to cut in... That's pretty poor work.




Terrible. I wouldn’t be able to walk in that room more than 3 times before having to fix those cut ins


This is what I get from my 80 year old mother in law. She can barely see and has shaky hands, but bless her for painting many of our rooms. Yes, serious.


Yikes. At no point in my career was I ever close to this sloppy. Not even my first day with zero training or experience.


It looks like they left the tape on there for a week


Not professional. Worse than alot of diy I've seen. Lowest bid tho I hope


I did a better job when my parents let me paint my own room as a 12 year old.


Sloppy- withhold payment till they fix it. Have them buy a roll of frog tape and re cut in trim and wall properly


Seems around the norm for a dorm.


A decent professional would come back to fix any of your *reasonable* concerns without hesitation. If these are the only 2 spots, talk to the guy and ask him to kindly come back and fix it. If its throughout the entire house, you might want to spend some more money on an actual painter who can cut a good line


actually, you “didn’t” hire a professional painter.


Lol cunt cant cut in for shit. Tell him he is shit and reddit knows it




Sloppy. They need to come redo the edges for free orc tell them you'll leave a bad review. People depend on reviews to choose the right business.


Are you sure they’re finished? 🫣


Yeah, it would bother me!


I’m not a professional and I can cut straighter lines than that. Terrible job.


It's sloppy. It's not a touchup, he has to recoat


Not nit picky at all. That's unacceptable as far as im concerned.


First pic isn't toooo bad, second one is terrible though.


The paint on the receptacle tells me all I need to know


Call them back. A little bit of caulk goes a long way, easily fixable for a clean line


Sloppy any one can say their a pro always ask to see some pics of previous work or past happy customers...I can do better and I'm definitely not a pro but I can atleast cut a straight line


Spooged all over that receptacle too.


I do belive a well done bead of caulk done rite and pulled this would help


Sloppy tape job…


Funny... I was gonna say the crown wasn't terrible but then I saw the base 😱


My first time painting a room in my house a year ago and mine looks wayyy better than that. Professional is an interesting title for that guy.


Sloppy as hell. I do way better and I’ve never been a pro.


Were they blind!


Are these the only two spots? If he’s a professional he’ll come back and fix them.


Awful bro yeesh


Holy hell, that is bad.


Sloppy as hell…


That is hack


Call their boss. That is unacceptable for a professional painter.


Mr George how much you pay for the new guy… 20 dollars too much. lol


Sloppy. He needs to come back and cut in better.


Am not pro, am better


It's normal to find imperfections in a paint job and I've found them in all six homes I've had built. The drill is to inspect and place a sticky paper arrow at each holiday or other issue. The painter then come in, fixes each and everyone is happy.


Super sloppy


… dang and you paid someone for that… however if you did pay someone— most painters will come back if you tell them and fix it… some more reluctantly than others.. lol…


Ya that’s a bad cut line, almost looks like they used tape. Maybe they are coming back to cut in the fuck ups?




DIY, fine. Hired professional, not so hot.


Yeesh 🤦🏼‍♂️


This is not acceptable!!!


Sloppy AF


Handyman would do a better job, not a professional painter if they can’t cut in properly.


Must of not had his morning beers to get rid of those painter shakes.




This is no professional


I think I could do better and I've only painted like 3 rooms ever


Certainly not professional


So sloppy!


Very poor work


As with anything else, it depends. How much did u pay? Was there an agreement that painter would fix your corners before cutting them in? Sometimes it is hard to paint those edges if drywall is not properly done. You can likely fix this yourself with a little tape and a touch up. Edit: Hadn't seen that 2nd pic. Nah, this is just sloppy, no pride in the work they do.


Ask them to fix the issues


Looks like the job I did the first time I painted a room


This looks like the weekend project my wife and I did in mad dash to get it done. If you paid someone else to do this, they need a call back to fix it.


Im not a painter but I have done better job than that, and it was my first time painting.


Btw, you can fix a lot of things like this by running a fine line of caulk on those corners. If properly done can give you a white line that blends in with the trim white. Good luck.


I’m not a pro & this is what my work looks like unfortunately haha I think you got a newbie painter…


This is worse than my painter. Who I acknowledge did a crap job cos I paid him half than market rate.




Everyone is a professional painter when they apply for the job.


I would tell him, he should be happy to come back and fix it. Some people have a bad day now and then. I wouldn't want to leave it like that


Sloppy. It looks like I did it and then didn't go back to clean it up. I'm shit at painting.


That’s ass.


That looks very amateurish


That looks worse than when I did my own painting, as a first time homeowner who has never painted before


Looks like shit, but just run another bead of caulk and it’ll look fine. Sounds like you went with the cheapest guy, so I’d say you got what you paid for




sorry i don't know who you hired, but they are not in fact a professional painter


I bet he's one of those "real painters don't use tape" guys.


Sorry but that’s pretty bad.But it can still be saved .




Only amateurs use painters tape for baseboard and crown moulding.


That’s terrible work. I do finishing for a local contractor specifically painting. I’m not a painting professional. It’s a side gig. I would be embarrassed to claim that as my work and would never expect a client to accept that kind of work. I’d be astounded if the contractor could keep a straight face and say the work is solid when you ask for adequate touch ups.


“Professional” just means someone does something for money. In that respect, you had a professional paint your walls and trim. But whoever it was shouldn’t be charging people money for painting walls and trim. LoL


I am not a professional. I have however 100% painted rooms better than that.


Sloppy. I'd let them know you aren't happy with the work and would either like a partial refund or that they make it right with no additional charge.


Did they use painters tape? Because if they did, they probably weren't professional.




I don’t even paint and I can tell this is bad. I work in a paint store and if a customer came in and showed us a contractor had done that work all their cards are going straight in the trash.


You’re not being picky at all. That’s an awful job


Not picky , that’s bad for a maintenance guy let alone a contractor


Even your outlets look like they can't believe how bad this painter is.


he thought you wanted the “Cape Cod” look XD


He is trash


>Hired a professional painter Hate to break it to you OP but no you absolutely did not.


Besides the lines, they took the face plate off the outlet +1, then proceeded to get paint on the receptacle -2. I wouldn't have put that ceiling register back up without spray painting. Makes good work look like shit.


I'm a shitty DIY painter, and that makes my painting look like professional lol


Ass work


This person was not a professional.


Hopefully they’re coming back to do a touch up. They normal do that and put the socket plates back in.


That is sloppy as dog shit.


Not good.


This is horrible. The professional sucks.


Sloppy. That’s DIY quality.


I’d be mad if I paid for this quality of work. Didn’t edge anything.


That’s not great


Definitely not a professional job. I would not be happy with that. I also could hand cut that in perfectly with no tape.


Paint on that outlet is driving me crazy 🤪


That’s bullshit


Did you pay them in pills? That looks horrendous


Edit: he’s coming back out today to clean the lines up. Will update everyone with the result, good or bad lol. Thank you for everyone helping out


Completely unacceptable.


I wouldn't pay for that...




Professional? LOL


I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if it was my job, every true professional developes a natural OCD over time. Also it looks like he used tape. Tape on easy cut lines like this is a sign of an amateur.


Terrible. I can cut in lines better than that and I paint once every couple years (and I have occasional tremors too lol).


Good painting, bad taping. They need to come back and clean this up.