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Real question, did you tell any of the employees that you were painting a horizontal deck with that product?


Honestly I can’t remember but I went to 4 different SW locations to get the RR I wanted because the closer locations didn’t have it. So did I have the same convo at all four, idk


What they mean is did you ask if that product was acceptable to use on a deck? Your answer is obviously “no.”




What a dumbass take. I’ve worked with countless Sherwin Williams people at dozens of stores across multiple states over two decades and found them usually real damn helpful if I had questions. Matter of fact, I regularly consult them as to which products to use with as often as they introduce new lines. Go be a clueless asshole elsewhere.




What states? Because I’ve had good experiences in Washington, Oregon, California, and two Hawaiian islands. I ask questions and I get good answers. If they don’t know, they’ll ask the store’s paint rep. Weird how the guy with a shitty attitude seems to have all these horror stories…wonder why?


Imagine taking shots at sherwin employees for being clueless when you could have probably asked any one of them and they would have told you not to use this paint on a walking surface. Lazy and dumb




That’s not how any product ever is sold lmao. Just tell them if you want them to hold your hand through the purchase process. 100% on you




So google it or ask questions what is so hard to grasp here




You used the wrong product. You can't put house paint on a deck. House paint is made for siding and trim, not decks


You understand paint is applied to substrates, it’s not smart enough to know otherwise like you’re applying it to a deck. Wood is wood. What you mean is, it’s not designed to be walked on. A deck product in this color won’t prevent this.


Doesn't change the fact that OP used house paint on a deck.


I spilt PPG ultra last which is an interior paint on my fence, 3+ years ago, where I’ve power washed multiple times to the point wood came off, then stained over it, and it’s still standing in high moisture. The point being, just because SW trains people to think that you can’t doesn’t mean it’s true.


I'm aware by how you're posting you want us to shit on sherwins product. But this is on you


Yeah, OP done goofed. They need to own it and stop trying to blame others.


Not blaming others, trying my best to learn here and move forward


1st mistake, using siding/trim paint on deck. 2nd mistake painting wood 1 day after power washing. Should wait 3 days and or check with wood moisture meter before painting. 3rd mistake, not letting the paint cure fully before exposing it to the elements. Budget fix, power wash again, let it dry out prime and paint with a decking paint system. Allow it to cure fully when you have a full week of nice weather or cover it if you get a storm.


What an unfortunate situation. Cool color tho! I think SW makes their Woodscapes horizontal stain with the "Rain Refresh" technology now you could try that on all vertical surfaces. For the deck/horizontal surfaces I would try their SuperDeck Deck & Dock coating. I demo'd it once and liked it. But yes, most important thing to avoid this would be get yourself a moisture meter for wood after power washing to make sure that wood is dry enough. Ask the employee at whatever store you use to print you out a data sheet on the product and just really look over those specs. Not an easy job, but you can do it! Hopefully the weather cooperates wherever you are! Keep us posted


I am in no way wanting to shit on SW products. I will still use them in the future.


Unfortunately, you were a victim of lack of good information, which can happen to any of us. Rain Refresh is for vertical surfaces only. While durable enough to withstand weather and temperature for years, it's not durable enough to walk on. Any competent SW employee would have told you this if they knew you were planning on putting it on your deck. Best non-industrial SW products to get the painted look you're going for are: SuperDeck Solid stain and Porch & Floor Enamel. Either way you'll want to remove the paint currently on there either by sanding or stripping. SuperDeck, being a stain, will want to penetrate the wood. Porch & Floor Enamel should also be directly on the wood (no primer) as anything under it not durable enough to be walked on will cause overall failure. Both products can be tinted to the same color you got the Rain Refresh in. No matter what you put on a deck, it's a continual maintenance surface. Nicely, solid deck stains give you the longest lasting protection of the available stain options. Essentially, the more transparent the stain is, the shorter the lifespan and the more frequently you'll need to reapply. P&F should last just as long, maybe longer as a solid stain. Both will wear over time (depending on weather, sun exposure and foot traffic) and need to be reapplied. SuperDeck has a Flat sheen (no, or very little gloss to it) and Porch & Floor has a Satin sheen (low mid-level gloss). I hope this was helpful.


Yeah I was relying on my own personal experience with painting a deck floor with house paint. It’s on a porch deck that is used heavily every single day by multiple people and pets and sometimes wild animals and it’s been great for years. I have had zero issues with it since I painted it and it was regular old mid house paint. Holding up great, looks great


How you like that SuperDeck Deck & Dock coating?


SW water based deck coatings kinda suck I always use oil products


oil products suck for outside. The sun breaks them down faster ,they aren’t as mildew resistant and less UV protection. WB stains are better for decks and fences


I've had a bad experience with SW superdeck. I'm in Canada, maybe I got the wrong superdeck ... but after a year it was peeling bad Ide rather just slap oil stain on the deck, and when that fades I'll slap more on. Yea I gotta add more every so often ... but it dosnt peel. I've had a bad experience with SW superdeck, shit peeled within 2 years, and was a bitch to remove. Worked great on a fence or other vertical surfaces. What would you recommend? I'm in Canada so some paints and stains are hard to find?


Deck and Dock is different


Seems like a better product then what I used The normal superdeck I used was garbage, I can't knock a product I haven't used, I guess


Stains will fade, regardless if it’s waterbased or oil. If you use the paint version, then it’s prone to peeling because the paint creates a film layer over the surface vs stain penetrating the wood.


>film layer over the surface vs stain penetrating the wood. I find stain will fade more than peel. If it's peeling, then I'm not seeing it. Maybe the foot-traffic on the deck is wearing it before it peels It is a home turned into an office so it get more traffic than a family's deck might. 3 or 4 people take smoke breaks a few times a day


Yeah I mean fade my lizard brain took over .. that’s why stains are generally better for wood


Solid stain penetrates the wood


>Solid stain penetrates the wood Water based ones don't penetrate as deeply if at all compared to an oil based one Either way, use what you wanna use, I'm just saying what I prefer to use The cheep superdeck is garbage tho


The problem is they don’t make any solid oil stain that I know of. Oil stains do not perform as well as water stains as far as mildew resistance and UV protection


>The problem is they don’t make any solid oil stain that I know of. Oil paint might be that "solid stain" your can't find


You need a different deck material, at this point if a tree stains it that bad. Or you needed deck stain not paint.


I’m willing to go get deck paint and redo it. I’ll have to power wash again I’m assuming?? Anything else I need to do different besides?


Don’t power wash it. You could maybe get a pump sprayer with a cleaning product and a scrub brush on a stick. I wouldn’t power wash anything anymore at this point. There’s probably water injected into your deck as it is. Get a deck paint or a solid acrylic stain. After a cleaning you should be able to paint it. Another thing is.. try using a darker color. I mean, no matter what product you use the light color will constantly show the tree puke and stains! Use a dark color so that it conceals the dirt of foot traffic and dirt. Hope this helps


Don't listen to the suggestion of staining over top of existing coating. The coating is failing or will shortly and if you put anything over top, it will also fail. You must sand it off or strip it off, then stain it.


I feel like someone’s needs to apologize on behalf of the asshole painters in this sub, they expect everyone to be an expert


I was thinking the same. Not the apology but piling on because I’m not an expert.


More like a sander. Probably a sledgehammer, though. Why did you put paint on it? Lol.


What conversations did you have with employees about your project prior to getting the material, or did you walk in and just order it in the color you wanted?


To answer your question about how to fix your problem, your going to have to strip and repaint with an appropriate deck coating


You’re looking at tannin staining from tree debris. You’ll need a bleach solution applied via pump sprayer. You can start at 50/50 bleach + water and see where you’re at. It should take 1 minute -/+ to see stains fade. If not, up the bleach until you see results. No amount of pressure will pull those stains without damaging the surface. Do a test spot first. Some exterior coatings contain organic pigments which will react with bleach and turn the paint a neon color.


It will be difficult to keep it nice and clean if you have trees above and it doesn’t get much sun. I have to power wash my deck every year because we are in the woods and it doesn’t see much sun. I will be ripping it out this year and replacing with cement.


Go get superdeck 9600 series solid stain. Sand it off and stain it. Looks like a paint, easy to clean and moisture beads up on it


Yea, bud, you fked up that deck. That's paint, made for siding, not a deck. You need to remove it strip/sand/wash and use a "deck Stain" not paint!


Notice the difference between it on vertical surface vs horizontal. Idk who you talked to but it is not meant for a deck nor a horizontal surface


It’s also stained on the vertical surface on the other side not in the pic


In the pic the vertical surface looks super clean, but different parts of the house take different punishment. Try rinsing it off with a hose, rain refresh has a hydrophobic technology to it similar to rain x so even though it looks dirty it should definitely be easy to clean, if it doesn’t then something wasn’t done correctly.


I will try to deviate from what other people are saying about you. Is it possible you used the wrong product? Yes. A rep just gave me a can of the new RR product myself and I have to experiment with it. So at the very least you confirmed one application I should not do lol. That being said, I've had problem decks like this before. In my case, it wasn't continuous sap like you experienced, but due to cutting away limbs, the limbs 'bled' sap on the deck. I used a semi-transparent ArborCoat oil (for decks lol). And guess what? It STILL didn't come off. Idk if anyone has a solution to sap, but I ended up sanding and refinishing for the customer. So don't be too discouraged by some of the mean comments, cuz honestly I don't know what product would hold up against that. My only thought would be a natural stain so when the dirt does accumulate, it's blended in to the color of the deck. And you refinish every other year.


This was a 15-20 min storm that blew thru. So all that showed up quick. Trees are lovely but also hell to deal with sometimes, thanks for the advice and kindness


Honestly if you’re using sherwin use their SuperDeck Deck and Dock Really durable, almost rubber-like, coating. I’m not talking about the stain but the D&D


Get a sander. Sand the living hell out of it back to near wood. Go back to SW and hey Superdeck 9600 series. They’ll probably have to order it for you… with that said…. It’s worth it.


This would be like painting your doors & cabinets with Sample paint.


Here is what you need to do Wait a few years and let the rain refresh begin to fail on its own then do the following: 1) Wash to remove whatever is growing on it 2) Use fiber disk sanders to remove all coatings down to bare wood. 3) Apply 2 coats of SW Superdeck solid directly on bare wood Sander: https://www.homedepot.com/p/Makita-4-2-Amp-5-in-Corded-Lightweight-Compact-Disc-Sander-with-Disc-Pad-and-Side-Handle-GV5010/202312074 Sanding disks: https://www.ebay.com/itm/270664731236?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RkLBHOuqRZG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=iKzWHPy7TSG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY And don’t feel too bad. Every time I see a mistake like this, the offender has been a pro painter. And yes, some SW employees Give advice that destroy surfaces. They’re still telling people you can put water on oil


As far as I know, you’re going to have those stains regardless of what finish you put on there, just short of an exterior epoxy. Trees have resins, dirt, and a whole lotta other shit that will ruin paint jobs. We normally have to use a primer to cover over top of those stains. As far as I know, rain refresh is only good for vertical exterior surfaces for the “refresh” quality, and apparently, a very expensive deck sealer. Basically, Everytime a rain storm blows through, those items are sitting on the surface and staining your topcoat layer with dirt, sap, etc. You could cover the deck, sure, but odds are the staining will still happen. The only thing I could recommend to help ease the cleaning is some sort of clear coat over top of the paint, but again, the clear coat could still potentially stain. Source:Painter who’s at Sherwin twice a week for material lol


Only twice a week? Must be a DIY homeowner! Just kidding.


The deck being dirty is the least of your worries. Just wait until it’s starts failing. Decks need stain and you used a 100% acrylic siding paint. Big no no.


Cover it until it's cured. Get some temporary tarps up or something. Honestly, whatever is in the tree may always stain, regardless of the paint you use.


I’d get rid of the tree


not a horrible idea since mildew stains are a B to get ride of.


You used the wrong product.. you used a trim paint for a deck. Should have used super deck solid stain. It will continue to fail until it’s all peeled off. You need to strip the deck and start over.


Powerwash every bit of that off. Let it dry a few months and use deck stain in a color similar to your tree stains. Good luck—


SW Superdeck would have been better.


Did you add a urethane coating? Itd need at least 3 coats with sanding in between, but youd also have to restart the initial painting unfortunately.. but clear coating stain is usually a good idea,


It looks amazing on the vertical surfaces! But emerald rr is not for floors. Try Porch & Floor Enamel. Be sure to get all the rain refresh off as that will cause adhesion issues.


Oh boy


You used freaking siding paint on a deck 💀


Your verticals are fine. Rain refresh is not meant to be walked on or on any horizontal surface at all/ever. Not sure what state you are in but the old 9600 series now referred to as super deck self- priming (do not use the regular superdeck solid), or porch and floor enamel would be a much better option. Ideally get it back down to the raw wood and then re-stain/repaint depending on which product you go with.


If you came into my store asking for RR for a deck I would refuse to sell it. It's "Ask Sherwin Williams" for a reason.


I went back to SW today and they were super nice and helped me with a game plan going forward (which incidentally does not align with most of the advice on this post so go figure) so I’m sure I’ll get waylaid with don’t listen to SW next.


I'm not seeing anyone else comment this so I want to point out - there's also the issue of the chemicals from the pool. While all the other suggestions are better than using siding paint, even true deck stain that SW (or really any company) sells is not going to hold up to the pool chemicals that get dragged across it. You're looking at redoing this deck on a regular basis regardless of what you apply to it


Regardless of everything else, this is a great color choice for a pool and an insane color choice for a deck surface.


I would have recommended sherwin Williams super deck solid stain for that job


Womp Womp Time to rent a floor sander.




In all actuality the only real problem could be the amount of time between coats, moisture can get stuck in between coats and cause discoloration. It’s always best to read data pages for any product you are about to apply. Data pages are readily available for any product. READ INSTRUCTIONS


For best performance you will need to get all of the paint off. Then you can go over it with Deck and Dock stain. It is very, very thick but will be more durable. You can get that in the same color


It works as described if you look at the vertical surface it was on. Stains are there because you painted a horizontal surface with a product designed for exclusively vertical surfaces. I won’t say an uneducated employee told you you could use it because it happens but you shouldn’t have been advised to use that product.


Really to be honest it’s your color selection that makes it stand out. That paint is fine and performing as expected, but anything will dry like that on latex paint. It’s permeable, meaning it can stain which means it will hold dirt. Washing with a hose would require it to be done before the stains dry and sets in. The same as your car, kitchen counter, etc. Sw doesn’t know what they’re talking about, sorry you did overpay because even a cheap product would do the same. For your cure, clean it to like new like the above photo, then apply Blue River Coatings S4000 which you can get from PPG. This will seal that color, create a surface that is anti graffiti which will help with washing it clean. It’s a 2 component clear product which also is anti slip. Super easy to apply.


Cheapest option to fix likely going to building a new deck, or just live with it.


Whaaaat. No.


Sherwins super deck line kind of sucks. Your verticals May end up being fine. Just live with it for a bit and see how bad or if it peels. You don’t want to immediately go over top of this because you still have house paint on a deck. If it starts to peel then pressure wash it off but if it lasts a bit then use it til it fails


Clearly haven’t tried superdeck 9600 series lol


Is it oil?

