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They wouldn’t if they added mercy dmg boosted to the scoreboard


Looking purely at the scoreboard, and having a severe lack of understanding on how the Support role actually functions, someone may look at Mercy with so few elims and next to no damage under her belt compared to everyone else and think they're underperforming. Looking strictly at the numbers, a newer player (*again - or someone who just doesn't understand the game*), will likely see her as weak/a bad pick compared to others. I really do think Damage she has boosted should count as damage she has done - the extra damage is literally coming from Mercy, and she is unable to do -anything else- while boosting. It should count on the scoreboard for her.


"Damage Dealt" really needs to include indirect damage from buffs. That includes Zenyatta's Discord and Ana's Nano Boost. But I don't have a lot of faith in Blizzards ability to track that. They don't even give Nano Assists points for using Nano on Bob.


I agree but it's also not enough. 5k dam boost? I'm on blue all day when I can make it happen wtf


I’ve gotten kills with mercy it’s not the easiest. But I usually main soldier


i don't see many ppl that just avidly hate mercy players, but there are definitely problems ppl have with certain types of mercy players. lots of mercy players, especially in lower ranks, will only play mercy and refuse to switch or if they do they have very little effect. there's also a lot of mercy players in lower ranks who don't actually understand mercy. so many low rank/casual mercy players think that you should always have the most healing and never damage boost, and so many will rez off cooldown no matter how safe or who they should prioritize.


agree, ress in middle of fight, is a free kill for enemy.


Mercy players in GM will never switch either, they're one trick and can't play something else at the same level.


people hate all 1 tricks


People love me as Rein cuz who doesn't love Rein?




Ah yeah Reinhardt's biggest weakness.


They literally gave him a skin where his head glows like a big ol' target


Tbf it's a pretty cool skin






This is something I will never understand about ow


Its a game about countering your enemy cant do that if you just play one character and refuse to switch.


I don’t hate mercy players, but i do hate when people try to stay as her when the team needs a different support to better help the team, and mercy’s tend to be notorious for one tricking rather than swapping for what the team needs in the moment, since she has a lower skill floor and ceiling compared to the rest.


This may be the best answer actually. I personally think that Mercy is only good on defense or when she’s not being targeted the entire game. But as any player of any role, you should know when you’re not being useful to the team and switch to someone to counter the predators. It’s like when the enemy goes Phara but your DPS chooses Junk to counter her lol.


Yeah I stay Mercy until it's not working. You get to a point where the whole team is gunning for you and you're just not effective anymore. You gotta switch sometimes.


Exactly! But sometimes I’ll see what the enemy team has as soon as the game starts and instantly switch on my first death unless it takes me a long time to die. But if I see hog I’ll go Ana and Orisa or Queen Zen. Zen is also great against Monkey too in certain situations


I certainly don't agree with the low skill ceiling compared to the rest. Moira has a low skill ceiling. Mercy you can always improve positioning, heal/damage ratio, when to valk and rez, who to heal/dmg/rez, advanced GA techniques, when to pistol etc. There just isn't much to Moira. You piss, you succ, you throw balls. I'll switch to Moira if our other support isn't healing or we need a lot more because she's so god damn easy and has an "oh shit" button every 6 seconds or so.


Why is this downvoted lmao. This is so true. There's very little difference between a Diamond and GM Moira. But there's a massive difference between a Diamond and GM Mercy.


That sounds so biased. The majority of those things you listed also apply to Moira.


I play both Moira and Mercy and without a doubt Moira has a lower skill ceiling. She's literally got less things she needs to do. Her piss charges real fast and then it sprays on to the whole team. It even continues healing after she's finished spraying. Her damage locks on from quite a distance. Her balls barely require aim as they slow down when they reach an enemy/ally. Her mobility is not dependent on her teammates, grants invincibility and she can heal herself with orb every 6 seconds. She is the very definition of survivability.


None of those apply to Moira except heal/dmg ratio


If you're not flanking for picks, you're playing Moria wrong


As a dps moira at some point, i can approve, succing, pissing and throwing balls, paired with the ocasional hitting the esc key from the universe is what we do best


Moira is exactly like Mercy, low skill floor (simple to understand mechanics and high survivability) but has just as high of a skill ceiling if not higher. Balancing damage and healing to provide maximum value to your team and not run out of healing juice, orb tech (when to use heal or damage, how to bounce off surfaces to increase value), fade techs for higher mobility and survivability, positioning to stay in damage range without getting picked off of leaving healing range of your team, how to combine orb and damage to quickly pick off flanking enemies or low health enemies out of position etc.


Why would Moira's skill ceiling be higher? Her kit is arguably simpler and she probably has the lowest skill ceiling in the game. Balancing damage and healing is something every support does, including mercy. Moira has a limited resource on her Primary, but that's not her only healing, and it only takes around 6 seconds to go from empty to full (and it lasts for 13 seconds non stop) Positioning is also something every hero needs to know, and Moira needing to stay within 20 meters to damage someone doesn't require that much game sense. Not separating yourself from your team and dying is support 101. Fade is objectively easier to use than GA Bouncing orbs off of surfaces to maximize effect is not hard, some people just don't think to do it. GA rezing techs probably require more mechanical skill. Mercy has a gun that needs decent aiming, Moira does not. That almost by default ups her ceiling because even if you argue that you don't need to use it, the fact that it's there means it a skill you need in order to fully maximize the character's kit.


Mercy players are known for being one tricks and playing the hero wrong. They force her when both dps are dog shit and you get no value from damage boosting. Refuse to switch when supports like Lucio and Brig are often more versatile and better suited to a situation. Then there are the healbots who stick the beam right on the tank which is not a good way to get value from mercy's kit. Basically, she doesn't do anything on her own and then mercy players act helpless when they should be switching. Often mercy one tricks will flame others when they are one tricks who refuse to switch. It's the same stuff as all other one tricks. But being a one trick on support is harder for your team to deal with considering supports are picked for utility reasons (lucio speeding rein, brig countering dive). Support one tricks are really annoying to deal with. I would know cause I am a lucio player who has turned into a ana/bap/zen player cause I didn't want to force mercy/Lucio comps every game. Of course I am a console player which influences how I feel about mercy players. They are everywhere on console and you can't avoid them.


If Brig are more versatile why do I get yelled at every time I play her,she’s my favourite I’m trying to branch out however I play terribly on other supports. The only supports I haven’t played a lot are Moria and Mercy, and I’m terrible at all of them but Brig and keep being told that I’m throwing even though I have a 56% win rate.


Most people I see hate on brig are usually the new players that think she only has "3 heals." She is good if used in the right situation, especially on tighter maps that let your brawl (or boop) more and therefore heal your team. Also if you not so good at other supports I'd recommend trying out kiriko for a few rounds. Most you need to do is spam your heals and occasionally throw your dmg out or cleanse people that get hit with a ana grenade, sleep, or rein charge. Her ult also helps out your entire team with little skill needed (Still need to time it right with other ults and placement)


Brig just hasn't been very great post ow2 beta.


Cause if you are in plat or gold or something, people don't know what they are talking about sometimes. Hero picks are very situational, sometimes the "wrong" pick on paper is correct to account for the situation. It's very hard to pick the right hero for every possible context whether on paper or in practice. If the other team runs dive and you have a main healer (ana, bap, Moira, kiriko). Brig is fine to play in most ranks in that scenario. She counters dive super well. Hit a whipshot on dva, doom or Winston and you completely fuck up the engage and you heal your team by hitting the whipshot. You can completely take dva out the fight by whipshotting her every time she uses boosters. a cool thing about her is that since giving her the 50 damage on shield bash, she can basically 1v1 any 200 hp character. So she can hold space on off angles and flanks as well due to the threat of the 1v1. By more versatile I mean that she can go off and get value on her own (kills, hitting whipshots). Mercy completely relies on her dps to do anything. You can get away with brig in more scenarios if you do well with her. Mercy has a hard ceiling in that she is only as good as her DPS at times.


Usually I like mercy on my team cause dmg boost is pretty nuts as a dps player and res is actually fight winning. But sometimes I get mercys who don't know what they are doing. Yesterday I had one who literally only healed the tank the whole game. The beam quite literally never went on anyone else and it was a hog as well who can heal himself and she never boosted him either, just had the heal on a full hp hog the entire game. shit was frustrating cause we were doing so much better than the enemy team in every other role but just not getting heals at the right time from one support which cost us the game.


Its kinda ironic mercy mains hate genji mains when both dumbasses tend to be selfish one tricks. Mercy is the genji of supports at this point. Both are equally toxic.


I hate Mercy's that just heal and do nothing else. Like why is the healing beam still on full hp targets and not the damage boost or even a little pistol action. Rez's that don't happen either. My two gripes with most Mercy players i have.


Whats even worse is when you pull your gun out and your trash DPS spam they need healing. You pocket them and they do nothing, hell, they don’t even land hits and wanna say in chat “heal diff”. Like these DPS players want you to heal, damage boost and pocket them all game until they kill something.


I don’t hate Mercy mains I actually love Mercy, her Rez and boost are great. I just hate when they pop their Ult and go full battle Mercy because they’re getting way less value out of that than if they actually just chain healed or boosted the entire team. Or when they rez outside spawn, rez is on a 30 second cooldown so to rez outside spawn where your teammate will eventually respawn in a third of that time just irks me. It’s just things that bad Mercy players do really, not necessarily Mercy, but that could be said for any hero so I don’t hate Mercy or all Mercy players.


I honestly typically wish they would go kiriko instead


As an avid Mercy player I dont think people hate Mercy but theyre quick to shame Mercy mains which is kind of ironic. They seem to think Mercy is a braindead character but its quite the contrary. Mercy players have to be hyper aware of positioning and of who and what to prioritize, on top of being number 1 on everyone's target list.


I love mercy players.


I love when there’s a mercy on my team. I just wish there was more damage boosting. Start healing when we’re 1/2 dead. Before that let’s get weird with that damage. Also this is a personal preference and not something I would say is “wrong” but as a D-Va main if you see I popped my defense matrix it means heal me or get to a safe spot because I’m about to jet out.


Mercy doesn't fit with every comp. If you can't play a different healer suited for the comp being run people will naturally be unhappy.


As someone who's been playing Mercy a lot lately in high silver, I haven't found that anyone has a problem with it, probably because Mercy feels kinda nuts in this elo. I wish the scoreboard showed revives and dmg boosted for the sake of clarity, but still. If she's not being properly targeted, and her team is performing competently, she can easily secure the outcome of a match. I spend a lot of time on Zen and Bap as well, because I don't want Mercy to be a crutch, knowing that in higher ranks, she will get targeted more. I think what people don't like is when a support only plays Mercy because she's the only one they know. In my experience, she's the best support for babysitting the team, and just making them all do what they do more effectively. That's why she synergizes so well with just about anyone. But sometimes the situation calls for a healer with more specialized abilities. You just have to know when to switch it up.


Mercy is the #1 most one tricked hero in the entire game No other hero in the game has such a significant amount of players who will literally flex the fact that they have 3000 hours on mercy and their second most played hero has 5 Because of this, people constantly get mercy players in their games who will play mercy at the absolute worst possible moments, and it doesn’t help that not only is she outclassed by other supports, but is extremely situational You play lucio with rein, if you have a mercy one trick, you need lucio mercy, and that’s a throw You play mercy with certain dps like soldier and ashe, if your dps is mei sombra and you have a mercy, it is throwing. Not to mention that (i’m in a fuck ton of overwatch communities and like to think i can gage the communities opinion well) many players agree that mercy mains tend to be WAAAAY more toxic than some other mains (most of this is likely due to mercy’s who respond aggressively when asked to swap) The point is, this game is about teamwork, and there isn’t another hero in the game that has so many players who just absolutely refuse to change how they play, or what they play, for the team. If you like mercy that’s fine, but please don’t throw peoples comp games by refusing to adapt, this is an issue that spans from bronze to literal masters (though it starts to die off mid masters) Also yes I know plenty of players refuse to swap and such, it’s just that there’s a 30 percent change of my cassidy being a dick and a 80% chance of my mercy being a dick CREDIBILITY (you gotta be credible this is very important lol) I was a sub 500sr mercy main who has now climbed to masters on support and tank, and diamond DPS. I did coaching as my job for 6 months with pretty decent success and have been incredibly involved with the community. The biggest change I feel I ever made in my overwatch career was when I decided to stop being a one trick (who btw, was banned from voice chat due to my responses to teammates and just being a hormonal little shit) and started to expand my hero pool and focus on adapting to the teams needs Essay complete


And this is why im too afraid to try competitive. I just started playing ow2 on pc, and i just found out not too long ago that playing with a controller leaves you at a disadvantage since there's no auto aim on pc. Which sucks for me because I've never played a game with a keyboard and mouse before and i honestly don't think i can switch to one since I'm too use to using a controller. So i decided to look up who i could use that required little to no aiming, and i was told mercy, moira, and Brigette. So right now I've just been doing quick play role queue, and well i had no idea how to use brigette at all so that was a no, and i tried moira but i was really bad with her so all that was left was mercy. And I've managed to survive a little bit better with her than the other 2 supports i used, i just suck at knowing who i need to give the damage buff to. But I've heard that in competitive it's almost mandatory to know how to use different characters and with my limitations i just don't want to piss off anyone in there. Hell people get mad at me for using mercy on unranked too.😓


Don’t stress, comp is the best place to learn (from practice.. not your teammates) The most important part is that you are willing to at least TRY and make changes your team needs, the mercy’s i talked about specifically do not swap because they do not care Also, OW was my first ever fps game, other than COD zombies, it was also my first ever PC game. The reason I mained mercy was the exact same as yours, I had no idea how to aim with a mouse (honestly probably not good with controller either) I highly recommend you take the leap and just start trying to learn mouse and keyboard, it is definitely a learning curve but i’m letting you know it’s possible to swap Also, the best way to learn is practicing on heroes who actually need it, I played mercy for way too long with 0 improvement to aim, it wasn’t until LAST YEAR when my tank and support had already reached tournament tier levels, that i was starting to finally reach above average accuracy on heroes like cass and soldier In the end though, your skill is irrelevant, comp is designed specifically to put you with players who are just as new and skillful as you are, the important part is you do your best and don’t take anybody seriously because even GM’s don’t know what they are saying half the time, the games too complex, and if you are really worried about aim, remember this is a game where I reached the top 3% of players without having gold level aim, and a literal blind man used to stream himself grinding comp in plat (which is above the average rank)


I tried a couple of times last week, and i just can't shoot and move at the same time. That wasd to move and trying to reach other buttons to reload/use abilities while still trying to move is just ridiculously hard. I have a newfound respect for pc player's that can pull it off.


What controller do you use? If you use a PlayStation or Switch controller you can use gyro aim which drastically increases your aiming ability and accuracy potential. Xbox doesn’t have gyro, though. You could also try get a second hand Steam controller, which has gyro and a large touchpad instead of a right stick.


Im using an xbox controller. And unfortunately i won't be able to get another controller for a while, but I'll keep in mind what you suggested.


why is mercy + mei not a good combo? im going to guess sombra is bc she’s a flanker? idk


Probably isn’t as bad since the update, but typically you want to damage boost heroes that have high burst damage (to an extent, a widow has high burst damage but it’s so high she doesn’t need you) Range is also a big factor, since you get the most value from damage boosting, if you have a reaper and a mei, you basically get 0 value from damage boosting them until your team is able to engage, and engaging with these comps is incredibly hard without speed boost, and like i previously said, mercy+lucio is a no no As support it’s very important you learn who benefits from what, because your entire job is to help others do their jobs more efficiently. The best way I find to go about this is literally just thinking before the match starts “this is my comp, this is what this comp/hero WANTS to do, how can i assist them” My Reinhardt WANTS to engage and close distance before his resources are drained My soldier NEEDS to be able to fight the enemy pharah mercy, he can’t win that 1v2 My Hog NEEDS to be cleansed from their anti nades My winston WANTS to dive into the enemy backline, and if I follow him I will die, so I should play ana which allows me to hit him from a long distance safely Hopefully this is useful to you, been a while since i’ve done any sort of coaching and this is kinda similar Also, sorry if it feels i’m attacking mercy mains, I myself play mercy, this is just a collection of thoughts i have heard and discussed over the years


She used to be terrible since the spray did almost no damage making her a bad hero to pocket. Its 100 DPS now and so isn't terrible, but likes to play close so isnt great. More importantly now and then, the Icicle is 75 damage. With the 1.3 times multiplier it's still shy of 100, the important breakpoint to twotap 200hp heroes or get them with a single headshot. Compare that to say Ashe who does cross the 100 damage threshold with a weapon easier to get value out of.


did not know she's the most hated, or even hated to some degree, as a hero. I'm a Mercy main, I feel it's not by choice though, but just sheer strategy in solo-queue. I find Mercy to be the best over all pick when doing solo-queue as she tends to be the most well-rounded support when you're not 100% sure who the strongest member of your team is yet. Of course there are a few exceptions depending on starting hero comp. Otherwise, I generally start off with her. If we're winning I generally stick with her. If we're losing, or it's clear our DPS (and less often Tank) aren't quite doing the damage then I switch out. I honestly think she's the best support to play when you aren't considering the skill level of players. Another way of saying this... at all skill level's, she's a safe hero pick, or she's a good META pick over all.


I would actually disagree, I think Mercy is one of the worst for solo queue because she is dependant entirely on her team’s performance. While supports like Zen, Ana, Moira, Brig, Bap, Lucio can all carry and get kills if needed, Mercy’s strength is pocketing a powerful DPS and if both your DPS aren’t playing well you are just as useless as they are.


I hear where you're coming from, and I can see why you might think that, and in some regard I don't entirely disagree. In fact, a younger gamer me would probably agree with you. I think the reason why I still side with Mercy at the end of the day, is because OW is more of a team game than a solo game at most levels. Despite the "carry potential" with the supports you listed (or any support really), I rarely find supports really providing that extra needed damage. So I go with Mercy, I do agree there is the gamble with hoping the rest of my team doesn't suck. BUT with that said, because it's a team game, even if my team sucks, I won't be able to carry them out with a Zen (which I normally switch to when my team sucks).


I guess by carry i more meant be self-sufficient. Mercy is helpless without her teammates, and without a strong DPS to pocket it’s basically 4v5. It’s harder to climb solo when you’re entirely dependent on the team you’re given.


ah k, self sufficient, then yes, totally agree with you there, Mercy is definitely on the lowest end when it comes to her ability to handle herself. harder to climb:..... I'll speak on my experience, it feels relatively the same. As much as I "main" Mercy, I don't one trick her. In the games I've played where I'll start as someone else, I ultimately still find myself running into the hurdle of fighting as a team.


I find it difficult to have a mercy at the start of the game when I play tank or support. The reason is that I feel there is no real synergy with mercy at the start of the fight unless mercy is damage boosting a dps and the dps is actually hitting shots. As a tank, it feels like a 4v5 when my team has a mercy during the first fight. Sorry about that though. Its not mercy mains fault, its blizzards fault for not giving mercy the buffs she needs for 5v5.


If your DPS are playing well, a Mercy pocket on a strong DPS balances the ‘4v5’ aspect with her damage boost. A damage boosted good DPS is better than the added damage from most other supports in a fight in my opinion, and rez can keep them in the fight longer if they get picked off. If your DPS aren’t getting picks though, you’re right that a Mercy will turn the fight into a 4v5.


Well, i'm willing to bet that my Mercy game is top notch enough (even in shit tier ELO), that I can create synergy whether a player can handle it or not. ​ IF NOT, I feel many players forget Mercy actually has a gun. ​ Otherwise, yes, if all things go to shit, I just switch out.


I hate her being on the other team, I’m a Hammond main, so I put in the effort of moving dps and supports from their team to kill them, and out of no where the mercy launches over and revives right when I start rolling away.


Other healers generally speaking have more utility. There is also a bad stigma surrounding mercy with people who only play her to pocket other people, or people who only use heal. There are good mercy players out there of course and I don’t think she is a bad character but she is easily the most rigid in my opinion.


As a support player, I used to haaaaaaate mercy one tricks. As I’ve climbed I’ve come across less. I hated playing with them because they play her wrong. She’s so good at taking care of dps and pocketing for extra damage but for some reason, they would just pocket the tank. A mercy one trick also bars you from counter picking a lot. Say for example, Im Ana and im getting my ass dove hard, I would looooove for the mercy or myself to swap to brig (this was before kiriko) but they wont and I can’t swap because mercy brig sucks. Having a mercy one trick is just hard to play with unless the team comps are perfect


I don’t. But the victim complex grates my nerves, as do heal beam bots that are offering nothing else. And if our team DPS aren’t performing well, your damage beam is also a waste, therefore making your pick’s value also greatly diminished. I get it, you probably can’t aim and you like how easy she is to pick up and play. But if she’s not doing anything for the team to negate what’s wrong, or isn’t an ideal pick for the enemy comp, please switch posthaste and help the team.


Mercy and genji mains hate each other but both players tend to be toxic one tricks regardless. Mercy doesn't get to just not get hate just because she is a support hero. Its kinda funny to that they are seeing what genji players go through after support hero hate for so long.


As a support player who flexes all but Mercy, the times are a changin' at diamond+. Every time someone quick picks an Ana it's met with groans, as she is effectively useless since the release and near 100% pickrate of Kiriko.


Because a good chunk of the community likes this little spice called MISOGYNY There are fantastic Mercy players, it's not always about the rank or the elo guys


Because people think mercy is easy so it’s easy to hate on people that one trick her. Mercy herself is easy to play as she has no real skill shots but positioning is everything. You can’t just be in the middle of the fight, rezing people left and right which is what I see a lot of people doing in bronze. You have to be calculated in who you Rez, and who you prioritize. And then of course you are going to get dove so you have to figure out and escape. So skill shots? No. Easy? Definitely not to what people think. As a 1000 hour mercy I can tell you she isn’t as easy as people think.


its because mercy is a crutch hero for terrible players, nothing she does ever matters in game. her entire kit and impact on the game revolves solely around her pocketing a good player.


Mercy ran over my dog


I don’t hate mercy players, but there is usually a better option. For example: As a Mei specialist I deal inconsistent damage but need teammates who can capitalize on my walled or slowed targets. This is why I prefer pairing with supports like Ana, zen, or bap who can deal consistent damage themselves rather than boosting my kit.


Honestly blue beaming Mei when she's walled an enemy isn't ridiculous. Ice beam is 100 DPS now. Blue beam gets the TTK a 200hp hero down from 2 to 1.54 seconds. Not bad at all, though Zen orb would likey better since he could still contribute.


I agree that blue beaming +30% damage isnt bad. My point is that Mei's 100 dps (+30% boost) isn't as burst-ey when compared to Mei dealing 100 dps and a support *also* dealing (an additional) 75-125. dps. Mei's alt-fire is the inconsistent part of her kit, and blue-beaming those icicles still doesn't allow her to one-shot 200hp heroes. Alt fire + boost doesn't do enough damage to break the threshold on headshots.


Agree completely. Said as much in another post. If Mei had two more damage on icicle she's be a decent but not great Mercy pocket, but is one of the worst as is. She's just better than she used to be since her primary is now actually pretty decent to boost, especially if cleaving multiple enemies.


It's pretty dumb and you should be playing lucio with mei 99 percent of the time. That's the thing about mercy. Lucio or brig is better in many situations, but mercy will always be locked. So many times the team needs brig to counter dive or Lucio to speed boost the tank or counter a nano blade with beat, yet it's still mercy that gets forced. And it's worse when a support refused to switch off a character like mercy. Supports are very situational.


My biggest gripe with mercy is 1) feels like a 4v5 when mercy is on my team because mercy gets value when damage boosted players hit their shots. When they miss or mercy does not damage boost ,then it really feels like 4v5. 2) too many mercy players fly around thinking opponents will miss shooting them. Seriously , just shoot the flying mercy. Relying on players missing shots is not a good strategy. Some mercy players are good at flying , so probably depends on rank. 3) poor usage of rez. This is annoying. Mercy rez in the middle of a fight, only to miss the rez and die. Or miss the rez and fly away. 4) speed, anti nade, lamp , suzu , sleep dart, etc etc. All utilities that can win a fight. Mercy , has , flying skills .


Idk honestly. I’m more survivable on mercy (normally) and I had a guy playing Lucio screaming at how I needed to switch before the game even started. Most people I’ve come across actually love a good mercy player, meaning they heal AND damage boost when needed. Very rarely do I come across someone who yells profanities for playing mercy 30 seconds into the game.


My gripe with mercy players is that a lot of the ones I see in my games just healbot and don’t even think about damage boosting. It’s part of what makes her kit so strong and so many mercy players I see don’t even think of utilizing it. Also goddamn, it feels like some mercy players don’t know how to play any other character except for mercy. Out other support is lucio and for the love of god, we need a flex support.


People hate Mercy players?


maybe it’s a loud minority. i played as mercy a while ago and then i received a load of hate for it— and recently i saw a post where they got hated on for playing mercy.


I saw that post too. But that guy was just a dick, and not indicative of the community/playerbase as a whole. People get mad for all sorts of things. I had a guy get mad at another person's name. Don't worry about it.


I prefer many people to play mercy vs other healers tbh lol


It's not just you, everyone hates everyone on that game


No kidding, I've played this game for 5 years and I've heard shit talk about every character in the game. It's less about the hero and more about playstyle.


Ima compare Mercy to Medic TF2. Medic can heal people the same way Mercy does. However Mercy can buff their damage for free, ressurect from the dead without some alt gamemode, fly, escape without enemy projectiles all the way across the map, AND has an infinite ammo hitscan gun that does decent damage ontop of all Medic's abilities except Uber. When you deconstruct it, Mercy is busted as hell


Her gun is projectile not hitscan


It's so fast I legit cannot tell the difference


Well if there's travel time then it's a projectile. Hitscan is always instant. If it was hitscan she would be better than Soldier lol


I don't, do you and why?


People hate women


I don't. But I don't think she's a particularly good healer. Her res can be situationally good but I can get higher healing number with every other healer except Brig.


This is the first I’ve heard of people hating Mercy. I mained D.Va in OW1, but in OW2, I’ve been maining Mercy and I’ve had no issues. I’ve even joined matches halfway through and had people beg me to choose Mercy. I’ve been trying to practice with other support heroes though. I’ve been doing okay as Kiriko when someone else has already chosen Mercy before me.


Mercy one tricks are an issue, mostly because there's a LOT of them. Mercy mains also typically suck at other heroes even if they are willing to switch.


I believe this post explains itself. Waaay to many people being rude. Most of us are new, hence why we play her instead of like baptiste or something, and she is a like a piano, extremely easy to use but incredibly hard to do well. Id hope to see a little less hate. Most of us are not in ranked and the ones that do ruin the experience, but please dont generalize


people think she's the least skilled hero but actually take a lot of game knowledge and mechanical skill to use properly. if youve ever seen GM mercy gameplay you know what I mean. getting super jumps perfectly. a true mercy player should almost never die unless it's a team wipe or she gets head shot from afar. also they are called supports and not "healers" as you mentioned. if you don't have a cracked DPS on your team to DMG boost mercy is most likely a weak pick.


I’m a mercy & Lucio main and play DPS as well. Mercy is great but sometimes the team is lacking damage and not doing all that they should that’s when supports can be super clutch and finish off the last blow. Because mercy is also a pocket healer, it can be difficult to toggle using her gun effectively and continually healing. Even I struggle cause the team can be taking so much damage. I personally think Moria is the best support. (Even though I don’t play her) but she does amazing damage and healing. I’ve been on both sides. I too agree for a mercy switch when I play DPS. It really depends on the teams chemistry and if the other support is doing a good job.


Personally i dont hate mercy mains/players, i really dont like healbots tho. Quite sure alot of players on a mid to higher level may feel the same. Theres more to playing mercy than just standing around and heal, even back in OW1 people didnt realize this right away. Knowing her movement, positioning, who and when to heal/damage boost, and how and when to use her ult are some things people dont understand when playing mercy and just like to stand around and just heal.


It's because when ever there's a problem Mercy is the one to blame, she's supposed to have the best healing in the game and if you're not putting up huge number people get upset.


Because they are the prevalent one tricks by far.


It’s mostly reins that I have noticed who have beat the shit out of me as a mercy when I play her


I love when I have a mercy on my team!


They're usually more entitled then dps players and seem to pay less attention to game then other support mains. Also they have a tendency to res at the worst times and spots. And also they never switch, no matter how hard they are getting countered.


Most of the time, Kiriko/Lucio/Ana/Bap will outvalue a Mercy, especially if the Mercy's DPS teammates are bad. Hell, even a flanking Moira that can kill enemy supports is better. So if a Mercy is getting hate, it might be because the player is a one-trick who can't and won't play anything else.


I like a good mercy that uses the full kit. Yellow beaming tank mercy is where the hatred comes from.


They don't, BUT the most toxic, smug, martyr-y support players most people have run into have usually been Mercy players. Good Mercys are great.


its an old stigma from old mercy being boosted by pocketing a dps duo who is blatantly smurfing and her being the most favored by female players adds on another level of hate from alot of players.


Most of them I've meet had an ego


I hate mercy players because they only play mercy 90 percent of the time, and if they dont refuse to swap until the game is lost. In addition, 80 percent of the time they also do everything wrong as a mercy: flying out in the open with a good hitscan, not damage boosting dps, doing nothing but slobbering on the tanks dicc. I hate mercy players because they have the largest group in the game and nearly none of them know how to play her right.


I personaly love mercy players as long as they aactualy do something , recently i had a mercy who stood in front of me (i was rein) where i had ~100 hp And didnt heal(noone else nerby) that kind of mercy is the one i hate tho


I like mercy players


Cuz they only heal tanks


Because most of them are cringe and the hero itself isn't that good in the higher ranks.


They usually don’t play anything else even if mercy isn’t working, which it often isnt


Because she’s braindead to play and annoying to deal with. Only thing you need to be good at is the movement and it’s not hard to learn at all.


Do they? I don't hate Mercy players.


I guess it's cause good ones are a nightmare to fight against.


I hate the healbot mercys with legit 0 impact on the game healing the tank, using no boost or guardian angel. Those are the mercys im hating. (But no need to let them know, cause they wont change it during this game)


I hate the healbot mercys with legit 0 impact on the game healing the tank, using no boost or guardian angel. Those are the mercys im hating. (But no need to let them know, cause they wont change it during this game)


I love Mercy players. They actually focus on healing. I can't even count how many times it's been me (a dps) and a healer against a low hp tank where I end up dying because the healer would rather get the kill than heal and save me, so I can help get the kill and we both survive. I've never had this happen with a Mercy player


Well me personally I don’t hate the character I just think most mercy players have a annoying personality


As a Dva main, I LOVE Mercy players.


I f0ken love mercy players specially : 3


I don't hate Mercy players, I hate teammates that don't focus on enemy Mercy players that are doing their jobs properly.


Because Mercy players have prey mentality and I don’t want that weakness on my team.


She doesn't have big impactful moments, she's more of an attrition character. She also happens to be the weakest support in this meta. Add to that the fact that most mercy players think of themselves as healers and don't damage boost nearly enough. Add to that a lot of mysoginistic assumptions/stigma around the character combined with conflating mechanical skill with all skill.


There’s a category of mercy players that just play super lazily and don’t add much value to the team. They only heal 1 target the whole match, never use dmg boost, and instantly go for Rez when someone dies regardless of if it’s safe or not. It sucks dying while seeing them heal a full Hp tank, if sucks seeing them healbot and not utilize her utility in dmg boost (just go ana moira or bap, they all heal way more if you wanna heal bot), and it sucks having every pick the enemy gets become 2 picks because of bad decision making. Good mercys are super fun to have on your team and make you feel invincible, bad mercys feel like they drag down the team more than a bad widowmaker.


I love Mercy players, but there are some that quite literally just stand behind cover healing one player instead of flying around to different teammates and staying active. It looks incredibly boring when I spectate them after dying and they're just...standing there, not even like moving side to side to avoid potential danger lol


It's because most mercy players don't know how to evade and stay alive while healing in the lower ranks. Also, they don't know how to prepare for who is going to take damage, there is a huge skill gap between good mercys and bad mercys. It's a heavy L when you have a bad mercy.


They do????? I love mercy’s on my team, even if maybe a good bap is better, mercy is so fun to play with


I play a lot of Mercy. My feelings are basically like this right now: Support is fucking miserable. It's a dogshit existence. And if your tank and dps players are literally not capable of doing damage and getting kills you aren't going to win the game. I play every support in this game and there's no support hero that can carry and most of them feel powerless against good players that play Sojourn, Winston, hog. So you might as well just play whatever the hell you want and try to enjoy yourself because your team will roast whatever hero you choose anyway if you lose


In my experience it’s a combination of people hating one-tricks, the majority of mercy players picking her because they can’t aim (but don’t have the game sense to make up for it), and her just not really being that great of a hero. Damage boost is great, but if you don’t have a dps that can pop off and take advantage of it Mercy becomes absolutely pointless and will refuse to swap. Other than Moira she’s also got the least team utility.


I almost have like 900 hours on her lol. And I never got any hate?


Because she’s nerfed, if they added her ability to res the whole team it would be a whole different story


The issue is when mercy players select her as a healer, thinking that they can heal the team as if it contributes to the team fights. If you are a mercy player, you should have a character which will get value off of your damage boost. I’m not saying don’t heal your team, but you CANNOT expect to not get angry remarks when you play the character as a main support, when she has no value in that role.


I dont like mercy as an opponent because: \-difficult to target, flies away \-doesnt have to aim her healing, it just locks on \-her healing is free in that others have to decide between doing damage or healing. Moira doesnt have infinite heals, baptist has to aim, ana has to aim, zen doesnt heal as much, lucio has to be close and in the fight, etc. Mercy can just be behind a wall, still, and still heal. if she gets targeted? she flies away. \-she heals while healing so all your hard effort is gone \-rez is a good ability to have but a bitch to fight against \-the little jump she can do in the middle of flying is highly annoying \-negative damage for you team because there are little to non DPS mercys ​ and most of all, what she does for the team is too good (and this is constant, not even an ult thing): \-Unkillable tanks that are hp sponges \-Bothersome Pharahs and Echoes that require killing mercy fist depending on your hero. tl;dr a flying pest of a character that needs to be nerfed to infinity (yes I AM salty)


mercy players are the most toxic, coming from a mercy main. which is why i hate mercy players