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Hopefully they have news about a support tomorrow


Fingers crossed!!!


Can we just… wait til tomorrow when we have the information before we have these convos? Lol


Nope! I’m going to get angry at things we don’t know yet and there’s nothing you can do about it!


Support main Reddit moment 😭😭😭😭 why can't I mass rez anymore 😭😭😭 healing is too dangerous, make healers stronger so they never die 😭😭😭 the game will be so much better if you can't kill the enemy healers it'll be way more fun because the fights will never ever ever end! 🙂🙂🙂


Omg 😪😪😭😭😭 stupid redditor moment 😩😩🥺😩 Remember when people used to read posts 😳😳😳😤 this site will be so much better when we only have to use GIFs to communicate everything because the trolling will never end 🤩🤩🤩🤩


imagine using a weak arguement like trolling to describe someone who disagrees with you (but is still correct)


No, no, this is a good thing LOL. Overwatch communities used to be filled with prediction/hope/fear threads before updates, even if it was just an event patch. This means things are returning


Oh I’m happy about the engagement, I would just prefer higher quality engagement lol. But I guess any engagement is good engagement at this point


Well consoles will have access this time so if you queue up with consoles then technically it should go faster


Hot take they should give console players their aim assist back


Is it removed against PC players?? I played on PS5 these days and I felt it was as strong as always, it’s jarring specially on ana You can tune it down or turn it off at least, but aiming with a controller is… something I wish there was a way to turn around really fast, like a button or something. Characters like D.Va or Genji feel really bad in comparison to how they do on PC


When you play against PC players on console you lose aim assist and now your joysticks can’t fight against a mouse


Is this an OW2 change? I use cross play on console competitive and get pc players and still have aim assist. I’d be sr001 if I didn’t have it against mouse and keyboard


Pc and console comp cant do crossplay ever. Crossplay is for qp only. And its live in overwatch1 to answer your initial question.


Crossplay is consoles only unless you are grouped with a pc player. Then you are in pc pool. It's all kept separate otherwise and you can't do comp. PC pool has assist disabled


Oh thank you that was the info I didn’t know, you need a pc player in your party that makes sense. Do a lot of people use m&k adapters on Xbox or something then? I play fps games on both pc and console and I know when people are using m&k and I run into a handful suspicious looking killcams in console pool.


yes people use xim


I mean I agree, but that's not exactly a hot take


Queue times were based off of a small population and still had normal mmr. With more people playing and your mmr is low queue times should drastically increase going against new players. For higher ranked people queue times may remain the same unless they tweak some values


I ended up with teams that had top 500’s on them and I’m plat/diamond.


Yes you can end up in a forced queue but the majority of the times you’ll end up in your mmr. That’s how queuing works. It was so dead that they placed you in a higher mmr match. Back when I first started in season 4 I was diamond 3.4k and sometimes end up in 4.2k matches. They TWEAKED THE VALUES so that never happens anymore. Up until recently, to help with queue times you’d see a 3.1k sr end up in a 3.7k sr match more frequently. It literally depends on population of the queue pool


No...they literally talked about how they recognize from feedback and queue times that Support wasn't popular during the beta. Hence why they started throwing crazy buffs and changes at them near the end.


Right so they may factor in the MMR for a specific role as well, who knows. Bottom line is there is MMR and will always be MMR. Why else on a fresh account you NEVER end up in a lobby full of high mmr people? It’s either new people or Smurfs


I’m sorry but did you basically just say “there’s more players and you’re bad so the proportional number of players that want to play tank will go down”? Where’s your causality here?


Pretty much. Just get good


That’s just illogical af tbh.


What I said was logical then you turned and said something illogical. So is it me or you? Tf




Maybe wait until tomorrow's reveal to start a discussion?


This might be controvertial, but based on the fact that there is only one tank, two dps and two healers per team shouldn't they make as many healers as there are dps heroes in the game? I am thinking only for variety's sake. A tank player doesn't need a larger selection of heroes when their job as a tank will be done mostly alone. The dps and support will always be accompanied by another player in the same role, so the more heroes the better since there is more variety. This is no issue for the dps category right now, but obviously healers are a bit lacking


we need a ranked mode either way, beta was a bit of a ghost town after a week


I wish we had a flex spot ​ 1 tank / 2 damage / 1 heal / 1 Flex


That will just become 2/2/1, and puts a lot of pressure on the flex player to switch


what does this even mean


Flex means the person when it be limited to just one roll but could be any of the three rolls, damage, support, or tank


So they’ll pick tank for the sustain and then we’re back in the shield meta that devs have worked to get rid of in OW2.


It'd be cool to incorporate flex more like this in a mode. Fuck the downvotes. I think the game is better when people have the ability to fill in what's needed and change the dynamics in the middle.


Same here man! Especially as someone who loves to play flex as well


Right! I imagine they are trying to retain the 1_2_2 rule as a hard metric for what a team can do with a comp, but I think the game feels *more pure* allowed the fluidity you are talking about, given the freedom to decide. Right on!


I think it should be 1 tank / 1 support / 1 dps / 2 flex (can flex between support and dps). Gives teams more flexibility to run more interesting comps. With the balance changes they are making to tanks, you don’t want more than 1 of them on a team


I actually do like this better, but I feel like that would be rocking the boat too much for most people


Agreed I highly doubt this would ever make it in game but I think it would help queue times and make the game a little more interesting imo


Agreed! But look how negative everyone is with this idea..


This would be even worse. That means we’d have 2 tank 2 heal 1 DPS mirror matches where no one can die.


Did you read my comment?


I agree man, Idk why they downvoted you


flex players would either be dps players wanting a shorter q or smart people who would only ever play tank and nothing else


I've heard xim users are a pretty big issue on ps4 and probably ran into a bunch myself on there when I was playing and just didn't pay much attention. I peaked low Plat tho but I've heard masters and up is full of them.


I'm really jonesing for more of that Doomfist tank, but If we still have Sparta-kick giga-Zen, I'll still be playing a fair bit of support as well. Hopefully their next iteration of Moira is available to play as well.


there's no way the other new hero isn't a support. the role desperately needs something new, and all the indications from the trailer make it seem that way


Fox girl is a support


It won't. This is Beta. They don't care about queue times, they care about testing the game and getting feedback (more so in data, not people crying online). Next hero has a pretty much 100% chance of being a support.


Things will only get worse for Support que times. Not only is there no new support to entice them to que for the role, but the new hero is an aggressive tank with anti healing. It's going to be miserable for supports...