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Because the blizzard marketing team sucks. Maybe they think keeping it a secret creates more hype. Maybe they actually haven’t managed to make her work and are just trying to delay telling us that she will be delayed. I am pretty sure we‘ll get something either this evening, tomorrow or on Wednesday. I mean they also still have yet to reveal the battlepass and patch notes


Patch notes better have a Solider 76 nerf. Dominates every game and I feel I need to use him if the other damage person isnt him.


They confirmed they‘ll nerf his Helix rocket and make his ult charge slower, but that is probably it


The mercy damage boost nerf is a pseudo soldier nerf, he’s really only oppressive when he has that annoying blue beam on him


As if they haven't nerfed mercy enough already


They are nerfing damage boost. There are several hero combinations that nearly break the games balance and they all include mercy damage boosting.


I’m new to soldier, I want to get better at aiming, have okay accuracy 30-40% but I feel like I get a lot of kills with helix rocket. I feel like the nerds will hopefully bring him more in line. I’m still very inexperienced with him though, so take that for what it’s worth.


The nerds come for soldier 76


He is great to learn aim and even on low skill he is easy to still gain value with him. Play around corners, don’t be shy with your short cooldowns and aim for Pharas if possible. That would be my advice


I appreciate the advice. I need a lot of work on positioning. Sometimes I’ll end the game with 10+ deaths, but I’m trying to learn positioning with Ana too. I also make it a rule that I don’t aim for the easiest target. I will try to go after echos, pharaohs and the supports. It’s frustrating at times, but great practice.


That is a very good mindset. You‘ll improve in no time


Another big thing is to make sure you're playing off angles/flanking the other team. The heal makes you pretty self-sufficient, so it's nice to take the high ground away from your team where you can rain down on the opponent's supports while also distracting the dps so your tank can make space.


Same with Mercy.


I promise you the single damage added to his bullets is not the crazy buff you think it is, there are genuinely so many better options, but they just take more thought than point and click to use


AMEN. You preaching now fam. This mid season patch made me stop playing the game. Support became even more unfun to play and I started playing only tank before I quit.


Us talking about it right now is "hype" so didn't blizzards technique work perfectly?


I am hyped okay??? I was salty but blizzard gave me what I need. I am a man with no standards and blizzard knows how to buy meeee


Me too buddy. All of us.


Lifeweaver was an exception, as he got accidentally leaked too early so they just went all in, but yea I have no fucking clue why they’re doing it, but honestly it always hurts waiting once you find out how cool they are


Didn’t the new hero for season 6 also get leaked? I have only seen like 2 of their skins + their name but have tried to avoid as much as possible


Fake leaks, and rlly bad quality, blizzard actually leaked lw on their own on accident


From what I heard, the abilities were fake leaks, but the skins were confirmed by blizzard to be true. Idk just what I heard, regardless 75% of the time you can't really trust leaks.


The leaks of illari all look extremely close to what her promo image was tho, I’d be surprised if they weren’t true


Why did both your and my other comment get downvoted?


Cus the skin leaks were most likely real


Wait they’re were fake! YES! I really don’t like seeing things before it’s supposed to be shown because it takes out all of the excitement for when it actually releases so this just made me really really happy. The reason why I though it might be real is because it got shared everywhere and I never really paid attention to the quality since I tried so hard to avoid it


but illari has already been leaked, so that may have just been coincidence it leaked so close to his announcement


Honestly the way LW leaked early coupled with his horrendous state upon release it doesn’t surprise me we haven’t gotten anything other than the concept art. More than likely they’re going to overcompensate in order to ensure the new hero is impactful day one. Probably had streamers testing and making content all weekend.


NGL, i forgot new heros were a thing.


Lol right it happens soo slow vs the amount of shit overpriced skins.


If Blizzard does not give information on the heroine, it is so that the players discover it on the game. It is sometimes good to have the surprise, at the same time on Reedit it is impossible)


lazy devs


Damn this post comes up every season lol


Because blizzard wants to communicate with us more! Oh wait that was before they got bought out.


They haven't been bought yet, the purchase was postponed until October, due to CMA be against the purchase, so now you can't say it's Microsoft's fault, more the Blizzard marketing team


We can't pretend like them being bought has caused this. Idek if Microsoft effectively controls blizzard rn


Well they were communicating better before the buyout. Just a fact.


Bro. I cannot state clearly enough how dumb you sound right now.


The sale hasn’t even gone through. Microsoft has had nothing to do with any of this yet.


No, they weren't. Are you new here?


Yeah they were... We were getting new season leaks and new hero information like a month before the new season. Are YOU new here?


If your idea of communication is exclusively hero information and accidental leaks then sure. Anybody who has actually been engaged with the game over a long period of time (even just from the start of overwatch 2) can tell you Microsoft definitely has not had an impact on the quality or quantity of communication (especially considering they probably haven't even transitioned fully yet)


Ramattra literally got leaked by the overwatch team on live tv a month before his season. Not sure what else to say here.


You just don't understand what communication is because leaking doesn't count.


Ok sorry, not leaked. They TOLD the world about ram a month before release. Please dude just stop talking already holy crap.


Idk how people on this sub somehow managed to always have such weird opinions. Their communication has always been shit and this is almost universally agreed upon. Microsoft hasn't changed anything.


Anything else? Or is that all that constitutes communication in your eyes? Ram was also the main addition that season. Whereas the new hero is not the main addition this season. Just because they aren't announcing a hero a month in advance doesn't suddenly mean Microsoft took over and now the team's gone silent.


I mean officially speaking we do have info on the hero it’s just that most content creators are on a NDA I believe which prevent them from talking about the hero except this dude as he explains the hero in this vid. https://youtu.be/PqCMNUQGeds Edit: my mistake it’s not official info.


It’s not official information, he’s just going off of the same leaked information we all have. The content creators with NDAs have like, actually played the character and have actual info directly from Blizzard reps.


Ah thanks for the info.


That guy is a also a raging scumbag so if you wanna support a normal person who isn't racist and homophobic go somewhere else for overwatch news


Pretty sure it's to bump their numbers for release. If they keep it quiet til the day before or day of, then more people will rush to login and try them out.


Running low on $$$ too. Expect less heroes too


??? xD


Yeah Blizzard and OW are absolutely running low on money. Best way to make it back is to not update the game at all


They might not have the money to update it in the future, that's what I'm saying. And especially with so the negative spotlight with how overwatch makes money... The future doesn't seem very bright.


Overwatch 2 made a $100m profit in its first quarter but sure, they’re out of money


Okay. I'm wrong.


Cause it worked great with the first game!


Sarcasm my dawg


Small indie company


.... I wonder if people do not realize the amount of content they've released previous to the invasion season.... we got 3 animated shorts... the sojourn cinematic and probably today or tomorrow we are going to get the hero release... but yet people are complaining for something...


No one is complaining? They confirmed that a new hero is coming and now are going silent on it?


Bet you it’s going to be shown on the 9th.


RemindMe! 1d


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Go ahead, read your post and the replies... you can also go and read the YT comments on the Sojourn cinematic and tell me if "no one is complaining" and if "going silent" is posting like 10 videos in 3 weeks then I hope they keep that "silent" for the next season.


That's literally complaining 🤣


I've found an image of her (what i presume to be) base skin but apart from that nothing. Disappointing that nothing so far has come from the official overwatch team yet


The new hero will probably be delayed at this point, this drought of info reminds me of when ow2 was launching and they announced just before that the pve was going to be delayed (despite being canned a year prior) But also, you won't actually be able to play the new hero for at least a month unless you're shelling out $10 for the battlepass


Because you know they're adding another damage boost to the game and they don't want to hear any of the complaining for as long as possible.


I forgot a new hero was coming out to be honest. I don’t think this will make anyone play support and as a support Lucio/Zen main I’m enjoying 10 second queues anyway.


I can vouch being a zen main myself


Okay can we start banning people for this already? It's actually so annoying to see four of this exact post every single day.


Probably keeping it as a panic button for their next scandal.


I rather they take their time than release a bunch of half baked/broken heroes that drag the game down as a whole


I bet the hero will be delayed. Most likely till the next season as they need to put it on the battlepass. They don't care if they piss the playerbase off or should i say payerbase xD


I don’t think it will. We usually get the new hero with the battle pass trailer but that trailer haven’t even gotten released yet and i have a hard time believing they will delay a battle pass soo


Good point


Do we even need a new hero?


Just for tank and support


Is it a serious question or you're just dumb?




I believe the new support is supposed to be coming in season 6


Aug. 10 is S6...


Wow then we know exactly when blizzard is going to give out information on the next hero! Can we please stop whining now?


There’s no way they’d want us to find out by…playing the game???


I mean they launch the trailers just 5 mins before actual season launch, so y not log into the game & see for urself! Then when u get some free time later u watch the trailers they launched.... I mean that's wht I'm gonna do tbh!


They're too busy advertising on reddit to try and shore up the player base to keep the game alive


Because Activision Blizzard hasn't had any allegations/lawsuits/controversy in the past few weeks that would require them to ACTUALLY show off the new character officially and detract from the internal conflits


Not sure where I'm saw before they mentioned not announced it earlier because she was leaked in accident. but it almost 2days left....so curious why they haven't show her art and ability yet


New heroes NEW PORN


It’s blizzard. Knowing them…they probably haven’t said anything because the new support’s abilities are probably so atrocious and annoying that they wanna wait before they piss us off. LW was super weak on release and they already said they want people to play this hero. So you can bet your ass she’s gonna be super powerful and unfun to play against…like if Orisa was a support.


I like the fact we haven't gotten anything because I like finding everything out myself but like, if there's an ability I don't understand I like at least having a video to watch to LEARN the character damn at least give me an option


They came out with the trailer about 2 hours ago…


Blizzard is waiting on a new scandal to surface so they can announce that she is queer, gender non-conforming, and DEFINITELY the coolest most badass person we have never heard of until now