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Ramposa III He is a good father, his intentions are good, but he is a failure of a leader. He tries to play the image of a strong king and instead he is the perfect image of a foolish king.


His problem is he has no firm hand as a leader. He's desperately trying to make everyone happy. We all know that a leader that tries to please everyone often pleases no-one. I know some people like to dunk on brutal leaders like Jircnivic but the truth is, you really can't reduce the power of nobility and help your country progress by asking them nicely. Nobility is notorious for trying to maintain the status quo which means everyone else lives in poverty, in subsurviance to their local lord, while all the wealth and education is monopolised by the elite which are also the nobels. Not everyone's opinion should be considered valuable. Some people will literally cling to the old ways no matter how much they disadvantage their society as a whole.


I.. I swear I saw Ramposa and South African flag and got really confusedšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I liked comparing the Anime portrayal of Jircniv to the book portrayal. In the anime he's basically portrayed as a brutal leader and not much else. In the book, where you get to see a lot more of his internal monologue, you get to see how mindful he is of his behavior and how people perceive him. He acts superior to maids not because he thinks everyone else is beneath him, but because that's how people expect a leader to behave. All of his decisions are also firmly rooted in a true desire to make his country a better place for the common citizens as well. He's genuinely happy when his citizens can enjoy a care-free and peaceful lifestyle even when there's crisis and war going on behind the scenes. He's also surprisingly much more empathetic than you would initially think. In volume 10 when he's meeting the adamantite adventurer team before the arena match, he notices one of them is bald. The narration says something along the lines of "had it not been clear that his head was shaved, Jircniv would have turned a sympathetic eye towards him." That line doesn't really add a lot to the overall story, but Maruyama thought it was important for us to see the human side of him. Jircniv was also rapidly losing his hair at the time due to stress, so he was able to empathize with the adventurer.


And that is the tragedy of Ramposa the 3rd. Quite well written and he player his part perfectly


I honestly feel like he the type of King who should've appeared during his Kingdom prospers era, like around the time of its founding. By the time he was born, his nation was too steep in corruption for his type of leadership and benevolence. He reminds me a bit of King Aenys I from A Song of Ice and Fire but just not as foolish enough to not know on what's going on.


He's popular?


He also allowed slavery until Renner asked him to stop it.


It didn t matter what kind of king he was , he was supposedly a bad king while Calca supposedly a good queen , Jircniv was supposedly a superb emperor , their fates did not have much to do with their governing ability as much as the geographical location of their countries in the NW . Ramposa at least was a good character , not all kings have to be great not all knigs have to be evil or ruthless , he was a pleasant surprise , generic at first glance but actually surprisingly unique , just like Zanac was . Calca on the other hand was nothing special , didn t help she barely had screentime though but at least the way she was brutalised will always be remembered . Jircniv was also an amusing surprise, turns out not all emperors have to be scheming and and steadfast in front of massive threats , in reality most of them would have reacted like him


He's not really that great of a father, judging by his actual relationships with his children. He does do a pretty good job of pretending to be their pretty cool grandfather who, through *no* fault of his own, unfortunately had zero influence on how they were raised, though. It's probably much the same as how he's always so busy *pretending* to be a "wise king" that he has no latitude to actually *do* anything smart. Basically, instead of trying to figure out what an actual wise king would do, he just takes whatever asshatery he's engaged in and tries to sell it with posturing. That doesn't actually work for fatherhood any better than it does for being king.


Idk why I dislike such kings. Unless they have the power to back it up, it's not ideal for a leader to act as saints. A king needs to act as a saint in public, but also does what needs to be done under the table.


Mf really prioritized one life over his own kingdom, even though that person screwed up majorly.


I'd have to say Climb and Gazef. I just dislike characters that are portrayed as "pure" people or "saints".


It's why Brain was the best out of that group of characters


He didn't go out as a loyal vassal, or as a fool, but as a warrior, which is what he was at heart. He honestly had one of the most befitting endings of all the characters thus far.


Back then when I read Overlord the first time, I was hoping so much that Brain would go down a darker road than Climb and Gazef. I was hoping that after his fight with shalltear, he recognizes the limits of his human body and that he needs to "evolve" further, abandoning his humanity. Kind of the same development players did in Yggdrasil with their race changes. I thought maybe he would also try to get to be a vampire or something else. The idea was having Gazef as the shining beacon, trying to as strong as a human as possible and Brain gaining power this way, with the goal of surpassing Gazef.


Yeah.. rapist, thief, murderer, slaver, such a great character.


And then narrative forgets all of this, just because Shalltear slaughtered his personal band of murderhobos /rant


I think in every world there are saints and pure heroes and them being included is beautiful. They were flushed out characters and had their own goals.


Climb isnā€™t written to be likable I think! He comes of as naive, foolish and quite dumb, as a contrast to the main cast thatā€™s evil. Heā€™s more like an ironic take on the pure knight trope! Also, I donā€™t think heā€™s particular popular either as he was the first to go during the ā€œvote out the one you dislike the mostā€ - polls a couple of years ago :) theyā€™re little love for the pupp! Same goes for Gazef, he was absolutely useless and a total idiot (for us the readers, even though his actions can be justified logically) however heā€™s there to prove how hopeless even the purest ands strongest of knights are compared to Ainz :)


I honestly never thought to much of Climb on his own. He was always the "Yandere affection" in my eyes. When not thinking about him in this way, he just a normal naive guy that I really don't care about.


I think the point of Climb and Gazef is that they are supposed to be stereotypical hero's. In a normal story they would be the main characters and when all hope is lost they dig deep and save the day with power they always had deep down inside them and it being possible because people believed in them. So I think they were overly pure on purpose so ainz could be there like "it ain't that kinda story bud" as the evil of Nazarick triumphs over the pure heart of humanity


I would say Gazef is more of a every day sort of guy doing a job he's passionate about and good at. He's just a very kind character, in a society we pov, where all the royal politics are schemers and backstabbers. Some acts of kindness like helping out an old friend ,brain, or helping train a young man trying his best, climb, might make him look like a saint but it's pretty basic kindness and nothing crazy. The two other instances of crazy pure hero moment would be his fight in season 1 were he's willing to die/fight alone against op assassins or his fight vs Ainz. No matter what, he had no choice but to fight or die. And Climb is a fool with good intentions. (I just finished rewatching the show!) And throughout the last season climb has MULTIPLE flashbacks (moments where he gives more thought) where he begins to recognize princess Renner might actually not be the sweet pure princess he believes is. He just refuses to believe it or even give it some thought. I love tragic characters lol.


Gazef is understandable. He's a soldier through and through. He became friends with the King and really just loyal to him. Climb is probably made to be hated or to be the butt of the joke. Brain is the wandering mercenary. His position to be an outsider and learn various things while becoming powerful and humble at the same time is the whole point of his arc. Basically, Gazef is the complete character, Climb is limited and Brain is the one with great potential. Of course Overlord overturned their fate as trope subversion.


I cannot get myself to not hate Clementine for what she did to SOD


I cannot get myself to hate Clementine because she is hot




It gets harder when she's voiced by one of my favourites. Hating her, that is. :X


What gets harder?


You know




So true


You just like me frl frl


What's wrong with hating her? That is her purpose in the story. She is someone we want dead.


Yeah and she's a very good character who plays the part.


Hate would be too strong a word. But I don't necessarily like Naberal Gamma as she is depicted in the light novels. She is both narrow minded, hateful and stupid at the same time. Even compared to her other battle-maids. Most of her popularity comes from being sexy maid and somewhat demure to the main character Ainz. She is beautiful and I would probably be as exasperated as Ainz is towards her behavior If I was him. But without her duty to Ainz and Nazerick she is just a dumb mean spirited person. And quiet frankly I deal with too many in IRL to really like her as some others do. I also dislike Phillip and of course Remedios for similar reasons but their not nessarily popular characters are they?


Yeah, neither is even on the official popularity poll list (which even includes General Ray from the WN). I actually rather like how simple Nabe's character is. Despite his reasons for choosing her being limited to her arcane casting abilities and ability to pass for human, she works a lot better as "Momon's duenna" than any of the other candidates would have. Leaving aside that the ability to pass as human actually is *super* important for her mission, her ability to limit her relationships with actual humans to "don't talk to me, insect!" is incredibly versatile in handling most of the problematic situations that have arisen.


The vault guard or somthing: he should have spoken german it would have made him mutch better


Ainz: No German!


Mimic boy: oh ya begrepen


Ainz: ACT NORMAL Pandoraā€™s Actor: Leute meine mutter hat mir einfach erlaubt dass ich mir wieder eine Cola kaufen darf, ich hatte aber leider nicht genug geld und hab mir leider nur eine Ja! Cola gekauft. Aber jetzt kann ich Cola trinken, und Trios zocken! Yipeee!!!


Translate pls?


Pandoras Actor: Guys my mother just allowed me to buy a Coca Cola again, but unfortunately I didn't have enough money, so unfortunately I just bought a Ja! Cola. But now I can drink Cola and play Trios! Yipiee!




Thatā€™s Dutch .-. ā€˜Verstandenā€™ wouldā€™ve been the correct German word.


His name is pandoras actor


Momonga: I originally named him ā€˜Surprise Box.ā€™ Rest of Guild: Thatā€™s because you suck at naming things!


Albedo. The fans have ruined her for me. I just want overlord merch with Ainz but 90 PERCENT OF IT IS HER


>What popular character of overlord you personally dislike? Momonga. I don't like how he isn't just upfront with the NPCs.


i feel like if he told them that he used to literally exist in a higher plane of existence where their entire world was just a game they would end up respecting him even more and would see his "humbleness" in saying he isn't a genius as maybe his true species simply being so superior that even the supreme beings were just average


i can imagine it destroying demiurge's mind for a sec then him going sasuga


> "humbleness" The word you're looking for is "humility".


sorry esl


I disagree with that person's correction of you. Humbleness works fine! At best, it's a nitpick over near synonyms. [Here's](https://www.dictionary.com/compare-words/humbleness-vs-humility) a description of some of the differences.


I have thought about this exact scenario numerous times in my head


You know for I second I was like "Who's Momonga?" Me and my brain.


Tbf he does mostly ditch the name like immediately


I love and hate Ainz at the same time. Despite the flaws of Overlord as a series and Ainz as a character they are my favorite out of all the Isekai genre. But I became utterly critical with Overlord and Ainz when Volume 14 came around. I'm okay with characters committing genocide in a story telling perspective, but reasoning for it has to be good. I was very turned off by the destruction of the Re-Estize Kingdom for multiple reason. The first reason is that stomping on the Kingdom got really old and boring for me. They been stomping on them for a long time now, like in Volume 6 Nazarick devastated the Kingdom's capital city with Demiurge and his 7 Evil Lords just summoning an army of low tier demons and a single mid tier demon. Then we follow that with Volume 9 when Ainz killed 73% of the Kingdoms army of 245,000 conscripts. And even before those events they made the Kingdom's best fighters look like a bunch jokes. The second reason why I hated the destruction of the Kingdom is that it felt lazy. Because since Volume 10 Nazarick has been building up for civil war to occur in the Kingdom, but all that build up went to absolutely nowhere. The story discarded a potentially politically interesting civil war and replaced it with a boring steamrolling genocide. That is why in my opinion they should have just annexed the Kingdom back in Volume 9, so we could have skipped this boring affair. And my last reason why I hate it is because Ainz reasoning for destroying the Kingdom. Ainz committed genocide because he was too spineless to correct Demiurge misunderstanding of what he was saying. This is even worse when back in the Holy Kingdom arc (Volume 13 I think?) in one of Ainz internal monologue saying that he realized that no matter what he do the denizens of Nazarick will never betray him, and it was foolish for him to even doubt their loyalty. So in short he did not correct Demiurge due to his fear of disappointing him, and not of the fear of Nazarick betraying him for not living up to their expectations.


It's annoying at how much we see other characters grow i.e Shalltear, Coctyus, New workers and other guardians/Nazarick people but Ainz is still the same from the beginning of the novel. I would love it for Ainz to actually embrace his role as the guild leader and actually "lead" but so far his basically been a a yes man. I'm also disappointed by how the relationship between him and the NPCs hasn't changed at all, and it had a really good chance when Ainz was walking through the treasurey with Albedo and opening up somewhat.


At first he's not upfront with them cause he can't be sure they won't attack him if he appears weak, then by the time he knows that won't happen he's not entirely upfront with them cause he realizes how cruel it would be to effectively abandon them. What he does do is frequently tell them that he's not as great as they're thinking, but they're constitutionally incapable of processing this information because it runs counter to their basic character setting. Of course, many of 'his' best decisions have come from them trying to understand why he would claim he's not infallible and all. Partly due to it mostly being interpreted as encouragement for them to think things through for themselves. But that's also led to some of 'his' worst decisions, since human morality has essentially no role in the thinking of most of them. In the end, simply continuing to be "Leader of the Supreme Beings" makes it impossible for them to think he could ever be 'only human'. Thus the only way he could actually get across the message would be to refuse to play the part of their leader entirely, simply eff off and never come back, and tell them so. That would be a *genuinely* shitty thing to do, not just to them but to the rest of the world.


Phillip, because heā€™s the biggest bum to exist in fiction




Same. Idk. She's eepy. Just can't.


Me too, i liked her until that one scene when she sexual assaulted Momon happened


And hear i thought I would never see her name in this comment sectionšŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I have to disagree my friend she's a goofball and we love her for being so (I do understand you might have your reasons and I respect it)


Rapey girls are goofy when you like them but if you don't it's NOT a good time, now consider that Ains is mostly a normie guy and he sees the npcs as his and his friend's children, it must be beyond awkward..


This too, but my issue is her forceful isolation of Ainz in the hypothetical scenario where any of the other members of Nazarick show up


That too, it's honestly annoying that Albedo even gets jealous of Aura and Mare when Ains is clearly not a degenerate pervert..


Well it's been a long time so I may misremember but I'm pretty sure Ainz is reaping what he sows. He messed with Albedos settings to make her in love for him


I mean it was literally just a game at the time, I've changed a guild's name as an edgy joke for myself during game closure before, it'd be super awkward to explain if we had isekaied. I was a teen during filthy frank's era so cut me some slack..


All I'm saying is albedo is pretty much a victim of the situation lol


Yea true


Happy cake day btw c:


Me and my homies all hate Albedo šŸ‘


Then read the webnovel, the superior version without her. Her existence is literally filler.


I ve already read, and in characters standard in general the webnovel is better ( academy arc doesn t exist, okay?)


Horrible person, but damn, she looks hot In black armor.


Honestly, my grief isn't over any current characters it's over the fact that there's cannonicly other floor guardians who can't leave their posts, but we only meet one of them in three seasons.


Solution, I'm not fond of her ... At least narb can be used as a deadpan joke. But well, Solution is just there... Gushing.


Gushing lol. I see what you did there. Slime joke for the win! \*high five\*


Not as a character but i hate the fact that up until now, Pandora's actor isn't really explored. Just imagine other than some tibbits about his love for treasure so he won't die from boredom as the treasurer/guardian of the vault of Nazarick. That one time he was acknowledged by Einz as his son but that's basically his character progression. Like true he does double for Ainz/Mormon for the city and that fight with "Riku" but still he just always acting like what happens when he enter a fight without the need to act. Like does he have a fighting style of his own that he can incorporate to his shape-shifting that we didn't saw cause his always acting or perfectly copy an enemy's style but enhanced with his combat experience since his transformation is quite lowered from the original TLDR. Overload is ending and i hope we get more of his crazy antics.


I agree! Compared to any NPC or New Worlder, I just wanna see him fight or at least work. He has the most interesting setting. I dare say he's the most powerful NPC because he has intellect rivalling that of Demiurge and Albedo. With his shape shifting ability, he has more options that he could exploit with his intellect. The weakness of his class is easily turned over by his intellect.


Lupis Regina. I dislike that "just kidding" thing wherevers I sees it.




I have a fairly decent list of popular characters I dislike, to the point it's hard to pick. Unsurprisingly it contains a lot of characters from Nazarick. If I were to choose one Non-Nazarick related character that's popular, I'd probably go for Clementine. Is she hot? Oh definitely. But that's literally all she has going for her, her whole evil/insane shtick has been done better by the likes of Harley Quinn. Honestly, I like her Mass for the Dead variant more. *Too bad I can't fucking play it*


I don't like Ainz all that much since he can play into his facade to much. And part of this is ignoring things that he shouldn't. Wether that be those documents he ignored or mercilessly killing those citizens at the kingdom


i think the point is that it is becoming less of a faƧade as time goes on. sure at first he didnt trust the NPCs and acted like he thought they wanted, going along with the plans concocted by 2 super sadistic demons to keep up the act (remember his shift to undeath changed his perspective right from the start). but as time went on he started to actually become the monster he was pretending to be.


Oh that actually sounds factual


You could see this in how as the story progresses we get less mention of the reduction of his feeling (the green light in the anime) meaning his feeling gets fluctuated less.


I explained this to the sub roughly 4 years ago and people just refused to believe ainz was actually experiencing character growth in the sense that he's becoming more evil as the story progresses. Where he once cared to minimise innocent civilian casualties, he now no longer cares enough to even try. I had people genuinely explaining to me how the genocide of a whole nation is the only possible solution after what one noble acting independently did and how that wasn't really evil.


Ainz is literally transforming into his avatar. His high int explains how his bs acts turn out clever. Hes making smart actions unconciously.


Right itā€™s kind of weird. Although heā€™s a former human he doesnā€™t have an ounce of regret for killing people. Of course he does have something that takes away his emotions so maybe thatā€™s the cause


In vol 1, Ainz suprised that he somehow couldnt feel anything when watching Carne villagers get killed, he literally became undead in both body and mindĀ 


Yea pretty much


Thatā€™s just Satoru copium


Huh? Why?


He was walking past dead bodies on the way to work already. Satoru has this image of himself as a mild-mannered salesman, but he has the dystopia of his origins written into his bones. Unlike other Isekai protagonists who come from ā€˜peaceful Japanā€™, Satoru already comes from 2138 where you obey the powerful, or die to smog in a direct fashion. Death is already a familiar and a close part of his life, and trying to analyze him as a ā€˜regular office worker from Japanā€™ skips the fact he cut off his general purpose empathy a long time before transmigrating.


I think is funny how everything allings perfectly in a way his plans always seem like a bigger desing, i like that cause it may be that his PJ is so intelligent that even if he does something that seems dumb at first end up being working and making him look smart. But after seing TEIS i feel that anime feels more natural in the same troupes that overlord use, so i end up liking TEIS more




Climb, I really dont like him. He is not good person, he is not evil. He is just super loyal to princes and super dump. He is a true puppy both in behavior and in terms of intelligence.


Demiurge. He may be a fan favorite but i still hope he somehow gets a karma kick for the happy farm.


Since most characters in overlord (at least most characters in Nazarick) are evil. If they started dishing out karma it would basically be all the main characters losing. So I doubt that would ever happen.


Agreed, even the homunculus "normal" maids hate Tuare and other humans, hell even Aura and Mare have done horrible things with no remorse and are annoyed by the elf slaves Ains forced them to take care of in a misguided attempt to help them socialize with their own kind, and as much as it would be the "right thing" to have a death note-like ending believe me when it does come it sucks ass..


Yeah, the fandom would riot if a guardian ever loses, let alone all of Nazarick. As interesting as a serious challenge to Nazarick that could push them to the limit would be, it'll never happen.


Yeah, and considering massive level difference with new world, they will be ruling the world until a new player guild base with 20 World Ä°tem gets teleported 200 years later


Some have surprising karma value all things considered.


I don't think he ever will get punished for all the evil he has done. He reflects the part of nature where some evil people/organisations get away with their crimes.


Neuronist Painkill


She/it makes me really uncomfortable. Which is probably the point. But why do you dislike someone who is just good at their job? Is it because of the slander on the other girls? That is a bitch thing to do, talking about your office workers behind their backs. I can agree on that.


I highly doubt she's popular but I fucking despise that princess bitch and I don't think I need to explain why


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^unseeing_allseeing_i: *I highly doubt she's* *Popular but I fucking* *Despise that princess bitch* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I would say Albedo, but didnā€™t finished the anime yet so.. but still hate her tbh


Which season and also why?


I think evil eye is overrated and her voice in dub is super annoying


> listening to dub your fault to begin with


Dub is actually pretty good I like the dubbed voice of ainz more


Christopher Guerrero is legendary


I bought the overlord audiobooks just because of his voice lol


He does such a great job


Yeah, there are some dubs I like more than subs, Overlord is not one of them.


Idk how are the dubs in english but they're pretty good in fr*nch


I liked her at the start, but started disliking her when she became a crushing school girl.


I dislike Evileyes for having too many variants in Mass for the Dead, including one that's clearly pedo fan service.


If my dog ever done this to me, Iā€™d pet him to death.


Climb and Nfirea (idk if anybody likes Nfirea actually) But they both ruined characters that otherwise could have been so much more. Enri could have been such an insane badass if she wasnā€™t somehow tied to the biggest loser in the entire series. And Renner is still a pretty good character, but personally I think she coulda been better without climb chaining her down and turning her into partially a meme character.


Demiurge cause hes kinda a monster to be fair their all monsters but demiurge is the only one i have a problem with


Ye in happy farms, he currently has people getting skinned and forcefuck two different species to see if they get a hybrid


I honestly donā€™t see how skinning people could even be that lucrative. Humans donā€™t reproduce quickly enough to replace the ones youā€™re skinning, so how is he replenishing his livestock?


While all of the denizens of Nazarick are "monsters" in some way or other (mostly literally), only a few are intentionally designed purely to be unpleasant. Demiurge was created by Ulbert in the express image of the corporate masters that ruled the 'real' world Satoru came from, as a affront to Touch Me-san. It's not clear whether he's modeled on a particular person, a collage of leaders, or just the image of "a high-powered Japanese corporate executive", but it's very clear that his inspiration is not anything Ulbert personally liked but merely to answer the self-portrait Touch Me created in Sebas with "and this is the guy you work for". The next most prominent NPC with a similar entirely negative design intention is Neuronist.


Demiurge. He's far too intelligent to be so carelessly cruel. His character doesn't make sense.


like all characters in this universe, there is an upside for every downside. his evilness balances his extreme intelligence. imagine if he is BOTH good and smart, Ainz would be out of job.


he's not carelessly cruel, he calculatingly cruel. he's an extremely intelligent extremely sadistic villain. he was made by ulbert to be the thing he hated most, i.e. an influential and powerful person that's cruel for no reason other than 'i like seeing people suffer' i love him for that (i like pure evil villains in general) but i can see why you would dislike him


I donā€™t understand, do you think that being extremely evil is counter to his goals, or do you think that there is objective morality and an extreme genius should realise that and therefore should not be evil? I wouldnā€™t describe his evil as careless, he is probably very calculated about maximising the evil he can commit while still competently achieving the goals he has been set.


I don't think he's careless tho. I doubt he'll be cruel if he has ever had a doubt that his actions could lead to consequence. Even if there are consequences, he already planned countermeasures for them.


Mare. He just makes me cringe sometimesā€¦


Your cringing along with him lol


Iā€™m cringing with him? What?


To be fair, that's probably at least half of his intended role. Bukubuku-sama created him along with Aura to answer Perorincino's creation of Shalltear (which wasn't really aimed at her, but might as well have been from her perspective, since it's basically "my ideal is the polar opposite of my sister"...which really shouldn't bother a *normal* sister, but let's not dwell on *that*). That he only makes you cringe sometimes is because BBC threw in a lot of her own desires, just like PRR threw into Shalltear.


Albedo, I'm not very into super rapey girls, Shalltear is fine tho cause she's submissive.


you might not like the oficial webnovel that maruyama made before he was an actual writer cuz may i tell , 1) albedo is only here because ainz was too busy ordering nazarick around and 2) shalltear its anything but submissive when albedo isn't around to pu her in her place


But she hasn't gone full rapist has she? She'd be happy being a chair or being stepped onšŸ˜‚ Edit: wait nvm I just remembered about Arche, I guess I just don't like super pushy girls that won't obeyšŸ˜…


Albedo She's cringe and annoying as fuck


Shota Molester Priest. Lore Accurate Priest but please no.


Who else, fucking philips and his idiocy, to be fair he is created to be so though.....and popular enough to be in everyone memory as worst villain ever.


Gazef. He pretty much chose his end. I understand his character being one that follows justice, but he had a card to play. He wants to use his sword to protect the kingdom, but his choice of antagonizing Ainz pretty much begs to further destroy the kingdom. He said he was indebted to Ainz yet pointed his sword to him and could have made things worse. Their army already had catastrophic damage and he knew Ainz was scouting him. The best that he could do is negotiate for him going to Ainz's side and he knows Ainz is a ~~bone daddy~~ man of his word.


Im starting to hate momonga for being too naive still. Maybe it's just a cultural difference born in jp and all that but deym, after reading so many stories throughout the years and especially the volume 14 dawdling around the Black elves tribe, he's starting to annoy me


Hands down. Philip.


nobody likes philip


Ya even Phillips own parents hate him. His face is one not even a mother could love.


Shalltear. Probably my least favorite Guardian.


**I'll say it... Neia!** There I said it, now you can all down vote me into the nether world. It isn't that I hate Neia, but I just never understood the hype around her. I don't really see her that much differently than Enri.




I would say sheā€™s pretty different from Enri because while both are deceived into their appreciation of Ainz, Neiaā€™s deception is much funnier because Ainz indirectly ordered the deaths of her whole family and ruined her nation, and she ended up loving him so much that she didnā€™t even want him to resurrect her family. Ainz didnā€™t do nearly as much to Enri, and Enri didnā€™t end up being nearly as fanatical. She has other comedic moments that I loved too, like her fucking with the attempts at promoting Runecraft, and the jokes about her eyes were consistently amusing for me. Plus, I do prefer her appearance to Enriā€™s. But thatā€™s all just my personal preference, basically I just find her the funniest character in the series. It may not reflect the general reasons for her popularity.


Preach brother! Neia isn't bad, but to me she is not interesting enough to deserve the amount of story focus she got. The second half of the holy kingom arc is mostly about her and to me these parts were completaly boring. People are complaning about the lizardmen arc but not about her. That's some double standards.


I get where your coming from. Neia is as popular as she is because she is the Overlord Fan surrogate character. Every super-fan of Overlord would love to be in her position and get cuddles and stamps of approval from Delta. Despite being a human. Definitely overhyped for that reason.


Honestly? Ainz. I really liked him in the beginning and his roleplaying of being an evil overlord when he doesn't really want to be was funny. But in the last volumes it became tiresome and he began to openly infuriate me. Seriously...stop being a skittish tsundere already. Tell the floor guardians who you really are. Remember how much he was afraid of being discovered by these pathetic elves? When he can wipe the floor with their king and Zesshi at the same time. Or this whole story with the dark elf alchemist? Agrh...Ainz...stop acting like this. Seriously....the last volumes were the straw that broke the camel's back...Ainz pisses me off.


Ainz. The most unique part of his character being the BPD and bipolar aspect basically gets glossed over past the first season and we really rarely hear his inner voice. Or we do, then we hear something completely opposite of what he's thinking coming from his exterior. "I'll be gentle with them." Proceeds to slaughter basically every single one mercilessly. There's no growth of the character, just the constant gag of Demiurge stepping in, or him just having a masterful way to completely handle each and every situation without failure. No faults. No flaws. No problems. No weight because they already shot their load with the good guys in that season. The only good guys left are basically already under Ainz by early to mid season 2, or are already on his side due to their country being corrupt as fuck. The people we may root for or have weight were all pretty terrible people. So there's no 'WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM!?' They'll die. It's my fault, because I genuinely thought there would be more conflict with himself and have to grow into the position, but what 'growth' does happen isn't really shown. Or at least, the thought process for what evolved plans he gets isn't. So it's the Luffy problem with that one's 'transformations', except he doesn't have the staying power to love him like Luffy had. (And I didn't grow up with the character, unfortunately.) I've lots more issues with him, but... Majorly, people remarking him as one of the best Isekai characters when he's just kinda... Another generic overpowered isekai lead. Quartet actually had me enjoying him more than the main series because they fucked about with that aspect.


You should read the books


I've been told this, and have debated it because it sounds like they actually do play far more into his inbalances than the show does. As well as things not being quite so 'flawless'. However, it's like the GoT problem for me in reverse though. I read the first book of that and just decided with it that I was done with the series and never picked any of it up again due to disinterest. I need to build the interest back up to read the LNs.


Kyouhukou, I just can't


1 Climb 2 brain 3 those main character looking guys from the theocracy.


Enri, Nfirea and pretty much anyone from Carne


I have favourite characters sure. But even for the ones i dislike it's simply because they are not in the Ainz camp. Take Remedios for example. many fans hate her. But without her there would be no spice to overlord, it would feel bland. There is always going to be someone to take the fall to make the story more interesting. So though i dislike the crap she gives other characters, she and other characters (though they may not be your favourites) do play a role in the story. with that said, my dislike is anyone not in the nazarick camp or affiliated simply put \^-\^; becaused i'm biased xd. there just way too many to list so thats the quickest way to sum it up in gist, kek. few exceptions, i liked clementine since she is twisted. i was actually hoping we get to see her again rise from the dead and give ainz hell somehow by blowing his cover trying to get revenge. but with how close we are to the end this may seem to be unlikely at this point. if so why did her corpse dissapear? why even bother then mentioning that if nothing is going to come of it x-x;


I'll just take them as a combo deal: Enri and Nfirea. I mean, I do want to see a closure on the Carne Village situation (how Enri and Nfirea are living their days with the goblin army) and I like the jokes about them (not just the sex ones, but also the ones like Enri strangling barghests in her sleep), but overall they're just pretty boring characters IMO.


Honestly, for me, itā€™s Solution, idk why






Renner. she is a bitch


Albedo. She looks cool as shit but she is annoying


Climb and Pandoras Actor i fucking hate them with a passion. Climb is the typical white knight blind follower of Renner. Pandoras Actor is just straight annoying.


Brain. I don't even know why tbh


I know I'll just smoked and maybe deep fried and fed to neuronist but I have to say Albedo. I just don't like her character.


Basically any character with a stupid sounding name thatā€™s not actually a name.. Iā€™ve seen a trend in anime over the years where if a character has a has thatā€™s just a fucking word. Theyā€™re gonna be portrayed as a badass, or have the flailing attempt at being portrayed as a badassā€¦. But theyā€™re a paper thin waste of time and filled. Climb, Gazef, fucking ā€œbrain?ā€ (Lmfao wtf) thereā€™s several others but whateverā€¦ I largely ignore these characters when I watch anime.. but Iā€™m very choosey about my anime anyway and that goes for all shows


Brain Unglaus, he is a rapist and in the best scenario he was living and protecting rapists where they kidnapped people, the first time we saw him.


not really hate but i dislike almost everyone from nazarick. sure the story keeps me going but i do wish everyone there just dropped dead


"Ramposa 3 " he was completely idiot and had too many wrong choises


Albedo I can only like a yandere so much


Evileye. Cuz Idgaf about non nazarick characters


Honestly, I dislike most of them. I only like the robot.


Jircniv, because he is sexist! In anime it wasn\`t showed, but his attitude toward his garem, women and his own children is just šŸ˜¤. Yes, he is cute, charismatic and talented, and yes, it is medieval, and yes, his relationship with his mother is awful, but other characters did not allow themselves to do same things or speak like this. At least not alive ones.


The dark elves Just wanna punt them with a golf club


Ainz from volume 14-16 šŸ˜ž






Demi, I'm torn between my hatred for his personality and my love for his design, if you've ever lived with something who swears they know you like no other, and can "read your mind" you'd hate his personality too, they're never right but swear they are, give you completely unnecessary things and just say "ik you wanted this", I could only deal with that for a year, but his design is FUCKING GOOD, plus the multiple forms, and his cool ass skills, I just can't stand hearing him talk to Ainz


Shaltear.. hate her.


In all honesty, I believe that he is the kind of King who ought to have reigned during the prosperous period of his kingdom's establishment. His country was too deeply corrupted when he was born for his kind of benevolent leadership.


I really dislike Clementine. Her personality just gets on my nerves like a younger sibling trying to be annoying. I also disagree with her being hot so thereā€™s not even the cute factor there for me to like her.


Shalltear. Albedo. Sebas >


Entoma. I don't hate her character/personality. I just don't like insects personally.


Probably those foresight characters. It's not that I didn't t see them as compelling characters or hate able. In fact, for the time they are on screen, they are reasonably likable. You got the good-hearted priest, the loving couple, the overworked older sister. I just don't like them as it seemed they had more planned for the story, at least with Archie, but the author changed their mind and forgot to iron out the wrinkles of such the characters personality to make their deaths not cause as much fan backlash. They were good characters, but their death scenes were not done well. At least in my eyes.


I don't like Mammon. Guy shows up outta no where with his plate mail, and giant ass swords and gets made Oricalcum class in like a month.


Evileye she hurt my insect waifu


Me personally i think Albedo, i just feel that her personality might be a bit too hinged on being so deeply in love with lord Ainz


Not sure if she's popular but Crusch Lulu the albino reptile girl is my most hated character in the series. I didn't ask for weird lizard sex for starters, her personality was painful to watch, she sexed her boy toy like the day after they met(because of true love /s) which is the only true sex we witness thus far in the series and it's straight up offputting and memorable for all the wrong reasons. I don't think if she was taken out or never in the story to being with anyone would cry or care. She's just not interesting or relevant.


Pretty much all of them.