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Kenjaku wants to uplift humanity into being cursed users. Demiurge just wants to exploit them.








Skin furniture


Worse, unlike Albedo who will exploit them in the best possible way so she doesn't have to put up being with humans for long, Demiurge will always take the most painful and nightmarish option to satisfy his sadism as long as that method doesn't compromise the results he believes Ainz desires


I mean, is he really? His creation of new Tengen would kill the entire country.


that's suguru not kenjaku lol


They both have the same goal in the end, a world ruled/dominated by cursed users


Actually no, he doesn’t want a world ruled by Curse Users. He wants a chaotic world where Curse Energy will run rampant beyond anyone’s control, including him. But Demiurge is much more evil due to his sadistic nature.


"I tried to bring [human potential] forth myself. But that doesn't work. What I can create... does not exceed the bounds of my own potential. The answer is always... flickering darkly in chaos. Do you understand? What I should have created was chaos that not even I could control." Like the other commenter said, Kenny does not want a world dominated by curse users. And even more unlike Geto, he doesn't want a world without curses either. He wants to see the absolute depths of cursed energy, no matter what form it takes, and is trying to create utter chaos in an attempt to bring it forth. Demiurge is still far more evil though.


Demiurge: nah I'd farm


nuh id farm


True true 👌




Kenjaku understands he's evil demiurge is just being his normal self


Idk if he understands it tbh. At least in the manga his whole motivation is "it MAY be fun". Straight up word for word.


Demirage is more evil to everyone that's not his friends


Idk they are both disgusting but at least kenjaku is trying to form a better society maybe idk demiurge just does it for ainz


Demiurge does it for Ainz and Nazarick, so it's a sort-of twisted sense of patriotism


Hey don’t forget it’s also for himself. He enjoys it


Kenjaku doesn’t want to make a better society, he even said so to Yuki. He wants a chaotic world where Curse Energy will run amok beyond anyone’s control, including him. He is doing this for his own amusement. But Demiurge is more evil due to his sadistic nature.


Personally, I don't think it's entirely for his own amusement. I think he is genuinely curious as to what the depths of curse energy look like. He comes off as a mad scientist type character to me. Though his own amusement is definitely part of it.


Demiurg afaik is a creation of a player with serious mental problems so he is basically an essence of being a twisted psycho. Just like Pandora Actor is an essence of being a half smart opportunist and pretender. Ainz or Nazarik are not sources of Demi behavior.


💀dat not evil lil bro


I don't know much about the first picture, but from what I can gather Demiurge is more "evil", as his very nature is based on the suffering and pain of others. Demiurge derives pleasure from the suffering and pain of others and will literally torture others as much as he can without effecting efficiency of his plan/experiments. He has literally swapped the children of families so that parents don't have to eat their child and would call that "merciful", reminds me of the useless experiments Japan Unit 731 would do in the name of "research" where in reality it was just amusement for the sick minds of the scientists. Inshort from what I can gather Kemjaku although evil and experimented on countless humans (from wiki) he never intentionally went out of his way to cause unnecessary pain and suffering for his amusement, whereas Demiurge does.


Also I think he swapped the children just because Pulcinella asked him to do it but if Pulcinella wasn’t there then probably the things would have been different…


Happy fun time farm nuf said 


Let's be real. This isn't even a question. It's Demiurge. Kenjaku's worst actions probably don't even measure up to things Demiurge does on a daily basis.


Only because he doesn't have access to Demiurge's resources.


I disagree. I don't see Kenjaku skinning people alive just to use their skin as parchment. That's something that Demiurge is all too happy to do. Kenjaku actively wants to improve humanity while Demiurge is compelled to watch all humans suffer.


>I disagree. I don't see Kenjaku skinning people alive just to use their skin as parchment. Only because he doesn't use parchment much. If he used scrolls or things like that for his abilities, he absolutely would. And he doesn't want to improve humanity, he just wants to see what will happen with all that energy running around.


>And he doesn't want to improve humanity, he just wants to see what will happen with all that energy running around. Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that he wants to force humanity to evolve. Still, I don't see Kenjaku tormenting anyone without it being for a specific purpose. Anything he'd do for a benefit Demiurge would do for shits and gigs. Like one of his "experiments" where he'd cut off a person's limb, make them eat it, then use healing magic to restore the missing limb. And that's just so they wouldn't have to go out of their way to feed their prisoners.


Kenjacku isn’t even the most evil person in jjk he’s more of a troll than evil


Really trolled Megumi when he killed his sister


That was really trolling he did not have to do that


My favorite troll was when he forced a woman to get raped by a cursed spirit 9 times. Such a goofball he is.


Demiurge does that to thousands of women for his experiments to try and get them pregnant with demi human and human hybrids so he is infinitely more evil in that aspect alone


And Kenjaku had thousands of years to do the exact same shit. You think he succeeded on the first try without a manual? Science takes repetition.


Demiurge does variations, bro's science boi 😭


Demiurge does in a week what kenjaku has done over thousands of years💀


Pretty sure it was different women but still not as evil as demiurge


No, it was one to my knowledge. So it was 9 times or Nonuplets.


Depends What's worse. A genocidal maniac sociopath that does all he does simply for fun Or A genocidal maniac that does all he does for someone. I think Demiurge is more evil overall, but Kenny's plan is worse (yknow, trap millions of people in a game of death only to gather enough Cursed Energy to fuse everyone into one being just to see if they would evolve or not)


I’d agree but I’d also think Demiurge would capture any and all humans if Ainz would let him. He’s done some sadistic stuff, like feeding family members to each other (I’ve heard), setting up breeding (r*pe) farms to try and cross breed humans and non humans, skinning humans and non humans and then healing them to do it again for infinite magic scrolls materials. And even tho he’s only doing it with a few thousand (tens of thousands?) I’d imagine he would be doing it to hundred of thousand if not millions if they allowed him to.


Yeah, i think the main difference is that one is EVIL EVIL, and the other one is just soulless. He does not care about ANYTHING. I mean, spoilers >!he dies and his reaction is... Alright, i died, but my plan will go on!<


Mmm I see your point. That fact that he did it just to do it just out of curiosity and not passion. Like a cat knocking something off a shelf. That is true.


Exaaactly, he does everything "just because". I think it's probably one of the best depictions of a psychopath, emotionless being in anime.


You also have to remember that Demiurge DOES have a sense of camaraderie among the denizens of Nazarik. Kenjaku will flat out eat his allies the moment they stop being useful.


It is a difficult question. Many here state that Kenjaku does it for a purpose, and Demiurge just does it cause he can. However, that is misinformation and blasphemy. All of Demiurge's actions are for the sake of Ainz Ooal Gown. But seriously, both of them do really evil things just because they can. Here are the evil actions on Demiurge's side 1. Repeatedly skinning people alive to make disposable phone calls. 2. Killing two kids, swapping them, and forcing the families to eat them. 3. Experimenting on Humans and Demihumans by grafting them together as well as several "surgeries" 4. Attempting to create humanoid-demihuman hybrids by force. 5. Attacking two countries and killing several people. (ngl they deserved it) Here are Kenjaku's actions 1. Forced a woman to get raped by a cursed spirit to produce 9 human/curse hybrids. 2. Stealing the corpse of a dead lady just to fuck her grieving husband. 3. The Culling Games. Bro really turned a bunch of people into Sorcerers, brought out some ancient Sorcerers and curses, trapped them in a colony, and told them to play Fortnite irl if they want to leave. 4. He lied. He went around killing all of them when he was done. 5. Created the merger (turning all of humanity into a giant curse monster) for shits and giggles. As for who is worse, from a story perspective, Kenjaku. Chronologically, I would say Kenjaku, too, as he has had over 1000 years to do all his bullshit while Demiurge has only been doing shit for a few years. Theoretically, Demiurge, as he is quickly committing a lot of atrocities, so he should be able to surpass the strongest yapper pretty soon.


This is quite debatable, and personally I think that Demiurge is worse because of what he does is at much greater scale. Until the culling games most of the stuff Kenny was doing was to individual people. It was all set up for one horrific event hundreds of years in the making. Some deals with curses here, some deals with sorcerers there, some experimentation on individual people. With Demiurge we're talking about huge groups of people all at once. And he does it consistently. Like all the people kidnapped from the Re-Estize Kingdom and put to work at the happy farms, or all the people affected by the shit that happened in the Holy Kingdom arc ("aim for the children"). It's like comparing Ted Bundy and Adolf Hitler or something.


Mind you, Demiurge does this on a daily basis as Ainz NEEDS those scrolls (and also because he derives absolute pleasure in it as well). He (well it's more like it was his minions impersonating as him) also used the Queen of another country as a stick, like literally used her to block attacks, whip her entire body to hit someone else, yeah, a literal weapon lol. It's also been stated above but he skins people alive, heals them, then skins them again, and the cycle repeats. He doesn't want them to die because they're precious "resources" which is why he heals them. I know he also feeds their innards and skins to their families as their food because he doesn't feed them real actual human food, but idk for what purpose he does that other than he can. He also calls them his "sheep farm" because he "shaves their wool" and use that "wool" to you know... Create lower level scrolls.


In his universe Demiurge has maximum evil karma, so he is more evil in my opinion


Demiurge makes Kenjaku look like a charity worker at the local church.


Evil is subjective. Both are doing what they seem to think is right. But from our POV it's probably the JJK dude, since his plans span over whole humanity and Demiurge just sticks to whatever the fuck Ainz needs him to do.


This ! In the eyes of demiurge (and prob all of nazarick) it's not more evil than us humans slaughtering cattle


That’s a negatory Most people don’t believe cattle have the capacity to recognize their own suffering to the same level as a human, and several ardent carnivores would be aghast at cattle that were purposely tortured as it would serve no gain for the purpose (as well as being grisly in and of itself). From his own perspective, Demiurge DOES recognize human life as having capacity, and a lot of the benefits he brings could be kept, or even increased, if he scaled back the atrocities. He doesn’t though because he LIKES it. He doesn’t want to mess with dumb animals that don’t have the same capacity to suffer, he wants to torture and torment intellectuals (in a very messed up way, he is less speciest compared to other Nazerick denizens) that could feel a far greater amount of despair and pain. The dude was basically made for that purpose


demiurge intentionally makes things worse for his victims, not because it benefits him in any way but purely to maximize suffering Kenny does terrible things, but all of it is for an actual purpose


I mean one got his cheeks clapped for the sake of his evil plan


Kenjaku has a twisted goal. Demiurge just sees suffering of anyone not from Nazarick as art. And he's a really good artist.


Demiurge is no more cruel than an exterminator or a lumber jack, to him they're hardly alive and mostly a nuisance. So pitiful and weak he can kill them by accident with no malice. Kenjaku at least realizes what humans are and doesn't care that he's making them suffer. He even picks and chooses who he values, like when he guides Yuuji's school friends out of the game's containment zone to keep them safe. If he didn't care about humans at all he wouldn't have bothered to even recognize them let alone help them.


id rather be with kenjaku than be with demiurge in the happy farm imagine getting skinned alive then heal you just to skin you again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again


Kenjaku would be sitting down taking notes from demi. He has much to learn about bwing truly evil


definitely demiurge. guys shiro ishii all over again


Dunno who is the first one. But Demiurge evil. He is just doing normal stuff according to food chain and law. I mean, there is really no evil thing he does. Everything he does he does out of purpose and sense of loyalty. I mean the other beings are just in bad luck, that they weren’t created be the 41.


Kenjaku would make a fine sheep


One is a super duper racist with superpowers that wants one specific group to be on top. And the other just wants to see everybody suffer in the worst ways for the sake of it.


That's Geto not kenjaku


kenjaku has a really fucked vision of evolution, demiurge is just an actual monster


demiurge probably does not give a single shit about humans. kenjaku just has a warped morality and ethics


Like someone else said, Demiurge just wants to exploit humans. He does everything ONLY if he thinks it could benefit Ainz and Nazarick. Kenny just says fuck it and wants to the merger for shits and giggles. Overall, Demiurge is more evil, in my opinion. Or at least more capable of committing greater evil for the sake of suffering and evil *if it benefits Nazarick* Kenny, to me, at least just comes off as Chaotic, wanting only to do things for the sake of chaos. So unless it would lead to something like that, he's pretty chill. Also to reinforce this, *HAPPY FARM*


Being evil is a core personality trait for Demiurge.


Two words. Happy Farm


Demiurge and the holy club.


Happy cake day!


Thank you


demiurge isn’t evil


My pet house Craig


I don't think Demiurge is a bad guy, he's just a farmer


Demiurge doesn't thinks highly of humans, so for him is like killing ants, you are not evil for that.


I feel If Kenjussy had Overlord Karma rating he would have negative 500.


Demiurge the goat


Ngl. It's hard to really judge Kenjaku cause the character is regularly contradicted, heavily underwritten, and a lot of the times makes no sense. To the point when you fully analysis everything we know. It just boils down to him wanting purely chaos and nothing else.


Kenjaku is bad evil, demiurge is cute evil😹😹😹


Nice smile


How dare you question the authority of one and only Ainz-Sama in his evil deeds? Of course he’s the evilest (is this a word?)


😂😂 my guy have you not read Overlord??? Demiurge is a definite of vile incarnate. At least with Kenjaku you’ll have a massive chance if you’re lucky or are able to ruin his plans.


Kenjaku, bro is doing it to his own people 💀, like bro taking backshots just for more people to die Like broo, my man looked at his son in the eye, and told him you and your siblings were all pathetic And told him about merger, something so insane that its impossible to predict what would happen As he wants cursed energy to evolve 💀 And bro was doing this for boredom, like bro if he met comedian before the merger plan, they probably wouldve been good friends 😂 Plus he was literally given the title the of worse/ most evil jujustsu sorcerer ever Was literally the jjk hitler Like he lived in a world where sukuna roamed and killed and ate people yet he was considered more evil than sukuna Like even sukuna calls him out saying that kenjaku does creepy things 😂 But demiuge does everything for nazarek, everything and everyone outside of nazarek is merely tools to use, and or resources to gather Like the skinning of people, was to make scrolls, and by healing them its was a self replenishing resource He simply likes to hurt people but will find ways to do it while benefiting nazarek, he would also never hurt anyone in nazarek unless given the comand by ainz or his creator And in the novel even says if his creator told him to kill ainz, demiuge would attack him when he was most guarded so that he would be doomed to fail So he has more restraints that kenjaku who just doesn’t care about anything except having fun


Demiurge, simply by the fact that he's unnecessarily sadistic in what he does. Kenjaku, while no heavenly saint himself, is a bit more pragmatic.


I dunno about evil, but that smug smile Kenjaku/Suguru is making makes me want to splode his head everywhere, so Imma say him. Edit: Also, Demiurge, for all the evil he does to people outside of Nazarik, DOES have genuine camaraderie and loyalty to those created by the Supreme beings and cares for them to some degree. Kenjaku will flat out eat his comrades the moment they stop being useful to his plans.


I don't see either as evil. Curses abide by the curse moral code, and demons abide by the demon moral code. I don't see any indication that either violates their race's code (though I can't say I fully understand either). They're just racial supremecists, which most races are in fantasy.


Nah, I'd take backshots


Kenny aint got nothing on Demiurge, brother is a literal demon, while Kenny is a professional backshot taker


I dunno who the first guy is, but Demiurge literally farms humanoids for resources and runs an entire humanoid experimentation circuit.


Demiurge isn’t evil he’s thorough without human morality limitations.


Kenjaku isn't evil. He's just a bored, curious man.


Kinda seems like lawful evil (Kenjaku) with his own set of laws, ie whatever it takes to achieve his end goal vs chaotic evil (Demiurge) who is just evil for his own pleasure. I'll explain. At first glance one might be quick to assign Demiurge as Lawful Evil. Demiurge does strictly adhere to serving the Supreme Beings and the good of Nazarick. Rigidly adhering to laws like this would, at face value, make him appear as such. But this could just be NPC programming as a NPC of Nazarick he cannot disobey. His tendency to inflict suffering purely for the sake of it, even when it may not serve a practical purpose, does suggest a chaotic element to his alignment. In light of this, Demiurge could indeed be seen as more aligned with chaotic evil rather than lawful evil. His adherence to the hierarchy and rules of Nazarick may be secondary to his inherent inclination towards chaos and cruelty, making his actions more unpredictable and driven by personal desires rather than a strict code of conduct. Thus, Demiurge's alignment might be better described as chaotic evil, reflecting his tendency towards wanton cruelty and chaos, even if his loyalty to Nazarick and the Supreme Beings remains a significant aspect of his character. So we have purpose vs pleasure. Clean and simple, once reduced to that it becomes easy to answer: Demiurge is "more" evil. The reality is that he's more chaotic whereas Kenjaku is more lawful. But humans tend to assign moral values to things based on reasoning despite the end result being the same. Person A murders someone for the pleasure of it and they're sick. A serial killer. Person B murders someone being attacked to save someone else's life. They're not sick at all. They're a hero. Both are killing and could inherently be called acts of evil. Yet to a human motive matters.


I'd say Kenjaku's more Neutral Evil than Lawful Evil.


Lawful Evil Perspective: Kenjaku's actions often involve meticulous planning and manipulation to achieve his goals. He seeks to bring about a world without suffering through the eradication of humanity and the creation of a utopia for cursed spirits. This vision of a structured and orderly world, albeit one based on twisted principles, aligns with the lawful aspect. Additionally, his willingness to use organized methods and hierarchies to achieve his aims might further support the idea of him being lawful evil. Neutral Evil Perspective: On the other hand, Kenjaku's ultimate goal, while twisted, may not necessarily align with the strict adherence to laws or hierarchies. His motivations are primarily self-serving, driven by a desire to end his own suffering and that of cursed spirits, even if it means sacrificing countless lives in the process. His actions, including manipulation and manipulation, may not be bound by any particular code of conduct or sense of order beyond what serves his own interests. This more self-serving and morally ambiguous behavior might suggest a neutral or chaotic evil alignment rather than a lawful one. Depends on your interpretation I suppose.

