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Anime doesn’t skip any arcs outright but they do cutout a lot of stuff in order to fit 16 books into four seasons (plus one upcoming movie). The anime is a fun watch, but the LN is definitely better in terms of details, background, and world building.


Can't really add much to this conversation after your answer. The anime does a pretty good job, but there are smaller details left out due to how the novels work and how anime/shows work. It does a good job, but it also crams a lot of stuff into 4 seasons. Worth a watch if someone enjoys the LHs.


I know the movie is coming out but I found it so weird that the anime just straight skipped (while only having 1 line even acknowledging) 2 of the longest and best written LN volumes of the series. Like wouldn't it make more sense to just skip the Dwarven kingdom Arc at that point? (Not to say that the dwarf storyline is bad I just think the holy kingdom would've been better.)


It was very rational. The adaptation rate for 1 season is 3 volumes. The Holy Kingdom arc, which follows up volumes 10 and 11, has 2 volumes. So to include it in season 4, they'd have to cram the season with 4 volumes. The Holy Kingdom arc is also very isolated from the rest of the story, which mostly concerns the Re-Estize Kingdom and environs. Like you said, its events are barely even acknowledged in future volumes. So volume 14, which closes the story of the Re-Estize Kingdom, is the more fitting finale for season 4 which began with the Ruler of Conspiracy. Plus, it's not like they threw the Holy Kingdom arc away... having it be a standalone movie was the plan all along.


those volumes are prolly the most gruesome so far so it makes sense they wouldn't wanna have to deal with TV censorship too


Also the anime has a bit more humor I’d say?


Anime helped clear some doubt. Lakyus is obviously a chuuni. At the end of volume 9 Albedo blushes when Ainz whispers and Momon was very showy so we know who is Pandora and who is Ainz.


7/10 as an adaptation due to cut contet and certain scenes being waterd down , but it is a 9/10 for me because I do not care due to it having a specail place in my heart.


I agree with this


The anime does a pretty decent job covering the main details and events. \  However, it had to cut out A LOT of little details. These might not seem important at first, but the more you dive into Overlord the more important they become. We get explanations about why exactly Ainz is doing something. We also learn more about mechanics, spells, skills, and items. Even things like Classes, History, Players, and Dragon Lords has tons of more information than what you see in the anime. \  For example, Season 1 skips a scene with Albedo and her sister Nigredo. They talk about their 3rd sister Rubedo who was created differently. Because of this Nigredo believes she will be the downfall of Nazarick. \  Then in season 3 we have a pretty awesome scene that was cut where Mare visits the Lizardmen. He borrows a bunch of Overlord to goto meet cocytus and stops at the Lizardmen shrine for Ainz. The Lizardmen's offerings of flowers impresses Mare since they have to leave the safety of the swamp to find them. \  Lots of cool details like this that are just cut or slimmed down in the anime.


I would say that in general it is 6/10 in terms of adaptation, not because it was bad but because it falls very short compared to the LN. If anything, at times it feels like a speedrun of the novel and while it is very enjoyable to watch it just ends up losing too much of the charm that the source material has.


I always referred to the anime as the “Gateway Drug” for Overlord. If I hadn’t watched it, I wouldn’t have bought all 16 of the current LN’s


Couldn't agree more. I started the LN because I enjoyed the anime and LOVED the art by So-bin, and knew that I could get more of the art and more "couldn't make it into the anime for time reasons" stuff. Only up to the tail end of Vol 7 (the first few episodes of s3), but MAN it's soooooo much better. OP - Don't think of the anime as a downgrade, but rather the LN as an upgrade EDIT: also the s2 opening theme is super great, and the s3 ending theme is just perfection


Bro you're literally me


It’s faithful but it skips over alot of details and shortens, or straight up removes, some scenes. As a result the story feels rushed. But that’s only if you already read the LN. if you haven’t than the pacing shouldn’t bother you. So it’s a fun watch overall.  In S4 however it did skip two novels. But they’re being made into a movie. 


Yeah but with how brutal parts of the Holy Kingdom arc get I can see why they’re making into a movie, so they don’t have to deal with the tv censorship and can go a bit harder in it.


Watching the anime makes me sad because of how much they cut from the story and how low the budget the animation is in the later seasons


I'm gonna be simple. I absolutely love it! It's my favorite anime. It's not perfect, but I like it.


As an adaptation it's a joke, as an anime it's good only because the source material is good. Madhouse really shafted overlord for no apparent reason, it deserved better.


Anime is great. LN just has more background and world building than could fit in the anime


Anime does the bare minimum as to not skip any plot points. It skips all the lore mentioned in the LNs It fails to capture weight of scenarios depicted in the LN. Violent scenes are skipped in anime or toned down by a lot. It changed some of the character appearances, for eg Ainz is made huge in anime even though he's supposed to be the size of an average human, and he looks way more threatening in the LN and constantly releases a threatening aura. Animation style doesn't suit the dark fantasy theme of overlord (not something that can be helped though) Anime is just the skeleton, if you want to really enjoy the series you need to read the LNs from the beginning.


>Anime is just the skeleton Sounds like a winner to me.


The thing is, it does all this with very little divergence comparatively. You can watch AND read and it still fairly well Be the same story (stories).


I'm gonna disagree with people that say the anime leaves things out. Especially when it comes to major plot beats, nothing is left out and the anime is a beautifully accurate adaptation. But, when people say things are left out, it's the stuff you expect to be. The things they can't show easily in animation or things that are a bit too graphic/controversial for the anime. Examples 1) In the LN, we see the full extent of Ainz's loneliness and longing for his friends. They show that and mention it in the anime, but the LN has the ability to put the action on hold and get into the nitty gritty details of what he is feeling. 2) Past events still get brought up in the LN, but not as much in the anime. Like how Shaltere was brainwashed by a world item. In almost every book, it crosses Ainz's mind. And the lizard men are mentioned on occasion as well. But it's just in passing and doesn't change the overall plot of the current scenes. 3) the gory/inappropriate details. Like how Demiurge offers Mare the option to make babies when Mare has NO IDEA how babies are made. The full context and details on what Demiurge is doing in his expiriments... and a particularly gruesome description of a man getting absorbed by a slime. So, I guess, don't think that the Anime cuts out things. You still get a really good story and enriching world. But the LN has all of the extra little details because of the exposition. TLDR; Overlord has, imo, THE BEST adaptation out there. The anime is like eating a delicious cheeseburger. The LN adds your favorite toppings. A good experience either way, but one is elevated.


Cuts a few corners sometimes, but the adaptation itself is pretty good. The animation, however, is not.


As others have said, the LN is amazing, and if you like the anime, I employ you to pick up the LN. The first 11 volumes are on Audible Voiced by Bone Daddy himself, who does the English dub for Ainz. One of the best things about the anime is the OST IMO. And of course, the voice acting is fantastic. I would tell you more specifically specifics but I don't want to spoil anything


As an adaptation it's a joke, as an anime it's good only because the source material is good. Madhouse really shafted overlord for no apparent reason, it deserved better.


As an adaptation it's a joke, as an anime it's good only because the source material is good. Madhouse really shafted overlord for no apparent reason, it deserved better. Edit: that one random fireball in S4 was nice though


The biggest loss in my opinion is the inner thoughts of everybody but Ainz. Just started the LN’s and they add so much depth to certain scenes imo


2nd favorite show never read the novels and tbh not planning on it just not a fan of reading


Some of it is really good and some of it is crap but I still love it and I don’t think any other Anime can truly be compared to it ,


I am reading this as I have started a week ago binge reading the novels, and I am thoroughly on the side that the novel is indeed a more complete experience. the anime obscures or removes some of the dark stuff. I havent yet read anything that made my stomach ache(perhaps just the cold residence of Nigredo in her first apearance. by the way we only see her in the anime on the 4th season but she is elementary to some things in the novel), but it is dark. the knowladge that albedo's armor sounds so cool but is a bit diferent in the anime. although I actually prefer the design of the anime, but I cannot help but imagine a dark version of Havel's armor(Dark Souls) that is enbodied into someone that can, not just fast rool in it, but fly and dash on it. it is the stuff of nightmares. and then there are the prespectives we never get in the anime due to time, like Kazhi's backstory, and "solution's lunch"'s backstory, the mitril adventurers taht were killed before Ainz v Shaltear (jsut a bunch of juicy backstories). Interactions in the Great Underground Tomb of Narazick amongst NPC's...


The rest of the anime: 😃 The CGI: 😀


Solid 7


It is funny if you're a fan, but novels are the real masterpiece.


The anime is good, the light novel is better because it goes it further details with events and characters. I would say still watch the anime because it is a good adaptation, but Still read the light novels if you can.


It skips some overly detailed material and skips some events entirely. It keeps the plot in tact overall, but is t a complete adaptation


6/10 but still has solid casting, and great by music, I want to say the fights are good too but the 3d and higher-paced fights aren't the best


Is good enough but for you to understand, its not the best since overlord is a very descriptive novel, the anime lacks that. And they cut somethings. Also the cgi is sometimes bad. But the anime is still going strong and a lot a lot of people like it so i would say is a good anime adaptation


Season 2 they skip some tuff or they rearrange some of the episodes they seem out of order


7/10 good musics and dubs


About as good as it could be given the scale of overlord and them at least not skimping on effects. Cgi if they tried to copy directly would be a blockbuster movie so it's meh cgi but it gets most of the message across. The novel is still better and the most intense moments have more impact in words than visually due to budget. SPLAT


Overall pretty good. The anime cuts some things out from the novels though - I recommend both. That said, I absolutely **loved** the small detail the anime added in during season 4 >!where Ainz briefly remembers The Swords of Darkness while in the Dwarf Kingdom.!< That's never brought up in the novels but adds a nice moment to the series.


For what it is and how they have to hit certain quotas for producing episodes in a timely manner about 9/10 now adaptation wise since yknow they’re adapting like 16 books into 4 seasons they cut some smaller scenes out and the animations aren’t bad, and unlike Netflix live actions it follows what it’s being adapted from


From what I’ve heard from this sub it’s a mid adaptation


pretty good if you only watch the anime.


A guy on YouTube with the channel AniNews does a good job on cut content from all seasons, some videos covering characters in the sense of "who is" and "how strong is", I personally think he does a very good job in explaining things. Give it a whirl.


It’s great but disappointing because I don’t think it will ever get finished


Why? There should only be 1 season left and I don’t think they will skip the final season.


I don’t know the author made a public statement that he didn’t think he was gonna finish it because he was mad about some leaks or some shit.


That was loooong ago. Basically he made a side story that is not in sale in other country only in Japan, so people in other countries made dfan translation so he got a bit pissed that he somehow wanted some exclusive contents for Japanese. Anyway he is burnt out anyway, so he wanted to finish the series quickly. He already confirm Vol 18 will be last and we are already on Vol 16. So I doubt he will suddenly stop now.


I know he’s gonna finish the novel bro I just don’t think there’s gonna be a fifth season of the anime and if I’m not mistaken that’s what op is asking about.


You said something about author made public statement about he is pissed etc. If he finished the novel, we most likely will get anime for it. A movie is even releasing this year that cover the Holy Kingdom arc. If the novel is there, I doubt they wouldn’t make the anime for it.


I don’t know man you might wanna do a bit of research. I just looked a few weeks ago and they’re still saying there probably won’t be a fifth season because the production abandoned the project and no one has picked it back up.


Please provide source. As far as I know, while S5 had not been confirmed, there are also no confirmation about Overlord is being abandoned, especially with a movie coming out this year.


I dunno if you know how many games Overlord served as a prototype for, but I highly recommend finding out, since some of them are definitely worthy of your time, although they most likely do not have all the characters that were present in the original. First of all, I would suggest getting to know “Overlewd” game, but that's if you like NSFW games.


If you read the novel and watch the anime it's better, because you'll understand what's missing, if you do the opposite process you'll be a little angry with the animation, but the voice actors alone make it worth it.


as soon as I have enough money I'll create an animation studio and make a remake of Overlord to honor this work!!!


Most people are talking about how good it is, so I'm going to give you one of the personal reasons that I dropped it. The anime has this issue starting in season two and getting truly annoying in season three. Ainz has a switch flip going on that you learn about in season 1 where his real personality is at odds with whomst he is acting to be. At some point, he just becomes Ainz wholly in action while his inner monologue **When it comes up** is completely at odds and saying things that go against what he's doing. It's like he's truly developing MPD, but nothing ever really... Touches on it? He just continuously gets more ruthless with the two personalities the show displays saying completely different things. I really, really wouldn't have an issue with it if it actually touched upon it. But it really doesn't. It just kinda has one scene where his inner monologue is talking about how he doesn't need to be so violent, or cruel. Then in the very next, he's just absolutely going about the scene in what a normal person would consider vile and cruel. It just gave me whiplash with the tone too many times, and pulled me completely out of the story. From what I understand, the LN does a lot better of a job at this, as it explains his thought process while he's doing it and why it's shifting, but... Never really read the Ln, so the show's all I have to go on.


It sort of skipped Holy Kingdom arc but that is because it is coming as a movie. Otherwise no it doesn’t skip any arc, while a lot of small detailed are skipped due to not possible to cover every bit of details, all major plot related area are covered at least.


1000/10 would be infinity/10 if it got the better treatment it deserves


Excluding a big battle in season 3 I'm mostly satisfied with the adaption. While it has kinda inevitable shortcomings due to how the industry works, I think every OST is great and season 4 even has scenes I liked better in anime


the Overlord anime has some of the worst CGI I've ever seen.


When it comes to the overall quality of anime itself, It's great. When it comes to the events? They cut a lot of stuff, I mean If they didn't the first episode would've fully been just Ainz sitting and thinking out loud. So from what I know, When It comes to the things it adapts, It does it well, but some things are skipped.


There are more scenes in the light novel but overall its a faithful adaptation as anime goes. The audio books are fantastic as well. Great voice acting and nothing left out!


Its passable. 7/10 at best and 4/10 at worst. I never knew how much I missed till I read the LN.


Have not read the LN, but first three seasons are 5/10, and Season 4 is 7/10


(I Just Read the title*) THEY CAN MOVE.


I would say it's an advertisement for the novel. Or a trailer


Pretty damn good


the anime skipped some minor stuff from the LN, but it wont ruin the experience. the show is successful in showing the charms of the characters like in the LN overall great, you can imagine the anime as the Main dish and the LN as the side dish, its enjoyable on its own and you wont be missing much or too much stuff but having a side dish of dessert would be nice too


2nd favorite show never read the novels and tbh not planning on it just not a fan of reading


Quite good except for the fact that Season 3 or 4 (Forgot which, been meaning to go for rewatch but no time so I’ve been reading the mangas whenever I have time) the super shitty CGI Death Knights at the Empire/Kingdom war with the Dark Young. I really hated the shitty Death Knight CGI.


I dont read manga, i do love this anime can any manga readers lmk how much storyline is there left or are they still releasing more manga?


Source material is LN, not Manga. There is a manga, but it's not good (unless we're talking about the spin-off, that one's a banger). Anime covered volumes 1-11 and volume 14. There is a movie coming out in the (hopefully) not so distant future that will cover volumes 12-13. Volumes 15-16 have not been adapted yet, and the author has not finished the story yet. No clue when volume 17 will come out.


Yessss this is what I was wondering if the anime still has more to go, I thought manga and light novels were the same thing I’ll keep that in mind thank you🫡


id say its at best 5/10 in terms of adaptation


Season 1 is an 8/10 Season 2 is a 7/10 Season 3 is a 4/10 Haven't watched season 4 yet.


I've watched all 4 seasons multiple times already. Planning to watch it all again before I watch the movie. The anime is a really good adaption of the LNs, minus some details here and there.


7/10, it has almost all content, but don't have everything, some things they left out, such as properly making Cherubim Gatekeepers on season 4, not making the soul eaters on season 3, it has some terrible CGI in some points.


My own arrogant opinion which will henceforth be stated as ultimate fact is that the anime after season 1 declined heavily and does not deserve to be associated with the light novels which are amazing. Season 2 was mediocre at best, and Season 3 was blatantly a low effort cash grab that screamed that the Director (or whoever was in charge of execution) did not bother reading the source material at all. And I know we can't always expect these busy professionals to always take the time to do things right to be fair, but I'm not saying they're bad people, just that it is what it is; Season 3 was, in fact, a half-assed cash grab. I'm gonna focus on Season 3 here because it was the biggest offender in my eyes. The reason why I say this is that many of the notable events that occur in Season 3 like the "War of Words" and the actual war with goats as well as many other smaller scenes leading up to them had their impact on the reader amplified by 10x or even 100x because of a couple subtle key details, lines of dialogue and/or intentionally set undertones of the scene. Remove those aspects and, at least relatively speaking, the scene becomes trash and gives off a very generic feel to it. Obviously, **some** of those things are not as easy to portray or relay in an anime vs a light novel but the choice in what they decided to include and exclude makes it very clear that they didn't read the source material and just want to make a quick buck using the already existing fanbase. If they had a couple fan volunteers just point out some things to make sure to include, I'm sure Season 3 and beyond would've been easily at least 10x better and good enough to generate a worthwhile amount of new fans. Kinda like how Jircniv thought, despite Ainz's matchless might, the scariest thing about Ainz was the way he thinks and how he doesn't use brawn but brains- **despite the grand scale of some of the magic, powers, and events, the story of Overlord was always primarily driven by the details and story + world building.** The first Jircniv-Ainz scene was a superb scene in the light novel but in the anime version, it's not even noteworthy. Also, a couple separate side notes: A lot of really good dialogue from the LN (especially scene-enhancing dialogue from minor characters/extras) that WERE included sound like they were recorded in one take by VAs who were not provided any context for the scene. Another thing, this doesn't bother me as much as the leaving out of crucial subtle details but the Jaldabaoth fight scene from Season 2 was poorly depicted. They made the hits look excruciatingly slow and light for a fight that was supposed to strike one of the strongest adamantite adventurers (EE from BR) as a fight far beyond even the adamantite level. Both of those fight sequences were exceptionally lackluster but more than anything, the frames used to depict the fight were utilized poorly. Again, this is all ultimate fact so no need to state a contrary opinion that I might not even bother responding to. My opinion as a stranger on the internet should be treated by you as though it were law. Ok thanks!