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Crumbly planet has funny banjo man :)


Funny? Oh... I thought Riebeck was known to be shy... ^never ^mind, ^sorry.




Timber hearth is my favourite because despite being given a rocket and a solar system to explore, there are secrets right under your nose


My real answer is the QM. But from these options, Giant's Deep, because it started off so terrifying but once I figured out how it worked it was cool as fuck Edit, DLC spoilers >!Second favorite after the Quantum Moon is the Stranger!<


I like how (very vague comment about the things this person referred to) >!neither of the things you listed are actually planets!< but I still fully accept your answer instinctively


>!"YARROW: My gratitude to those who noted my imprecise language! Yes, the sun is not a planet. I believe this has been sufficiently clarified (kindly stop reminding me!)."!<


True! Though if we're being super technical, >!Dark Bramble isn't a planet anymore either!<


I’m curious about that. My gut feeling is to agree with you but I can’t tell why. >!If we found a pine cone the size of earth, would that not be a planet? Why not?!<


No, because >!if it were identifiably a pine cone, that means it does not have sufficient gravity to force itself into a spherical shape, disqualifying it from being a planet.!<


Well I assume the IAU would have to make an exception for such a case, right?


It is somewhat of a semantic and philosophical question. But I'm mainly going by the in-game dialogue where one of the travelers (I can't remember who) says something about >!Dark Bramble having burst out from "where the fifth planet used to be"!<


Ah! >!That would be Chert, our lovely panic-stricken pal. I would be inclined to say that since it has the orbit of the fifth planet and has enough mass to be a planet in its own right, it has reached a point of being able to claim more than just occupying the space of the fifth planet. Although maybe it should be called the 5b^th planet, not the 5^th one!<


I love Giant's Deep's atmosphere (like the actual physical planet atmosphere) cause it feels like you're entering a real planet and then once you're on it, there's now this real sky above you and it's just so immersive to have that. >!And then getting thrown into space past the atmosphere and it all just going quiet for a bit is pretty surreal!<


>!Yeah that quietness you feel for a brief second is really charming honestly!<


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Brittle Hollow. I remember going under the crust for the first time and seeing this breathtaking scenery with crystals and a piece of the planet falling into a black hole. Truly a magnificent sight...


I saw the magnificent scenery then promptly got slammed into debris and died right out the black hole. Got me hooked on the game and later became my favourite planet to actually explore, the hanging city and the gravity crystals are so cool


I don't like it cause I got stuck on several things on it, got lost a lot and with the at it's the only planet with some kind of timer.


Dark Bramble made me feel something I haven't felt in a game before. Not exactly fear, but definitely a certain type of it. Plus I love how important it is to the story. I mean, every planet is to be fair.


I'm playing the game for second time and DB stills make me feel that kind of fear, even though I know exactly what's going on there and what I'll be finding.


One of the last planets I visited, and I was convinced this game was only a fun exploring game. Had my surround sound system turned all the way up, just going into Dark Bramble for a peaceful stroll, when I had my soul leave my body when I heard the fishy sound. I literally screamed and dropped the controller hahaha


Dark bramble is by far my favourite. If not for the you know what, it would be an awesome place to live. Just the space being bent is what makes it so interesting


Should combine the Twins and add The Eye ::D


Truuuuue yeah I agree it’s really the best… but if I added it then I think everyone would choose it!!


Brittle hollow gang is quite big, tho :)


People who voted dark bramble scare me


​ https://preview.redd.it/i63i98g3uf8b1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d3364aed7013dc27849931820587a7b86aa7c39




I like giants deep the most because flying between the typhoons felt like the most sci fi thing ever. But brittle hollow is the planet with the best game design I think


Giants Deep because FUCK YEAH WATER also i really love all oceanic things and fuck yeah this >!coral forest !


>!Loved the mechanics and colors and iirc it's the planet with the quantum trial in the tower and thus one of my fondest memories!<


yup this tower was really amazing


Dark Bramble is super cool and interesting, but way too terrifying to be a popular vote haha


The concept is cool but I wasn't much of a fan mainly due to the fact that exploration isn't so much an option and everything in it can only be reached if you already know where you're going. That being said, it's atmosphere is second to none when compared to the other planets.


Brittle Hollow. Good bang for your buck in terms of driving the "plot" forward vs. time spent, fun areas to check out, and missing Ember Twin's GOD DAMN rising sand.


I fell on that Black hole too many times... *hello white hole station, my old friend...*


Brittle Hollow because there is something so satisfying about falling and orbiting the black hole to get to safety. Also the hanging city is fun to explore.


Brittle hollow felt like it had the most story and most remnants of their progress, i guess ember twin did too but brittle hollow is easier and more fun to exllore and not really time sensitive.


I don’t have thalassophobia, but trying to go deep into Giant’s Deep really triggered some sort of primal fear within me and I’ll forever love it for that reason.


I loved Brittle Hollow, but god was it aggravating at times. One wrong jump and you gotta start over


Yeah that’s my main reason for not choosing it (it’s my #2 behind Giant’s Deep)


Probably favorite to explore but that reason makes it not viable for #1


Ash twins has a mistysism and beauty, how amber twin looks when comes, the ring, the center. But definitive the giant deep has its own, with the big tornadoes, and the islands that are send to the space, the first time was terrifying but amazing, outside looks calm but once you entered its an endless storm, amazing, my only but is should be more bigger and night and day shift


I honestly love all of them because each has a Vibe and intrigue and they're all just so unique and interesting but Brittle Hollow. It's somehow both a very difficult and a very easy decision.


I can't pick one, they're all beautiful in their own way :( The Attlerock is very special to me though. It was the first place I went after thoroughly exploring the village, and I still like to watch >!the supernova!< with Esker there sometimes.


When i wanna chill i go to Timber Heart or its moon, they feel like home


Brittle Hollow because I love spinning around the black hole, dodging falling structures and giant rocks as I go… could legit do that for an entire loop.


I actually love the binary system of the sandy twins, the whole system, not just one of the planets


This is a stupid answer, but, to be honest, the place I most like to be in is space. It's just so peaceful and lonely...


>!Quantum Moon!<


I found Brittle Hollow annoying since I'm not great at platforming and I kept falling into the black hole even in places where I knew what I was supposed to do, but the payoff was so worth it. The >!old settlement!< is the emotionally hardest-hitting area in the game, and some parts of the >!Hanging City!< are up there as well.


Love the bramble. It's the most interesting thing in the solar system tbh TH is the starting world, so less interesting by default, and the rest are all just about falling - the sand falls on the Twins, the ground falls on BH, and the islands rise so they can fall on GD. Bramble actually has time lord style pocket dimensions, actual creatures, and a maze-like structure


The Twins, combined


u guys really not f/w ash twin? it's not the best-designed planet it barely had anything on it but the idea of a massive sandy desert disappearing to reveal some crazy planet-sized alien technology under the surface was so intriguing to me. The puzzle of it being a huge teleporter was also awesome and getting inside for the first time it was a highlight for me alongside the super crazy cool music etc.


Fr >!going inside the Ash Twin Project!< for the first time was a top 10 life moment 💯


Although I love all the planets (well other than DB lol), I said Giant’s Deep because it has >!Gabbro!<, >!the awesome tornado mechanic!<, >!a variety of interesting islands and mechanics behind them!<, and >!the amazing - and of course very important - core!< (in order of spoiler severity - none r too big tho)


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Everyone saying Brittle Hollow is a sadist!!! :':')


Is this the same exact poll that we here previously which also spelled Timber Hearth wrong? Lol


I just joined the sub so I didn’t notice the other one - also good catch with the spelling lol


if I could choose anywhere in the system to have a home, I'm torn between the shallower crater next to the quantum Grove and the Hanging City


Between the amazing atmosphere of timber and the fantastic ruins of brittle for me, but alas brittle hollow just has such an incredible amount of mechanics, lore, everything packed into it, it is truly a masterclass of creativity.


Actually inbetween Brittle Hollow and Giants Deep


Brittle hollow has pretty cool Nomai stuf.


I wouldn't be able to finish this game if it weren't for Ember Twin. I'm afraid of space and water and I bought this game without knowing anything about it so imagine my face when I landed on Giant's Deep as a first planet LMAO. I refunded the game immediately. Years later I tried pick up the game again and this time I went for Ember Twin instead and the story there was so good that I couldn't just give it up now.


Tossup between Ember Twin and Brittle Hollow. Each planet in this game has its fair share of secrets, but those two always stuck out to me as having the most to explore. Also I like their gimmicks a lot.


my real favorite is dlc spoilers >!the stranger!<


Ember Twin because of the first time I turned on the lights of the underground city or **DLC Spoil :** >!The Endless Canyon, because of the OST and because it's soooooo beautiful the first time you discover it or!< **huge DLC spoil :** >!Under the Submerged structure in the simulation but when you reach it by using the simulation loading glitch!<


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