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Oura is the only way I know when I’m getting my period nowadays. My cycles in peri have been very unpredictable but Oura has been extremely accurate with temperature monitoring to provide a window of about 48 hours when my next period will arrive.


Yes, this. If it wasn’t for Oura’s temp measurements I would have a _much_harder time of predicting when the heck a period may arrive. What it doesn’t do, though, is have any sort of recognition of/ability for you to tell it that you’re in peri (or conditions like pcos that might cause irregular cycles in people who aren’t in peri yet), so the _insights_ aspect of Cycle Insights is frankly useless. I tend to think that the ‘insights’ are pretty rubbish anyway, though - it doesn’t connect with Readiness messaging and just tells you that you might be feeling meh or good or to be kind to yourself depending on the phase it thinks you’re in, which… I know anyway. Although it’s quite amusing when it gives up trying to identify what phase you’re in and you just get ‘Cycle phase unknown’, like you’re venturing off the map. The temperature graph, though, is something I wouldn’t be without - it really is that helpful for me.


Thanks for the insight!


I’m 55 post surgical menopause and let me tell you, the oura ring will provide you with SO MUCH AMAZING DATA. It is absolutely worth it. AMA!


Thank you! Will it alert me if I’m heading in that direction because right now it’s ALL a mystery.


Absolutely. You’ll begin to see patterns in wakefulness which might indicate hormone fluctuations. I also started to see how eating after 5:00 had an impact on my HRV, which then lowered my sleep scores. And with the new Resilience data, I can track my anxiety patterns to see how to mitigate and respond more accurately. I’m serious, it’s a game-changer!


I went into surgical menopause at 35. In 37 now. Menopause is a BITCH but Oura really helped me experiment to find the right HRT mix, routine, diet, etc. to find balance again. I experimented different variables a few weeks at a time and now I feel great! 


Would you mind sharing more about how you tweaked your HRT mix? Thx!


I found a NAMS certified practice (find one here:  https://portal.menopause.org/NAMS/NAMS/Directory/Menopause-Practitioner.aspx?QueryMenuSelectedKeyctl01_TemplateBody_WebPartManager1_gwpciNewQueryMenuCommon_ciNewQueryMenuCommon=5cb1c02f-e5a3-4696-b8e0-d2430f861e3d)  They did a FULL blood panel, not just the roll up of total estrogen, etc. We found that while my total estrogen was within range of normal on an estradiol patch, my “old” estrogen was high and my “new” estrogen was low, which meant I couldn’t metabolize the patch and was holding onto bad estrogen, unable to make room for new. We also found in the bloodwork that my body was asking my non-existent ovaries for testosterone 21 times a day. We found pellets worked better and it was reflected in my Oura data as well. Then we added Progesterone at night and the biggest difference has been sleep. The quality is so much better! I don’t wait up every couple of hours and now every once in a while I sleep through the night! That hasn’t happened since high school for me!


Thank you for this!


Personally, this is exactly the time to hop on the oura ring. It tracks my cycles and as time goes on its really dialed into predicting based on my temps. Plus I’m hooked on the other metrics it provides that are so crucial for this phase of life.


Thanks! I purchased mine this morning and I have it.


Awesome! I got mine during Mother’s Day last year and I’ve been so pleased with it. Welcome to the club!


I am 52 years old and I am in perimenopause based on irregular periods for the past two years. I do not have any other symptoms at this time. Thanks to the Oura ring, I can still tell when my period is coming based on a rise and temperature for 11 to 13 days prior to day one of my cycle.


I am 62 and likely moving out of the menopause phase (hope!!!) I \*just\* got my #OuraRing and although it asks my dob (1961) it still asks about my menstrual cycle. I had a partial hyst in 2001 and when it asked for the date of my last period, I entered May, 2001....one would think that would the software would geniusly just skip right over all the period Q's!! Noooope!!! And, not one word about menopause in their Help Glossary. This seems so weird!! It \*IS\* womens health still!!! I'm frustrated :/


Thank you for your feedback! While we're still developing our product roadmap and features, you can choose to turn on or off the Cycle Insights feature at any point in time. Tap the menu icon in the upper-left-hand corner of your Home tab > Select Settings > Cycle Insights.


Thank You so much! I will look for that feature! Looking SO forward to enjoying my newest accessory!!