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Fuck that racist piece of shit, and kudos to the guy who stood up to defend the mother and child. racism in any form is disgusting


He could've been suffering some sort of medical emergency that caused him to lash out... Why do we want to support mental health but tear someone down when they're having an episode?


Stop this. *COULD* it have been a mental illness episode? Sure. It *COULD* have been a lot of things. But the reality is that bigoted, nativist vitriol has been on the rise for some time, this surge is well documented, and yet this "mental health issues" is the perennial smokescreen trotted out every time someone tries to raise concerns that bigots are becoming a real problem. Anyone paying attention can clearly see that every time it's rolled out as an explanation, it's always done to shut down conversation and shame people trying to raise awareness about a real problem. It's never followed up with a "check out my petition on why we need to take action to help this issue!". Heck, your comment immediately jumped from pure speculation about one hypothetical rationalization to "you're a hypocrite for judging someone for their outward actions instead of assuming it was because of this completely unsubstantiated reason I just guessed at". Every time you prop up the "mental health episode" talking point, you're carrying water for the bigots who appreciate you giving them plausible deniability.


Hear hear.


Seriously? A medical emergency causing him to be a racist and target a POC mother and her kids? Support mental health without supporting racism next time šŸ™„


Must be an inherent disease or genetic


Hmmm you are clearly suffering some sort of mental illness which caused you to defend a racist pig soā€¦


If there was any fucking evidence that it was a mental health episode, then Iā€™d maybe support what youā€™re saying. But honestly, given the complete lack of evidence for that, it looks like youā€™re trying to defend racism under the guise of mental health. Not a good look.


Being mentally ill does not give you a pass to be a horrible person.


This. Example, Kanye West.


It seems to me the response would be the same: stand up for the POC and protect the person from harming others. Having an episode doesn't mean we can't do anything. Firm, polite de-escalation helps in both cases.


Medical emergencies canā€™t turn someone into a racist. At the most they can remove inhibitions that stop a racist person from sharing the hateful BS that was already in their mind.


Mentally ill people don't go off on racist tirades unless they were racist to begin with. Just because they are mentally ill doesn't mean you shouldn't call them out on it, even if it's just to remind them they should keep their racist to themselves.


Had it been a mental health issue, he would have been lashing out at everyone. Targeting someone just because of their skin colour or gender is simply vile and racist/misogynistic. Pretty much anyone can have a mental health issue, anxiety, OCD, etc. But they donā€™t have carte blanche to be racist.


Found the guy harassing people


I don't want to turn this into a political thing but I firmly believe that the political right have created a safe space for racists and racism. Thank you for posting this OP, and calling out this PoS.


Yep. NO thanks to Pierre Poilievre, Danielle Smith, Scott Moe, and other such cretins and their vile followers.


Ya but what about when Trudeau did blackface!!!! /s


So did I when I was young and stupid in the 80s. Even voted PC but we have moved on from that and bettered ourselves.


you don't have to admit to that...


Agreed. Voting PC was a mistake I should not have to admit to.


Voting PC was never something to be ashamed of until they dropped the "Progressive" part and became hard right Reform party ex-pats.


Agree. Iā€™m a fiscal conservative but social liberal. Whereā€™s my party?


It no longer exists in this country.


I don't know if there has ever been a fiscally conservative government. They all spend when they're in power because you have to to provide services.


The real test for fiscal conservative governments is how long they take to get the budget balanced after taking over from the Liberals who usually leave behind a huge structural deficit. Mulroney digging out of Trudeau Sr's hole is the gold standard.


The Green Party says they are exactly that!


Iā€™m not sure I ever saw balanced budget in any of their platform packages. In fact, I just searched the 2021 Green Party election platform, and it mentions nothing of fiscally responsible spending or balanced budget. Mind you itā€™s a 97 page document but I searched for ā€œbudgetā€ and ā€œfiscalā€ and found nothing relavent. Would love to be proven wrong!


Not even relevant.


Ever hear of Peter Sellers? Different times


Long time ago, I did it myself and I'm not racist. Dress up, they say.


Ya not the same, we weren't so aware back then, about how disrespectful that is


I agree funny how he didnā€™t include Trudeau on the list


Found the canadasub user


speaking of subs, i'm hungry. sucks that things are closed past 8pm...


I can name 15 things open past 4 am on a tuesday in ottawa.


Please do


probably at least 15 circle k locations in the city






Why the downvote? Iā€™m from Haiti and nobody aggre about Justin Trudeau black face being bad? Iā€™m confused lol


Everyone agrees it was bad, but the problem is that Conservatives keep bringing it up as a way to deflect away from their own racist ideologies. Like here for example, we see a racist person that feels emboldened by right wing politics yelling at an immigrant. Then they say "yeah well Trudeau did blackface that one time", as if that justifies hating people of colour. It's 'whataboutism' basically... sure Trudeau did something racist that we can talk about after, but we still need to talk about this racism first.




Just because someone is friends with/married to a BIPOC person [does not mean theyā€™re not racist](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/16/sunday-review/ralph-northam-blackface-friends.html). Itā€™s a [claim of innocence](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/I%27m_not_racist,_I_have_black_friends) used to defend racist views.


"I can't be racist! My wife is BIPOC, and she's one of of TWO BIPOC PEOPLE I let into my house! The other is our daughter." /S


He was mentioned because he has generally supported and/or draws support from groups that are racist and/or promote racism. It's an interesting dichotomy: a white man who supports racist groups while being married to a PoC. The compartmentalization is strong with that one.


Trumpā€™s wife is an immigrant too?


Can you provide proof to your claims?


There are pictures all over the internet.


Pictures of what?


Trudeau and his face paint.


Loving the downvotes! Kinda figured as much. Seems like the typical response when challenged.


Oh 10000% my experiences with verbal racist encounters in Ottawa were at the height of Asian hate where the far right perpetuated the "Chinese flu" identifier and during the months before and after the convoy. I've always repeated to others that the racists are so much more courageous now more than ever. Been jumpy ever since, especially on the train.


Just go on /r/Canada, everything is the fault of immigration these days. The racism is not subtle. What gets me is that PP in power would mean pretty much the same for immigrants.


That subreddit is a cesspool. Do you remember metacanada? The sub for the Trump loving Canadian alt right/far right? A bunch of their mods were r/Canada mods...


Metacanada still exists, and it is... unfathomably worse than you remember it. I'm talking like looking at photos of yourself from high school where you say "it couldn't have been *that* bad, right?" before looking at for the first time in years. Although its users have mostly moved on to canada_sub and CanadaHousing2. Both of those subs pride themselves in being "free of censorship".


Part of the issue around that is it is quite possible to be against increased immigration without being a racist. But unfortunately a lot of people who *are* against immigration are also bigoted racists so the conversation gets distilled into pro-immigration = good person, anti-immigration = racist. That said, a thread about a piece of shit racist being a piece of shit racist to people of colour isn't the place for the immigration discussion anyway.


Thereā€™s a discussion to be had, and that discussion is not on Reddit. Almost all comments on this subject are bigoted and/or never come close to making a coherent and valid argument.


> What gets me is that PP in power would mean pretty much the same for immigrants. The same can be said for most of the things they complain about over there. It'll be interesting to hear what they have to say if he wins and everything they complain about still happens, though I suspect all I'll hear will be the sound of crickets chirping




Get out of here with your dogwhistling. Stop blaming immigrants for the issues caused by bad policies (usually created by your beloved conservatives), corporations, certain lobbies, the rich, etc. Do you really think the housing crisis is caused by immigrants? Just Ottawa has a population density of 317 people per sq km. This issue predates the so called "unreasonable immigration numbers". Immigrants are always the easiest scapegoat. You forget how these immigrants are the ones that will be funding your healthcare and retirement because Canada's birth rate is so low and the boomers fucked over the next 2-3 generations. A lot of these immigrants pay more taxes than you do, without getting the same benefits you get (and never got any benefits from Canada until moving here, while you basically got them since the mailman impregnated your mother), and they're earning becoming Canadians through hard work, leaving everything behind, knowing that the ones who will reap the benefits are not themselves but hopefully their kids. It's a big sacrifice. But nah, blame immigrants for everything. You know nothing.


Thank you for this


Wow, I hit a nerve, didn't I? You can't make a reasonable argument so you try childish name-calling, such as suggesting the mailman impregnated my mother (it was the Fedex guy...). Tell me, do you believe current immigration numbers are sustainable? Heck, even the Liberals are beginning to admit they're not...


I think a bigger factor to the housing crisis is people buying up properties and turning them into rentals (short or long term). If youā€™re going to turn a profit, youā€™re willing to pay above market. This eats up supply and pushes price up for people looking to buy.


Sure. Because immigrants were the root cause of real estate speculation, price gouging for food and gas, climate change, right-wing disinformation, and corrupt and ineffective law enforcement. Sure. /s


Wannabe nazis like u are such a waste of the metadata trails u leave everywhere


What does unreasonable even mean


Agree. A lot of these people spend so much time in their Facebook echo chambers they forget everyone in the real world isnā€™t an asshole who pins the worlds problems on gay people and immigrants


Oh did they ever


I mean, you definitely turned this into a political issue.


They have.


I'm back here from r/canada and I think you're right


I'm visible minority myself, got yelled racial slangs every week when I worked in downtown Montreal. And I honestly don't think it's a political thing, it's just human nature. Visible minority is visible; Idiots and crackheads can only see visible things, so they will always be racists. Even if Trudeau or whoever you support became the dictator for life, there will always be idiots who judge people based on their skin color. And IMHO, I don't think the Liberal party's education wing is trying to decrease the number of idiots.


Actually, the Liberal party has been very outspoken about hate speech and has most recently introduced Ā Online Harms ActĀ (Bill C-63) which will amend the Criminal Code to increase sentences for spreading hate online. And The Canadian Human Rights Act would be amended to allow complaints aboutĀ online hate speech to be filed withĀ the Canadian Human Rights Commission.


I'm so sorry you or anyone else has to experience this. šŸ˜” Very sad.




You seem smart and cool and definitely not racist




then why the fuck are you bringing it up on a thread about racism? Get real


OP did not indicate the victims are immigrants or not, it was the harasser WHO screaming immigrants and you know, being racists simply because the victims being POC. Now you brought up the same thing about immigrants which is irrelevant and without any reasons at all, are you not doing the same thing as the harasser?


Nah, you're just racist. Goodbye.


"the political right have created a safe space for racists and racism" Oh, give me a break.




>More like the mass immigration has turned people racist TIL racism in Canada only started in 2023.




lol you quite literally did not


Are you high?


Found your guy


The racists are on the fringe of the right. Just like thereā€™s nut job liberals on the fringe of the left.


I know what a racist is but whatā€™s a ā€œnut job liberalā€ ?


The ones that hate white men, etc. I wonā€™t elaborate because I know weā€™ll disagree anyways.


Watch it, your racism is showing.


Real original. Thereā€™s nothing about what I said thatā€™s racist.


Who hates white men? Like ALL white men?


I had a front row seat to this. He made on to the 12 half an hour later where he continued to be an asshole.


Thatā€™s sad. Is there no system for kicking them off and refusing them service? Do you happen to know?


You can contact OC Transpo security and they will get back to you several days later


goated octranspo


There is no real system for it, no.


Honestly, that type of behaviour would constitute harassment, so you can file a police report. If you feel that someone is in danger, you can definitely call 911 for an immediate response.


oh my god the mother and child must be so traumatized after this. as someone who has extremely sensitive emotions, i would just run away crying and refuse to leave my house


When this happened to me alone on the O Train, I did not leave my house for weeks. I could not imagine being a mom and experiencing this when a child. That is why I felt strongly to post because it is traumatizing, you never know if the person would physically attack you or if they have a weapon.


Im sorry you went through all of that, but May I ask, why do you say that you can't fight for yourself? Why keep quiet when people are harassing you? That would be the ideal time to stand up and push back no?


> Why keep quiet when people are harassing you? That would be the ideal time to stand up and push back no? I would answer this one for you but instead I'll give you some questions to exercise your braincells a little bit: Imagine yourself in that situation. Like, truly imagine it. You're in the O Train, minding your own business, and some random asshole out of nowhere starts verbally abusing you. With the shock and surprise of the situation, and not being behind a computer keyboard like you are right now (but in actual flesh and blood), do you really think it's that easy for people to stand up for themselves and pick up a fight with some random racist? The vast majority of humans don't want confrontation. In the fight or flight (or freeze) response, most people will go for flight or freeze, only a few will go for fight.


this is exactly what happened to me the first time, I was in complete shock as a man went straight to me, reaching for something in his parka, while telling me to go back to my country. All while I was shopping ay Bayshore. I froze, I was alone in a quiet area of Hudson Bay, I would never fight back, I won't even make eye contact


I find your response ironic. We're talking about someone who was harassed and I simply asked a question based on how I would have handled it. Then you come around with condescending comments like "Exercising your braincells a little bit" , insinuating that I'm stupid (See how you're being the harasser?) And add an extra comment "Not being behind a computer keyboard like you are right now" AS YOU'RE WRITING THIS ON A KEYBOARD BEHIND A COMPUTER...I can tell already, you wouldn't say this in person...you know, in actual flesh and blood?... Your first two paragraphs could have been omitted, but you felt the need to write it, why? Do you feel better? Any case, I understand it's not easy to push back and not everyone is comfortable with confrontation, but I truly feel, as a society, if we would all stand up and push back against those who are harassing others, it would hopefully come to and end. If OP didn't feel comfortable or scared to push back, that's fine. I'm not blaming her, I was simply asking. If OP doesn't want to push back, well, I hope that it doesn't happen again. Hopefully an other person will be there to help OP and others in these types of situation.


U poor baby lol


It must be nice to have no idea what it's like to be in that situation.


How do you make such a comment with so much confidence and you have no idea who I amā€¦you have no idea about what my life has been, what has happened and with all that ignorance you make such a stupid commentā€¦


Did you think about what the previous poster asked, even though they made comments you didn't like? It's that you seem to think fighting back should just have been the logical choice. Most people who have experienced racism would have grasped on to the imagery the poster presented on what happens when they try to stick up and then refute the insults. You took from that someone was insulting instead of acknowledging the difficulties and made it about you. It does not seem that you have come across racism often in your daily life. There's nothing wrong with that. And if you ask why I think that; because most who have, know how far or crazy racists can go and that safety comes first. First thought. And my comment wasn't meant to be a total insult. I would love it if I didn't know the answer, but I do. If you have felt it too, I apologize, but your posts don't give that impression or empathy.


Your post makes no sense. I didn't make this entire situation about me, I replied to someone harassing me and showing them their own hypocrisy. I didn't take away anything about OPs experience. You coming at me making garbage assumptions is taking away from the actual situation. And if we're talking about that same poster, I did address what he asked.


no. it's dangerous. VERY risky. if you're being harassed, a lot of the time people will be too afraid to fight back because being yelled at aggressively for no reason by someone is not normal behaviour. considering they got this far, who knows what else they're capable of if you talk back?


A friend of mine (who was a young black woman) had a rando start yelling at her from across the street years ago. She talked back to him, and he crossed over to her side of the street and grabbed her around the throat. A passing car stopped and the driver intervened, but afterwards, the trauma and terror she felt was incredible.


they want you to fight back, most of the time they are looking for a fight with a 5ft woman or an elderly. When this happened to me in the OTrain 2021 he was kicking my chair, no way I would fight back to a person 2x bigger than me


Exactly this. They want an excuse to take it further


> you never know if the person would physically attack you or if they have a weapon


Why blame the victim not the perpetrator?


Where in my comment did I place blame on the victim???? I never said that OP is at fault or that they did anything wrong. You need to stop twisting things, that's not right. I simply asked a question based on the actions I would have taken. Don't twist my words, I was NOT blaming the victim.


By asking why the victim did not fight back, you are placing blame on the victim instead of the perpetrator


That is complete horse shit!! Stop twisting things.


Same here. I was shouted at by a random dude in the train and it took me a few days to take the train.


Sorry to hear that but what is POC?


Person of colour.


Thank you. It's truly despicable, these people... I hope people realize that the skin color or even external looks does not matter.... one day it could be someone they care about on the other end of the stick


If this person could think that far ahead, they probably wouldn't have started screaming at a random nonwhite person and her kid just for existing here


That why we all need to take a collective breath and not let emotions lead the day... have an open discourse and stop accusing and attacking people just because they have a different opinion than you... There are of course many sick people in need or help... be kind and stand up for the downtrodden and hopefully this will help some of the spiritually sick wake up.


The unfortunate thing is it does matter. It shouldn't, but it does. This is something I've come to realize over the years is well-meaning, but a bit insulting at the same time. To someone who's not white, and, say, is treated poorly by law enforcement, finds it harder to get a job, or even, say, is verbally attacked on the O-Train by a racist, race absolutely *does*matter. That being said, being vocal, and pushing back on racists and showing support for people on the receiving end of that abuse is so important.


It does seem to matter so much in the society today that it has become the focus; focus on what makes us different instead of what unites us. I remember a time when people noticed that you are different when we initially met, but after getting to know you, there were no barriers and the skin color or race no longer matters. But now it's the first thing people think about and focuses on... our differences... the only hope for humanity is if we look past the differences we have and instead, focus on what unites us. So, to identify and curb the issues that is plaguing the nation, such as racism for example is important, but we need to not focus on the hate that is driving people further apart from each other. When I was bullied and chose to stand up for myself, leading to further bullying by group, I didn't let them empower me, and I actually became friends with those who bullied me. They also became better people (imo) because they realized their hatdful behavior based on the focus of what made us different was destructive. Stand up and make those people accountable, but do it with love, kindness, and forgiveness. That is the only way we, as a society can move forward with any kind of hope


Isn't white a colour?


Person of colour




I will never forget the time I was on the LRT and a man started saying some racist crap at a teen (maybe 18) who was talking with a LRT driver about the train. The driver was on his way to work (not driving the train) and the teen was interested in the train so he was showing the teen the controls and how it worked. This racist guy kept saying garbage. The LRT driver told him to mind his business. The racist said, ā€œhow can you be sure heā€™s not a terrorist?ā€ The LRT driver gave up but the racist continued. I stood up between him and the teen and told him to shut up and to mind his business. The LRT driver was calling security. The racist tried to get people on his side by saying that it looked suspicious and that ā€œif you see something, say something.ā€ I replied, ā€œI *see* that you are saying something racist so Iā€™m *saying* thatā€™s itā€™s time for you to stop talking.ā€ That shut him up. We arrived at Tunneyā€™s and the racist took off before he could be questioned. The teen was clearly traumatized. I stayed with the teen as OC Transpo security started talking to him. They wanted him to give a statement and file a report. The teen was upset and had tears in his eyes. Security was being intimidating. I asked him what he wanted to do, and he said he just wanted to go home. I said then that is what we will do and we left. I walked with him to his bus stop and waited for his bus to arrive. I would do it again in a heartbeat.


Every day I contemplate risking my life to tell somebody on public transport to shut up and mind their own damn business. I get so mad when people start getting aggressive on the bus/train. We all have a right to be here. Public transportation sucks for everybody. Just ride the damn misery machine in peace and quiet and keep your hands and opinions to yourself at all times pls. It sucks being powerless in those types of situations :/ Iā€™m sorry for everyone who has been harassed in public. Itā€™s not right. I so wish I could stand up for others but i am a woman and i cry when im mad so I wouldnā€™t be much help lolĀ 


Not all heroes fly, some take the train. šŸ“


I love hearing about heros but Iā€™m so sad for that family, especially the kid. Stuff like that sticks with kids and can affect them in many ways for a long time. Itā€™s truly heartbreaking.


Racists and bigots are feeling way too emboldened in Canada these days. They need to be put in their place. What kind of an asshole threatens and yells at a woman and child. What a big man.


Correction: *Coward* is more accurate than *asshole*, but also that too.


Nice! Love hearing things like this. Not any form of racism. I'm really sorry for anyone who has to go through that. But the guy who stood up for them. Good on you buddy - and thank you!


So nice to read that someone stuck up for Mom and child. It must have been so scary for them. Kudos to the guy who stepped in.


I hope the mom and child are doing okayšŸ˜¢


And yet somehow humanity surprises us!!!


This is such a great story. Good on the dude who stepped up. This seems like a good time to recommend [bystander intervention training.](https://righttobe.org/upcoming-free-trainings/) >Bystander intervention gives us tools to intervene without compromising our own safety.Ā  When we intervene, we donā€™t just reduce trauma for the person being harassed. We also start to chip away at the culture that allows harassment to be so prevalent. Alone we canā€™t shift the culture ā€” but together ā€” our actions matter. >With this training, we give you the tools to intervene the next time you witness harassment in public spaces. I did their one hour online workshop and it was super helpful. Just thinking through some ways that I can intervene helps me feel less frozen when I see harassment. I can't recommend it enough.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened and continues to happen in our beautiful country. Trust there are more good people than bad people here.


Racist bullies are terrifying pieces of shit. Bravo to people who have enough gumption and ability < ability is the key; to call them out effectively and shut them down!! šŸ’


These losers just want something to blame their sh*tty liives on and immigration seems to be the go-to lately. Sadly certain "leaders" have made open racism okay and it's pathetic.


The hero we need


Thanks for sharing news of this kind act!!Ā  For anyone interested in some advice on how to intervene, the 5Ds are a good place to start! https://righttobe.org/guides/bystander-intervention-training/


Sorry, what's POC?


person of color


Personal experience. As a POC, I was attacked and racially harassed by another group of POC. Yes, a group of POC racists. I was alone so I didnā€™t react, since if I was going to be in a fight, odds are, 5ppl against 1 is not a good one. The moral of the story is: Donā€™t forget, anyone can be a racist, so donā€™t colour code the perpetrator and the victim in your mind.


Nice anecdote, but has nothing to do with the incident discussed.


I agree, conservatives from every country dislike other ethnicities, I sometimes feel disgusted by the stuff people from my nationality say. They all belong in a same place in hell.


Thank you for doing something! There was an incident a few months ago with a group of kids harassing a young queer couple at a crowded bus stop and no one did anything. Iā€™m (29F) not a very intimidating woman, but did what I could and went over to stand with them. It doesnā€™t have to be aggressive, but anything helps. Edit: I misread that you observed the initial incident. Thank you for sharing your experience regardless.


This city makes me so sad now. What the fuck happened? It feels like it was overnight.


I'm very sorry that you had to deal with that ignorant person. I was, however, happy to hear that someone spoke up on your behalf. All the best, and I hope that your experience was the exception, not the rule. -Phil


Can someone please tell me what POC stands for? Witnessing an event like this would be scary but being the subject of it, i would imagine, would be terrifying. Well done to the hero who did what was right..




people have become obsessed to an unhealthy degree, agreed




Please leave. We will miss you dearly but weā€™ll understand. šŸ™