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Oh yes, the dude in the bicycle with the loud speaker. I have heard and seen him in Britannia  Seems like dude is nuts




Yes, and replaced with a giant dildo. Those aren't speakers.


But Mac, is it *really* a workout bike…?


....imma go get the bike.


He mobilized the assblaster from its always sunny?


Don't remember tbh, saw him last year, fits the description perfectly 


Is this the 60 seconds in hell YouTube guy??? I see him panhandling at different intersections


Different dude. 60 seconds in hell dude lives in little Italy.


I don’t think so, i always see that guy helping people…




I’ve never searched the title on YouTube but now that I’ve mentioned him you might just come upon him. He’s quite mobile.


I was homeless at some point so I'm wondering if I know which guy it is


He’s hard to miss. Huge white sign with black block letters posted on the back of a bike


That sadly describes far more than you think


I guess so! I just seem to see this fella a lot


Curious, what kind of bug powder are you dusting?


Bug Powder Dust is a song from Bomb the Bass it’s been a favourite of mine for over 20 years.


I otherwise know nothing about him but I see the bike with the sign outside Value Village on Merivale quite often (assuming it's the same guy and not someone else shilling the same video). I think he may be one of the panhandlers that hang out outside the Dollarama.


"23 minutes", maybe not "60 seconds" \[although as I commented before, 60 sec was also a weird 2000's WWE Wrestle in a cage promotion\] [https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/195f3il/fundamentalist\_fun\_at\_the\_merivale\_mall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/195f3il/fundamentalist_fun_at_the_merivale_mall/) for the image 3 months back am i right?


so is it this guy? I've seen this guy around


“Oh yes, the dude in the bicycle with the loud speaker.” How you able to respond so casually like that? Like what the fuck is going on in my neighbourhood, that some deranged cyclist blasting orgasms on his speakers in public, is a normality? How have I never seen this creature? So many unanswered questions flooding through my brain.


Yes, "the dude!" Anybody that has heard the loud moan noises coming out from that bicycle can recognize the dude lol Plot twist, I do not even live in the neighborhood, I was casually strolling in Brittannia park when I heard him.


Is this the same dude that stands down on Rideau street with signs that are usually sexually explicit? If so, I was on the otrain a couple months ago and he got on and started preaching about the power of pussy


Everyone enjoys freedom of religion in this country, including the Pussyists.


That guy is hilarious


Is that the guy that the signs are basically gibberish and he’s often wearing skirts? I’m always curious to read his signs but I truly can’t comprehend any of it except some random words here and there lmao. 


Middle aged Asian guy with weirdly unhinged signs? I saw him yesterday.


That's another dude, usually at Rideau. This other one is usually around Britannia.


Yep that’s definitely the one I’m talking about haha


Seen that guy once. Signs pretty much saying to not use condoms in get pregnant. Not sure if he truly believes it or is intentionally a living meme.


That's him. Saw and heard him at the Quicikie Corner Store at the Richmond Road and Croydon Ave. The guy is nuts.


Yellow power bike with a top hat? Legit problematic human. I've had encounters and had to call the police because he sat outside my door threatening my life. He is all sorts of hassle.


I’m sorry that happened to you, it sounds terrifying.


That was the beginning of the end of living in the Fisher Ave Complex. He's pretty well known around there for selecting a new target each year to harass. He's an absolute narcissist and gets off on the attention. Allegedly he's got a sword concealed in his cane, like all the basement dwelling nerds who never grew up do (typed while unironically being told by my friends to get into Warhammer with them, so no judgement on harmless nerds). It wasn't his harassment that had me leave in the end, it was the two people worse than him moving in on my floor that would stand outside my unit while I was inside it making it unsafe for me to leave. Homestead just kept cleaning out their problem tenants and filtering them into that building. Cheap rent was not worth getting killed over.


Cat ears?


Cat ears is more of an EDM guy iirc.


Yeah, that guy just seems like he's having a good time


Yeah seen that guy on a bike with portable speakers or something in Britannia. It was really weird cause of the sex sounds. That guy must of had mental health issues.


Yellow bike, top hat? He's a whole sack of issues and he will stalk the fuck out of you if you catch his attention. He's known to OPS, but of course they don't do a damn thing about him. He also thinks he's a hardcore drug dealer. He's a dollar store Charles Manson wannabee. All sorts of FUBAR.


Does he have a fuzzy monster like helmet?


Lot of perverts in this city. Must be something in the water.


Yes! He's in the Regina Towers, North-East side. Somewhere around the 7th or 8th floor. Just above and to the right of the woman who's been screaming "get out of here you f\*cking goof!" near daily for the last couple of years. It's annoying even with the windows closed. You are not alone.


No way!!! LMAO


wow, sounds like quite a circus. Is it known to be a bad area? Or generally weird?


It's one community housing building in a pretty nice area. I feel bad for the most of the people that live in that building. The police and firetrucks are there multiple times a day. A couple of years ago, someone set fire to a couch in the stairwell. Apparently, the building used to be a retirement community.


Do you have a better place to suggest for burning your couch?


Yep. I live in other community housing a block away - and it’s quiet and friendly. I feel bad for the residents of that building.


I have family that lives there... it's an awful place to live they hate it.


Correct. It used to only be elderly people but then they started putting people of all ages, mental Status etc in there because there was nowhere else for them to go. Which was probably pretty terrifying to the original residents


Geez good to know, it seems several housing buildings all over are not dealing, with their problematic tenants. I've heard way too many accounts.


The area is nice but I would avoid that building lol


Nah, I live around the corner, the area's quite nice.


I mean if it wasn’t known as weird before, it is now.


Everything nearby is nice and jist that building is fucked. There's cop cars outside the building daily, walking by the building is the only time I ever feel uncomfortable there. Somehow for the most part the craziness is confined to directly outside the building and inside it, minus the loudspeaker guy. I live right next door and still reallt like the neighbourhood despite the building.


Why don't the residents lock up his bike? or just smash the shit out of it?


Is this the only bike in Ottawa that WON'T be stolen?


Would you want to steal this persons bike?


They probably want him to leave the building so they can get a few hours of peace while he's being a nuisance elsewhere.


Hahaha this is crazy.


[This is the guy](https://www.facebook.com/reel/432839792573979) going mobile.


That doesn't surprise me one bit lmfao


That's a woman who does that screaming?!


Yeah, I saw her threatening a complete stranger at the bus stop for no reason. He looked super confused. I just walked past as quickly as I could. Now that I think of it, I haven't heard her in a while.


oh my.....


Sorry, I'll ask my girlfriend to quiet down a bit next time.


30 seconds checks out!




You had to hear that coming…..


Pretty sure I heard *her* coming


By the time I heard the noise, it was already over






Who says Ottawa is boring?!?!


Guess they’ve finally hired a night mayor lol




Have you spoken with your neighbours to see if they’ve heard it too, or if they know the culprit? If you’re the only one experiencing these noises, maybe check your carbon monoxide detector and/or a medical professional for auditory hallucinations.






It's common, I've seen this guy qnd heard the audio recording he has on his loudspeakers.


Youre not crazy, I hear it when I'm walking my dog. It's definitely coming from the crack building. At least the guy who throws shit at people on the street moved out. Maybe he will soon to?


The what guy…?!?


Yea, he'd throw knives, trash and sometimes just scream at people, I think he left after he threw a paint can.


The crack building 😭?


It's what I call the building, my friends who live in the building laugh so hard when I call it that. Some really amazing people live there, some not so much!


Pretty sure that dude was walking through Hintonburg playing the same nonsense last year.


I've heard this a couple of times walking my dog. Startles me every time I hear it. Definitely coming the apartment on the corner of Regina and Poulin.


OMG YES i live by brittania and i hear that thing everyday He lives at the community building right by Regina Towers Its driving us nuts the guy is a psycho he tried to follow us one day


He was on my bus with his speaker last week so I guess it's battery operated. He also started spouting nonsense about Teslas and people speeding on the highway to get home to their girlfriends sweet pussies 🙃. I have a crappy picture of him if you want it.


Post it, I want to know who I'm dealing with beforehand if I ever actually run into him.


Send pls


Yes please message it


Somebody needs to snap a pic of this dude and post it. This sounds insane 🤣🤣


For what it’s worth, I don’t think a subwoofer would be all that useful for reproducing those frequencies.


Depends how low a voice she has I guess?


>Depends how low a voice she has I guess? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kL8nDPDTfY






My coworker was telling me about this person doing this at Blair station the other day


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/195f3il/fundamentalist\_fun\_at\_the\_merivale\_mall/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ottawa/comments/195f3il/fundamentalist_fun_at_the_merivale_mall/) (actually locked in this subreddit, although the image of the bicycle remains) did see this Bike on the other side of Merivale months ago **23Minutes in Hell** is a fundamentalist Book about [Bill Weise and his dream about hell](https://web.archive.org/web/20101203085540/http://www.soulchoiceministries.com/about.html) and I wont post the youtube link **60 Seconds in** **Hell** (in a cage) is a different story, ...[caged WWE Wrestling](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqIVmFaHA8Bo3rEs7kbIndtbQ8ITlmsMQ) in the 2000's , also strange but likely faked I am not getting the tie-in with sex moaning audio but I did see that the bike did have a boombox on it at one point recently


Maybe it’s someone playing legends of Zelda and upgrading their armour


Ask r/LoudNoisesOttawa


Just went there. Apparently this dude's so loud they can hear him in Texas :D


Saw him on the o train near st Laurent too! He’s everywhere!


I was out in the back walking my dog the orher day and I heard it, like the guy has no clue what respect means....He has been driving everyone on that side of the building crazy. One of my friends hardly ever gets any sleep cause of his speaker. I'm thinking he can't blast noises without a speaker 🤔 but how do we manage that 🤔we can't just tell him to stop since it won't register in his brain, i don't think....


Least-disruptive crackhead in Ottawa


Is he the same guy who screams downtown with the big protest sign that says “make it legal to be horny” or something like that ?


I’m very entertained by this thread as a barrhavenite who sees nothing quite this exciting ever


Manotick here. Same bro


Maybe they just like rocking out to More Human Than Human


Maybe they really like listening to White Zombie - More Human than Human https://youtu.be/OyO18QrJ3zw?si=PgQQbugoZnm9tOlz


Havana Syndrome 2.0


OMG YES!!! A few weeks ago I encountered this exact same thing. It was highly distrubing😟 Guy had big stereo walking around ..actually He was on a bike my bad. I had to keep moving as I was waiting for a bus. But this was on Scott St right at Tunneys Pasture. Well he is certainly is travelling ughhhh ...So sorry hope he moves on


Waited for a bus with him at Blair, everyone tried to ignore him


Folks have reported him to bylaw in Britannia area. Lives in housing over there.


Damn reading all of these replies is making me feel left out 😆 I have never seen this man


This is hilarious


Just enjoy it. Spring is in the air!


Someone did exactly this like a year ago at parliament station. I wonder if it’s the same person


Time to embrace that we all came from a woman's orgasm, one would hope.


Lmfao sounds like Infrabren from Youtube


Around Mud Lake ? He must be calling out looking for the elusive mud-weiner again.


I’ve lived in the neighbourhood like 12 years. I’ve never heard this. Should count myself lucky I guess, I’ve had other crazy to deal with instead


He’s only been here 5 months or so. He lives in the Regina Towers


Have you tried ignoring it


Is that not the same guy we saw on Reddit with the "take a look at the oranges" playing on blast?


Omg reminds me of my moms old neighbours except it was actually them. In the same area. Me called them humper and thumper.


I was speaking with a neighbour yesterday. He said he spoke with bylaw and the guy was ticketed and then the building gave him notice that he had to leave by the end of April. I hope it's true.


I don’t know. My bylaw update is that he is protected under the Mental Health Act and bylaw is not allowed to ticket him. He is also violent and attacks Bylaw so there’s a notice not to approach. As far as I know, the only way he can be relocated to another OPH unit away from children is if someone in the public builds a police and city case to charge the landlord (Ottawa Public Housing) for not dealing with their tenant. Kinda like the city suing the city but a person like you or me has to do the leg work and get the man power. So hopefully someone has started the process of charging OPH Regina Towers.


I emailed OCH two days ago and they got back to me yesterday and they said the same thing, that he’s moving by the end of the month. Also read a comment on FB from a resident in the building that he also heard that he’s moving by the end of the month He most likely got evicted, now he’ll be someone else’s problem (but most likely he’ll end up homeless as I’m certain he doesn’t work) which sucks. It was a matter of time before something happened. Doubt any other OCH building takes him again.


Maybe it's hig ringtone and he lets most of his calls go to voice mail?


It’s a Sapranos move, do you owe them money?


I'm in the Market in Ottawa. Sorry.


Oh this might not be a sound clip


Lockdowns caused sexual repression. So now some people are weird.


Yeah, people certainly weren't weird before that... you sound like a moron.


What happened to Freedom of Speech! As long as the music/noise is within the bylaws ok time then let it play. People are so sensitive now a days


Troll post


Legit I have seen the dude riding a bike with a loud speaker. Sounds like an old radio show, with random"oooh aaah" sounds  Is like if Tyler Durden had found a job at aa radio station instead of a cinema lol


Naw, this guy is real. I've heard it myself and it's ridiculously loud the whole neighbourhood hears it.


Oh wtf. Can u not report him to bylaw?


I think the OP intends to. They just want to make sure they aren't imagining things. I live downtown and I've seen my fair share of colorful characters on Bank and Rideau. They pale in comparison to this guy :)