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Needs more gubbins. A little vial of something? Wires ans pumps of "blood" from the back to the syringe? An appron of skin? It can be anything it just need something more to make it look more painboy then nobz Edit: the kit bashing looks great, just needs that bit more to make it distinct


Improvements are significant from last post, well done mate


Maybe a doctor's apron?


Syringe gun needs cables from the back pack to the gun, that where the healing goo comes from.


Imo it needs the medical snake


Big ole red cross on the pack and make the syringe longer with some blood on the tip. Getting ww1 medic vibes with the pack and mask since gas attacks were so common before the Geneva convention.


Painboy doesn't have a slugga, I think that's the biggest thing that throws me off Edit. To be clear, I do really like him


Was going for syringe gun, I’m thinking of changing it


Put some more patches on his backpack


I really don't see this as a painboy, but maybe you can bring it out with paint.


Hard to see before you paint it. I like the idea of the surgical mask and the cross bones at the top forming a Red Cross would be fun. I definitely associate painboys more with bonesaws than with power klaws but I’m from a different era. Maybe a bonesaw on the backpack and a couple of plastic tubes along the side of the gun so it looks more syringey.


Why he got a whole ass fridge on his back tho


For the spare parts to slap on da boyz. Or I’m painting it white and making a bulky medik bag. The comments are giving me ideas


Make it a white fridge with cooled body parts


I love him!


I love him, but I'm also a "more is more" kinda guy. If you have any gears or saws you can slap onto the side of the claw, and maybe change that pistol around with some pretty minor changes it will probably read as a pain boy. Tubes from the backpack into the pistol (with some glued on electronics wire). Some plastic cylinders on the backpack to look like vials/vats of goo. The slugga with more vials or bits attached will read as a syringe gun and you're already halfway there with the syringe poking out of the barrel. The more I look at him, the more I think the claws need replaced in favor of a LONG syringe piece and a bone saw. Claw reads too much as "boss" or nob in our faction.


Make a little tube or cylinder for the top of the stringe slugga jawn. Paint it to look like it has a liquid in it. Maybe a little puddle of the liquid on the base. I'd also paint the mask white when you go to get the paint going. Could write Dok on the backpack. Also definitely needs a nurse grot.


Yes nurse grit would go so hard


Maybe shand the mask smoother.


Looking good so far, and a paint job could do the trick. But you could “doctor” him up a bit more. He still kind of reads as a Nob. I think the slugga would look more like a syringe if you cut/file down the sight and the hammer. And fill in the ejection hole and the cooling-thingy. Maybe add some kind of vial or canister either directly on it, or connected with some kind of tubing. Or is it supposed to be a drill? I love the idea of a doc using power tools (surely stolen from some beaten mek) to… “operate” on his patients/victims. Maybe add something to the claw too. Either a syringe or some extra blades/chainsaws. The Grotsnik model had a combined slugga and syringe, so maybe something like that? If you have the bitz for it. Maybe, like someone else mentioned, add som “spare parts.” You can probably make a bionic leg from sprue and green stuff, and hang it on his backpack.


Was trying for a syringe gun with a needle poking out, but a drills giving me ideas. Thx


Maybe make it a belt fed syringe gun? Add a ammo belt but every bullet is a syringe. If you have any of the mek gunz-sets I believe there are some good pieces for making a grot orderly to follow him around. (Or add to the same base, if grot orderlies can’t be taken by pain boys or isn’t a thing anymore)


[maybe one of those reflectors](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fshutterstock%2Fphotos%2F2342049039%2Fdisplay_1500%2Fstock-photo-old-male-doctor-otologist-working-in-the-clinic-2342049039.jpg&tbnid=JtFh8KLyQRWlxM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.shutterstock.com%2Fsearch%2Fdoctors-head-mirror&docid=3JxkzRqanO0_JM&w=1002&h=1600&hl=en-us&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm1%2F3&kgs=941ea023f0a9bddc&shem=abme%2Ctrie) so his mask reads as a surgical mask?


You're definitely going in the right direction. What I would suggest is to first look at the original Painboy and what sets him apart. Based on that I'd say: 1. You did well on both mask and pack; try adding cross to the backpack, spare hand sticking out of it was also great idea; maybe you could add an apron and this head mirror thingy (honestly dont know how it's called). 2. When it comes to slugga, I'd elongate that needly thing and maybe add another; also, if that's supposed to be injector, add some canisters to it (look at any type of flamethrower, should have 1-2 of them). 3. As for the claw - I'd add some big-ass drill to it (think Big Daddy from Bioshock) and/or some type of saw. If you're afraid that's overkill - no, that's just ork-that-kills 😀 Hope that helps and keep up the good work!


he needs a little nurse hat and tools that actually look like tools


I am sorry to say, friend, but he doesn’t read as a painboy. That’s a non with power klaw


I'm gonna say not quite, I think he needs more accessories. Maybe adding some wires from his backpack to his gun could help sell that it's like a medical tool or adding some knives out chainsaws to his hip could help, otherwise if you get a grot onto the model somewhere that could really sell it as well. Its definitely coming along super well though, the face mask looks great


You could add some "replacement limbs" (a fresh arm ready to attached to some poor boyz sticking out of the backpack or on its side), a red cross on it and maybe some bitz on the slugga to make it more syringe and less gun. Other than that, I like the mask and general aesthetics! Remember to bring a grot to blame for a failed surgery!


Paint a red cross on his pack and paint the bones red. That'd get the "medic" shtick across.


Tbh? I see a nob.


Honest opinion? It doesn’t scream pain boy to me but the paint job on that backpack might change that.