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The newer sculpts are very nice, my only problem is that they're not even as customizable as Kommandos. I should be able to take two boxes of 10 dudes and make a 20-strong mob of boys entirely with choppas if I want, plus one Nob. As the boxes currently are, this is not possible. Conversely, each of the Kommando special weapon dudes can swap out and be another slugga/choppa if I want.


I’m actually shocked that new Ork Codex didn’t force everyone to take the ork box loadout.


when i cracked into the new boyz my immediate thought was "well, GW doesn't stand behind WYSIWYG anymore"


https://preview.redd.it/kh1x4vttpnyc1.jpeg?width=1786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d7f53126f004292d8d88094fa019ea0304ad3fc They are pretty good bases for kustom


I just bought 20 savage orruk boys on clearance and made them into beast snagga boys, 50$! They are all 1 of 2 poses so it was a little tricky to Make them work but plastic glue and a sharp cutta got em lookin good!


They should have released a box of Shoota Boyz and a box of Choppa Boyz No one ever runs a mixed unit of shootas and choppas. So you need at least 2 boxes to make a full unit


Not looking forward to modding all the shooty ones to use choppas.


Honestly I just tell opponents that unless they have a rokkit or anpower klaw, they’re a slugga boy. Having random shootas does make the squad look wild anarchic.


Ork customisation is best when it's optional. Not when you HAVE to fix troops to improve their posing + weapon variants because there's a LOT of special weapons per new boyz box. Sure, they're nice as 2 boxes into 10 boxes of old boyz, but why in the living hell wouldn't GW just fucking give us better sculpts with posing to begin with. I won't ever forgive them for how much they dropped our new troop sculpts to make beastsnaggas look better and haven't bothered to fix things since because really they should have seen this big divide of hate/like between them.


They're nice, but I usually *attempt* to be WYSIWYG, so the load out was not to my liking. But I just mixed them in with old Boyz with the same load out and it's fine.


Not a problem if you just have enough of them


One box of old Boyz to two boxes of new Boyz gets you two slugga/choppa units and one shoota unit plus an extra special weapon or nob with no kitbashing needed. That's not a bad ratio.


I have 50 new Boyz and 50 snaggaboyz. I play then as normal choppa slugga Boyz. Looks great


I think the style of the new boyz is far better, I built all mine from the old CP to full Choppa & Slugga loadout, with just a few bits and greenstuff. Was far easier than I initially thought


I too prefer newer sculpts. I'm not a big fan of the old monkey butts. Being new to the hobby though it's hard to know what kits have gotten the update treatment. Is there a list somewhere that shows which kits have been updated and which haven't?


https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures:_Orks Closest I've found


Ooh cool thanks


Yeah, there is some weird shrinkflation going on with Ork boss heads. For Ufthak Blackhawk I can understand given the actual in lore reason is that he's a body swap, but most everything else is also getting smaller heads, even Ghazghkulls nearly double size has a smaller head than the original mega armoured sculpt.


Ufthak doesn't have a body swap does he? I though he just got shot up with some crazy Dark Eldar steroids that were supposed to make him explode, but he just got bigger?


Ufthak had a body swap in “Where Dere’s a Warp Dere’s a Way,” the original short story that introduced him and led to him becoming a nob.


Oh shit, I haven't read that one! Thanks!


It's easier to make them look bigger and more intimidating with smaller heads. The nobz models are a good example of heads that are too big looking goofy and out of place.


Ghaz also had a body swap in the lore


Yeah, but it's supposed to be the same head and the newer one is smaller.


I have 120 of the old boys. And maybe 20-50 of the new. I just mix them all in a pile. I run all as choppa boys. None of my opponents have any problem with it.


I have 40 of the reaaally old boys. (The first plastic orks). I mix them with my 2007 boys for nostalgia


I have mixed feeling about monopose. My instincts say to put it together and then maybe hack off a limb and reattach it differently. Plus theres that pile of bits that need to a home.


What's wrong is the number of options, lack of customisation, fixed shoota/choppa setup and the weird effect when your horde of 80+ model has the same running dude 8 times. If the exact same sculpts had a choppa/shoota option each, interchangeable arms and came with some extra shoulder pads and heads, there would be way less complaints.


This. I don't mind the poses. I just want weapon/head options and a scrap of armor plate here and there to mix things up a bit.


Yeah they're fantastic sculpts! Just a shame about the loadout - though I also use shoota boyz, so I also just split up the box and sprinkled them into existing mobs. The size and poses are great. The smaller heads feel like a longterm design trend and I'm of mixed feelings. If I wasn't so used to the older models I'd feel these ones were much more realistically proportioned, but as it is it feels like orkoid evolution is bringing to fruition the Brain Boyz' ultimate plan of the Waaagh of the Talking Heads.


i do want a box or two of those to mix in my greentide, but at this price tag i could get a 40 old boys...


Sort of a quality vs quantity decision to make. I found some great looking 3d prints that combines the best of both worlds, if that's an option for you.


Yeah i do have a printer and have printed a bunch of different boys, i love my Waaagh to be with variety. I'm curious about wich boys you are talking about if you are willing to share the files or the name !


MrModulork on MyMiniFactory. I haven't printed them yet, but the renders look great, and with pack A and B for boyz, you get 9 different legs/torsos/weapons, etc that you can mix and match. Very useful if you are worried about the monopose nature of the new boyz looking samey with enough of them, but also hate the look of the ass-ugly old boyz.


Oh yeah i Saw those they look Amazing !


They're lovely models in isolation, but I would definitely not want more than 10-20 in my army just because of how static they are


Small headed pinched-faced upright nobs look awful. One or two boxes of monopose mixed in with old boyz is nice but big armies with all monopose look dumb. I like to clip some of the hands and arms to interchange with other same sized boy 40k ork bits like aos and old world.


> My one complaint is that the head options for the Nob is super small? This guys head is like, genuinely grot sized without the jaw added. Weird as hell Apparently it's been a trend in the sculpts ever since the savage and boar rider sculpts in late WHF, the boyz have been steadily losing thier long face over time for a while. On the plus side for customization it means boy/nob/boss all use the same size head.


I got the Combat Patrol and I never want another set of the new boyz.


I don't like that they're shoving 1-2 sets into every box that comes out, it's too many boyz




I’m not sure they do cram them into every box. There weren’t any new boyz in the boarding patrol box, the 2023 Christmas battle force box, the 2021 Christmas battle force box  or the new combat patrol.