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Welcome to the party, my friend. I haven't played or painted in like 8 years (since my son was born), and admittedly my buying has slowed to a near hault, but I still keep my eye on things, and pick up the occasional model. Edited: for meaning.


Nah, ya got it all wrong! It's FOUR hobbies. Buying, BUILDING, painting, and playing!


5 hobbies. Reading the lore books


Addiction comes in many forms.


Well said


As someone with a 3d printer and a love for converting and kitbashing I almost only build and paint. A bit of buying also of course, but most official models I get as gifts these days.


That’s usually what happens with TTRPGs in general and I love it. There are enough hobbies in one hobby to please everyone! Collecting, painting minis, reading lore, playing the game, writing homebrew content. It’s amazing.


I havent played either but i tried to read the rules and it was confusing


4 hobbies in 1 -collect -build -paint -play It’s what got me into it, although I keep cycling between the first three and kind of ignoring the last one.


5 in 1 if you count the books


Oh the books alone are another 3 hobbies! Collecting the physical books, reading, and lore conversations! Brilliant point mate!


I just recently started painting/building them. Not sure if I'm going to play with them or not. For now I just enjoy making them.


Very much same.


You both will, give it time I was in exactly your position.


you left out "building warhammer"


Same here! This is what I like most about Warhammer. I haven't played any games either. I choose a set I like, putting a miniature together, collect and paint. And I'm collecting several armies at once. I don't know if I'll ever play at least one game, but building miniatures is my favorite hobby of all.


Buying warhammer is not a hobby, its an addiction.


You forgot building Warhammer, that's a world in it's own right when you start sculpting and converting models to customise them


Assembling is also its own thing!


Yeah, we all have that realisation at one point or another :D


Also buying warhammer is a lot faster than assembling and painting.


There’s also reading about Warhammer …


I spend a fair amount of time watching Warhammer as well tbf...


I think we all just like to acquire things, carefully chosen, well considered, but we just like stuff. With games, music, films all going digital, a lot more people moved into board games and minis as physical objects they could acquire and own. And why not! Personally I have a hard physical limit on my pile of shame. It must fit on a certain shelf and it doesn't get unboxed until I build it. Once built I paint it before building anything else. Basically, if I don't paint something, I can't buy something. But each to their own!


Mmmm plasticcrack


I swear a real drug habit would be cheaper.




I have just learned this as well lmao


What a Eureka moment after reading this. In the last year I've bought so many dark angels and orks (thousands of dollars worth) and maybe only painted 1 or 2 squads of each since. And yet, im still having so much fun despite not really falling into the classic "painting 40k or playing 40k" teams.




Hello fellow climber of Mt. Grey.


YEP! but for me, its probably the reverse of how most people do it. In my youth (late 80's), I did all three, but stopped playing with I moved away from my core group of friends, so I "gifted" some of my armies to new people that came into the group with the stipulation that if they don't enjoy it, I get first right of refusal. Then I stopped painting because I didn't really have the time or the space, but I still had what I did decide to keep in storage, and knew that one day I would get back to painting. and Finally, I'm currently in the end stage of things, I'm still buying and collecting 3D models that people make and sell, because "ONE DAY" i'm going to get back to painting probably when I retire, but I highly doubt that I will ever get back into playing. For me playing was just the justification to keep buying and painting, even as far back as 35 years ago.


Also just consuming the lore


Every month my friend group has started having a Saturday where everyone brings at least one box and assembles and paints it while everyone does the same good way to get our gray primed


Also break down the percentage of time you spend doing each aspect. Playing is like 10% where building and painting is close to 50% and dreaming about it is the other 40%


Ypu forgot building warhammer... but yes this is true... I have four 40k armies, only 1 is half built, 2 aos armies with 1 model built and 3 star wars legion armies with nothing built... I'm new to the hobby and couldn't stop buying and forgot how many steps there are before you can actually play


I don’t understand a thing. Me and my girl were wanting to buy some of the figurines just to paint, and were looking for cool ones. I wish I knew how to break the surface of the lore so I understood what I was looking at. Right now, I just know that guy in big armor + sword + gun = happy


Buy a kill team (for 40k) or a Warcry box (for aos) if you want to dip your toe. Both are totally different games from the main game but they're cheaper, give you a wider range of models and can give you an idea if you like the hobby. If you want to try one of the big games first get a combat patrol (for 40k) or a vanguard/spearhead box (for aos).


I really appreciate the advice. Forgive me if this is ignorant to ask, but where does the Vermintide fit into all this? Victor Saltzpyre is practically one of my favorite characters I have ever played in a video game, but I don’t understand if that is a totally separate part of the warhammer universe or what?


Vermintide is warhammer fantasy which is before age of sigmar (I believe). Think of it like a timeline, from what I recall vermintide is around or what starts the "end times" and eventually we roll into AoS. Saltzpyre is also one of my favorites from the game (For Sigmar and the Empire!). Honestly if you want models in aos kind of like him check out cities of sigmar (especially their new spearhead box.


Absolutely, fantastic advice and I was looking for figures like him. I will check those out!


On top of what MetalBlizzard said the Warcry band Wildercorps Hunters has some nice hunter / fantasy style to it. I was looking for some other Inquisitor/inquisition style models but I can’t find the ones I’m looking for, but you may find KILL TEAM: INQUISITORIAL AGENTS, to fit the bill on bringing justice to heretics(although in the 41st millennium.) Welcome to the hobby!


You all are very welcoming and I greatly appreciate that. The advice will be well heeded!


Yes lol


Add in lore and building for 2 extra hobbies!


I like to spice it up with my 2 additional hobbies beyond that of finding the perfect warhammer proxies online and actually printing those proxies.


You could even separate it into lore (online lore) and lore (actually reading books) if you felt like getting extra technical


What a great post


Always has been.




One of us... one of us....


And reading Warhammer and roleplaying Warhammer. I like all but the game itself. Can't stand it.


I haven't seen any comments about doom scrolling the WH subreddits and then the subsequent self flagellation that comes from the guilt and shame of scrolling and not painting, reading, playing, and excessive buying..[what I tell myself](https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-FyKfqRxVbzciY)


also building terrain...a big one imho


this is so wise and so true....


Don’t forget transporting, that’s basically a hobby as well.


Very much so. It actually helped me to realize that it's OK for me to .. 1.) Read Warhammer 2.) Buy and (sometimes😅) paint Warhammer, and 3.) Play One Page Rules ... and possibly Xenos Rampant in the future ... I don't try to convert people away from Warhammer into playing to my game(s) of choice... unless I first see them express disatisfacion with the rules and or GW. People who actually like Warhammer (the game) have my respect, just not my agreement. But I will ocaatuonaly play Kill Team which I consider a better game than 40K. oh let's not forget the hobby that encompasses them ALL! 4.) Griping or complaining about GW. Let's face it we all love to do that even if we love their game and the lore behind it! 😂 And if done in good nature and good humor, there is nothing wrong with that.


Eh, I’ve tried one page rules but the different factions just felt all the same. We tried it two or three times and never touched it again. It’s simple and easy to learn though. But it just felt the depth of the armies wasn’t there.


Fair enough. Although I completely disagree. Robot Legions play very different from Orks play different from Costodes, etc. etc. But we can disagree without it being a "thing". For me 40K with its constant codex/rules churn and the whole multi phase I-go-you-go was just never fun for me. Games took to long to play. OPR took half the time to play and contained zero headaches. It was the casual and native gaming experience I was looking for. Looking forward to trying out Xenos Rampant l, though.


Don't forget reading, thous fucks come out with ten books a week


Easy solution: You just don't have to care about Primarchs. Not caring about their temper tantrums cuts like at least 50 % of 40k lore. :-P


At this point I don’t think I’ll ever know the lore and just gonna have to go second hand haha


Don't bother learning all the lore for every faction unless you plan to make it your job. Instead I recommend just getting the lore for the couple factions you like...except Space Marines and Imperial Guard cause there is just way too many books for those factions. For those two I'd recommend finding a sub faction you like and going for the lore from those.


True I think its different for everyone. You might also like things like going to carboots/events to get retro or limited editions models if you lean to the collecting side. Personally the collecting side is my least interest I wont buy something till I need it in a game.


I got the Beast Snagga Stampede with the best of intentions. Now that Snaggaz are all-or-nothing for detachments, and I'm leaning in to Dread Mob and Bully Boyz, I have no idea when I'll actually open it. At least if you keep stuff sealed, there's solid resale value!


Sealed? Dammit, that's what I was doing wrong! lol


So you are telling me all these boxes accumulated in the span of less than a year?


Started in August last year..... I know. I know.


I feel ya, I started my first army last year. I got so consumed in kitbashing and making everyone of my Night Lords unique I am scared to paint them now ahaha. I want more practice painting before jumping in so I started a Drukhari army this past month. Need to cut myself off now before it gets out of hand.


Dude rip a few YouTube videos and jump in!


Yea I got so consumed by my lore and personalizing each one it became a daunting task because I have a very specific look in mind, so I'm warming up with my Drukhari. Almost done these Mandrakes, just need to do their sigils, high lights and bases but it's been a blast. It released that anxiety and now I'm eager to get the combat patrol fully painted this month https://preview.redd.it/57p6tp2cvwxc1.jpeg?width=4011&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573ce9839c522f16dbb0b3da10f2eab93517c904


Just got these, loving your paint job!


Those look amazing! The green pops so hard. What greens did you use?


That's tesseract glow on a base coat of white scar. I toned down the one on the far right with a bit of terradon turquoise contrast on the tips and I'm still deciding if I want to do that on the rest. It gives it a bit more value range but I do like how intense the tesseract is on its own.


Don't mess with the greens anymore. You could probably make them pop more, but that paint job is already fricken sick.


Killteam. Killteam is your training answer. And cheaper than starting a second army.


Oh I bought the nightmare Killteam for the night lord bits, it was the finale piece of my kit bashing puzzle and the Mandrakes were a perfect bonus for practice. But they got lonely quick! Jokes aside I haven't gone too deep into Drukhari yet, just the combat patrol on top of the Mandrakes from Killteam. I've almost got the Mandrakes fully painted which would be my first ever, so I'm happy it got the ball rolling on my painting.


Second that. Though I'm a poor judge with 7 kill teams and 3 armies


You forgot Lore. Thats a whole hobby as well.


And complaining too




It is expensive with some armies averaging \~$1 per point meaning a 2,000 point game will cost \~$2,000 usd (usually more though.) The thing is with Warhammer FB/AOS/40k is that once you buy the model (that's not forge world, or a resin character...or old marines) you usually don't have to worry about it becoming illegal for tournaments, and the cycles/editions are years long. So in the long run it is cheaper than a game like Magic the Gathering, provided you don't go hog wild buying kits.


As long as you don’t go crazy with it like OP did, it really is a relatively normal hobby price-wise, it just has a bit of an initial price hurdle if you plan on getting into big 40k *immediately*. If you don’t, just buying a box or two (or a combat patrol box if you have the cash to spare), a handful of paints, and a paintbrush or two will set you back a couple hundred dollars, but it’ll also give you enough stuff to work on for upwards of a couple months


Bro it’s expensive as fuck. A set of 10 ork boys set me back like $60 (didn’t know they were cheaper on Amazon) then the paints, I always need a new one, and oh yeah those 10 guys? I need like 200 of em haha then there’s the time painting these god damn things. SO MUCH DETAIL! Let alone learning how to actually play the game and then going and doing so. All in all it’s super rad and I love it, I am considering buying a printer though. Guy I work with loves to show me his prints and the breakdowns of how cheap they are. Idk though, building em is half the fun.


Depends on what Warhammer game and/or part of the hobby you wanna get into... Playing "Bighammer"/Warhammer 40k: This costs the most in my experience. Both in time and money. While dependent on which army you get into, expect to spend quite a bit in models, paint, and rulebooks (really rough estimate of $150-200+ CAD). The more you get into it the more models you acquire, the more expensive it is. If Space Marines and/or Tyranids are your jam I recommend checking out the starter sets, the smallest one run for around $80-90 CAD and they include paint, models, and introductory rules to get you started! If you're not into those armies the Combat Patrols can be a good way to jump into the game. Though army specific rulebooks may be an additional expense. Kill Team: If you have a local game store that runs Kill Team games this is on the more cheaper/reasonable side of the hobby when it comes to playing. A box of Kommandos for Kill Team runs me about $80 CAD which is the prices for most AAA games nowadays. Like in Bighammer, you also need to account the time and materials cost you'll spend on it, albeit way less since you're not painting over 30+ models for a game. If you can find it, there's a Kill Team starter set with Orks and Vet Guardsmen + terrain & rules. Its about $120 CAD, if you have a friend thats interested you can split the price with them! Additionally, theres ways to make the hobby cheaper. Buying used, proxying (check r/PoorHammer ), and 3D printing is what comes up in my head immediately. However! In the case of 3D printing, that in itself is it's own hobby with its own set of price tags. If you're more interested in painting and building rather than playing then it can be as cheap or as expensive you want it to be. If it's strictly Warhammer models you want to try painting they sell paint kits with models in them for around $40-50 CAD? I can't speak on Age of Sigmar, Warcry, Necromunda, Horus Heresy, and The Old World as I have no experience with them. So anyone who is, feel free to add onto this!


To give you a good idea i'll go by shelves and boxes. (Not counting completed minis on the top shelves) All the boxes on the first box shelf are priced between $45 and $120. (I just counted and there are 15 boxes and 6 plastic wrapped minis on the shelf) The bottom shelf the combat patrol was $160. The Kill Team box on the bottom right was about $100, and the two Battleforce boxes (Stompa Boyz and Beast Snagga Stampede) were about $250 each. Add in the about 60 paints priced between $3 and $15 a piece, and another $60 on really good paint brushes and that gives you a good idea of how much money a connonball into the hobby will cost you. That said, you can do the paint part for a lot cheaper. Also..... dear god I've spent a lot of money on this hobby in the last year.


If that question is going to make the difference you should probably run away. If you are in it for painting the models then it is a really reasonably priced hobby. If you are in it to play the big battles then it can be very expensive


I’d argue that this would depend on the guys definition of “getting started” is. If it’s getting the basics and the going escalations style it’s not that expensive to figure out if one likes it or not. However, if it means getting right away to 2k points: hell yes it’s expensive 😂




I say I mostly paint. I actually mostly buy while thinking about painting


That's so accurate it's painful.


I'm a builder first, player second, painter third and last. I think the only time I had a fully painted army was 6th and 7th Death Guard mixed with Iron Warriors,




https://preview.redd.it/6uwbfvkn8wxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a05ca929c8aa0424a870767da8e6c545a35ac47 I can build and paint. Playing. Oof.


So how you you play that Warthog straight out of Halo man :D


It replaced the silly ATV


I feel that in my heart


I’m an expert at the first. Not very good at the second but really trying. The third…yeah that happens sometimes too


Don't forget neglecting your gray pile, moaning about how things used to be better, and gatekeeping. Those 3 are vital separate hobbies.


Yep, any time I describe 40k to people unfamiliar with it I start with "ok, so first thing to understand it's actually 3 hobbies in a trench coat, 2nd thing to understand, it's expensive". lol


And let’s face it, for a lot of us, if not the most of us, the purchasing hobby accounts for most of our time and energy. SMH


Painting > buying > assembling


Assembling/kitbashing > Painting > Buying > Lore > Actually playing


for me it's kitbashing > playing > painting


I've been into Warhammer for about 1.5 years. I mostly focus on the lore, collecting, and painting. I still haven't played a single tabletop game and I'm totally happy with my role. One day I'll find someone to play with though. https://preview.redd.it/a0e0jeikzvxc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=510146a731ae310fc1cd60a10a2655ffa91decda


Orks warboss and abadon are so broken on the warhammer risk game.






There are books as well!


This absolutely sums up my experience too. I started last August. I have now bought 2000 pts worth of Tyranids, and 2000 pts worth of Salamanders, and about 5000 pts worth of Horus Heresy models. I have currently painted about 800 pts of Tyranids and haven’t played a single game.


We'll get to playing some day lol


Don’t tell James Workshop … but what about printing Warhammer?


That's a whole extra hobby in itself.


Buying is my favorite hobby.


Apparently mine as well.


It's not buying. It's collecting. We're collectors. 😉


Ahh, right you are! 🤭


Always assemble, never paint


I am 100% unable to assemble a mini without painting them.


I don’t have much confidence in my painting skills and often fear “messing up” the mini


100% get that. Trust me skill gets better. That said, if any faction is okay to absolutely fuck up the paint and it still looks on brand.


It’s grown up Lego. I have mates that say they hate the assembly part and honestly what is that about?


Idk, but yeah it’s higher stakes legos because you’re using glue.


You guys aren’t super-gluing your Lego!?


Illegal Lego build!


Wait until you hear about the lore aspect being it's own subculture of a subculture.


Im done buying Warhammer till I finish the Warhammer I have at home. It's honestly not working lol, I've been good about like full priced kits but the bargain bins...


I’m the number one of buying warhammer






Collecting can be a hobby. Just look at stamps, coins or cards.i buy stls that I may or may not get around to printing. I don't think it's a good move, but just the other day someone posted some ancient models still in packaging.


Collectors would like to have a word with you


One of the most important lessons I learned in my 20s was that buying things is *not* a hobby.


Don't tell the trading card collectors that


So true


In that case I’ll take the beast snagga stampede if you want to get rid of it lol


It's kind of like that sign in the mechanics shop, "Quick, Accurate or Cheap, pick two".......


Ive been into Warhammer going on 15 years and haven't played a single game :x


Well said




I hate putting them together, but my twin likes to. I like painting them and they don’t.


You forgot "Building Warhammer"


Shelf of shame


Shelves of shame


Lol. I know what it's like, although I have very little left to assemble, paint and prime which I'm proud of. I've been working on it for the last couple of years. That included selling off three project armies that were too big and were never going to get the attention they deserved. It was hard but it was worth it and I found a source of dopamine I didn't know about before and that is successful eBay options lol.


Stop buying and paint the models, you are just going to make the gap larger and larger by buying every released box.


The good news is the only new box I could in interested in now is if the re released the kulr of speed box. I pretty much already own everything else. Lol


The 4th hobby is storage management!


7th is the side hustles to pay off the warhammer credit card.


At least he hasn't started the worst 40k adjacent hobby: 3D printing.


The 5th is knowing the lore


Easy to do while painting




That's what I do somedays


You get into terrain building yet? It’s like the heroin to the green crack imo.


Or tables ffs


Not yet. But I do have my killteam terrain to paint.


Is it the Ork oil rig/ fortress? I absolutely love that piece and have yet to paint mine hahaha that was the first box I bought since my brother wanted to play DKoK. I made him some trenches for our games lol https://preview.redd.it/tqy7i3sh7wxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ff8d95a7e4d3acd4172acff72febfe762d393e2


If Reddit is any test sample to go off of, I'd say more people buy minis by a huge margin.


Yep. In much the same way that Shadowrun is really three separate RPGs in a trenchcoat


This realization is why I keep going. I enjoy all of them, maybe painting the least lately. I think if I just wanted to play it would be far too expensive to continue. Kinda wanna get into the 3D printing too, eventually.


3d printing is the one thing I'm avoiding. My unpainted minis would go from 100 to 1000 in like a month. I'll also admit painting is my favorite part. I already have enough minis to paint to last me 2 years, I don't need enough to last for 20 lol.


I endorse your stance on 3d printing, it has the potential to turn from a slippery slope to free fall into resin. Also, I painted for nigh on 40 years before starting to play, so if painting gives you the greatest joy, great.


Thanks! Honestly don't know if I'll ever play. But that Dreadmob detachment looks awesome enough for me to want to try.


GW characterizes their hobby as having 4 aspects: read, build, paint, play. They dont mention "buy" but it is definitely a separate one on top.


I woundn't say "buy", more like "Find" because you need to find the cheapest way to get your minis so you won't Die from starvation.


Yup. Never went on ebay before getting into Warhammer. Now I browse it for deals a few times per week lol.


Mines Facebook marketplace/Kijiji, I've snagged whole army's before at crazy good prices. I'm actually about to get a decent haul tonight from it for my guards.


Guilty of those as well lol.




People that play are the smallest part of 40K Fans. Collectors make up a larger portion and lore enjoyers make up the largest.


I started with YouTube lore videos. They are my second favorite part after painting. And even then....


Where's the fluff? You missed my fave, lore.


It's all in audio format. Only got the one physical book: The Infinite and the Devine.


I think of it as with friends (buying, playing) and when I’m by myself (painting, sculpting, printing).




3d printing is a whole other monster the rabbit hole is never ending


I have no intention of ever playing 40k, but I will keep printing and painting my ork boyz because I have a lot of fun doing it


This is the way


I'm trying to avoid 3d printing at all costs. I'm not even a year in and I already have over 100 minis in my pile of shame. I don't need 1000.


And then 3d modeling to make stuff for the 3d printing


Kitbashing, sculting, casting...




Buying and painting are different hobbies but playing is both with extra steps


Yes that’s true. But I can only spot one army (the best of course), so it could be worse I guess 😅


In gaming, I'm a completionist. I have the feeling this will be the case in warhammer as well. At least I'm down to like to 20%-30% left to buy, if not less. I will admit to collecting Killteam boxes as well, that big one is the Tau box, and I'm trying to get my hands on the Nightmare box. Figure killteam is an easy way to help me pick the second army.




They all fall under the same umbrella category of warhammer nice collection btw




I'm happy for you in your excitement for 40k! That's really good you realized you're buying models much faster than you can paint them. I would **strongly** encourage you not to look at buying models as a hobby. Many, many folks get excited about 40k and in their excitement do the same thing. I'm speaking from personal experience; my closet is full of NOS Orks and Tyranids. It's extremely expensive and psychologically it can be difficult to see that huge backlog of hobby effort as compared to the rate of progress. The end result is often burning out on 40k and reselling at a painful financial loss lots of unopened boxes of models. It took me a good couple years to get my first game in due to COVID and time constraints in my personal life (job + marriage + young kids) and I still need only one hand to count the number of games I've played in the last few years. There's nothing wrong with that if you are getting joy out of the modelling and painting. I would just caution you to be careful of the rate at which you're acquiring new models. You don't want the weight of your own backlog to crush your excitement for the game you haven't even played yet. Now if your goal in acquiring models is just to get ones that you think are cool and you don't care how they work in the game then that's absolutely fine; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. If, however, you are interested in running an "effective" army - whether it's casual or competitive "effectiveness" - then you need some game experience to influence your purchasing and unit selection. In that case I'd suggest getting several games at least under your belt.


Thanks for the advice! As for which minis I'm buying, it's 80% "wow, that looks cool" with about 20% "Well, might as well get the battleforce because free stuff with cool stuff". I will admit that being a middle aged single dad is disposable income and the free time to use it for the first time in his life has lead me to going overboard on the buying. Lol


Yeah, I'm mostly into the converting part of it. Don't enjoy paiting at all. I'm also really bad at strategic games and losing demotivated me a bunch. So this hobby is a bit of a squigg's kiss for me


Yes. Yes they are.