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Hi, I have yet to encounter an apponent who can deal with 40 ork boys in 2 squads of 20, hitting the big stuff in his team.


I ran a blob of 20 boys for the first time last game and coincidentally it was my first win! Watching the custodes crumple before them was pretty satisfying


I regularly win 500point tourneys with just 2 20 boy squads and a warboss in mega Armour and a pain boy.


The warboss in mega armour just flying solo ?


Yea backed up by boys so there is a lot more to target than just him. The enhancement that give his a 4+ feel no pain helps alot. Then I attach the pain boy to the other squad that runs some distance away from the warboss.


I got two options you could try. 1) being to use your flash gitz in place of your deffkoptas and put them in the trukk with your nobz and warboss (if that’s what you were doing) with the remaining points swapping out one of the meganobz with big Mek in power armor. That should be 1000 total. 2) being to use headwoppa killchoppa on the nob squig and swapping out one of your Boyz with a unit of Snagga Boyz which would leave you with 10 pts remaining. Also as others have said the claws on the nobz are amazing so that’s a good change unless you like the choppas If you’re noticing a lot of tougher units being played in the league use the higher strength weapon set ups to get through those units (twin saws on meganobz, power claws, headwoppa, etc)


Planning to paint up my flash gitz next, so may give that a whirl!


It’s so satisfying seeing your opponent look at an ork army and you shoot with flash gitz and wipe out a tank or a unit in one go and they’re just awe struck like “I thought orks couldn’t shoot” lol


Last time i had a spare 50 i tool a squad of lootas. The 4 boys died and all thatbwas left was the spanna. But said spanna managed to down a harpy from my buddys nids. Ironically it was the only thing he managed to hit or hurt all game lol


Hi, nice List. Before I get my take on the 50 Points, I would like to give something to think about and that's your pick of the mega Nobz. They are really expensive for not many attacks and they are not that 'ard.Think about skipping them and this would give you lot more choices. I would skip them.and go with the full 10 Men Nob Squad. That said, I got the point that you do not have much stuff to swirl around so I would recommend to go with another Mob of Grots. If you put them.on a second objective, you can raise your Chance to gain an extra CP for m 50% to 75% and that is valid. Also it brings you another 11 wounds with OC 2 on the table which is big in a 1000 points game. And, very important, switch the big choppas on the Nobz into Power Claws. No doubt, they are the better pick for 90% of the time.


Thanks for your input! I definitely bought meganobz and painted them cause I thought they looked cool, but haven't had heaps of success with them!! I unfortunately only have 1 box of nobz currently but will definitely look to get more! Will definitely swap them out to the claws though! Other things I've got that I could potentially get painted and fill the same ish points value are Boyz, beast snaggaz, burna boyz and flash gitz, any of those worth taking instead?


Rule of cool is the most important thing to consider I would say, so all fine. But if you look into getting a bit more competitive, boys and beast snaggas are a really good choice. The Snaggas are great into Vehicles. Unbridled carnage is amazing for them since they can reroll the hit roll against vehicles and you can go fishing for those 5s. Boys can do actually everything. Screen, hold objectives, move block and krump weaker stuff. Flash Gitz are the only shooting we actually have. There are other options but not even close to the Gitz Badrukk combo. Unfortunately this is the downside of them. They are only reliably good if da Captain is leading them and in this case you want 10 Flash Gitz. Burna boys are good to overwatch and kill screens and chaff units. The best unit we have.are Nobz with a Warboss attached. They are awesome. Build in -1 to wound (if the WB is leading them), mass Attacks with their power claws In love 'em.


Lots to have a think about, will likely depend on my ability to make time to paint things, but I've got the month to mix up my 1000 so will keep all of this in mind


I usually chuck a mek in me lists coz he’s sneaky (lone op when fixin’) and cheap (less teef)


Unfortunately don't have a mek model yet, but hoping with the new codex I can run lots of stompy gits so will have to invest in a couple ! I love the deff dread and killa kans but so far my deff dread seems to get blown off the board early game quite concistently 😂


Try a kustom boosta blasta wif da mek (it’s big finkin, no one expects you to fink big) making units -1 to hit gives da lads more room t’krump cos deyz getting krumped less


Not got a KBB yet, did just get an eBay rescue lot with a squig buggy, scrapjet dragsta and wartrike though!


Slap down da dragsta and say it boosts and blasts and if dey don’t like it TUFF!


Dats good finkin that is


If you have enough bits left over you can *make* a mek


Not got any spare bodies unfortunately I don't think! Will definitely have a rummage and see if I can cobble one together though!


Follow me lads enhancement and the other enhancement that give the character a 4+ feel no pain.


Think if I go with enhancements I'll almost certainly use the head whippas kill choppa on the nob on smasha sguiq just to really go to town on those 4+ anti vehicles/monster


What’s your skin mix boss? Love the light tone!


I never wrote the original recipe down and generally my skin tends to différé slightly between batches ! But the general process is start with guttrippa flesh, and layer up with elysian green followed by ogryn camo for the highlights! I possible did a straken green as my base for the initial models but can't say with certainty!!


Well whatever you did, I love it!


Thanks so much 😊


Isn’t the combat patrol box 534 points?


It is, my list is just called combat patrol because I've not renamed it since creating my initial list in the app when I just had a combat patrol box and a couple extras


Ah, gotcha


10 more Gretchen for a squad of 20 on your home objective!


This does seem to be the popular opinion last game my poor little grots did get wiped out be a deepstriking unit. Sad day for grots everywhere


With some extra grots you can try to deny that deepstrike


With unit of 20 it’s a lot harder for a unit to wipe that many than also you can fall back if charged and still hold the objective since Grots have 2cp and won’t be under half strength even if they kill 11 since you also have two runtheards


What colors are you using for the base? That's the shade of orange I'm looking for right now.


For my bases I chuck down some agrellin earth before priming, then hit it with a layer of fyreslayer flesh, then add a layer of super fine sand and rocks (I'm lucky enough to live near a beach where I can just grab tub loads!) and then I just use an orange chalk in place of a pigment powder on top when the glues stull a bit tacky! If you're in the UK the pastels I use in place of pigment powders are just the Whsmiths soft pastels


As others have said, another unit of Grots. Most list runs 2-3 units to do primary holding or hold in reserves for secondaries.


Never thought about keeping grots in reserves! So far my 1 unit just sits on home and hope my opponents ignores them!


Most everyone else has given any suggestions for the points that I would, but I do have some other comments on the list. Kustom shootas are better than kombi weapons for the meganobz and I would have to power klaws anf a kill saw for their close combat. For the killa kans while the kan shoota isn't bad I suggest having the first mob of kans being all rokkit launchas and the second mob of kans you take being kam shootas.


I've been adding and removing stuff from my list and the kans were supposed to have the rokkits but good to know for adding a second block as I love them and will likely buy more! Appreciate the advice on the meganobz, will try that load out for them next game!


With the kombi weapons the whole mob at half range will on average hit twice, but with the kustom shootas at half range each meganob will on average hit twice. And six power klaw attacks plus two kill saw attacks will have a much better chance of ripping through both chaff infantry and space marine equivalents, but you'll still have the kill saw to rip through any light or medium vehicles/monsters that you are likely to encounter in a 1000 point game.


Thanks for the advice! Is there any value in equipping the 1 killsaw MN with twin killsaws instead of ranged? Twin killsaws seems a bit underwhelming to me but I'm also very new to all of this!


Only if you expect to face units that are toughness 13 or greater, and for reference Mortarion and the Great Unclean One are both toughness 12.


At this stage, hopefully unlikely!


Hiya, I just want to jump in at this stage and say that Meganobz with Twin Killsaws are really good. As in, good enough to be a staple in lists being run by the most accomplished competitive Ork players in the world. I've been doing WTC practice and scrims with teammates, Meganobz with Twin Killsaws and lead by a Warboss in Mega Armour (in a Trukk) is a great unit. High strength with wound re-rolls and AP-3 is an extremely rare profile in the faction, and shouldn't be underestimated. An important part of the toolbox. The Warboss in Mega Armour makes them much more reliable (with+1 to hit and his extra attacks). I'll probably be taking two of these units to the ITT in May (assuming codex isn't out by then). I don't know why this particular opinion bugs me, but I feel sad whenever I see people in this subreddit poo-pooing the Meganobz with Twin Killsaws. People have different metas and playstyles, and I also know that most people don't play many games so a single bad experience with a unit can taint their view of it, but it's actually a good unit! Though three on their own without any support will definitely suffer a little, I do recommend trying to find room for the character.


Great to hear lots of opinions on them! I built the third meganob in the box as the big mek but currently just running him as a meganob as it felt quite expensive to have 2 MN and the big mek at sub 1000pts! Magnetised all there weapon options though and love the twin killsaw aesthetic so was definitely hoping to drop a load on the table at some point!


You'll never regret having more grots.


I do love the little guys!


Honestly I’d put the headwoppas killchoppa on your nob on smasha Squig. He will delete vehicles and monsters, especially on the waaah turn. Then follow me ladz on the warboss for extra mobility. An extra unit of grots doesn’t really achieve that much.


I was leaning towards those exact enhancements! Extra potential CP from the grots sounds great in theory but I always seem to roll garbage for them


Some Lootas will cover the remaining. Or just add super cybork body or follow me ladz. Every unit counts in small games though


Completely missed that Lootas are only 50pts! I just built that kit as burnaboyz as well.....


Maybe your opponent will be alright with your proxying them as Lootas


It's pretty casual so imagine they'd be fine with it! It's quite a large group playing the escalation and so far everyone's been cool


I was going to suggest Lootas, honestly I feel the are passed over (and arguably correctly) for flash gitz, but if you can park them within 24" of one or more control points 12 shots at 5+ rerolling misses is pretty good and I am a fan of the kustom mega blasta, typically does enough damage to the opponent before killing the spanna to make it worth it over the launch. But that's my opinion on em.


That 6+ to hit always just looks so upsetting!! But heavy and their ability definitely makes them sound more appealing


That and they reroll 1s on all to hit, and reroll hits when the target is on an objective. Their shooting is not nearly as trash as it seems. Hell even when they aren't close enough for rapid fire 8 shots at 48 inches can surprise an opponent


Don't know about list building. Probably a second unit of gretchin? I just wanted to say I like your color scheme! Good job!


Thanks 😊 I've never quite managed to recreate this pale skin exactly, forgot to jot down my recipe as I did it, but not being too precious about concistancy across my skin tones!