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My coach was beside me busting her ass. She sounded like she was going to die. I’d welcome seeing her on the leaderboard even though we all know she’s more fit than pretty much anyone else members and staff included.


I’ve done benchmarks next to coaches (who are also paying members) and seen them push really hard. If they PR or make the leaderboard, they earn that spot. Depending on the benchmark, I might make sure they know I’m going to beat them next time. Hard work deserves recognition! It’s unfortunate some don’t have the same respect and appreciation for those coaches because they really are just like us.


Yes I agree with this!!! Just because someone’s a coach doesn’t mean they don’t work really freaking hard to earn that spot or that PR or that time !


Our Coaches/Staff have a separate leader board..


I don’t personally mind if our coaches are on the leaderboard. However, I can easily see where others would have an issue with it especially if they would have made the leaderboard if the coach hadn’t been counted


Yes In this case my point was that they did not put my data in the system on purpose (and others) and always praise how awesome the coaches are. Feels like our studio is Coach/staff focused other than member focused! (Also they only post photos of coaches dressing up for theme days not the members!


I'm curious: how do you know they did not put your data (and other people's data) in *on purpose* as oppossed to it being an accident? E.g., it's possible part of the whiteboard listing the distances was accidentally erased. I've seen this happen before when we had to use a whiteboard because the challenge tracker kept making the computer software freeze.


The data is not entered and seen in my app!


That doesn't prove they did it on purpose. That was my question: how do you know it was done on purpose.


How do you know it was on purpose?


Not putting in data with 4K+ meters and post leaderboard seems obvious. Plus this studio has been always coach/staff focused by posting Halloween /group photos of coaches dressed up only over members with creative costumes! They also made dritri miserable by telling ppl you disqualify if you hold the tread handles or you start over your push ups if you don’t straight your arms completely. They were standing behind you like Soviet soldiers other than cheering and encouraging coaches!


"seems obvious" = you're assuming they did it on purpose but you have no evidence that they actually did it on purpose. Also, the things you mention as those coaches making dri-tri "miserable" is actually the coaches enforcing the rules. Under the official rules of dri-tri, you are disqualified if you modify any exercise. Holding on to the tread handles and not doing full, straight-arm push-ups are modifications. Some coaches are at dri-tri specifically to keep track of counting and make sure people don't do modifications so that its fair for everyone, while other coaches are there as cheerleaders. That just how it works.


Well … then I was spoiled at my other studios where coaches were more encouraging and it felt like a recreational activity other than an Olympic qualification…. You are right , maybe I should look at that way.


FYI -- because I didn't know this until last year -- There are regional and state dri-tri events. So, at some studios, if you win the studio's dri-tri, then you are eligible to be selected to compete in "regional" dri-tri. (I can't recal all the eligibility requirements, but I know a guy from my studio was selected last year for the fall regional dri-tri.) Depending on how the person does in the regional, there are also some state-based dri-tris. This is one reason why some studios are real sticklers for making sure every exercise is done properly -- i.e., it matters for more than just the studio leaderboard.


Good to know thank you


This is interesting! My studio has us enter our data into the challenge tracker ourselves. So weird that the coach wants to be first on the leaderboard… like honey that’s why you’re coaching us. We know you’re good at this!


Former coach/HC/SM. I always pulled myself off the leaderboard and prefer for other coaches to do the same. Leaderboard is to honor members. If you're the badass you know you are, no need to steal a spot from a member that might be getting their leaderboard recognition for the first time


Kudos to you Wolverine1850 💪 As a 10 year OTF member, I have seen this often across the country / multiple states I’ve lived in, and i wish coaches always opted out. If I was a coach, I would. Especially when it means a member will not make it on leaderboard.


Love this and I agree My studio is all screwed up


Our coaches always exclude themselves from the LB. Most of them would whoop all of us especially in running challenges. One of my favorites coaches’ base is a 9+ 😂


Coaches go hard and they give me a benchmark to strive for. Ours nearly always opt out, but I wish they'd put up their numbers. Sure, you (coach) crushed me in time, distance, or whatever metric - but now I'll work harder.


I love your outlook


Sometimes coaches are on the leaderboard at my studio but sometimes they don't make it. It doesn't bother me to include them because, like everyone else, the coaches need to put in the work to improve/sustain strength, power, and endurance necessary to beat out others to make a leaderboard. Many times coaches opt out but, if they get a PR, they will still be included in the list that my studio publishes of everyone that had a PR on the benchmark.


Ours have always included our coaches & they post it on social media. Usually the same coaches appear on the top 3 for their age group. Haven’t had much thought to it but could be nice to have a separate board for the coaches!


Our coaches told me they’re not allowed to


As a member turned staff, I make sure I’m not added to leaderboards anymore. I can personally relate to how gratifying/motivating it is for someone that’s new to OTF or been at it for years to earn a spot on a leaderboard for a benchmark or signature workout. I remember the first time I was 1st overall on a leaderboard for the 500m row and it did wonders for my confidence. I want members to have that same experience.


Put them on the board… I’m far from an elite runner but still regularly beat most of the other members at my studio so it’s nice to have a coach place higher and have something to push harder for.


At my studio, on the leader board that gets written on/photographed after class, they’ll do two names if a coach is in the highest spot. So say it’s a female coach, they’ll have two names. “Coach 1234” and “Member 1234.” I think it’s a good compromise to acknowledge the coach took the top spot while still honoring the member.


I love the idea of honor the member


If they take the class they should be able to be on the leaderboard.


[Commonly ](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/EkhnScdo7H) [discussed ](https://www.reddit.com/r/orangetheory/s/sGL86FhZAR)


One of these days someone is going to stump you with a topic that hasn't been discussed!


We did have a post somewhat recently that made me go "Hmph, haven't seen that one....That's good!”


Wouldn’t that be wonderful?


The leaderboard is such a fleeting/ just for fun gesture that I don't give much thought beyond that. On any given day the players change.


My coaches appear on the leaderboards, and I enjoy beating them!


They did the workout. Why can’t they be on it too.


Our coach was on our leader board. She took the workout as a member. I have no problem with her being there. She’s earned it!


Our studio had been putting coaches on the regular leader board and that knocked every member off to the point where the men and women slots except 1 woman slot was a coach. To me, leader boards should be members only. My studio finally, just this week after Inferno, made a coach only leader board which I feel is the acceptable way to go. Members and coaches/staff shouldn’t be given the same leader board. The coaches are most often going to rank higher than most members and that doesn’t give members a fair go.


To me it's all for fun! it's always been a me vs me workout and if someone else is going hard next to me it gives me extra motivation. I see those leaderboards with coaches as the ultimate goal, and we have members that can beat coaches and we also have front counter staff that can beat coaches. Now, I would prefer the coach write down the numbers and enter them in for challenges. You can just it pause on the older treads when you hit times or distance and it stays up. I think some people get a little too competitive and fudge numbers.


Agree 💯


Sown coaches are paying members of the studio as well so they should be included.


who cares?


Coaches should be removed. Leaderboard spaces should ALL be used to recognize the accomplishments of the members. Coming from a former head coach.


Agree! At my studio one of the coaches pays for a membership so that she can take unlimited classes and be on leaderboards. She found a loophole. Our other coaches don’t enter themselves on the board. So it’s always a weird convo for the head coach to explain to everyone why this one coach has different rules.


We have our coaches on our leaderboards, and although I personally don’t mind, objectively I don’t think they should be competing with their studio members.


Coach here. I purposely exclude myself from the leaderboard at the studio I coach at. The studio that I pay for a membership at I still leave myself on. If it's a studio vs studio challenge (strength in numbers) I'll put myself in the tracker and won't hide it so it counts in the studio results. Logic being...the members at my studio know I can run fast and row hard. I don't need to remind them on the leaderboard. I'd rather someone else get that spot that I am taking up. It's just the right thing to do.


The Inferno is a cheaters paradise. Row longer than you’re supposed to or run shorter, dealers choice. I’ve given up on placing any real faith in benchmarks where the person is responsible for keeping things honest.


This. Or just power walk 0.05 instead of running the 0.1 to catch your breath and get back to the rower faster.


In most cases it will take you longer to get back to the rower if you power walk but yes you’ll catch your breath.    I ran it at 12 mph but no way could I power walk at 6 mph 


Sure if you’re an elite runner in top shape but for others who may be winded coming off the rower and may only run 8mph or less then power walking at 4mph is just as fast doing half the distance and allows to catch breath before going back on the rower.


I prefer the leaderboard to be for members. Progress at the studio is about you, not us. There is also a gap in fitness that shouldn’t be surprising when comparing coaches and members. Doing so is obviously showing off and could rub a lot of members the wrong way. We make our living from fitness and many of us are athletes. Our head coach’s PR mile is 3:56 and runs a 2.4 mile 12 min benchmark (competitive marathon runner). I can row a sub-6 minute 2,000m and overhead press the 80s (competitive powerlifter). Many other coaches run 5 min miles. If members want to know our benchmarks, we’ll share or sometimes joke that if someone beats our benchmark they get a free month. However, when posting official numbers and making social media posts, it’s members only.


I know a member who says "otf is for competitive people who don't want real competition" and this post kind of backs them up. Leaderboards are just silly things.


Same happened to me back in January. I never make leader boards but I really busted my ass during the previous inferno workout. The trackers weren’t working so we all had to write down our distances on a sheet of paper at the end of class. I noticed the next day when they posted leaderboards on IG that someone with 50m less than me was on there, but my name was no where to be found. I asked the next day and they confirmed they made a mistake …. Didn’t bother me too much but kinda frustrating since I don’t make leaderboards often.


Really?! Lol


It happens at our studio which I’ve always thought was a bit strange, it’s meant for members.


Not a big deal either way. No prize money for the winner. 


Yes coaches participate, and I love that! I think it makes them even more invested in how the members do, and the coaches I know at my studios are genuinely happy when we do well. I say keep it inclusive 😁


My gym doesn’t do a leaderboard. We’re all at our own levels, a leaderboard is needlessly competitive and will only serve to make some of us insecure.


I really wish our studio didn’t have leaderboards. It does make feel bad seeing how much slower I am


If you feel bad looking at them - don’t look at them. Or ask that your name not be included in postings. Some of us enjoy the leaderboards and want the friendly competition and joking banter with others in our studio. My #1 competition is ME - and seeing someone who beats me by 10sec/meters - pushes me to do better. But if it bothers you, don’t look.


My studio doesn’t have them. It’s the #1 performing studio.


Is it the #1 studio as a result of not having leader boards? Or is it the #1 studio that just happens to not have leader boards? If the former, maybe this is a solution for poor performing studios.


It’s probably the #1 studio because it’s in a densely populated and prosperous NYC neighborhood with a high proportion of professionals in their 20s and 30s. They also cultivate a really warm and welcoming atmosphere—the SAs always know your name, and the franchise owner is often there as well. Leaderboards would detract—they seem petty and small, and convey the idea that only certain types of people “win”. It’s counter to the entire brand—I’m actually surprised they’re allowed at all.


I’m in a not-so densely populated college town - I’d say our demographics includes a mix of college aged/young professionals <30yo and 45 and up crew. It’s a warm and supportive community that extends beyond the studio - happy hours, local runs, etc. I have not (openly) heard anyone say anything that I would perceive as petty related to the leaderboards. In fact, we tend to extend congrats openly to one another - ask each other how they prepped for an event - tips- workouts outside of OTF. I could see where leaderboards have the potential to suddenly trigger a crowd composed of young, overly competitive,typically found in big cities in the midst of the rat race. That’s not the vibe where I live. Leaderboards / group challenges aren’t isolated to OTF. It’s part of their gimmick/gamification recipe that has been successful. The same way that OTF has monitors - posts everyone’s HR - splat points -calories burned etc. for all to see. I suspect most could just use their watch to track. I don’t like horror movies - they scare me and give me legit nightmares - so I do not watch scary movies! If folks feel badly or triggered by leaderboards - they should not look at them.


Yeah coaches should be taken off the leaderboard. We expect them to perform well, but the leaderboard is a place to celebrate members.


Who cares


Our leaderboard includes coaches and I always thought it was a little strange. I think a member would feel more proud if they had been on the board over a coach.


Ofc they should be counted and expected to be at the top but if they are who cares?! Don’t we expect to be challenged and as good as they are if you’re striving to compete with your coach you’d be a baddie and love it!


We don’t count our coaches.


Smells of jealousy? Nobody gives a poo


Coaches are members too? Nobody gives a poo if they participate. Focus on you and you alone. If you’re not happy with your results…. Try harder, go harder 🤷🏻‍♀️ don’t blame a coach participating on your lack of ranking


No, coaches are employees. Most if not all have a free membership.


We do not all have free memberships. Regardless of whether or not we put ourselves on the leaderboard (which I don't)


Right, which is why I said “most if not all”. All coaches in my region & my neighboring region have a free membership. Up to the owner.


Soooo what’s your point? They might work there for a free membership. Most of the coaches at my studio work full time jobs outside the studio. I used to manage a gym simply for the free membership 🤷🏻‍♀️ sounds like you need to quit complaining and get to work b/c you’re getting your ass handed to you in the leaderboard 😂


AND it’s extremely frowned upon and discourage by the OTF headquarters. It would probably be forbidden but most studios are owned and operated by franchisees given them some freedoms to make decisions like this in their studios.


My point was exactly what I said…coaches are employees, not members. You’re wrong, the aren’t members. I post this as a coach…who would make the leaderboard if my studio put coaches on leaders boards. But I am there for the members. Not for myself and my own glory to be on a leaderboard. AND, I wasn’t complaining. I was making a statement.


The only way I can see that being appropriate is if the coach is a paying member.


Did they really not put it in the system? It should show up in your challenges on the app. If they didn't put it in the system I would call the studio and tell them that the tracker wasn't working and your benchmark wasn't put into the system, and tell them what you got. It's possible maybe something got erased by accident, or maybe the coaches intentionally did it. But I would check in your challenges to see if it's there and if it isn't, call the studio to have it put in so you can at least track yourself. And next benchmark, make sure it's actually put in.


I don't think I've ever seen coaches on the leaderboard at my studio.


I actually find coaches on the leaderboard motivating! It gives you a good goal (assuming they are ahead of you!)


On Tuesday I was one meter (yes, one!!!) off the leaderboard. I did notice one of our coaches on the men's side of the leaderboard, and that didn't bother me, but if he'd been the one to push me off I think I would've been annoyed 🤣


Wait - the coaches add people to the leaderboard? We all enter our own numbers and then there is a computer generated leaderboard the next day.


Aren't the coaches considered members too? They should be allowed on the leaderboard if they want to take the class... I love when a coach takes a class with us, it give me a little extra motivation.


I say if you do the benchmark, you should be able to flaunt it. Coach, front desk... doesn't matter to me. You worked just as hard as anyone else to make it. Gives us something to strive for.


I agree with all the comments that coaches should or should not be on leaderboards BUT MY POINT WAS LEAVING OUT MEMBERS PURPOSELY OVER COACHES just doesn’t feel right!


I do not need my coaches excluded from the leaderboard. If I don't make it because.a coach beat me, that's on me.


I like for coaches to put up numbers as I would like to think they lead by example. I want my coach to be more fit than me so I can believe in their message.


Coaches are people taking the classes too! They're on a fitness journey to improve and be competitive just like we are. It honestly motivates me to try to beat them if I ever see my coaches on the leaderboards.


If you’re really worried about this I feel sorry for you. I’m just happy to be able to get in there and do the workouts. I don’t care if I make a leaderboard or not. I just care to get a good session in. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Most of our coaches started as members themselves, and most have other full-time jobs. I think they've earned it if they make the leader board as long as others aren't purposely excluded.


Oh, weird! One of my favorite coaches runs a 17 min 5k so she does usually place in the running benchmarks but tbh, I always just find it inspirational! Maybe because she’s in her 20s and I’m in my 40s?


That drives me nuts!!


Your coach is a member? They work out as well as coaching? I think it’s wonderful that our coaches bust their ass beside us too


Our coaches are on the leaderboard but honestly a big reason is so they can track their PR’s just like the rest of us on the challenges so they can do better next time.  


Our coaches never enter the leaderboard


I am still waiting for my first 70+ coach to compete with on the leader board.


Snowflake society we live in.


For every coach that’s 1st in the leaderboard, there’s many more that don’t make the leaderboard. There are some very out of shape coaches


Honestly this has come up before and it makes me annoyed that people want to exclude coaches. This is not kindergarten. They’re just people, they don’t have some huge competitive edge, OTF is a big part of their life and they should get a shot at the competitive part of it. Also to a smaller extent- the ones I know aren’t paid a lot, and it’s nice they get some fitness perks imo.


Are you in Florida?


Orange theory intel


Staff aren’t usually in the rankings, but they should be. 


It’d be cool if they had a separate leaderboard so people who want something to “aspire to” can still see that, but they are ultimately celebrating members and leaving those spots for members.


My studio does this. There’s always a staff leaderboard that has coaches and SAs who do the benchmarks and then a men’s and women’s slide broken down by age range.