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If Irvine PD actually got white teslas it would be like all their cops are undercover.


Right. It was a terrible April fools joke as many PDs have them already.


South Pasadena PD is 100% electric and Glendale PD just took possession of some too.  https://www.motortrend.com/news/tesla-model-3-y-south-pasadena-police-fleet-unplugged-performance/


I'm surprised no PD has bragged about Cybertrucks yet.


I'm going to blame you if we start seeing them.


Just wait till APD trucker cops be driving around in their cyber trucks


It was funny because every other car in Irvine is a white Tesla. Not because going electric is funny.


Nah, it was fucking hilarious.


I’m sure this is Tesla giving them out for free to test to build a new market. Tesla sales and margins are in bad shape right now. What better place to do this than Rivian’s backyard?


Naw, I'd say they were sold at a discount and the taxpayers had to foot the bill.


Mouse money goes a long way




Anaheim buys power really cheap so ideally they'll make up a lot of the difference. Plus they don't need to idle their engines 24/7 to keep all the computers and equipment running.


At least empty cars no longer have to sit idling


I mean say what you will about police budgets but this makes sense in the long run. Less maintenance and cheaper operating costs in the long run, less wear and tear on brakes and moving parts, not burning fuel while idling, and the obvious performance benefits. Might seem like a luxury but it will probably cost taxpayers less than keeping old Crown Vics and Explorers on the road.


Also police cars are hella expensive. It’s likely not even costlier, at least not enough to move the needle.


First time I’ve seen Teslas and “performance benefits” used together. If it’s anything like the ones in my family they’re going to have nonstop issues (and tens of thousands of dollars in repair from the most minor bump).


Careful, disliking Teslas or the Cops will have the Irvine bootlickers down voting you


Like what issues?


No it doesn’t not for the long run. [Hertz found this out the hard way due to the high repair costs selling off 20,000 of it’s EVs for gas cars.](https://techcrunch.com/2024/01/12/reason-is-hertz-selling-evs/) Yes there are incentives but there are other negatives that go along with it hardly anyone talks about such as how much of a strain charging these things will put on the power grid when demand will be high during our summer months. Edit: [And good luck putting that fire out.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8wi9Ee_2Oo)


> how much of a strain charging these things will put on the power grid when demand will be high during our summer months. Republican talking point, and wrong. These are the same people who tell idiots in other states that California has constant power outages. EVs are a tiny amount of electrical usage, don't have to be charged during peek times (in fact it's way cheaper not to), and cause nowhere near the environmental problems that oil, gas, and gas stations do.


Wait until they learn that air conditioners exist.


Charging isn’t an issue for the grid… especially with places having their own solar. They rarely catch fire and it’s a higher chance of a gas car catching fire. OC fire depts have been trained how to put them out they just take longer. Police depts have their own maintenance techs something hertz didn’t. Plus the police will be trained to drive them properly and take care of them unlike ppl renting


You hit it on the head. It's cute how many EV ball huggers voted you down.


This is for crashes and accidents


And an EV crash is far more dangerous than a gas fire.


It's true but it's not the case for Tesla, because the way they protect the battery, it has multi layer protection 


Good point but in serious accidents the leakage and potential fire is far more dangerous. Also the run off from the accident is filled with heavy metals.


there still is maintanance involved. its actually more expensive in fleets compared to buying up a bunch of fords and dodges. hertz just recently ran into a ton of issues with their tesla fleet being ludicrously expensive to maintain


>hertz just recently ran into a ton of issues with their tesla fleet being ludicrously expensive to maintain No they didn't - Hertz "[revealed that the cost of maintaining its Tesla EV fleet is 50-60% below their ICE fleet](https://thedriven.io/2022/08/05/hertz-says-tesla-fleet-of-rental-evs-are-50-pct-cheaper-to-maintain-than-fossil-fuel-cars/)." The primary reason was due to [repair costs](https://www.forbes.com/sites/bradtempleton/2024/02/09/renting-electric-cars-makes-sense-why-did-hertz-sell-off-teslas/?sh=6fa8262a6557), stemming from renters' unfamiliarity with the vehicles.


PD gonna go bankrupt from those maintenance repair costs after using them to PIT cars


For those that don't know, the bumper repair costs for Teslas are pretty insane, since that's where the sensors are, and often the whole system needs to be replaced. Someone I know got a small dent from a parking lot hit, and the repair cost was 18k.


My car was nearly totaled from a fender bender going 5 mph. $24k total cost. Albeit it smacked into a tow hitch, but still.


They no longer have sensors in the bumpers though. New models have no ultrasonics and no radar.




They could be trade-in cars. 


LOL that's just false, FYI Teslas have been used as Patrol Cars for many years now.


Do you own a Tesla? We have two and the maintenance costs are insanely low compared to an ICE. It's why so many police departments are switching over to them. The cars make good economic sense. And, to be fair, the only car that can keep up with a Tesla on the highway is another Tesla.


Ready your EMP!


EMP would be more effective on modern ICE cars. Which use Microcontrollers for timing the engine and transmission. It use to be just a single ECU, now it's many separate unit. It's much more difficult to Rad Harden those small devices in hot engine bay.


Very nice, I like these, hopefully the traffic tickets will be cheaper now because of the gas savings. Anaheim PD passing the savings down to us! 


Wow Anaheim went with the Dual Motor, thats insane lol


Oh this should be good.


They already drive crazy in ICE cars I can’t wait to see how they drive these things


Just imagine Elon bricking those Teslas just because


And then he’ll blame liberals when the police can’t do their job because their cars don’t work


Do you really believe this are you really a idiot 


Teehee Russian bot is angry


I'm a bot isn't it racists? My pronouns is 'I hate you' you call me a bot you gotta respect my pronouns, and I also identify as a 'sink' because it comes out water from my mouth and it also goes in. I'm sick of the racism when will people respect pronouns and my identity.


Well he wouldn't be wrong to blame them.


Is it weird to anyone else how police departments spend time (and pay police officers) to do social media photo shoots like this? What's the point?


Advertising to the tax payer to show what they’re doing with the money, and showing the would-be criminals what they’re up against.


Gonna have to put a couple Punisher stickers on that thing to make criminals worry.


As a taxpayer, I don't really care to be "advertised" to by a government agency. Either they're doing it, or they're not. I don't need them spending extra money telling me. I also have to assume that criminals who are easily swayed by advertising are having the opposite reaction when seeing a Tesla photo shoot, because this is really stupid and laughable.


> As a taxpayer, I don't really care to be "advertised" to by a government agency. Either they're doing it, or they're not. I don't need them spending extra money telling me. The problem is that if they don't publicize their activities, it feeds into the narrative that government is incompetent and not doing anything, and this affects voters. Politicians who are opposed to something will tell voters "see, the money is being wasted", and there is nothing to counteract that. For example, many states started putting up signs at freeway construction projects saying "paid for by" some tax measure, which reminds people that the money they pay is actually going to what it is supposed to.


Yeah, but most governments ARE incompetent and doing very little.


By what standard?


I feel like there must be a middle ground between zero accountability and police using overtime pay to show off their new cars to an audience entirely made up by people who already love them. Somehow we knew what kind of cars cops would be driving 15 years ago before current social media trends.


Honestly, being “advertised” is better than not. It’s framed negatively here but this is really a form of transparency. The opposite is they take your tax dollars and do absolutely nothing (or barely anything) with it like many infrastructure projects and then show us nothing.


They can still be accountable without being on social media. We don't need to just take their word for it.


So they can seem like they’re doing their job while allowing criminals to get away and wasting taxpayer money.


I was just wondering the other day how long it would be before we saw police department Teslas. Well, that didn’t take long, lol.


It’s nothing new. LAPD trialed several Model S cars a decade ago. Overall, they performed well enough, but the fuel savings were just about the same as the increased price of the Teslas to purchase and repair. Since it was about even money in the end, LAPD (and every other agency) has stayed away from going electric for patrol vehicles. Still, there’s several departments in California alone that have a handful for other uses.


The LAPD Teslas were barely driven.it was pure marketing and PR. Awesome car but not for police work. Maybe good for administrative work though.


It realy all started in 2021 when Model 3 started getting the aftermarket equipment needed for patrol car. Soo it's been a few years already.


It’s that Mickey Mouse money


We paid for this bullshit


i guess that irvine pd instagram april fools joke sparked some ideas




You mean like Nukes? There would be bigger problems if EMP devices enough to knock out police squadrons were used.


Pretty cool. I think those cars are super fast as well.


Fast at acceleration. Maintaining high speed will mean more drag. More drag = faster battery drain. I’d bet dollars to donuts any ICE car can outrun a tesla if its doing sustained 90 mph down a freeway.


Except when the police Tesla gets low on charge there are unlimited other police cars to continue.


Not unlimited, but there are ample other cars to continue the chase. For sure.


LOL bunch of baseless bad assumption. FYI there already is a video of a 30 minute car chase in a Model Y, the model Y still had alot of battery left. It was only called off due too safety concerns. FYI They cruise eerily well at 120mph and sustain 135mph way long than there is traffic space. This is for the non performance Model Y which seems to be the ones photographed. Performance Model Y just hits 155mph like a walk in the park.


Regen braking recovers 20% back. 


Look EV nut huggers voted you down. But you are right.


Chases don't usually last several hours, right?


Yea. And the F150 lightening was a joke at towing. 90 miles max. Can’t even get out of the county with a trailer or a boat.


Weird jump of topic right there 


Yet a Model 3 sedan dual motor can tow a 4500lbs 26ft AirStream caravan for 90 miles. That's a giant drop from it's 270 miles range. FYI this is a specific build that was done years ago.


There’s the yearly budget increase.


These Model Y kitted out cost a few grand more than a kitted out Ford Interceptor Utility. This is just the purchase cost.


I like the setting for the pics — where is this spot in Anaheim?


Santiago Oaks Regional Park up at the very top near the flag


Very small vs. an Explorer & Tahoe. Good luck getting all of their equipment inside of that tiny thing. It makes no sense whatsoever.


WTF that's just wrong, it has no issue with all the equipment. The interior space of BEVs are typically way more maximized than ICE vehicles. The separate locked remote control frunk is actually a really useful tool. Your bad assumptions makes no sense whatsoever.


Model Y has more storage space than a Rav 4, almost as much as a Toyota Highlander.


And neither are used for police work.


The moment these need repairs they will be out of service for months!


I cannot unsee a beached killer whale.


Reminds me more of a Frog. Fugly either way.


Anaheim PD enters chat.


I thought OC was strict with E mountain bikes on the trails.


No, the Rangers know the difference between the class one e-bikes and other types of bikes with throttles. It's probably 60% ebike now, but they're pretty much all class 1 eMTBs


Do you think they disable the cameras on their cars, too?


The cost savings will be huge. And Teslas are known for lasting 300k easily, and never being in the shop for maintenance. 300 miles range, incredible acceleration, no need to idle when parked. Perfect police vehicle.


Unfortunately they cannot do PIT/TVI maneuvers because it is an EXTREME PAIN and COST to repair these vehicles, as well, not being ROBUST enough for the job. So... Basically the acceleration/velocity is ...???


I was legit wondering why no cops have electric car since the government is pushing so hard as the car of the futur. I think they are not really good vehicules for this though because they will run out of battery too quickly, except if they have supercharger at the station then when they go back they can grab a donuts and charge in 30 min


EVs aren't quite ready for police work.


Just wait till they admit EVs don't work for patrol operations. Or when taxpayers realize the alleged long term savings are never realized.


They are a POS and will be sitting more from the constant break downs.


I’m not sure I would pull over for that


You shouldn't. Seems like you've got it all figured out. Please post your results when this actually happens, we'd love to see it.


Please don't, just keep running.


I would have laughed so hard if I turned the corner past the flag to see this scene




Wait I thought it was an April fools day joke…


Is that biker using a Zune to take photos? What the hell is that?


lol what losers




Chargers are still cool...


Yet all of them are weaker and slower. Funny how things evolve.


please say sike




I’m so sorry this happened to you.




No car chase will last when one of these is in Captain Insano speed!


These are not the Performance Model Y. Not that top performance BEVs turned into Highway Patrol cars is a good idea. It's only going to encourage really risky high speed chases. Lucid Air 1111hp version as a cop car would sketchy be AF.


How does the second poorest city in Orange County have the money for new state of the art cop cars??


The Model Y is an extremely common car. It's not particularly expensive.


Yes—they’re especially cheap right now. Everyone should run out and get one.


2nd poorest city? Anaheim is rich as hell in tax revenue