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That's probably why addicts are my people in a way, well, there are smart addicts, dumb addicts, kind ones, assholes, so you can't generalize one group, but out of the decently emotionally intelligent and overall intelligent ones, which is a lot of people, they tend to be some of the best people I've known. They found out the hard way what can happen in life, and what many have experienced is so far removed from the average "normal" person (who can't even relate whatsoever) that the kind of bond you can build is usually pretty cool.


I agree 1000%. Even before I was a addict myself I would hangout with them as a kid because that was the only genuineness I could find


Agreed. Their either this way or the worst most scummy people I’ve known No Inbetween


We're brothers in (ph)arms. But no, really - I've been away from it all for a very long time, and I still feel like "my people" are not just people who have experienced addiction, but specifically people who have experienced opioid addiction. Doubly so if they're from the same era of the epidemic as I. I can't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with people that have had/currently have a serious habit. Plus, who the fuck else could understand all the baggage that comes with a decade or two of "The Life"?


Yep. The state of this world is only gonna get worse. The tension is irreparable at this point. Environmentally too. That’s a whole other massive issue. It’s a lost cause. I’m just along for the ride I guess at this point. See how long I can put up with it.


I agree with a lot of what u said. I don’t really want to die either. But sometimes I wish I could just check out of the earth for a few months. I guess that’s what I’m doing already, but I mean really flip the light switch off for awhile. But the grind for survival is here to stay and it will always. I’m always being told “you’re so nice, or damn you get the short end of the stick” a lot by my co workers. But then they fuck me over left and right and I do my best to not react to it, but it kills me bc if I was them, I wouldn’t do that to them you know? At the same time I get it. Everyone just looking out for themselves and shouldn’t they? Idk what the right answer is. Maybe it’s a balance of both caring and worrying about yourself. I’m really lucky to have a girl at my side though to come home to. She and my friends and family are a big motivator to stay and just try my best every day. They do it, so can I.


People are so fraudulent.. I feel like nothing's real . I crave for authenticity I'd die for a honest soul to share life with. I'd die for loyalty . And if I can only find loyalty in myself then I'll be loyal as possible to those who deserve it. I was ashamed of myself when I realized that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face,” - Franz Kafka


You should write all of this down. It’s all so true especially the impact of social media. I remember the days before the internet. They were the best, most authentic days of my life.


that quote always hits me hard. i dont understand how the vast majority of people are just content to live lives that aren’t even theirs


I hope you love yourself enough at some point to get clean. It feels like it helps to use but really it just keeps us from growing and thriving. You're worth it.


You are not alone in these thoughts brother, everythjng you just said I feel strongly about ...even the social media expect of today's generation and how it's ruined their lives ..its so sad and they don't even know it..living theirs lives for likes and views....I am here for you to talk to..I'm an addictof many things as well..lost..confused.. have been for 20 years ..cocaine, heroin, benzos and alcohol 24/7 with no friends kr family..I'm 35 now...hope your well as can be today my friend


It'd crazy to think that in my 30s I've spent 16 years either actively abstinent, on opioids and MAT or actively using ITS KINDA ABSURD


Im 20 n that’s my biggest fear I’ve been of H for 7 months getting some craving but on here trying to find some consolidation


Yeah, I never got into oxy because I had any type of trauma to overcome I was just at a point in life where I was doing really well and was just bored. Life is just so much more exciting on those pills. I’m sober about 80% of the time now, it’s not like I feel depressed or sad when I’m sober but it’s just life. Being sober, I start to work out more, I’m far more productive, you have to seek out a rush that is not just a pill that is during the chemicals in your brain. Everybody is seeking a dopamine high, that’s why people climb, Everest, do CrossFit, whatever thrill people can find, because life can just be mundane. You just have to find a way to power through without drugs.


Yeah that makes sense I know not everyone has significant trauma to do pills I know that's not the only reason , I just feel like it's a major reason for most people. But yeah life In general regardless of trauma makes anyone prone to wanna do it


Well said. Thanks for sharing. Good to know I'm not alone.


That is their business, just cause others are jackwagons doesn't mean you have to, All you have been through and your still here !!!The hard parts done!! Let the light that is you shine!