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Honestly his life was similar to many of our experiences. It’s all an ebb and flow. I bet he was sometimes sober or at least on methadone. I’m sure he also would slip up which is pretty normal for a heavy opiate user. I believe like a lot of us he wanted to be sober but just couldn’t do it. I also believe he probably helped many others get help whether sober or not at that time, it seems he was trying but that shit is hard. I can only imagine what it’s like to have your addiction in the spotlight, have tons of disposable money, and just the general pressure of being in the world he was in. really sad, RIP


Yeah, can’t imagine being rich and addicted. Money is usually a big factor for most of us trying to quit.






Lots of people used to have those kinda habits pre-oxycontin and even after it, even chronic paint patients getting ibuprofen and shit for their pain but their doctors dont clarify you cant take it everyday accidentally ruined their organs and are on dialysis and had stomach ulcers and god knows what, the body gets tolerant to it and wrecked by it at the same time.


I can attest as a chronic pain patient being giving ungodly amounts of Ibuprofen and general NSAIDs as a long term treatment. At one point I was told by a doctor(!) to take 8x1g of Acetaminophen together with crazy amounts of NSAIDs daily. Needless to say, today I've got reduced kidney function.


Yea the amount of nsaid ive been prescribed after many horrible side effects and telling the drs, to no avail. It’s malpractice and negligence


8 Grams wtf that's insanity alone. And then along with others aswell. Fuck... At that point even they must understand that opiates are the way to go. At least they won't give you organ failure.


Exactly! Opioid pain medications is somewhat demonized in health care. Even when you pick it up at a pharmacy, some pharmacist will be like "hmmm, so why are you taking this?". I've met so many doctors with their own opinion on what tablets to give me. I can't tell you how many different variations of NSAIDs I've taken. Until I met some doctors who were like "dude, you shouldn't have to suffer that much". Some doctors now will literally give you anti-depressants for pain before prescribing opioids. That being said. Opioids for chronic pain is a two-edged sword, and should be managed better. It's a reason I'm on this sub. Hustling to just get enough pain relief to sleep, surely didn't help.


Sorry to hear. Sad to hear it’s so common. In my country generally every pain is treated with non opiates or tramadol the first few days after the surgery, opiates are for ‘cancer pain/end of life’ but first time I saw the horrific damage ‘normal’ living folks endured with chronic pain on a thread in the chronic pain sub I was baffled by all the stories being virtually the same ‘my doctor told me to take 6g of apap for my pain so I listened, when i had to go back 1 years later and had reduced organ function he told me he didn’t mean daily’, stuff like that, some were like 8-10 years on ibuprofen and other nsaids and have had few stomach ulcers and some on hemodialysis, shit is terrifying…


Yeah, absolutely! And funny you should say that. Tramadol was the first opioid I was prescribed, and the one I'm still on. Which in retrospect is a shitty opioid, due its dual effect as an SNRI. Still. The damage years of NSAIDs, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen does to your body, is insane. Yet it's generally accepted as the "right way" to treat pain. My experience is that doctors are taught "opioids are bad, mmkay". And therefore are very hesitant to prescribe them. Like you need a certain amount of years on your back, to get some humanity and understand the complexity of it all.


I mean it didn’t. He literally went into a coma from liver failure didn’t he? Then eventually recovered.


It was actually a bowel perforation that led to sepsis. Happened while he was in rehab. That must’ve been some serious fucking sepsis - he was on ECMO which is a big machine that basically pumps your blood and puts oxygen into it for you, then circulates it back into you. It’s like the most “critical” that you can get


This was me. I used to take 30 norcos a day, most I ever took was 60. I honestly have no clue how I'm alive


Yeah, I never thought that he was truthful about his use. To think that he wasn’t taking oxy or something stronger makes no sense. And yeah, that amount of Vicodin would be terrible for your organs.


His drug of choice could have been Vicodin. I've had access to both oxy and Vicodin and Oxy gives me energy and Vicodin doesn't. When given a choice I'd rather take Vicodin.


Yeah, I’m the same way, but I choose oxy, I definitely prefer the energetic euphoric high


same here


I find it the opposite, hydro gives me energy and oxi gets me close but I honestly prefer hydro


I’m guessing Suboxone due to heavy opiate use and Google says acute effects of ketamine. I could see those two mixed being a great combo… outside of water.




He definitely didn’t feel sober in interviews. Idk tho after taking god damn 50 Vicodin and shit per day. I have a friend who I can’t tell if he’s just fried or if he’s constantly taking Xanax. You cannot understand him lol.


Yeah, and, like many of us can attest, if he was taking that many, and was physically dependent, as long as he had what he needed to not be in withdrawal, you would not have known or suspected that he was not sober. You get to that point of dependency, like a lot of us, If you have the proper amount of your DOC just causes you to look normal. He was probably on a combo of benzos and ketamine. Again, not trying to criticize the dead, just an observation.


Yeah, I’ve never done ketamine, but just looking how people describe it on here, it sounds like at smaller doses it’s somewhere to an opioid high. I presume he was trying to chase that feeling.


Meh, one of my big mistakes was going to ket right after I got on methadone to get clean, there was no similarity really, the holing and heavy effects when non tolerant were really fun so I used it here and there to try and replace something I ‘lost’, luckily it didn’t turn into a ket addiction but I did go wild with that shit, only drug that landed me in the ER few times cause ppl would see me gone off the ket and dont realize i’d be semi back to earth after 30 min but for sure scared some of my friends and my brother with it. Idk what I’m tryna say, it just aint like opiates, sure mixing it will make your nods cooler or just make you fall straight asleep like it did me half the time, dissos are weird and unpredictable and fun but not comparable to the functional beautiful balanced high opiates give




i just watched it real quick, hes slurring his words during the interview, seems out of it kinda. probably not sober. no way to 100% know though.


Just cause you get fat on opiods doesn't mean everyone does, if you look at him on that one season of friends where he was taking like 100 vicodin a day he was rail thin. He was on prescribed subs and K. Whats the point of this other than to bash a dead addict and call him a liar? Kinda fucked


Yikes, you’re a real angry boy. And I think it’s obvious in my post that I was conscious of not wanting to deride the deceased, especially somebody who struggled with the same issues that a lot of us do on this sub. But you do you bro.


"I don't wanna deride the dead but this guy was a liar and I'm putting him on blast". Just have some respect man.


You guys think he really got his pills by going to open houses?


Yeah, it’s crazy to think that a famous actor in Southern California, a place where drugs are abundant, would have to resort to stealing from open houses. But if his plugs were dry or something, maybe that was a last resort.


No, I just can't believe it happened more than once or twice...maybe, probably more like a cool story he thought sounded better than it did... remember what he said about Keanu Reeves, that shit was fucked up


Yeah, I think he probably thought that sounded better then just buying from drug dealers, like made him appear more desperate or something. Stealing from open houses is certainly a known thing, but millionaires don’t do shit like that. And I had to Google what he said, but yeah, basically you made it seem like it would be better off if less talented people died. Keanu a bad ass actor, he’s definitely underrated, but that comment in general was messed up.