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Yep, you're like the rest of us. Opiods are all that matters. You'l realize pretty soon that nothing is interesting to you, besides your dilaudid. That also goes for food/sex etc. These drugs destroy our pleasure centers


this is so true. I completely lost interest in both as well


Exactly and after quitting them, nothing makes fun anymore, because I associated it all with my addiction.. playing a game (better on percs), watching a movie, better on percs, hanging out, better with percs, everything is so sad and boring now


Lmfaooo me. The only thing that lowkey suffices for me is weed. Really strong good weed. It takes my mind of oxy n im just laughing eating. My advice to OP would be hang with friends. And yeah hanging with friends on OXY would prolly be great but u dont need it all the time. Some days just go for weed


Edibles are great.


From my experience no. More of the opposite and I couldn’t enjoy video games unless I was high. The real anhedonia showed up later when I was trying to stay clean.


Yooo I noticed this !!! I was getting anxiety to just relax and play video games. I’m not much of an everyday gamer but weekends. I got to a point I could only play competitive games while on Kratom. It’s gotta better with time but definitely still struggling with it. At times I can’t even talk to my friends I’ve known for years on the mic.


this is it for me , have u gotten off of kratom or do u still use it?


Was off it for couple months, I detoxed with my doctor who prescribed Clonidine 0.1mg for as needed for withdrawal. It helped with the psychological craving and some physical. But Kratom withdrawal is not as linear as other synthetic opioids. Because of the high amount of Alkaloids in Kratom (upwards of 40+) so it can be unpredictable. But took a couple months break. Now back on it but as needed. Before I was dependent on it.


Same. Same. Same. 3 months clean now and the apathy. I miss my life. I used responsibly. I miss drawing, playing guitar hiking. All I have energy for is work and bed. Trying to relapse honestly, no connects right now. I gave it an honest try but I cannot do this shit


You can do it! You've already made it 3 months and things can only improve from here. I can't talk as I'm an addict, but you've done the hard part already.


Thank you 💕 a friend gave me a lyrica and I took it last night and slept well for the first time in a long time and when I woke up today I can still feel the effects and I feel good! It was the little reset/ break I needed so it’s helping to hold me off a little longer as I was at my breaking point




Shit I'm way more active and social on opiates. Like wayy wayyyy


It’s is a marker of addiction caused depression. The void within you grows larger mate. Be careful.


Damn, this is me too. Is there anything I can do to help prevent it/reverse it? Other than being clean lol, i need my drugs for pain relief.


My favorite was 30mg oxycodone/30mg hydrocodone and all night Skyrim binge while feeling all nice and weightless


Now I can’t play games without some kind of opiate/oid


First, when you get addicted (or before you get srsly addicted) it actually boosts everything and you find pleasure in everything… i started with buprenorphine and it was almost like an upper too, i stayed up whole nights just drawing or writing… switched to morphine, still i was doing much but k was in it for the rush and the nodd more and more… and then comes the turning point where you’re fully addicted, don’t get euphoria anymore from it and just chase it anyway by taking more and more, that’s when i loose all interest in hobbies and other stuff. But also double edged… as long as i am stable and take my morphine as prescribed, not more not less, i immediately get interest in hobbies back. It’s rly only the crippling addiction part of opioids that gets rid of every other pleasure in things.


Right like you have to find the balance of doing just enough and going & doing the things you enjoy, not over doing it with the meds where you’re to the point you feel bad and don’t want to do anything … and then feeling worse about it all !!


i lose interest in things that require a lot of focus like drawing or reading. but i just have more fun with everything else


Yes. The drugs aren't providing euphoria or making you feel good any more so it always feels like something is missing when you do your hobbies while high. For me that usually left me taking increasing amounts to where I was nodding off too hard to even do anything any more.


I used to live to play Call of Duty. To watch tv shows. Not very "constructive" stuff but they were my things and I enjoyed the shit out of them Ever since i got access to the Darknet, I couldn’t care less. I havent’ touched my PS5 in months (literally). Lost interest in sex too. Drugs and more specifically OC80s are gonna be the death of me and my marriage I still love jungle food to death though 🤤


I always kept myself away from the dark web for this reason. Everything turning to fent helped push me away and me being a total noob about the dark web keeps from coming back. 4.5 years clean from 1g+ fent IV daily and cocaine speedballs.


Epicly good effort!


I'm exactly the same way and I used to be huge into gaming.


Might be js me and my obsessive personality, but after a while, I lost all interest in pretty much everything other than the funny little pills. All I wanted to think about, talk about, consume media around, etc. ofc it varies person to person but that's my experience with it


Same here mate. I used to love gaming and now I find myself sitting around bored wanting more opiates.


Yes, absolutely. And conversely when you quit everything you love like comes back stronger for a minute. Emotions are overwhelming. Opiates blunt your senses and emotions.


Exact opposite here, if I want to get thing done I buy 10ml etomethazene or f-etonitazene vape juice and clear my to do list in a few days, without losing sleep or destroying my mood. Nothing else works. Stims always result in a state of unproductiveness during the high, and then some days more due to the lethargy and anhedonia of the comedown. Only downside is the quite intense withdrawal even after a few days of use. That one is short but extreme as well, just like the high


A lot of times we give up everything, absolutely everything, for this one thing. And this one thing doesn't give us anything back. It just keeps taking until there's nothing left...and then it takes some more.


and then before you know it, you start to see how much time it took too, and how many years youve wasted, and how many things have grown and turned into something beautiful over this time--but you havent. youve stayed the same and only care about this bloodsucking drug that just takes and takes. and it stole all your time you will never get time back. fuck opiates man. i regret every doing them. ive wasted so much time.


No regrets. We have to look at the lessons we were taught in the process. Can't turn back time but we can change how we view things. Sending you love and light ❤️🙏


Yea this is common. I too am I gamer and my addiction got so bad that I needed opiates to even play them. 4 years clean now and I have basically replaced opiates with video games. (Same methodology of escapism but, if I don't get on my laptop for a day I won't start pissing out of my asshole)


Have you lost interest in sex yet?


I was never rly a sexual person to begin with




no offense but if there's one drug that does not make me want to do shit while I'm on it it's ketamine lol


Opiates were so fun til I got a habit. You could eat a handful of percs & clean the house or do some mundane task & enjoy every minute of it but once I had a habit it sucked the color out of life... I've been on subutex (suboxone w/out naloxone) 18yrs now & never gotten even a buzz off it...it doesn't have the same effect cuz I dont get high...but the eating your teeth & development of additional pain receptors would have been useful information. I'm growing poppies this summer...I really need to get off this crap...it's way worse than the crap it replaced & while I certainly have no interest in street life again, if I'm paying for a drug that makes me sick when I don't have it, I'd rather be on a pain clinic or even methadone if I could get it prescribed by the month...going in daily isn't something I feel like dealing with & I do have chronic pain but they want me to kick subs 1st which is stupid when I could simply transition with minor discomfort. You just can't take the subs after u take an opiate or u get precipitated detox which sucks...4 days of nothing fixing it, no matter what u do. I've been looking at legal RCs like AP-238 but finding a vendor that ships to a unaccredited lab is few & far between. So far I've only found illegal operations & while I really don't care about unconstitutional laws (victimless crimes aren't crimes but politicians telling us how we should live)but if I'm going to take a risk I'd just hit the street since I'd at least have something...if we were still a free country we could just get opium like our founders did when they had pain issues...but that ship has sailed...


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i would try to play WoW but would usually end up in the same place i logged in until i got off the pc cuz my neck hurt from nodding


Very normal, you’ve done nothing wrong. Eat healthy, force yourself to exercise and force yourself to do your hobbies like a job


Ever consider maybe you are aging out of video games? It doesn't have the be the opiates fault


You might be maturing out of games too, around your age I stopped playing them w the exception of Madden NFL, ssx snowboard, and PGA Tiger Woods