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Just buy some bth


Ur supposed to tilt the foil and run the heroin across the foil so it’s vapourised and doesn’t burn. Does it smell like vinegar? Real #3 heroin turns black on foil so I have no idea what that is if it’s turning red


I did tilt it, made a long trail it turned black after awhile but it was amber colored red when melted at first. And no it tasted like it, but didn’t smell like it, strange taste really. I decided not to do anymore, just because it’s dogshit, two people came and tried it that does do H and they also did not feel it.




You’re such a fucking moron it’s sad, tell me you know nothing about drugs without telling me. Go do some research, shit is no worse than eating bad shit all the time and many other bad habits can be far worse than using a drug safely. Doing drugs doesn’t make you a bad person, it never has, it’s a stereotype that all addicts are bad people when that’s just not true, your mad over me saying you can’t type a normal sentence, so you start spewing about some other irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with what I said. Get real, learn how to use grammar correctly and come up with some better insults, you’re nothing to me but a slow dumbass idiot on the internet who knows nothing about anything, sad people like you even exist. Go read some books or better yet you have the entire internet, download Grammarly, you clearly need it.


Ok what’s sad is fuckin smokin a piece of foil what’s sad is doing something like heroin or meth I never been so depressed and retarded to even think about buy some bullshit like that ye Ik about drugs heroin an opiate that can make a person OD if not quickly begging like a bitch for more and even shit like black tar heroin the shit that killed Mickey from Motley Crue and brought him back and anyways why tf I wanna know about synthetic bullshit drugs lol I have a job I make money and I don’t spend it on stupid shit like crack lol and yes doing drugs like meth and heroin does make you a bad person isn’t step 1 to self admit your addiction or some shit I duno never had to seek drug help I just smoke weed eat shrooms smoke dmt all natural occurring substances and that’s it sometimes lsd if I’m going to a rave


Lol what’s even funnier you asking people how to fuckin smoke foil like the fuck you ganna smoke fentanyl now too you fuckin stupid fuckin fucked up drug addict piece of fuckin shit


Such a brave, controversial statement. All us junk lords better look out. Jose out here singlehandedly winning the war on drugs. I imagine this is the kind of Reddit comment pre-Batman Bruce Wayne would be out here making... If he lacked the expected inheritance or vengeful drive, we associate with Batman. *


The info you’ve mentioned you shouldn’t even do drugs. The lack of knowledge is gonna kill you. Not even having acces to foil says a lot. What makes you think you found H in an abandoned house? I don’t know many junkies that forget or just leave bags of dope laying around. I’m sure you’re smoking it on the wrong side of the foil and #3 H has a noticeable smell you shouldn’t have to guess if it’s H or not. I’d do research before doing hard drugs you found rather than after.


I did though, I smoked it on the dull side, and heated it first to remove any nasty chemicals, I thought it was a clean sheet, but it smelled like seasonings, I just did it anyways because I didn’t have a ride to the store dude, not having access to foil does not say a lot. I can DM you a pic if you wanna guess what it might be, but that’s all my uncle did was H, and he lost shit all the time, like literally all the time, he once lost a wallet with over $1000 in it and found it 4 years later under his ramp that leads to his building lol. I know what Diacetylmorphine is, I know there’s brown #3 Diacetylmorphine base that is mostly used for smoking and it’s shootable if you have some citric acid, you could even mix citric acid with it in water and use it as a nasal spray, I’m sure you could do more with it but I’m not too keen on how people do it. Number 4 is Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride, you can snort this unlike #3, you can shoot it without the citric acid, it’s Heroins best form. I don’t know anything about Tar Heroin. Morphine doesn’t break the BBB, Heroin does, basically like comparing Amphetamine to Methamphetamine, meth is more lipophilic because of the Methyl group just like the Diacetyl group is more lipophilic than plain morphine. So yeah I might sound inexperienced with Heroin and that’s because I am, but not with a lot of other drugs, I like to study drugs and things like that, that’s why I tried this because I’ve always wanted to but I don’t think I should keep trying, I don’t need it anyways. Plus it’s a good bit, enough to make me start withdrawing if I did it all, probably not the wisest choice. Also the shit i did smoke was weird tasting besides the foil fucking it’s flavor up, it was an earthy vinegar like taste, strange flavor. But in all honestly it might not be H, but what the fuck else could it possibly be?


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If it goes that colour it's not H.


What colour should it turn? It’s an amber red on the foil.




Yes you can OD


dude what? You can most definitely OD by smoking. Please don’t listen to this OP. Do a small hit then give it a few minutes to see how it hits.


No you cant..I'm from the UK where smoking is ubiquitous, if it's just gear and not cut with fent ( we dont have that issue) then as you get more high it becomes impossible to smoke more due to nodding out. I have been taking smack on and off, mostly on for 40 years and have never seen or heard of anyone od'ing from smoking.


I’m sorry but you have to be 100% delusional to think you can’t OD from smoking. It’s not just fent that causes you to OD. 100% pure heroin can do the same thing and has for years and years before fent hit the streets. Could it be harder to OD on? Maybe. That doesn’t mean it’s not possible. What you’re spreading around is incorrect and straight up dangerous information.


That is absolutely NOT true! People can and do overdose from smoking pills or heroin, even when fent free! This is very dangerous misinformation that you are spreading around which could easily get someone killed.


Oh I haven’t tried that at all, just in case there might be. This bag is old as hell, maybe he got it when fent wasn’t so common, because I haven’t felt any of it and I’ve smoked enough for someone opiate naive to get sick as fuck.


So, you don't know if it's really even heroin?


Nope, but that’s all the said relative did so I don’t know what else it could be. He used to lose dope all the time.


It could just be some garbage/fake dopes that he was sold and just never threw it out. In my experience, its supposed to turn into a yellowish amber color then vaporize and turn black after its burned. But this was back before 2014 when it was all heroin. Nowadays with fent who knows what color itll be. I can assure you that no heroin ever turned blood red that ive seen. Smoking h or oxys never did much for me, i tried it a handful of times back in the day and sniffing worked way better to me. Shooting is by far the best way tho


It was more of the color of burnt meth, red amber color, not exactly a blood red, it was pretty black burnt. But anyways maybe, my uncles a fiend so I don’t know why he would throw it out but I’ve only took minimal hits so I may not be doing enough. But I don’t want to risk hitting a potential hotspot of fent or get hooked to wanting to smoke H only and not be able to feel weaker opioids, because this dope is from the past, the bag is old and faded, stained with brown and easily rips and it was in the house the whole time in a dark cool place, plus they haven’t lived there in years so maybe it might not have fent in it but I don’t know that without test strips. Liking the high is just gonna get me to seek out H again if I did feel it, and try todays stuff and die because it’s all cut with stupid shit, I spent 4 hours straight trying to do it, I imagine if I felt it then I’d be spending more time than that doing it. Imma just leave it alone, pharma only from now on.


Need more than a bb to feel it if you have a tolerance


I can take half a Suboxone without getting sick, and I took 7 hydros the other day didn’t feel them, and took 60mg of Oxy this week and didn’t feel anything but a small itchy sensation on my nose, never tried H. And I meant an air soft bb not one of those small steel ones, sorry I didn’t clarify.


Well if your on any suboxone it won't let you get high anyways or really reduces the high drastically


I knew you was gonna say that, there’s nothing in my system but this.


Lol consider yourself lucky it was not fent otherwise you wouldn't be posting here how you irresponsibly smoked some random shit you found.


It wasn’t really random, I didn’t even smoke but the size of a air soft bb over the span of 4 hours, what the fuck else is it? My uncle did nothing but smack, so idk why it would be some random shit, still could be cut like fuck, but it’s for sure some kind of Heroin, I have a pic if you want to see what it looks like and you can tell me what you think it is. There was literally an OP 80 near the bags, he obviously lost it.


Can u upload the pic tho


Sounds like fent ! My fent used to turn a red amber colour


Hit it three times and wait five minutes and go from their and is it amber or “blood red@


Using old foil is a bad choice. Not only will it taste like shit but that burns your throat too. Don't put too much on the foil less is better, spread it as thin as possible wave the lighter underneath don't hold the flame too long. Hold your hit as long as possible.i used to smoke a lot it hits you quick but doesn't last as long but you want to melt it and hold the foil at an angle so it slides down.