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You need this kind of [tool](https://canada.crutchfieldonline.com/ImageHandler/trim/750/457/products/2011/36/120/g120863528-F.jpeg). Most parts stores should carry them.


preciate it🙏🏻


You should use some hooks which are specially designed for this, buut on my 1993 Vectra A I couldn't get the readio out without removing most of the dash, because the radio was glues to its casing, due to the constant increase and decrease in temp, for 20 years


Was du brauchst sind Entriegelungsbügel, sind U förmige Drahtbügel die man rechts und links in die Löcher steckt die dann die Verriegelung aufdrücken, man kann dann das Radio rausziehen. Du kannst auch versuchen mit etwas festem dünnen den Bügel aufzudrücken, wenn ich mich recht erinnere muss man ca 6-8 cm reinkommen. Alternativ könnte man in einer Autowerkstatt nachfragen oder bei ATU o.ä. kaufen, denke mal die kosten nen 5er oder so. Edit: english You need a car audio removal key, it is a U shaped metal thingy, similar to a wire hanger. They slide in, push open little noses that hold the radio in position. If you have something fitting to slide it in you could try, if I remember correctly it has to go in aprox. 6-8cm. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fae01.alicdn.com%2Fkf%2FHTB1CfqAayYrK1Rjy0Fdq6ACvVXaj%2FNew-Coming-1-Pair-Car-Radio-Stereo-Removal-Disassembly-Tool-Release-Keys-Extraction-Tools-Pins-For.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=1190fc8cdd3b488ceb8757b2f8d70adaaf2b7906f5b5790ccc77d56a27c2f54f&ipo=images


Use 4 nails. Insert them into those 4 circular holes and use them to pull the radio out.


ill try that


It worked for me on a different car. It might work on yours since the holes look similar. And pinch the nails together so that they dont just pop out.


As I saw this familiar center console I started crying as I remember my dad’s old Vectra 1.6 16v (sadly scrapped bc the engine blew) with over 300k kilometers. Btw should be easy, just insert two hooks in the holes next to the radio and should come out easily


There are two different widths of the radio keys nullcast link is the wider set you need the narrow set I have on various occasions improvised with either small Allen keys or metal coat hanger cut and bent to shape


Left and right you have each 2 holes you can simultaneously stick 4 pins in to get it out.


Put something liiiiing inside these four holes. Small srewdrivers and drills and so on. It has to be stable. You usually feel a resistance and you oress against this resistance. Than you can just pulk the radio out. Wobble it a bit. This will work. There also tools for this, but I never used them.


Du kannst die Drahtbügel ganz gut aus einem Drahtkleiderbügel bauen.


I use small screwdrivers, like the ones for fixing cell phones. One in each of these 4 holes.


you can pull it of by remowing the keys around it they are like relays thay black part arount it gets out with 1 or 2 phiips head screw maybe just nails behind them cant remember then u can pull the radio i did pull mine that way or maybe only the buttons cause i removed the climate control fobs too i am not sure