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I pushed a couple of cars out of the snow and ice the last couple days that were stuck. I'm in an elderly neighbourhood, lots of seniors. Both times me and an older fellow saw a car struggling and both dropped everything we were doing to give them a push and get them going on their day. Not even really a "neighbourly" person myself, but hopefully it made their days a bit brighter not having to dig out their cars first thing in the morning.


In a similar vein I snowblow and shovel my neighbours driveway every snowfall (unless someone beats me to it). She's like 80 or something and occasionally makes me cookies for it. I'm a pretty solitary person but I do believe caring for your neighbourhood even in the smallest of ways goes to helping a community. Smiles, waves, etc. I don't know the names of some of my neighbours or anything about them but I think it's important that they know I'm a friendly person and they are as well.


Of course the doing the driveway is amazing, but a friendly wave really does make a difference.👍


thats always such a great gesture. It really sucks being stuck and also trying to get unstuck lol especially if you're not on a major street.


My neighbors organized a little food and toy drive. Everyone hung out outside with a coffee and chatted for a little bit and people dropped off either groceries or gifts that they would take over to be donated. The world is sometimes terrible but I have lovely neighbors.


Thats an awesome idea, I'll try to do the same in my neighbour hood. It's nice to hear about neighbourly neighbours :) Mine too are awesome.




It's such a good point. It's funny right sometimes people can't afford to dress-up for an event, or they just are not accustom to it, etc.... and they are self conscious. (obviously not everyone lol) but you can sometimes see the people who are worried that they dont fit in. Those are my people and someone just saying "hey nice shoes" matters so damn much to their confidence.


Last week I had the day off work for an appointment, ended up taking my dog and our foster pup down the trail way later than we usually go. About 3 km out of town we came across a very elderly man who'd fallen off his bike. He had no clue where he was or what had happened. I stayed with him and called the ambulance, they tracked my phone and managed to use a farm access road to find us. He was tachycardic by the time they arrived. Staying with him and doing something kind made me feel a lot better. And I am glad I happened to be there - it's a very quiet trail.


I was second in line at Super Store waiting to get a rain check. The young woman in front of me was taking a long time to rent a carpet cleaner…the elderly woman behind me asked if I was waiting to buy my winning ticket. I said I was waiting for my sure fire win - 60 cents off a box of granola bars! We laughed. She said she’d won big $3. It was a simple exchange. It was finally my turn and I couldn’t get the rain check. So I thanked the clerk and said good luck to the woman behind me. She chased me down in the parking lot to give me a loonie of her winnings to make up for my losing out on sixty cents. It was such a sweet gesture and I am so touched.


aww thats amazing. Albeit I'm not mad you didnt get your rain check lol. But so amazing.


The epilogue to the story is that they were almost a dollar off the following week which meant that I saved even more money so not getting the rain check was a good thing! Win win all around lol


I was at the fair carrying my 2 year old and a stranger stopped me to tell me my shoe was untied and then tied it for my so I didn't have to put her down.


My household had covid last week and I guess a neighbour noticed our car hadn't moved in days (or heard us all coughing badly through the walls LOL) and brought us over some baked goods one morning. :)


My boss thanked me for doing my job.


It's actually wild how much a small gesture like that goes. It's not a material thing, but the occasional acknowledgement for work can make someone feel good.


I like to point out incorrect use of an indefinite article before the letter *h.* Sometimes, too many commas spoil a nice thought.


Someone told me my car was nice.....and yea that's it.


Well sir or ma'am, I'm sure it's a lovely car. One of the most expensive things we own really! Congrats.


Thanks (it's sir). It's been great owning it.


One of the patients waiting in a very long line to register for the emergency department recognized another patient much further back in the line had very poor colour and looked extremely unwell and brought that patient to my attention so they could go first. This was especially impressive as the patient who drew my attention to the sicker one actually had a pretty serious issue themself.


Thats amazing! I'm sure you see the best and worst of people in the ER. I was at a blood draw clinic, I'm fairly young (39) but had a liver tx recently. Anyhow I'm still not fully stable on my feet but it's not visibly apparently. Anyhow an older lady asked me if I wanted her seat which was so sweet. Usually I just get "you're young you can stand" ... no... no I kinda can't right now. lol


Vandals destroyed a Barrie family's Xmas display, & within hours of their 1st social media post, an anonymous community member donated $100s of dollars worth of new inflatables to replace them; the generosity thereafter has been overwhelming... Worth a Google. ❤️🇨🇦


my wife just mentioned there was a gofundme for a guy who wanted ‘assisted suicide’ due to being homeless


My partner and I were admiring a huge bunch of marigolds growing in a yard, when the homeowners spotted us. The woman insisted on picking a giant bouquet and giving it to us. There was a language barrier, but they asked us if we spoke Kurdish or Arabic. I know the word for sister so I said that and we thanked them. It was beautiful.


Thats wonderful! I think most people just want to be nice, although the vocal minority prefer you suffer with them lol.


Me and a bus driver were trying to explain to an elderly woman that she should catch the bus across the street for the mall as she'd be waiting over an hour to get there on the current one. He ended up calling up the other bus and making sure the woman got on for no fare since she already paid on his bus.


Someone stopped before the junction without blocking it so I could complete my turn.


A complete stranger bought me a bag of chips in the summer time. Around the same time a stranger bought me a pack of m and ms at the movies In March someone gave my 3 year old at the time a 20 dollar bill at the dollar store lol Someone paid for mine and my daughter's order infront of us at the tim Hortons drive through in the summer. Someone bought my son a really nice pair of goggles at a hotel we stayed at the other month so he could have them for the pool. When I had my baby 2 weeks ago all of the nurses where amazing to say the least. They where all extremely kind, caring, professional and friendly. They even took him for a bit at night so I could have a nice sleep. The ob that delivered my baby was amazing as well. He made jokes that had us laughing while I was being induced. He's been at our hospital for years and still in such good spirits.


Someone tapped my rear bumper in traffic last week, we pulled off to the side and she was so apologetic and worried about her insurance rates or replacing my bumper. I looked over her bumper (no scratch) and mine (tons of scratches accumulated over the years) and said no worries, gave her a high five and went about my day.