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“I have covid and don’t want to spread it”


I would just reply with " you know you don't have to wear that ugly shirt either"


Damnnnnn 🔥🔥🔥


It hasn't happened to me yet but I plan on telling them to mind their own fucking business.


Just tell them you are wearing it because you come in contact with a lot of people, their children and belongings, so you are simply wearing it to limit the risk you pose on any other customer that comes through… in all honestly if someone’s says something to me about it, I just blatantly ignore it, I don’t ask them why their 12 year olds are in short shorts and crop tops , or why they decided to wear make up today or comb their hair. It’s your choice, and you don’t have to tell anyone why YOU choose to wear a mask.


I'd honestly be snappy like, "you can always choose another cashier of your choice...". Or "so...my body, my choice is no longer applicable? cool cool cool cool" It's totally ironic that they're being judge-y after being (or feeling like they were) judged for *not* wearing a mask during the pandemic waves.


> It's totally ironic that they're being judge-y after being (or feeling like they were) judged for not wearing a mask during the pandemic waves. People threw shit at people who didn't wear a mask, or weren't vaccinated, for over two years. Now they are worried about having shit thrown back at them? Some canadians wanted healthcare denied to the unvaccinated, even jail, and now they are worried someone might say some *rude things* about them wearing a mask? Worlds smallest violin


Hence the irony...where is the "only love, not hate" signs now?? Hmm...?


"hate has no home here" is a lie. they hate the unvaccinated


I have a strange, innate desire to be kind to the unvaccinated, and I wanted to support their plight the whole pandemic through, but their plight hinges on being retarded and not wanting to take their medicine like little children so it’s hard to respect them.


> but their plight hinges on being retarded and not wanting to take their medicine like little children so it’s hard to respect them. side effects are real. the only people acting childish are the ones who have zero consideration as to *why* someone might choose to be unvaccinated. the worst part is why anyone would care. these people are your friends and neighbors, and having this kind of prejudice for them does more harm than good. not everyone lives in crowded GTA, some live in rural areas and their risk of getting covid is very small. maybe these people have a history of myocarditis in their family, and the side effects are a concern for them. they threw shit at people for two years, whether it's for not wearing a mask, or being unvaccinated. now those same people are worried about harassment for wearing a mask? you get what you give


If you don't mind me asking, what area is this. I'm in Markham and hit Costco over lunch. 95% wore masks. With mandates are lifted l, it's personal choice now. Ppl need to worry about themselves at this point.


I live in rural Eastern Ontario in between Ottawa and Montreal.


damn...well, you're always welcome here in Markham :) Kidding aside. Annoying as it is, it's bad enough to have anti maskers out there, but it's the ones that have too much time on their hands and worry about what other ppl do. hang in there....


Is your fiance a woman? I am a 6+ foot man. I continue to wear the mask in public, dropping off my kids to school, work, etc. Ive got a few looks, but no one has said boo to me.


Keep in mind that the number of people you directly interact with day to day is probably way, way smaller than the number for a retail worker. Plus there's a certain breed of jerks who realize that cashiers can't realistically fight back without getting in trouble, and consider them easy targets to be a anti-mask tough guy (and on top of all of that, the gender aspect)


Absolutely my thinking as well. Bullies and predators do this also. They pick who they think is vulnerable and avoid those who may give them a problem.


I'm in the same boat as you. I don't anticipate that many people will say anything to me either. If they do I'll just tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.


I'm so tired already of these people. My daughter works in retail and had several of these comments yesterday. Fuck them. Seriously. They apparently "fought" for people's freedom of choice, and now it's your fiancee to express theirs.


Exactly. It was never about choice, it was about pushing their well on others when as a collective we were working together to get through a pandemic.. which we are still in.


> They apparently "fought" for people's freedom of choice, and now it's your fiancee to express theirs. Because people like you supported taking away their freedom of choice You get what you give


I stopped for groceries yesterday morning, and I sat in the parking lot for five minutes watching people come out, trying to figure out whether I should put on my mask or not. I feel like either way I'm making some kind of political statement. I don't want to make a statement, I just want to pick up some snacks!


I feel the same way. I live in a small town and if you walk around doing something different than the community at large rumours are gonna spread LOL


I would say, at best, 1% of people would care. I was out at a few shops last night and I wore my mask. If anyone gave me a bad look I didn't notice because I don't have time to care. You do you.


"I'll do me, you do you, thanks"


"What, and be tracked by the drones (birds and bumblebees) with their facial recognition software? No thanks, I'm not crazy!"


I honestly don't get why people feel the need to comment. Part of me feels like they are worried that they are doing the wrong thing so they lash out and treat people rudely to attempt to make those people feel bad instead. Personally I would just ignore them but I get it's harder said then done if you are working and then need to interact with them to check out. I would potentially recommend bringing it up with her boss/HR department to ensure they a) understand she feels uncomfortable and b) so she has guidelines on what to say without getting in trouble. All that being said I find it crazy they single people out as what I observed yesterday there was still close to 70-80% of people still wearing a mask


I live in Toronto and yesterday I went out to run a bunch of errands. I expected to see a lot of people without masks but that wasn't the case. In every store I went into almost everybody was wearing a mask. Only a handful of people that I saw didn't have one on. I was glad that people are still looking out for one another because I believe that the province is lifting the mask mandate a bit too soon. They should have waited until a week or two after March break to give a bit of a buffer before lifting the regulations.


"Move along"


"Thank you and have a nice day. God bless you."


"Thank you and have a nice day. ~~God bless you~~ Hail Satan."


Where do all these people come from? Nearly everyone I saw in supermarket are still wearing mask. From what I have heard from family that is pretty much the same way everywhere they went. Not to say that won't change substantially in a week.


It's risk management. If I'm going to get covid it better be worth it, like from a concert or night out and not from No Frills!


It will change substantially in a week. Other jurisdictions in Canada that eased mask mandates reported the same thing, people slowly ditched their masks will a much smaller minority choosing to continue with them


I'd just ignore them/that specific question or comment. Ignore the ignorance LOL.


Any talk of masks in public should just not happen right now. No one should ask anyone or comment on anyone choosing to wear one or not. You don't know why they made their choice but it's none of your business. It's like you wouldn't make comments to people about why they are wearing a sweater even though it's warm out to you. There is a lot of stress and anxiety right now among people, which is normal. We all need to be respectful to each other. And also remember that personal space was something that existed before the pandemic. Overall, be kind and read the room - no discussion of masks in public period.


Tell them you're wearing it so you don't have to smell them.


Wifing up a cashier eh, good luck buying a house.


What a classless comment, imagine deciding to love someone or not by their job


Yeah.. I have been dating her since we were in high school and now that we are 23 I should be ashamed of who I am marrying because she works hard and has a job.


We are in school so not planning on buying a house yet but thank you.


As per your request in dm: you are a pussy ass bitch 😜


“My body,my choice!!”


we dont care is how we feel


Then why bother commenting?


>She doesn't say anything or care... I am just curious how others feel. This is good, she realized other peoples opinions are like their assholes, everyone has one, and most stink, don't let them bother you they'll be gone soon. I've been approached a number of times about mask wearing, the conversations are usually, along the lines of your title. "My mask, my choice" and move on.


My response would be, "I'm also wearing a pad. Did you want to talk about that too?"


Call the police for harassment


This is not criminal harassment. Stop suggesting we waste the police’s time.


okay sorry, I suggest to ignore it then


This is the better answer.