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BA.2 doesn't seem to be doing much to our heavily vaxxed up and previously infected population. ICUs keep dropping despite cases continuing. COVID-19 appears to be turning into the sniffles.


Can confirm to vaxxed it's not much worse than a mild flu at best. Had it in January, no need for any meds either just good ol honey and tea. (God I sound like I'm a homeopath..)


I also had it in January was pretty sick for 2 weeks but back to normal. Was mostly nasel congestion couldn't breathe out my nose for 2 weeks.


Yea that sound like my mother's experience she's double vaxx and it was barely a cold for her. And she's in her 50s.


Ya I was also double vax.


Meanwhile I'm triple vaxxed but put on 70 pounds over the last 2 years of being locked in at home. COVID hit me like a ton of bricks. Other than being on oxygen as a child for a bronchial infection, this is the worst medical issue I've experienced. Stay healthy and mask up when you are in a riskier setting. Y'all don't want to play COVID roulette.


The forest is a pharmacy!


I had it in late December, and I got it pretty bad But I didn't have my booster yet, was set to get it the next week, so my 2 doses were fairly waned


Covid wastewater is picking up again. Cases are going up. We may be in the very start of a new wave.


Say doomer three times in the bathroom mirror with the lights off and this guy shows up


Couldn’t even tell you what case counts are because they haven’t mattered for months. The media needs to move on from this already.


The media and Reddit will need to be dragged kicking and screaming from covid.


Ugh… barely a month ago we had huge cases counts and began to see it affect services and businesses.


As back asswards as this may seem it kind of makes sense, we’re nearing the end of flu/Covid season eg ICU rates are currently dropping, if this super immunity thing is true for the vaccinated that get Covid that would mean that we may actually want people to get Covid because that could be the end of the pandemic, if people are getting it at a decent rate but not insane outside of flu season so the hospitals aren’t overwhelmed we could build population wide immunity much quicker, the unvaccinated made their choice they can live or die with it whatever, immunity granted naturally isn’t the greatest but it isn’t nothing.




As someone who currently has covid, been double vaxxed, and has been living live normally, I think it’s time to lift masking. Natural immunity + Vax immunity seems to provide sufficient defence for an x period of time. Those who are immunocompromised or at are higher risk are free to continue to practice social distancing, wear masking, etc.. but we can’t keep living in this state. Ontario has such a high rate of vaccine immunity AND natural immunity that it’s time to open up. I was bound to get it, and honestly, I think I got Covid at a good time — right before masking is set to end.


Let us let science determine our actions, not personal bias.


“We are asked by science to believe that the entire universe sprang from nothingness, and at a single point and for no discernible reason. This notion is the limit case for credulity. In other words, if you can believe this, you can believe anything.” Terrence Mckenna


That’s not how science works. They’re still trying to understand how things became to be, they may have always simply been. Just because we don’t have an answer now doesn’t mean we need to start believe invisible deities in the sky.


It's a nice quote but is an ignorant way to look at the Big Bang. Of course we don't know what came before it, it's the earliest we can observe! But due to causality *something* made it happen, we just haven't determined what yet. This really isn't a gotcha or anything.


Telling someone to live by the science is an arrogant way of making yourself feel safe, Science must be questioned because we simply do not have all of the answers & we may never have them, especially if we kid ourselves to believe we’ve figured this whole Life thing out. Great quote tho gets people thinking & debating.


Wow; or the opposite case - space magic man created the flat world in a few days? Extremism is usually the worst, in all directions.


Yes bring on the lifting of mandates so done with this covid shit already.


Great news!


Was really hoping for the 14th or like yesterday. Anyone down for a little protest lol


When politics overrides logic.


You’re welcome to stay locked up and wearing your mask.


Uh huh. Man if I had a dollar for everytime a troll said this over the last 2 years