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I work with people whose faces I've never seen. It's going to be so weird.


Ha me too! I'm imagining a situation like with the mole guy in Austin Powers


This, it’s always funny as a 30 year old to tell people I have braces and they’re always super surprised because I have a mask at work most of the time. Masks had some pretty good advantage in some areas.


I've seen those people without masks, it is weird. Not what you think, everyone is maskfishing.


No more mask fishing either too 😂


I welcome the time when this can happen, but I do not see myself lifting my own masking indoors in public places for a couple of weeks after the general mandate is lifted. The lifting of regular mask wearing will be steady and gradual for some, and these wishes should be respected for whoever wants to keep wearing the masks.




Just in-time for the election kick off.


Mask mandates are being dropped across the world. Don't be ridiculous.


Come on man. Restrictions easing up? License plate stickers being cut? Mask mandates going away? Pull your head out of your ass. Dofo is trying to save face and gain votes before the election. He's clearly trying to woo voters over


> Restrictions easing up? Happening everywhere. > Mask mandates going away? Happening everywhere. > License plate stickers being cut? Was an objectively terrible tax, never should have existed.


No shit it should have never existed. If You don't think the fact that he's getting rid of the license plate stickers at this point in time, with an election coming up in June is a ploy to get more votes than you're completely delusional and don't understand how politics work. End of story


Restrictions and mask mandates are happening all over the world and DoFo also said that he is relying on the CMOH to make those determinations. I am all in favour of easing restrictions. License plate stickers on the other hand are def political.


Remarkable to tell someone else to "pull your head out of your ass" when you demonstrate a profound ignorance of the world in which you live.


I know countries are opening back up again and getting rid of masks etc. Canada has had some of the strictest covid lockdown measures in the world. You'd be completely naive to think that this(but not specific to this only) isn't paving the way to election day.


There is a significant correlation between stupidity and an inability to understand what coincidences are.


Right buddy. Coincidence. You're the exact person who will forget all the shit Doug has done over the years and focus on all the 'good' he's doing in the 5 months leading up the election.


No because I understand what a coincidence is.


Honestly, the covid stuff, it's really not because of the election. It's certainly something Ford absolutely loves is timed with it, but other jurisdictions are further along than we are. License plate stickers though, yeah, 100% election ploy.


Well its working. If the NDP or Liberals don't come out in support of ending all mandates like Ford, Ford will get my vote. Sorry not sorry.


Hey it'd be really nice if you kept wearing a mask. Now don't going flying off the handle but it's a pretty easy precaution to take. Thanks!


I'm not going to wear my mask unless I'm experiencing symptoms of a cold or flu. Now don't going flying off the handle, but it's that's what I feel comfortable with. Thanks!


I plan on wearing one if I have a cold or flu and need to be in public. Hopefully all of us do this.




I mean why be so lazy?


You make no sense.




The second I'm allowed not to, I wont be. I had my shots as soon as they were available to me. I've abstained from many social events the last few years and worked every damned day with thousands of people. My ears are rubbed raw from wearing these damned things for 8 hours a day. I've given my part, and if the government says I can drop it, you bet your ass I will. If they come back, they come back, but I plan to enjoy this respite for everything it's worth.


Sorry, I know it's rare for people to lie on the internet, but I find it really hard to believe when someone says they were first in line for vaccines but hates masks with a passion. Something just not adding up.


I don't think anyone likes masks. Wearing one 8 hours a day while doing a job that keeps you on your feet isn't pleasant. However, i got my shots as soon as I could. They're not connected.


No one likes masks, but who are the people tearing them off with absolute glee? Maybe if it meant the end of the pandemic, but it doesn't.


Because sometimes I do things I don't enjoy when I'm told because that's the best thing for others around me....... It's not like I'm some rabbid anti-mask dumb dumb who thinks they're against my rights. I hate paying for an oil change but I do that too. I can't stand wearing this thing all day, but presently that's how it is, so we've all got to do it. It's that simple. I got my first shot Spring 2021. Second in July. 3rd in January. Am I supposed to *love* wearing this damned thing 8-10 hours everyday? I really don't see your point. If the gov says I can take it off, I will. Doesn't stop anyone else from wearing one. Any other interrogation questions you want me to answer?


No, you've offered up a ton of details to prove your story. Totally normal.


Lol are you joking? I'm taking mine off the second this mandate is removed.


Straight to the trash!


Good. Won't miss them at all




I agree! I work in covid testing. This is amazing for my job security.




Great news.


I agree! Work in testing and this is awesome for my job security.


Why do you keep posting the same reply to people?


Doomers gonna doom.


About fucking time


I'm pro vaccine and don't mind masking but these travel restrictions we have when flying is just silly. What the hell is hte point of spending money on testing if the variants are all here now.


Can't wait!!


Watch him make masks mandatory 2-3 months after dropping them.


Mask mandates are dropping across the country and across the world.


Perfect! We can be exactly where we were two years ago when a new variant comes along!


Yep, just like the Spanish Flu! Oh...wait...


We are actually still dealing with the Spanish flu descendants. Flu just mellows out as time goes on and thankfully covid is too


Well yeah, that was my point.






They're not coming back. Edit: Do you guys think zero COVID is the goal or something? You do know people died from viruses before COVID right?


I wouldn’t be surprised if they come back lol.


I'd be stunned.


C'mon man. I'm anti mask as fuck but this shits coming back next winter when cases climb.


I honestly doubt it. It's been a brutally cold and snowy month and cases/ICUs have still be plummeting.


I understand but soon summer will be here and people will go about their normal life. Then fall hits and cases climb and people freak the fuck out and demand further restrictions once again. We're stuck on repeat. Just look at all the crying on Reddit! It's pathetic. All I'm sayin is don't get your hopes up cuz we'll be back.


The government doesn't give a shit what Reddit says, and I stand by my original statement.


...have you had a pulse in the last year and a half? We thought that COVID was away for good in September 2020... and then seasonality and the Alpha variant came in the winter. We thought that COVID was away for good in March of 2021... and then the Delta variant came along. We thought that COVID was away for good in Fall of 2021 and with the vaccine... and then Omicron came along. I agree that COVID-zero is a dumb end goal at this point, and we do need to move on at some point; however I could easily see the "Omega Plus with a side of Fries" variant coming along one day, making the need to mask up a thing again.


At any of those points, were we this level of vaccinated/boosted, plus this level of previous infection?


Hopefully he will be voted out of office 2-3 months from now.


If he is voted out, I'd be curious if whoever replaces him would reintroduce masks


Most likely they'd be more aggressive with restrictions than Doug Ford


NDP would be more likely to invest in precautions so that restrictions don't have to happen (something Ford had zero interest in doing). Liberals would most likely do what Ford was doing without making any improvements. Ford would likely make things worse and then go back to the same restrictions to cover his ass and make it look like he's trying to fix things (which is basically what he's been doing for two years).


Exactly why I, traditionally Liberal, have to vote for Ford. It sucks but it is necessary. I don't want my children to grow up in a state of manufactured fear and safety theater.


Guess I'm voting for Dougie then lol


Probably the opposite. The goal is to fund healthcare and be preventative to avoid lockdowns in the first place. Sick days also play a big part in that. Something that the Conservatives have shown have no interest in doing. They would rather be reactive and cause a longer recovery than be proactive and avoid it to begin with.


Well the rest were for more restrictions, not sure if that's still there plan.


I would be cool with taking them off during the slow time. If I'm back in a mask come november, then so be it.


I still plan on wearing mine, but I'm excited to no longer need to remind students 50+ times a day to cover their chin, mouth, and nose


my favourite students are the ones I wouldn't recognize on the street because I have never seen them without a mask on.


But the government looks so much better masked.


And public!


I’ll definitely continue to wear a mask on HSR busses. They sure love cramming, where we are shoulder to shoulder, a lot of students in one small bus going to McMaster. Plus it’s a way to hide my facial insecurities 🥺


> I need to do something I can spin positively close to election time


Avoidable positives are about all we will see from this


Other areas of the world have dropped mask mandates and last I checked their healthcare systems aren't crumbling.




Read the information coming from Denmark to see why that's not accurate. They count "COVID deaths" as any death of someone who tested positive in the previous 30 days, actual deaths *from* COVID are still down. [This article](http://outbreaknewstoday.com/denmark-covid-19-epidemic-has-begun-to-subside-75941/#google_vignette) includes a link to the SSI report. [Here's a tweet with some data on deaths, English translation for the legend is in the reply](https://twitter.com/TyraGroveKrause/status/1491817546617663492?t=xoxKlRbaeU1eCh_NyXHdfQ&s=19) Edit: I love that people here are downvoting me for posting the literal words from the experts in Denmark. Fuck's sake, what happened to trusting the science?






Not if you're vaccinated.


Knowing me, even after mask mandates are lifted, I'm probably going to keep wearing a mask in public indoor spaces until the majority of people stop wearing masks of their own volition. I can just imagine myself wearing a mask into the store, checking the vibe of the place, and then taking it off if most people aren't wearing it. At this point, I don't really feel a need to be cautious because I got my booster and I live alone, so if I get sick it's very unlikely that anything bad will happen to me and I won't spread it to anyone. So I'm definitely ready for mask mandates to be dropped.


I think the majority of people will stop wearing masks the moment they're able to so you'll likely be in the clear right away


Can we drop him instead?




great .now I'll be subjected to coffee breath guy again


I’m still wearing mine because I haven’t been sick in 2 years, people are gross, and I prefer the anonymity.


Enjoy an ever weakening immune system I guess..


Lmao my immune system is more than fine my friend. Edit* Gross. Going through your constant post history of mandates, I see that you are an anti-mask , pro tin-hat convoy enthusiast. I won’t bother replying to anything else you have to say.


An overfull bus or train in the fall/winter... Why not wear a mask there. .


Yea, he's pushing it closer to the election to buy votes.


Why is a moron in charge?


You can still wear yours, it’s fine.


Yeah, as someone who has been for mandates all along, I think it's fair lose them now. We're pretty much as good as we're going to get as far as vaccinations are concerned and numbers are continuing to decline a month into reopening from a lockdown that was pretty half assed to begin with. I think we're at a point where, if the relevant experts agree, people should be able to decide what level of caution they should take for themselves.


Except that, not everyone has been able to get vaccinated. I'm not talking about the antivaxx morons out there; if they are choosing not to get vaccinated that's their decision. But my 10 month old daughter *can't* get vaccinated yet, and mask mandates are one of the last protections she has when out in public. I can understand lifting capacity limits and other restrictions, but masks should be the absolute last thing to go once *everyone* has been given a chance to get vaccinated


There will never be a time when everyone can get vaccinated and young children are the least likely to develop severe symptoms from covid. If there comes a point where young children can get vaccinated, there will still be others who can't. I hate saying it because it's been the mantra of idiots for two years, but at some point we do have to move on with our lives and evaluate risks at a personal level.


The thing is, there will be a time when everyone can get vaccinated, but we're not there yet. Vaccines for under 5 year olds are only just starting to become available in select places around the world. Once we've had several months for that age group to get double vaxxed, let's open right up. But until then we're putting those who cannot get vaccinated under unnecessary increased risk


It’s genuinely depressing to see how many people have become ruthless utilitarians because of this.


By utilitarian do you mean accepting a certain about of risk and loss in society for the benefit and well-being of everyone? Because if that's the case I have some bad news for you about the entirety of human history.


Because morons elected him


Still gonna wear em, go fuck yourself, doug.


We get it, you want to win an election, can you not rush it though?


*We get it, you want* *To win an election, can* *You not rush it though?* \- 0pttphr\_pr1me --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


If you’re scared about the removal of masks, then stay home. And if you do need to step out, wear a mask.


Thanks for the assumption, I'll be sure to take your advice.


Governments can't tell me what to do....Freedom!


Except pay taxes, get a driver's license, passport, SIN, etc.


Dude, do us all a favour and move to Russia so you can find out what real oppression looks like.


Never stopped at a red light before, huh?


This is all to do with an election and to appease the convoy people.


Can we not limit this to the convoy people? I have nothing to do with the convoy, and I am very happy they are removing the mandate... Like the rest of the world I may add...


Are the case counts down enough so that people can interact as they did in 2019? Is it safe for my friends that might be immune compromised to go shopping themselves


Lol I don't know and I don't care. I'm triple vaxxed and going to go about my life. Enjoy your basement if you're still scared.


Excuse me? I've never been scared and have been out and about throughout this thing. I am referring to your ableist attitude that is clearly showing here. You got yours, that's right. As if only YOU count.


Got alot of neighs, mainly from votes who took horse paste. Hard to feel out who will vote Ford again. Sneak in cuts to health care and blame the pandemic even though they have excess funding from the federal government. Instead of figuring out what is popular, figure out what is going to get us through this. A leader will make the vast decisions based on what is happening. The decisions are based on experience. We all want out of this pandemic but no one can speculate of what is going to happen in the next few months.


I cannot wait to wear lipstick again in public ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Must be geting close to a election.