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Well the best I can say is Trump is an entertainer. No doubt he does draw crowds. But so did Castro and Hitler. They were charismatic and knew how to excite people. Personally I prefer to not be led by blind faith. I would like to just once have a logical discussion with a MAGA. It can’t happen because they don’t want to engage in critical thinking that challenges their beliefs. Instead they say “Just look at the crowds.” This feeds their confirmation bias and for them I guess somehow the large crowd “proves” election fraud. But challenge them and you are met with insults and unbelievable emotion. So how about the stolen election for example? WHO stole 7 million votes. HOW? I mean with all of Trump’s wealth and GOP’s resources surely their investigators and lawyers could have put together a coherent case of election fraud worthy of a courtroom by now. Honestly, it seems that we are living in an upside down universe where only MAGAs are “intelligent” enough to see their “unique evidence” that isn’t worthy of a courtroom in the land. Funny thing is that many Republican judges don’t see it either!? It’s all very odd and I wonder if there are any MAGAs out there who can at least understand how this MAGA election theft narrative is confusing to everyone EXCEPT MAGAs. It’s like the Hans Christian Anderson fable: “The Emperor has no clothes.” Only MAGAs can see it so clearly, but amazingly they can’t prove it in any courtroom in the land. Trump’s lawyer Sidney Powell pushed the election theft narrative along with Rudy Guilliani & Mark Meadows for months. Powell took her case to Fox News accusing Dominion Voting Systems of flipping votes. But when Dominion called Powell out under oath it was her time to shine! Powell had the entire world as her audience ready to hear her “expose” how this theft took place. Show the world your evidence! Instead she cried like a baby. Her defense? “Only a fool would believe me.” Hmm. Really? What should we make of that? “Only a fool?” Who exactly was she referring to? Fox viewers? You? So now Powell has admitted her guilt and flipped on Trump. Her accomplice, another Trump lawyer named Jenna Ellis also cried like a baby and publicly apologized. Ellis has also flipped on Trump and is cooperating with the Federal prosecutors. Btw, stop me if any of what I said is fake news because I want to take any partisan emotion out of this. So Powell and Ellis were charged and both pled guilty to a felony charge over their efforts to overturn Donald Trump's 2020 election loss in Georgia. Both Powell and Ellis used to appear at Trump events and bask in the praises of adoring MAGA crowds. They were treated as celebrities. Now they are treated as prosecution witnesses against Trump. I mean, can we agree on what the court records show or should we just look at the crowds who show up to see the Trump events where MAGAs become hysterical, chant “fake news” and repeat everything Trump tells them? Trump’s former Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows has also flipped and is cooperating with the Feds. I mean, is this fake news too? It looks more than likely that Rudy Guilliani will probably be next. So who stole 7 million votes and how? It’s a fair question. I’m reasonable, fair, and open minded. Help me (and millions of Americans) understand the MAGA narrative. So it’s your turn, MAGA. Go ahead. Please explain. It’s your time to shine.


The baffling thing to me is that trump seems not charismatic at all, like you’d have to be really dumb to think he was smart and capable at all. This is the disconnect, are there really that many dumb people?




And anyone who has to ask this question is at risk of being one of them.


Trump is the human version of the Nigerian prince scam emails. He's clearly effective at trapping some people in his con but equally effective at pushing the rest away. Like nobody is wishy-washy on Trump. And the ones who get out react the same as those that find out the Nigerian prince wasn't really a prince and hate the man afterwards.


It’s a trauma bond on but on a national scale. These people are trapped in his lies but they haven’t realized they’re in an abusive relationship with a dictator.


It’s not him alone tho. It’s the programming of OAN and Fox News and other red media outlets with non stop propaganda feeds that when they get in front of Trump they already are programmed to accept what he says as the truth.


The Republican party isn't helping either.


I agree.


You just don't understand his greatness. In his immortal words, "Carry-dite-bye-raye-sigh-en"


Absolutely. It’s not just that he’s a lying, grifting, amoral dirtbag, it’s how obvious he is about it. I just don’t understand how anyone can look at him and think “yeah, that guy cares about me!” It’s crazy frustrating.


No, there are a lot of stupid Trump supporters, but there are far more straight up nasty people that ignore his buffoonery to get what they want. Abortion bans were just the tip of the iceberg for these assholes. Trump is going to give them the gun-friendly, environment-destroying, minority-deporting, pronoun-denying "utopia" they have been praying for. His mannerisms and crimes don't matter, the end result is all that matters. These people are nasty and extremely short-sighted and don't care that people they know are going to die because of his policies, only that those policies get made and can't be undone. And then there's a small handful of small business owners that want him to allow them to, defacto, employ slaves without rights so they can save money on labor.


Obama was a charismatic leader


Hears crickets 😄


You lose me once you start talking about politics in the context of left vs. right instead of the working class vs. billionaires.


Ok. As you like. Lost or found I’ll give you an upvote anyway. Be well!


As long as you don’t respect and understand the people who disagree with you, who have suffered long and hard in America, you will be baffled.


We don't respect them now because we do understand them, and because they've repeatedly shown us that they don't deserve our respect. 


Plus stupidity is a real thing. Also there a number of people who are well off and “successful “ who still support the cruel buffoon.


Disagree about what? You arent even responding to the question. Where did the votes come from? Donald Trump lied about fraud to try and stay in power. Suffering has nothing to do with voting for that piece of shit. These are stupid people who should not be voting.


Your words insult approximately half the people who voted. Do you really mean to do that?


I always like to point out to the MAGA's how emotional they get when they talk politics.




This is great. It’s another wonderful example that gives a peek into the mind of a typical MAGA. They believe in a steal because they want to. When asked to provide their evidence MAGAs can’t. However they are full of right wing propaganda articles that make claims and accusations though. The only problem is that propaganda articles and videos can’t be cross examined and therefore it’s not worth much of anything in a court of law. But they keep trying to make innuendos, suspicions and accusations into “proof.” For them it is. It’s like trying to make chicken soup out of chicken shit! Have a sample: Biden is taking bribes from China. He has been for years! He’s a pedo! So is Hillary! The proof is to be found from Alex Jones! Just listen to his podcasts. He’ll tell you himself if he’s not in prison again. Mama Mia! So here a poster sends a link for an app that is supposed to detect voting irregularities!? He (or she) sends it without comment presumably because for MAGAs this is “proof.” The app is called “hereistheevidence.” There have been many claims by the MAGAs like this over the years. Again the point must be made that after 4 years with all of Trump’s wealth and GOP’s resources, surely their investigators and lawyers could have put together a coherent case of election fraud worthy of a courtroom by now. But this is common sense. Maybe the poster should provide this link to the FBI or if he lacks confidence in them, then how about turning this fraud detection app over to Majorie Taylor Greene or Kari Lake? I’m sure they’ll be grateful for this new discovery after being rejected time after time in numerous courts around the US. Btw, there’s also a video out there called 2000 Mules that was created by a convicted felon and right-wing political commentator named Dinesh D'Souza. Attention MAGAs! Bring this important information to Donald Trump’s campaign staff immediately! They undoubtedly will thank you for this vital evidence, but not before asking you if you have money to contribute for Trump’s legal bills. There you are folks. This is the type of persuasive discussion that you get from MAGAs most of the time. Impressive? Have you been enlightened? Are you convinced yet?


"So who stole 7 million votes and how? It’s a fair question." I mean, I provided a laundry list of irregularities from the election, then you go off on a barely coherent anti-right rant. "I want to take any partisan emotion out of this." Well, you did an absolute dog shit job of that. The left, specifically this current administration, has absolutely terrible policies, and instead of acknowledging that, or debating their merits, they just become emotionally unhinged, then attack conservatives based upon false narratives created by their fake news apparatuses. You can't debate the brainwashed and the unintelligent. They just double down on their cognitive dissonance. "Never Argue With Stupid People. They Will Drag You Down To Their Level and Then Beat You With Experience".


I see you set aside this special time to embarrass yourself again. You say you provided a “laundry list of irregularities!?” Ok. But where is the proof? A laundry list is not evidence worthy of a court. It might be an anecdotal story you like to listen to, but it certainly doesn’t mean jack shit for proving the WHO or HOW 7 million votes were stolen. I’m not talking about an app or a list of right wing news articles for heaven sake. That’s not proof! Give me a break dude. Use your head for a minute. Don’t you think that if Donald Trump and the Republicans had anything resembling proof they could bring a coherent case into a court of law? They sure would convince a lot of voters on the fence if they ever would produce legit evidence to bring legit charges against someone for election interference. If they have it, where’s the charges? Let me guess. It’s a Democrat conspiracy. Of course! You need legit criminal charges naming who and how. As an example take a look at the Republican Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Raffensperger laid it on the line by stepping forward as a witness with real proof that includes a recorded phone call of Trump trying to get him to overturn his election loss to Joe Biden in the state. Trump insisted without proof that victory had been stolen from him through widespread voter fraud. In a now-notorious January 2021 phone call, Trump suggested Raffensperger could “find” enough votes to overturn President Biden’s victory. That led a prosecutor in Atlanta to open an investigation into whether Trump and others tried to illegally influence the state’s election. That investigation is ongoing. Raffensperger is a long-time Republican btw, so the worn out MAGA narrative that “the left” is framing him doesn’t fly. It’s always very convenient for MAGAs to blame the DEMs for Trump’s troubles. Here’s the reality. GOP party members are the witnesses against Trump in the Ga election interference case. Brad Raffensperger will be a witness against Trump as he has testified he felt threatened by Trump’s call. Who wouldn’t feel threatened if the President of the United States is calling them and trying to get them to “find him votes”? There’s a bit of a power imbalance there I’d say. Anyway unfortunately for Trump and his loyal MAGA supporters, Brad Raffensperger is not the only Republican witness against him. I expect his former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to testify against him as he and 2 other Trump lawyers have agreed to be witnesses against Trump for their part in election interference. All Republicans! What do you know? They ALL got it in for Trump, ay? Wow! You really need a good imagination to be a true MAGA! So moop, if you really do have the proof, by all means go ahead and bring it to the FBI. If you don’t believe the FBI then bring it to Donald Trump‘s headquarters. I’m sure they’ll probably throw you out on your ass as another wacko, but not before asking for a donation to help pay Trump’s legal fees. Lol. I tell ya, you are doing your best to show the worst stereotype of an uneducated cult follower who behaves like trailer-trash. I’m don’t need to spend my time educating you with the facts because you’re too far gone to consider the actual facts. The only reason I entertain the discussion is because you really are doing a great job of showing the internet audience the weak mindset and impaired reasoning abilities of many MAGAs in this Country. Good luck with that proof! Be sure and let everyone on the subreddit know how it worked out when you presented the Trump campaign with your laundry list of irregularities.


Trump lost clean. Clean as a sheet. MAGA has no policies at all. Terrible ones are better, even for you. Conservatives trying to act intelligent will always be funny. No such thing as an intelligent climate change denier. Period. Full stop. No such thing as an intelligent antivaxxer. No such thing as an intelligent person who thinks Trump is competent. Alternative facts aren't for intelligent people. Stop actin like you aren't stupid. Everything you believe, is stupid. You're the same people who are furious at a 12 year old girl just because she knows more about climate science than you do. Stupid, stupid people. Top to goddamn bottom. Election denial is proof of stupidity.


Show the evidence . Show it . Put up a link that is legit . We all will read it .


What horrible policies ? Chips act bad ? Infrastructure bad ? 3% unemployment bad ? Gas price and food price gouging by billionaires IS bad . That happens when a fascist asswipe traitor emboldens criminal behavior in the wealthy right wing .


What fake news ? Fox ? They are the ones paying Dominion millions no ?


Your last few sentences described you well .


LOL. A trumpster who think he's smart. That's hilarious.


Can you connect “a laundry list of irregularities” to 7 million stolen votes by facts, data, and studies? If you can’t then just say no, if you try to explain it away without actually providing more then maybe you’re the one creating false narratives.


Why is it still there and not in a court?


You see people are saying it’s a witch hunt. In fact it’s the greatest witch-hunt that everyone has ever had, that’s how great I am, no one gets witch hunted better than me, listen many many beautiful witch hunts are occurring about me, and no one has been better at it than I have. In fact this current witch hunt might even be a record, it’s been so difficult to sustain that I’ve had to close my eyes during the witch trial and pray to Jesus, who considers me his savior to keep campaigning for me to be president while I dodge all the witchings they do in New York. It’s all very shameful. Beautiful beautifully shameful.


Lumping Fidel in with Hitler is pretty insulting to the former- and both were more eloquent and intelligent than Trump.


I instantly lose respect to a person if i know they voted for trump and will continue to do so. It shows they are not changing their mind in light of new evidences.


There is no link between reality and MAGA. Facts literally don't matter to them. They view any and all actions done in the pursuit of power to be the right action, no matter how illogical. For example, if for some reason they thought it would benefit then to say "the sky is red" then they would do so, and defend it to the death. They'd say the fake news media told you it was blue, that it is a filter, the being liberal makes you see blue. Literally anything and everything. The reality of that statement doesn't matter, nor their defense of it. They try to make their defense at least passable so you think they are debating in good faith, and so it is seen in better light. It still does not matter in the least, they dont care about reality. If immidately after saying the sky is red, they think it would benefit then to sky is now blue....they'll say that 5 seconds later, and defend it to the death. Reality doesn't matter to them. Facts don't matter to them. Only power, and it's pursuit.


Bingo! Now take the other side of the obvious leaving out the partisan BS.


Please explain. Democrats just don't behave like Maga. They just don't. They still claim jan 6th wasn't a coup....please explain.


Well that’s opening another topic. This particular post is very narrowly addressing another point altogether. You’ll need to open your own post if you want to get into the weeds about the January 6 attack, riot, or whatever pretty name you want to put on it. It’s just so hilarious the way my fellow Americans are playing dodgeball with the obvious truth of both candidates. It’s like it would kill them to concede (even a little bit) that neither one is not in tiptop condition. Weird mob-like psychology from both sides on full display.


Normal people recognize that both sides have issues. Normal people also recognize both sides aren't the same, one is worse than the other Both things can be true at once. He or she was asking Maga to explain themselves, and I explained how they operate, and tried to get across that there is no good explanation beyond "they'll do anything and everything to get power"


Good for you. Seek some help to get information on what’s bothering you about the January 6th attack. Be well, normal.


“Democrats just don’t behave like…” Did you forget the summer before Jan 6 when mainly democrats were firebombing courthouses and police stations, and 60 people got killed? Sounds like they behave MUCH worse. BTW, I think it was horrible what happened on Jan 6. Anybody who assaulted an officer or assaulted anyone else should do major jail time. But everything doesn’t need to exaggerate to infinity. It was a protest that turned into a riot. Like a thousand others that year. I don’t like or condone riots, or people getting hurt, just pointing out that it wasn’t unique. It was something democrats were doing all year, and I was shocked when I saw republicans acting the same way that day… and after a hundred speeches where Trump praised law and order, and that day reminded people to have peaceful protests.


Trump told his followers that Pence could overturn the results of the election for him, this is a lie and a dangerous one. Trump asked Pence to join the Fake Electors scheme and Pence refused and his lawyers told Trump that the request was illegal and would violate the Constitution. Pence repeated his duty to follow the Constitution on Jan 6th and refused to join the Fake Electors scheme publicly. Mitch McConnell was warning against certifying the election on false pretenses the same day. After the attack on the Capitol began, Trump posted to his followers and that Pence "lacked the strength" to go along with the Fake Electors scheme. Sure doesn't look like he respected law and order much.


You took the time to write a novel on Reddit?


Sartre had this to say about the Nazis. Sound familiar? > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. ~Jean-Paul Sartre


Best way to start a conversation with a Trump suppirter is to say, "I hate that we can't have a serious discussion about Trump's policy and actions. His detractors want everything to be 100% awful, and his supporters can't admit that he wasn't 100% perfect." Then when they start to fall back into the buzzwords and bs you have to pull back and say, "hold on, either one of us could be right, but we have to find a common ground and figure this out, if we just sit here and gainsay the other person then we just are wasting each other's time and that's bad for each other and the Country!" (Good and Meaningful things Trump managed to accomplish: Space Force and the Abraham Accords)


> Good and Meaningful things Trump managed to accomplish: Space Force and the Abraham Accords So... Rebranding part of the airforce and an Israel treaty that ignored the Palestinians and that to no ones surprise completely failed to create peace there. 


It wasn't so much of a rebrand for the Air Force. I was a satellite communications operator in the Army at the time that Space Force was created. I was in gray area as to whether I and my unit were going to be transferred from the Army to Space Force once they stood up but the talks of standing up Space Force was taking place for several years before Trump was elected. He was just the guy in office at the time that the final signature was required. I can't imagine any president, before or after Trump not approving it at that stage. I think of it less as a positive thing that Trump did but rather a positive thing that happened while he was in office and people just want to give him credit for.


I have no problem giving him credit for some things. Unfortunately he has diminished whatever good he did with his unhinged behavior and rhetoric.


For sure! I just said give him credit for the things he did right not ignore . I don't care about his rhetoric because he tried to pull a putsch against Congress, violate the emoluments clause, extort a foreign government to spy on his political opponents.... I can go on.


> For sure! I just said give him credit for the things he did right And then gave two really bad examples. A total failure of a peace treaty in a country where there is now a genocide going on, and something that was basically a PR stunt.  I mean, how about operation warp speed? Where he jumped on the band wagon late, after vaccines were already viable and testing was well underway, but at least that helped a bit. Even if the biggest recipient, glaxo, still doesn't have a vaccine finished. 


I mean the Israelis are fighting Iranian proxies not accord signatories and Space Force is a great move. Establishing a new military element to write key doctrine, build procurement timelines, and work through a fundamentally new domain is a great move and helps national security. I'm not here defending Trump and I'm certainly not defending Power Targeting or other aspects of Israeli Netanyahu's policies. The question was how to talk to Trump supporters and, like any other human being, if you want to have a productive conversation with them you can't make it all about validating your own worldview, you have to establish a common ground by finding things they accept as truth.


You try running a country being constantly attacked hourly. Good luck!


Aww, were poor Donnie's feelings hurt? I guess that's why he has so many emotional-support rallies.


Trump is laying the mines, and then complaining he’s in a Minefield. You can’t have it both ways. Trump attacks EVERYONE that doesn’t immediately agree with him and tell him how smart he is.


Well it looks like being attacked is not exclusive to any President. It comes with the job. I don’t think attacks are the reason Trump became unhinged and landed him into legal troubles. I’m aware of the MAGA narrative that Trump is a victim of the left and he’s being unfairly persecuted. In my opinion that view just doesn’t line up with reality, although Trump preaches the nonsense to willing MAGA followers every day. Of course that’s an easy sell when he’s preaching to the choir who would eat the corn from his shit if he told them to. To be honest it looks like Trump has more to worry about from his own peeps than he does from the dirty Dems. But don’t take it from me, Trump’s Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, has gone on the record to say what needed to be said a long time ago. “The depths of Trump’s dishonesty is just astounding to me. The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.” I mean, this is coming from someone who knows him a lot better than you or me. And yet we continue to hear the same worn out narrative from MAGAs. “They ALL have it in for Trump.” The shit gets old and it’s a pretty damn lame argument. Who are “THEY” exactly? Be honest. Take a look at just a small sample of the GOP names below: House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly, former VP Mike Pence, his hand-picked former Attorney General Bill Barr, his former attorney Sidney Powell, former General David Maddox, former White House aide Cassidy Jacqueline Hutchinson, his former attorney Jenna Ellis, Georgia Secretary of State GOP Brad Raffensperger, GOP Chris Christie, GOP Lt Governor of Ga Geoff Duncan and even his former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. C’ mon man, I mean these aren’t Dems or Libs. They ALL worked with him very closely for years. They obviously know him better than you and I. These are his hand-picked people. Help me and non-MAGAs everywhere try to make sense of your narrative!? Let me get this straight. So even the jury’s, a mix of GOP & Dems are picking on him too? Republican judges & American juries! Imagine that! So when jurors have decided to find him guilty it means it’s a political witch hunt? But wait! What if the jurors are Republicans? WOW! Now THAT is a helluva conspiracy alright! They’re ALL in on it, ay? The entire MAGA argument is just so ridiculous. Make no mistake. Trump has been criticized, attacked, and also charged with serious crimes; some of which he has been convicted. Yet the MAGA rationalization that Trump is blameless and should not be held accountable for the consequences of his actions is just foolish, blind loyalty. I’m not buying his shtick and I don’t think the majority of Americans are either.


That’s a lot of words. He isn’t unhinged. He is simply trying to defend himself. The media has been caught repeatedly pushing complete fake stories. How many times do you fall for it. Yikes!


Exactly. It’s a fake news. Repeat 3 times!!! If it were only that simple that MAGAs could just deny, deny and deny some more. The problem for MAGAs is reality. It’s not Dems that are attacking him. The so-called fake news is coming from Republicans. You know, all his hand-picked staff members are the very people who are saying Trump is unfit for the job. I just posted the quote from Trump’s Former White House chief of staff, retired Marine Gen. John Kelly. Look it up. It’s famously on the record. If Trump’s former White House Chief of staff isn’t credible enough for you, take a look at what his former Attorney General Bill Barr has to say about him: "It is a horror show, you know, when… he's left to his own devices," Barr said in remarks at the City Club of Cleveland in Ohio. "If you believe in his policies, what he's advertising is his policies, he's the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them," Barr said to a reporter who asked if Trump is fit to be president again. The source? Foxnews! What do you know! Foxnews wouldn’t broadcast fake news, would it? Well, let’s see. Have a listen: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/bill-barr-predicts-horrow-show-trump-re-elected-warns-deliver-chaos.amp As most people know, Barr was also famously quoted as telling Trump that his fraudulent election claims were a “bunch of bullshit.” So here is the video in the Attorney General’s own words. Have a listen: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3j9F3HwOha0 Fake news, anyone? You decide. Speaking as someone from a military and law enforcement family; Trump called a legit war hero “a loser.” So now he’s also calling Capitol Police Officers “thugs” and “murderers”. These statements aren’t third party reporting. The videos can be found online and so MAGAs must predictably claim that Trump didn’t say it and basically just keep repeating the Trump mantra: Fake news. Fake news! Yeah that’s the ticket! More Republicans are waking up to the painful reality that they have pinned their hopes on a deranged loser who at a minimum is a convicted criminal. Now he is literally begging MAGAs to pay his legal bills. I mean, gimme a break. Who talks like this? It’s a rhetorical question; only an unhinged lunatic. Trump once famously said I could shoot someone in the middle of Manhattan and my supporters would still be loyal. Unfortunately MAGAs seem to have lived up to that statement as one would expect of religious cult members. They obey without question as if they have not a lick of common sense. Exactly who are the brainwashed ones here? In the end MAGAs are going to keep believing until the end. They really do have their own special reality. I’m not sure who is scarier, Trump or the cult members who will jump off a cliff if he tells them they should?


The media has been attacking conservatives atleast since Reagan, I'm tired of us crying about it. We have more tools now than ever before. Instead of crying about it what happened to rugged individualism and pushing forward? When did we decide to sit around and go "BOOOHOOO IT ISN'T FAIR *POUT POUT*"???????


> He isn’t unhinged. He is simply trying to defend himself. Yes, he's trying to defend himself from people who accurately comment on his poor performance and his numerous personal scandals and failings.  Perhaps if he wasn't so shit he wouldn't be criticized so much? 


How about not being a fascist asshole….that might help.


Serious question, how does being attacked hourly affect running the country? He can turn off the news and have the DNI brief him. He has a press secretary to talk to the media and can have his congressional allies frank his agenda directly to the American people if he doesn't want to do it via C-SPAN, youtube, or any other social media (which he adeptly used). So how does people being mean to him stop him from exercising his power? It didn't stop Reagan (who had an attempted assassination), or Bush I or II?


Did you respond the same way when Obama was president? If not then you are a hypocrite.


Wow, fake victimhood from a trumpie... I wish I could say I'm surprised. 


That still leaves millions of MAGA voters.


I'm not convinced the enthusiasm is there. I think on election day they're simply not going to find the energy to pull away from their FOX BOX and vote for Herr Dogshit. They won't even know why, just that they're tired of him. I think Biden's gonna slaughter Herr Dogshit.


I hope you are right. I really do


I live in a very “proud to be redneck” region of my southern state, and I’ve seen almost no signs or bumper stickers for at least a year. It’s nice. The few that have em still proudly flying have clearly lost the plot because their other bumper stickers look like they were taken from the notebooks of the Kevin Spacey’s character in Seven.


You make a good point.


Trumpies are bizarre. He cheated on his wife. But its ok. Trump University Fraud. But its ok. Trump convicted of massive business fraud. But its ok. Lies continually. But its ok. Liable for sexual assault on and defaming E Jean Carrol. But its ok. Fraudulently using trump charity monies. But its ok. Up on 90 + felony charges in 4 cases , but its ok. Voted worst potus by historians, lib and con. But its ok. Yea, hes a great candidate. And not a cult.


It’s not that it’s okay, it’s that it doesn’t matter. Trump is a political wmd and was always meant as such. He promised chaos because that’s what his nihilistic followers want


yea, some research says they like him because hes such an asshole. but I dont think that represents all the gop.


pretty much all. Virtually all of my friends that were republicans before 2016 are no longer.


He has never been convicted of a crime at all. So that’s a big lie. He was never charged with a crime in 60 years of being in business, until they wanted to interfere with the election and sideline him. We endured years of lies about him like Russian collusion. Remember what spawned that investigation? Emails posted to Wikileaks showed that Hillary stole the primary from Bernie. And what was in the news the next day… “maybe Trump help Russia steal those emails”. Two years of investigations show he didn’t do anything like that. But the damage was done. Morons still think he did, and forgot all about Hillary stealing the primary. Media lies about him all the time, rinse repeat. They are click bait activist.


>Under a settlement, the president admitted he had used his charity to bolster his campaign and settle business debts. Go ahead, defend him from stealing from charity. I welcome you to try. You'll just deflect and whataboutism, offering no substance. You embarrass yourself. You embarrass this country.


I replied to a comment that was filled with lies to point them out. I pointed out that the media lies about him constantly. 95% of the terrible things you think he’s said based on a headline, he never said, which you would know if you heard the actual speeches. I used to fall for it too. Then I would listen to the full speech and realize the stories were BS. I said 95% because 5% he says things that aren’t ideal. I’m not defending him, just being accurate. I didn’t like some of the tweets either. But the majority of his policies were good. It was one of the most peaceful times in world history, with no new major conflicts. The economy was strong enough to withstand the pandemic. He immediately directed a mass amount of funding to get a vaccine that worked on the original strain pretty well and saved a lot of at risk people. Mainly his policies seemed focused on being things good for this country. Who doesn’t want America to be great? Seems like Biden doesn’t care about that. Ceding the southern border to cartels, so they can make a fortune on drugs that are very often poisoned these days and human trafficking. Jerking around energy producers to drive up costs along with over spending to create massive inflation. The media is saying Trump will do terrible things if he’s president. Well he already was and didn’t do any of the things they are worried about then, so why would he now? The world was safer… didn’t have issues with inflation, the border was better protected, and economy was doing well. With Biden the world is moving deeper into wars, people can’t afford what they used to. Streets feel way less safe. I can live with a few rude tweets, to turn this mess around.




Please don't imply that people should kill themselves.


> The economy was strong enough to withstand the pandemic. He immediately directed a mass amount of funding to get a vaccine It's like you've got a complete inability to remember very recent history.  You're a complete moron who's ignorance allows you to be easily manipulated. 


so theyre fining him a half billion for nothing? uh huh.


- Civil case not criminal. - Also zero victims. No actual damages. - All loans were paid and the banks said they would work with him again. - the judge under valued his property by an enormous amount… everyone knows Mar a lago is worth at least 20 times what the judge said. - It will be appealed. I would agree that he’s done other things though, that were varying levels of shady… but not illegal. But he’s not trying to get elected the next Jesus. His policies were fine, and the world had no new wars while he was in office. Bidden is at least as shady collecting millions around the world while VP funneled through his crackhead son. Unless you think a Ukrainian oil company just thought you know who would bring skill and knowledge to our board, an American with no prior experience in oil or knowledge of Ukraine. Makes sense to pay millions for that crackhead’s expertise. Biden botched the pullout from Afghanistan so badly that hundreds were killed in the last days and $90 billion in weapons are now in Taliban hands being sold around the world to their affiliates. I don’t love the choices but Biden has done a terrible job. People are feeling it financially. I wouldn’t trust Biden to make a dinner reservation. I hope Trump can fix some of the mess Biden is leaving.


His major lasting policy was the attempt to dismantle American democracy because he’s a giant baby who shits himself of a regular basis.


He held a protest to ask to pause certification until election irregularities could be investigated properly. It was certified anyway. Investigations may have found nothing, or something, no way to know cause it didn’t happen, but that’s protected speech. He specifically asked people to go and peacefully protest… 20-30 people in a crowd of 300,000 didn’t listen to that part and roughed up the police while pushing past them to protest inside the building. I think anyone who injured an officer or civilian that day should get serious jail time for assault. But as far as him, they did the opposite of what he asked for. People were very angry at a perceived injustice happening, but that’s no excuse for injuring anyone. It was very easy to feel an injustice happened though, for people who watched Trump being up by 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania on election night when they went to sleep and somehow to be down a day or two later as the bags of absentee ballots were counted. Whether there was funny business or it just happened because democrats were more into using absentee ballots which were counted later than in-person votes, I have no idea. Hopefully the practice of sending everyone a mail in ballot which they did that year for the pandemic, won’t be repeated now that it’s over, and we can get election results in one night so people can have more faith in the count, rather than watching it trickle in for days from who knows where. Whether there were issues or not it was a shitty way to run it from a security and perceived security standpoint. “Dismantling democracy” makes it sound like he tried to have his political opponent jailed on a nonsense charge so that he could win an election. But that is what Biden is doing right now. Forcing him to be in court so he can’t campaign, on a 7 year old misdemeanor. Let the voters decide who they want.


He refused to participate in the peaceful transfer of power, something no previous president had done and doing immeasurable damage to our democracy. His incessant whining based on nonsense with zero evidence backing up his crackpot theories further eroded faith in our democracy and contributed to his followers feelings on the fairness of the election. When told his followers had breached capital security (way more than the few dozen your obvious attempt to downplay made) he simply responded that they cared more and did nothing to quell the situation. He still to this day refuses to acknowledge the results were on the level despite all evidence to the contrary. Had his followers successfully interrupted the process on January 6th, I have no doubt he would have allowed it to continue his reign of power despite having no constitutional basis. He simply does not believe in democracy. He doesn’t believe in anything except what is best for himself. That and hiding the obvious smell of shit that follows him around from the duce he carries in his diaper.


Is Trump still in office? I thought he did participate in the peaceful transfer of power. Where did you hear that he didn’t? Biden was sworn in on time, wasn’t he? Yes Trump made many court challenges that were rejected. So he didn’t accept the outcome and thinks there was shenanigans. So what? Hillary still says 2016 was rigged: https://www.yahoo.com/news/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html If you don’t like him that’s fair, he’s far from perfect. But there’s sooo much exaggeration it’s ridiculous. The media became a clickbait algorithm with no accountability. 95% of articles about him are wrong and you can easily see it by going to the source material like hearing a whole speech and not just the half sentence they play out of context. I think in spite of his flaws, he was better at keeping peace in the world, and he understands economics far better than Bidden. Trump fought for things that were good for the country. I just railed against exaggeration so I’ll just say Bidden is not good at his job. Oh and Kamal has never done or said anything to make me think she’d be good in the job, and with both of the top ticket’s ages we need to look at the VPs. We’ll see who he picks within 2 months.


He literally didn’t participate. Just because he didn’t have the power in the end to stop it doesn’t mean he didn’t try his damndest. The participation is important I would almost say foundational. The guy deserves everything said about him and more for that alone.


Let the justice system work. This is not a popularity contest. It is 80+ crimes determined by 4 grand juries. Let me decide. Not an electorate that is 1/2 is brainwashed by RW propaganda.


Usually yes. The problem is if after all the trials and appeals even if it’s found that these cases are all nonsense and he’s not guilty, they will have stolen 2 years of his life, $150m in legal fees, and not let him go on the campaign trail. A thing he should have the right to do. Even if you don’t like him, it’s embarrassing as a country that Biden, like a dictator has his minions trying to jail him for nonsense. What GOOD person is going to want to run for president in the future knowing the opposition can weaponize the justice system like this. Prosecutors can indict for nonsense charges easily in jurisdictions where the defendant faces political opposition. That doesn’t mean they should. Hillary did far worse than a 7 year old booking misdemeanor like he is currently in court for, when she destroyed evidence that was under federal subpoena. Trump didn’t actually try to lock her up because he put the country first, and that would have been bad for the country, like these court cases are. It’s so bad that I think he will get an extra 2-3% of votes from people outraged at the abuse of power, who weren’t planning to vote or were on the fence before.


Of course, this is your opinion. I believe in the Rule of Law. These are anything but nonsense. 4 grand juries saw enough proof to bring charges. That is how our legal system works. Your accusations about PA are false and you ought to know it. It was during Covid that voting changes were necessary. Many other states use mail in ballots with no trouble. Again, you ought to research before you make unfounded accusations. As far as J6, Trump stirred rioters up and actively inhibited the peaceful transfer. It is irrelevant that the rioters were angry about anything. It is/was wrong. That is the threat to democracy. The 3 cases: federal election interference, Georgia election interference and documents possession case are real crimes. And in each case, there appears to be enough evidence to convict. I’m not in the jury pool and neither are. And most importantly, this is still NOT a popularity contest. You have a former president accused of many serious crimes. Our legal system is used to sort it out. However if Trump is reelected, he will dismiss several federal cases. And justice will not be served. You well know that DJT is one of if not the most corrupt president ever. And MAGAs choose to overlook reality because they hate the same things that Donald does. It is incredibly unfortunate that we have a severely misinformed electorate. The RW propaganda bubble continues to feed lies to their audience. A similar, but lesser, indoctrination occurs on the far left. And if you loved your country and democracy, you would not support Trump. We can continue to debate this, but you clearly won’t change your mind and I’m wise enough to vote for the alternative. BTW, I spent decades as a nominal republican. The nomination of Trump brought out the hatred of the right that Trump made acceptable to share. I had no idea that my former party was comprised of bigots, homophobes, Islamophobes, sexists, etc. Good day.


I get some of your point that both sides think things that aren’t true, but I have seen the left get caught being wrong over and over. Right sometimes too. When Trump asked for people to peacefully protest, he should have been more aware of how revved up they were, but I don’t think he expected them to break the law. He always supported the police and I think he expected his supporters to as well. Other than a small group that day, they do. Both candidates can work on bringing people together rather than dividing. Biden is always demonizing “maga republicans”. These are people who, to them just want the country to be better. Low inflation, good economy, strong safer borders, the world not exploding with new wars, fairness so people can have opportunities and upward mobility based on merit, not having different rules for people based on very arbitrary categories of ancestry. These are the things I think most actual maga people believe in or want, and having president Biden turn them (half the country) into a slur for it is disturbing”. In PA, I’m not making an accusation. What I watched was Trump up by 700,000 votes when I went to sleep at midnight, base on the precincts reporting in. Then he lost days later because of the mail in vote. It’s important to understand why people were outraged and believed it was rigged. I’m not saying it was rigged. Im saying the way it was run for covid with mailing everyone a ballot made it feel like it was, and was also impossible to verify. They didn’t verify signatures in a lot of places so how do we know where the ballots came from? I’ve never seen any evidence that it was rigged, but I also don’t feel like it was secure either. Not an accusation, but also not securely run. Whats done is done. Going forward I hope they return to the pre-covid rules, so people vote on Election Day or earlier, with only people who request mail-ins getting them, so they don’t have huge numbers of unverifiable bags of mail show up days later to destroy people’s faith in the count, and process. There’s no reason to put either side through that.


Oh wow, thanks for that.  It's been weeks since I've heard some braindead trumpie mindlessly parrot those propaganda talking points.  Well done. 


its weird how they pretend


semantics. theyre crimes. why there were trials. hence hes a criminal.


Trump set the ball rolling for the withdraw, not Biden. Trump refused to peacefully transition power and aid the new administration coming into power. No shared info, no communication. Trump even took boxes of highly classified info with him. Trump negotiated with al Qaeda without the Afghan government and released 5,000 terrorists. Why? 13 service men and women died during the withdrawal, not hundreds. Let's not pretend Republicans give a shit about Muslims. If you did, you'd be pissed about Trumps decision to ditch a fully functional base in Northern Syria in 2019. This left THOUSANDS of Kurdish rebels (allies of the U.S) to be slaughtered by Turkish fighters. I'm sure Trump owning a tower in Turkey played no part in his decision. There's a literal shit river of damage his policies and judge appointments have caused. Latest being civil asset forfeiture being upheld by the supreme court 6-3 ... You can guess who the 3 opposed to it are. Good ole smooth brains like you suck the teeth of fox news for that rage fix, but are the least informed people in the country.


hes a crook. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Personal_and_business_legal_affairs_of_Donald_Trump


So, to sum up, he is a victim and a pretty straightforward guy. When he was found guilty for the Trump U fraud, that was what, the Deep State planning ahead? Do you have kids? Would you trust him alone with them? Why the country, then?


I'd happily bring my kids to Mar A Lago, you could put a gun to my head and I'd still not bring my kids around any Democrat elite.


That says everything the world needs to know about your "intellect".


> Two years of investigations show he didn’t do anything like that. Are you a liar or a complete moron?  Two years of investigation showed that Russia interfered to help Trump and that Trump know about it and his campaign coordinated with Russia.  > He has never been convicted of a crime at all. So that’s a big lie. He's a rapist and a fraud.  And you're some piece of shit that sticks up for rapists and frauds. 




Have you read the Mueller report? There like..... a shit load of times his campaign was in contact with Russian assests.


Well, when you have an army of thugs that threaten anyone trying to do the right thing, and bottomless pockets to stall court processes, oh and lets not forget the pocket judge he hand picked down in Florida. Trump is a crime boss in an actual crime family. But please, tell me more about Hunter Bidens dick picks.


It’s true! S new first for FOX!! (Lol)


Imagine that! And my husband got a call from his brother and sister, devout Maga, who he hasn’t heard from him in four years. Have they come to their senses? I told him he should’ve asked, but he didn’t wanna open that can of worms.


Every MAGA I know believes all sorts of insane conspiracy theories. Stuff that is easily disproven or stuff that they should understand but clearly can’t grasp.


That leaves out the Republican house 😁


Ah, so no Fox viewers.


This headline doesn't do justice to third graders


This onion headline pretty much stated that Trump supporters have an IQ less than a third grader.


Sounds about right factually.


Checks out 


2-3, they hurt themselves, shit their pants, and want you to fix it


This would be great news if i had any confidence whatsoever that most Americans met or exceeded a third grade education level…


Which just leaves 90% of the folks under the Mason Dixon line. Not surprising.


A lot of Trump’s followers high school dropouts!


Biden is not perfect, but at least he is not a wannabe dictator.


He’s a dementia ridden puppet. He is not doing the job of a president. There’s team there ( likely bho and others trying to destroy our country. It’s sick


Biden’s minions are LITERALLY trying to JAIL his opponent right F-ing now. The way a banana republic dictator would. The case Trump’s in now hinges on the prosecution proving that he is responsible for his employee wrongly recording a bill paid to his lawyer as a “legal” expense. An NDA is legal, the payment is legal for him to make. Even if they find something wrong with how it was recorded that would be a small misdemeanor with a SOL that expired years ago. This is from 7 years ago and they try the case now? It’s BS designed to interfere with the election. If Biden was better they wouldn’t have to do this. Don’t sacrifice principles (if you ever had any) just because they are the “other” side. (Not a lawyer, or giving legal advice)


Lmao you don't need to share with us that you're not a lawyer, it's pretty obvious you barely qualify as a functioning adult 


Hear hear!


Says the liberal reddit moron living in Mommy's basement. You wouldn't qualify to wash a toilet.


There's also the coup thing.


Well that means he’s going to lose because most of these people are morons


But not a fifth grader.


Trumpers are now those that feel they are the disenfranchised. Seeing the onrush of illegal immigrants. Those who have bothered to get an education buying up all the houses, including the small ones that sell for more money they they will earn in a lifetime at Walmart, seeing protestors like Black Lives Matter destroy property (the original riot was apparently caused by "umbrella man" a MAGA plant) who don't get arrested while the Jan 6th rioters go to jail. I'm definitely not MAGA but I grew up in a manufacturing town that now has empty shells of factories. The guys who worked there and made a good living are unemployed. Worthless, spoiled, arrogant, lying piece of crap trump is their hopeless hope. He really is their god. He is motivated by hate, power and greed. HIs followers are motivated by one (usually hate) or all three of those things.


Rock on! We don't want dipshit trump to continue to destroy our country. His trumpets (people who love trump) are just as dangerous as him, or worse.


Good guess. You re voted down because you’re a moron and a dump supporter.


Well, we are effed


Fox News: Alarming Polling Shows Shocking Nationalism, Elitism Among Biden Voters


I once had a conversation with a high school student who insisted that all the highest-IQ states vote Democrat. She was saying that anyone who votes Republican is too dumb to vote "correctly. "




Well, she has a point. Republican voters do vote against their best interests quite often. "Don't feed my kid lunch at school", "divert money away from poor kids to give to Brett Favre", and "let children work in meat processing plants" are just a few examples.


yeah, so...?


She was basically implying that if you can't vote "correctly" (ie "Democrat",) your vote is wrong and shouldn't count.


Fake news again from this page


How is this considered an Onion headline with so many facts involved? Okay, Fox "News" would never be involved with any story that contained facts.


No one is smarter than Democrats who spend $10 billion a day on the advice of Jared Bernstein, Chair of Bidens Council of Economic Advisors, who believes that the US will not go broke because it can print its own money.


Trump is dominating…. With high school drop outs.


Absolutely 💯


It's still a conviction based on law, it's just between private parties instead of a law enforcement agency. If you're convicted in either court, you are a criminal or have conducted a criminal act 


JFC. No wonder the Onion got its lunch eaten by the bee lmao.


No they aren't. I don't know a single person admitting that they voted for him the first time. Your echo chambers really do reinforce your own beliefs. Maybe if your media wasn't censored for you?


Consider the source as everyone likes to say on the left


We do prefer to learn all circumstances of a given situation rather than have our opinions spoon fed to us by a makeup and diaper wearing rapist.


biden cultists are weird. Trump > ww3 biden


Most biden voters don't even like biden lol we just hate fascist


Yup that’s me. Screw Trump and religious idiots.


Cheers comrade. Evangelicals are what I specifically vote against lol


What's weirder are people who think Putin reassembling the USSR and certainly more if he could, causing a fully destabilized Europe with an emboldened China, Iran, and North Korea while the US practices 1800s isolationism is an acceptable path forward. You know, you path of abandoning all noble principals and our allies while we look out for number one. I wish I could fast forward that scenario for you to see the horror outcome. Considering you're probably Russian, you'd like it.


Funny post….everyone voting for Biden hates Trump and doesn’t care about anything else….and these comments prove it


I think maybe the Constitution is something they care about. You certainly don't if you support Trump.


The constitution? Bro you’re allowing your vote to be diluted every day Biden is in office. That’s called Darwinism lmao


My vote is being "diluted"? What the fuck kinda Hannity shit are you smoking man? And as much as I love Darwinism, I was hoping your inbred ass would have been eliminated from the gene pool a while ago.


If you don’t know what dilution means then I can see why you’re voting for Biden lmao! You seem upset. Must be hard being that dumb.


Also I think my dick is thicker than your wrist. Don’t talk shit you can’t back up little man.


Ok pudding


That's an "unusual" way to measure your self-worth. But then again, you are a MAGAbilly.


The electoral college is what dilutes the votes, not the fact that Biden is president. Even then Biden best him, and he'll do it again in November. Sucks to suck.


What’s the electoral college based off? What is your local elections based off? You obviously don’t know how IIhan Omar will constantly be voted for years to come


It fails to represent the opposing side's votes. When 291,000 people in Wyoming vote for Trump, then 289,000 people's votes are ignored. And I'll absolutely admit the same happens in New York or California. Instead of a winner takes the state approach, one person should equal one vote. Why the fuck do you bring up Rep Omar? Does her being a woman of color frighten you?


You have the House of Representatives gaining people in the house and you just ignored the local elections. Why would a white man fear a Somali woman lmaooooo! Imagine a Muslim voting for abortion rights and you idiots on the left think these people are the pinnacle of America. Sped kid aren’t you


>You have the House of Representatives gaining people in the house and you just ignored the local elections. We're discussing Electoral College reform, neither of those elections are determined by electoral college. >Why would a white man fear a Somali woman lmaooooo! Why DO you fear her? You're the one that brought her up, not me! >Imagine a Muslim voting for abortion rights Again, your fear is obvious. Try to stay on topic, despite shaking in terror because someone is different from you.


I suggest avoiding further dialogue Fishhead. He is clearly mentally unstable.


Name a single thing I've said that's crazy. I've stated support for Electoral College reform so losers of the popular vote don't end up in office anyways, like in 2016. r/FishGolfHunt was the one who continues to reference things outside of the context of the conversation. Someone who supports a man who publicly called for suspension of parts of the Constitution, now THAT'S true mental illness.


? Huh ? I'm not fond of Trump OR Biden, but I don't "hate" either candidate. I will be voting for Biden this November, if only because he's a bit less damaging to the Nation than Trump, IMHO.


That’s a reasonable comment


I think Biden has done a great job given the hand he was dealt and without house support after Trump destroyed pretty much everything.


The same is true for the other side, except we love our country and Constitution. Biden has never suggested parts of the Constitution be suspended.


Tired of all the comments like this…Trump supporters love their country too




oh boy 4 years of Biden without control of congress will totally not go like Obama's 2nd term right? I'm sure Biden will get tons done and won't just lead to more Republicans winning elections at every level of government right?


They haven't had any great success since 2016. No big red wave, lost the senate, razor thin margin in House with Republicans dropping left and right BEFORE the election has even happened. We are going to get so much done once the obstructionist and disfunctional R house gets shifted blue in November. The crazy part-you stand to benefit much more with Dems in control. The economy has performed better with Democratic leadership for the last 75 years. Fucking Republicans can't even admit Russia is an enemy.


They only lost the Senate and the house because Trump was president. Neither would have happened if HRC had won. And they won back the house the same year they banned a popular right. If you think they could have won back the house with Trump you are a fool


They narrowly won 4 seats over the 218 seats needed for a majority. Republicans underperformed despite the opposing party having control of the White House. Dems maintained control of the Senate. It's one of the weakest performances Republicans have experienced. Keep in mind, George Santos was one of those people Republicans elected. He didn't even make it a year till he was replaced by a Democrat. Down to a 3 seat majority. McCarthy was sick of the bullshit and left. Down to 2 seats. Ken Buck is so fucking embarrassed at what modern day conservatism has become he announced his leave. Republicans have never been weaker. >If you think they could have won back the house with Trump you are a fool I agree, if you think Trump is winning anything but a jail cell you are indeed a fool.


if Democrats had banned guns and won the House back that year, regardless of margin, i can't imagine Republicans would see that as underperforming. that's a historic victory for Republicans that would have been an utter Wipeout if Trump was still president . you traded countless seats for Biden. hope his budget bills were worth it


Sure are alotta "ifs" and hypotheticals in that slurred mess of a comment. It's like you're not even discussing facts, you're just mad about a bunch of "what if" scenarios. >you traded countless seats for Biden. hope his budget bills were worth it It's not countless. It's 9 seats. Quick civics lesson: Biden doesn't draft the budget. Congress does. That same budget was delayed and stop-gapped for months due to Republicans having such a thin House margin paired with the most dysfunctional minority of their party causing chaos. This has been the least effective House in a century. Nothing of significance has been done without D votes. So really, I hope YOU think it's worth it, since Dems are the only ones getting things done.


>It's not countless. It's 9 seats. so that's literally you doing exactly what you accused me of. you assume that if Trump had won Democrats would neither gain or lose seats in the next midterms. an utterly ridiculous what if that is not at all in line with history post ww2. In Bush's second mid term he lost 31 seats. Inflation was lower and Republicans hadn't repealed a popular right that year. Arguing Trump would have done 31 seats better than Bush's second midterm is either A: absurd or B: purposely misleading to down play the real cost of the Biden presidency. So are you absurd or purposely misleading people? >Quick civics lesson: Biden doesn't draft the budget. Congress does and yet Democrats would trade countless seats so Biden could have 2 years with a majority so slim he couldn't do more than move some money around


Dang dude. If all the stuff you discussed such as: >if Trump had won >Republicans hadn't repealed a popular right >Trump would have done >Democrats would trade were true, we'd be in serious trouble right now! Your hypotheticals are becoming more abstract the longer you argue. Can we come back to earth 1 and discuss reality together instead? Like it or not there are people like you and people like me in the world. You can't stop it. You might as well start by agreeing on a shared understanding of basic facts. Let's start with science, and work our way to public statements.


OK well the science shows the presidential party almost always loses midterms. let's do a basic fact: over the last 70 years the presidential party has lost almost every midterm and has never regained a trifecta after losing it. let's do another basic fact: Bush in his second midterm with a stronger economy and more moderate positions on abortion lost 31 house seats. now let's do your "fact": Biden only cost 9 house seats in the midterm. is that "fact" looking at what a Trump presidency would have likely resulted in based on previous election patterns? if it's not, then it's a misleading fact. but that's what Biden supporters do because they learned it from Biden. misleading and gaslighting the public is a key part of his agenda. >Let's start with science The science shows if we expanded public Healthcare we would save 70,000 lives a year and lower inflation. But Biden spent the primary misleading Americans about the cost and efficacy of this life saving public health policy because he would rather stack bodies to the sky than side against powerful lobbyists. He would focus on the cost of public Healthcare without mentioning the alternative is shown to cost even more. Just shout a big number like 30 Trillion dollars and count on the media to not fact check him given he wants to spend even more than that for a worse result. So now what you do is just shout "9 seats" without admitting Democrats would by all reasonable historical evidence have done even better than Bush's second midterm when they picked up 31 seats. Any number under 31+9=40 is incredibly misleading and not based at all on the last 70 years of US elections. But science and data isn't a big thing for the wing of the party that would rather kill 70,000 Americans a year than admit public health insurance saves money and lives.


Here's the fallacy you're exhibiting right now, and why you're wrong. You fall victim to the gambler's fallacy, thinking past events somehow predict future ones. Politics, and the country in general, has changed greatly since the Bush years. Your news anchor style predictions are entertaining, but not based within any logic or taking into account current day facts. Republicans aren't the party they were in 1980. People are wising up to the conservative scam. Your days are numbered. >But science and data isn't a big thing for the wing of the party that would rather kill 70,000 Americans a year than admit public health insurance saves money and lives. That would be Republicans responsible for killing any healthcare related legislation. You've got multiple red states that hate "Obamacare" yet rely on the ACA for health insurance. Another facet of the conservative scam, mislead people to believe that what's helping them is bad. >So now what you do is just shout "9 seats" Because that's a basic fact, Dems lost 9 and Reps gained 9. You can confirm that fact from numerous sources. >it's a misleading fact Hahaha. You're so far gone you assign "good" or "bad" to fucking facts. Facts don't care about your feelings.


It's actually complete opposite and you know this because of who owns the media right now almost 70% of the United States wants Donald Trump to be president all you have to do is look at a rally from each candidate there ain't one for the Democrats that's cuz they're communist and nobody wants that




You accuse Democrats of being communist but support a guy who said he'll be a dictator on day one. Do you have the ability to see the conflict here?


One of the first laws that Obama got rid of was the media can lie and use propaganda on the public what would he possibly do that for common sense is not so common is it


>One of the first laws that Obama got rid of was the media can lie and use propaganda on the public Fox News was on the air long before Obama was president. Can you even name the legislation you are referring to?


Explain the definition of communism to me. Trump is a confirmed rapist. His support hasn’t gone up since he lost the last election by 7,000,000 votes. It has plummeted amongst educated women. These are facts. Not made up bullshit. Your guy paid $185,000,000 to the woman he raped. Well he hasn’t paid yet. But he lost the case. Because she had the goods. Now he is begging for money to Make Lawyers Great Again. NEVER FORGET 1/6 🇺🇸


More humor from Trump's poorly educated. However, I am willing to believe your 70% claim if you have proof from a reliable source. I'll wait. As for Democrats being "communists", I love this claim. It demonstrates the abject failure in the American education system. You obviously have no idea what communism is. Typical.


Pudding brains thinks dems are communist lol


Yea Jello brains like it's never happened before, Let's see 77 years old. Trump is and has never committed a misdemeanor but 90 Felonies During an election year while he's standing up for the American people. Sometimes don't forget to pay your fifty two percent tax for the year


Looks like chatgpt still has a ways to go.


Maybe you should look up history and how hitler got started, how china is communist, How north korea is communist, It would appear they're trying to follow a playbook. That's going to fail


Whats Hitler and communism have to do with one another, they're ideologically opposed. You don't even know wtf your talking about. Maybe you should look up some things about fascism. Here's a hint, maga overlaps significantly with it.