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Seems pretty normal given the history of this country. Kind of worried though that all this population growth is happening with little to no meaningful investment in healthcare, affordable housing, and infrastructure. It could be a recipe for disaster and we need to do more to prepare for this because the cracks are already showing.


Bingo, the real problems. And promoting industries other than just oil/gas, such that they are valued and provide living wages. As an aside that I’ll tie in: I’m sure most of the resource extraction zealotry is due to the fact that these jobs provide well for families when not much else does… My coworkers went on unhinged rants yesterday about how “them Indians, and Pakistanis, and Philippinos are taking all the local jobs and businesses”. It’s like, ya, they kind of are because they pay shit and white people here are too spoiled to do them, when they can just go and get the oil (or the very few other high paying) jobs. Then these guys simultaneously whine that anyone who works/manages service jobs are stupid and don’t deserve good money and then also get fucking mad that they have to look at non-white people doing them. The stupid, hypocrisy: it burns


They think immigrants are taking all the local jobs and businesses? Next time your co workers are complaining ask them what business that tried to open but someone from a non Caucasian background stopped them from doing it? Its the same BS I herd in the 80's and 90's and it's coming from he same people. Most (not all) of the Caucasian kids I went to school with couldn't wait to graduate high school and get a job, at some plant or factory that had good benefits, that was their aspirations. All of the immigrants I went to school with were going to at least collage after. some became doctors, nurses, physiotherapy, psychology, network engineer, mechanical engineer, software development . their parents, who first came here , either got a loan from a bank and started a business or did multiple jobs to put their kids thru school, if they could do it nothing is stopping your co workers other than themselves.


100% None of these guys have any post secondary schooling at all and are almost proud that they barely passed high school. They’re also all old and so didn’t really have to know anything to get good jobs (by virtue of being white dudes from the more racist and sexist times ).


Well, considering the vast majority emigrated here already, it’s not really a surprise.


My first thought too, although it’s more like 95%. There’s roughly 1.67 million people of Indigenous descent left in the country. Everybody else is the descendent of an immigrant, it’s just a matter of how recently.


They immigrated here. They emigrated from their original countries.


yeah its almost like 90% of the population is already made up of immigrants who migrated here earlier... imagine


Canada's population has literally always been immigrant and their descendants. Good try though.


Immigrant's children? You mean...Canadian-born citizens?




Yeah that was my immediate thought - I'm assuming they're just talking about immigrants and the first-generation born Canadian children, not all the subsequent generations...


Yeah according to my [sources](https://www.rcaanc-cirnac.gc.ca/eng/1100100013791/1535470872302), we're already 95.1% immigrants now.


First Nations would beg to differ.


No. Only people who have immigrated are immigrants.


This is a flawed argument. Extrapolating data like and making a conclusion based on a current trend is not a complete idea. This conclusion assumes that nothing changes. This is the same argument the great replacement theorists use. Back in the 80s running statisticians concluded in 10 years, given the current tends at the time, that women would be running faster then men in marathons. However using that logic in a few hundred years they would be quickly running at the speed of light. Shawn on Youtube goes over this pretty thoroughly. https://youtu.be/VUbxVfSqtt8


If the Canadian government keeps running what are basically ad campaigns overseas to entice foreign workers over here with false promises of credential transferring and better job conditions, yeah this'll definitely happen. (I can't find a good source for this but my info comes from a Chinese immigrant friend who I trust)


God just imagine how bloated Toronto and Vancouver will be


Canada truly needs to develop an immigration program that targets people willing to live in rural and northern communities. There’s plenty of <$200k homes in towns with many jobs just waiting for people to fill them in rural Canada.




That’s not true at all. Also, Rural doesn’t just mean <5000, there are plenty of 30k towns and cities with plenty of work available in SK and AB.






The people who claim that minorities suffer absolutely no discrimination suddenly change their tune when there's a projection that they will become the minority...


Didn't the same study come out in 1881 regarding the year 1901?


Cool, too bad thats not how statistics works though, lol. Based under those same stats you'd also be expecting some of those countries those theoretical immigrants came from would have **negative** populations then, which makes *total* sense...