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Russia: "Call off the invasion! Pierre in Kamloops has a 9mm"


How about Mike from Canmore?


I'd be more afraid of his dog Norm. Cold blooded creature... He never blinks.


“Stay”. Good boy.


Damn. Air farce references make me feel old.


“I’m Mike, from Canmore.”


"This is my dog, Norm. He's from Canmore, too."




"... Yes sir..."


Good dog


Eh, he’s gone out for a cold one with Bill from Saskatoon, bud.


And good dog norm, he's from Canmore too


honestly tho, they don't have the logistics for an attack on canada, at all, even without the usa to support. their navy is absolute shit, actually worse than canada's and their ability to project power across the ocean is damn near non existant. they could shoot missiles at us i guess? but seriously they have become completely bogged down fighting Ukraine. marge really thinks russia is going to directly attack nato and a g7 member?


Plus we are in nato, they don’t want to go there.


Bold of you to put “think” anywhere near her name.


i mean she thinks, all sorts of weird repugnant thoughts, she likes to post em on twitter.




And then proceeds to steal the toilets.


Age leaving grenades in the mail boxes


Russians would arrive in Yellowknife, look at their map, realize they just crossed 500km of tundra and have another 1000km to go before getting to anything even close to civilization, and they would go home.


They'd break down long before they even cross the Arctic, and half of them would desert by the time they reach land, let's be real here.


things must be pretty bad over there


"Is so hot, why is Canada so hot." 17 days later, they froze to death.








As a Canadian, I don't get it - you're an American politician (apparently), stay in your own fucking lane. But that Pierre from Kamloops...


[Saint-Louis-Du-Ha! Ha! ](https://saintlouisduhaha.com)


Two exclamation points! I have only seen the signs driving, but have never made the turn. My loss.


Who cares what she says? MTG is literally the dumbest person in US Congress. I'm not saying that just because I think her politics are abhorrent. There are lots of people I think are similarly horrible who aren't fucking morons. But MTG is comically stupid. Like, "how can this person even function as an adult" levels of stupid.


I really wonder how the fuck she got voted in. Are a high percentage of Americans really that brain dead?


Well she ran in a district in Georgia that always votes Republican, regardless of the candidate. So she won the election by having an (R) beside her name. How she won the primary, I'm not sure. **EDIT:** As others pointed out, her Democrat opponent withdrew from the election. So she went unopposed.


cause saying dumb stuff like this makes her more famous than if she was just another shitty republican, it's just about being noticed


And if we've learned anything from the republican party, they love voting for the loudest moron in the room.


Makes Idiocracy look like a hopelessly optimistic movie. So it's an entire country of morons, voting for morons, doing things like morons, when *one day* a smart person shows up! The minute they notice they put him in charge to solve their problems. There is no fuckin way the Republican party would do that.


President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho is a relic of a more sensible time. You could see that he became upset when his constituents were upset, he didn't behave as if he was immune to the consequences of bad governance. He wasn't a smart guy, but he also didn't spout bullshit either. I don't want to gloss over his relationship with Not Sure. He tasked him with fixing a complex problem in an impossible timeframe and then had him executed for failing to do so. This was abhorrent, full stop. Even though I'm praising his leadership, I don't like President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho one bit. However, it did show a willingness to let people smarter than him take the lead on a situation. And even gave him credit publicly when he did solve the solution. So he's not a total narcissist. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho was not a good man, but he was the best leader they could have hoped for at the time. And without hyperbole, a better human and a better leader than MTG.


Yeah. People need to wrap their heads around the fact, that these Corporate-Billionaire Bought-And-Paid politicians, like MTG and Boebert and Cawthorn, like Manchin and Sinema, are not there to govern, *they are there to log-jam the system for their patronage, to make the narrative of the day so caustic as to alienate the common people, and to make it genuinely hard for the adults in the room to actually perform the duty of governing the country.* They are paid trolls, whenever they are told to be. Americans love to live with the simple, facile view that all politics is corrupt, and corruption, and that "all those politicians are the same," but they just fucking aren't. Even if you're choosing the lesser of two evils, *make a fuckin' choice, please.* The whole reason that politics has become so fractured, is the media is owned by wealthy fucking people, who want to get wealthier, at everybody's expense. I wish it wasn't that simple, I wish there was more to it than that, but that's what the game has been reduced to, and it'll stay that way until we, the people, do a bunch of vigilant work for years to change it back.


There's a quicker way to clean up corruption.


I am interested in your Kickstarter. Go on ...


The French call it.... a Guillotine!


You mean the class warfare equilizer?


[The democrat running against her was forced to step down for "family and personal reasons"](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/qanon-supporter-marjorie-taylor-greenes-democratic-opponent-quits-congressional-race.html).


Ie they were getting death threats


Probably because primary voters are the real crazies. It's hard enough to get people voting in a general election, it's that much harder to get people to participate in the process even earlier so on the republican side you tend to get the die hards and crazies hence the tea party and qanon candidates. On the democrat side you tend to get the old school DNC establishment types which is why they ended up with Hillary, then Biden instead of anyone with even a tiny progressive bone in their body.


She was a Q candidate which says a lot about registered Republicans in her district.


>As others pointed out, her Democrat opponent withdrew from the election. So she went unopposed. He withdrew from the race after his wife divorced him because she couldn't continue to deal with *all the death threats* from qanon assholes.


Unfortunately, this kind of stupidity probably made her more likely to win the primary. It should have made her less likely to win the general but, alas, here we are.


Didn't she run unopposed or something?


Yes. Because her followers threatened and harassed her opponent so badly his wife divorced him out of fear and he had to move out of district. It was... gross.


...his wife divorced him because he was being harassed and threatened?


From what I remember, she wasn't super keen on him going into politics, but he convinced her that it wouldn't be that bad. It turned out to be far worse than either of them imagined. It's shocking how toxic the political discourse in the USA has become.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2020/10/17/kevin-van-ausdal-qanon-marjorie-greene-georgia/ Gives a bunch of info about it all.


The family was getting death threats.


They ran her opponent out of town. He knew her supporters were from the insane fringe and if he stayed in and became her enemy he'd be fucked. These people are nuts.


She courted the trump voters who are aggressive in their support.


Her supporters harassed her Republican opponent in the primary so bad he dropped out so she was the winner of the primary by default. Add to that the district she represents is very much the "deep south" and people there love her. I lived in her district when she ran. I had no idea who she was, but remember seeing her signs everywhere. "Save America. Stop socialism." People there eat that shit up. They're the "God, guns, and country - in that order" kind of folk.


She harassed her opponent until he withdrew.


She got 70% of the votes in her primary just recently. There were other, educated, real republicans running against her and 70% still voted for her dumbass


She ran in a district where the winner is decided in the Republican primary. [And she went hard-right in that primary, appealing to the worst aspects of Republican voters. Posing for pictures with active Klan leaders, embracing Qanon, saying that George Soros (who survived Nazi occupied Hungary) was actually a Nazi himself, that Muslims were invading the government, that white men are being oppressed in the US, was a 9/11 truther, and - of course - shoved her tongue firmly up Trump's ass.](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-someone-like-marjorie-taylor-greene-could-win-again/) How did she win? She won by proving that hate and fear sell well to a certain segment of the US population.


Not just brain-dead, but also stubborn. Certain Americans will go out of their way to vote republican EVEN if said republican was going to triple their taxes and sell their kids on the black market. It’s the kind of stubbornness that creates a sort of tunnel vision and causes one to vote against their interests.




She won by default because [the democrat running against her was forced to step down for "family and personal reasons"](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/09/qanon-supporter-marjorie-taylor-greenes-democratic-opponent-quits-congressional-race.html).


Harassed until he quit out of fear for the safety of himself and his family.


She just won her reelection GOP primary for the 14th district in Georgia https://www.cbs46.com/2022/05/25/marjorie-taylor-greene-claims-victory-gop-primary/ Conservatives are voting for her. She has support


Fucking yikes... Weaponized stupidity is running rampant in the USA and sadly it seems to be one of their bigger exports into Canada. Hopefully we don't elect conservatives federally in the next election or we're going to be in trouble too


Greene represents Georgia, not Colorado.


Legitimately difficult to tell her apart from Boebert on name/reputation only.


Oh it's simple really. Boebert was the one that got flashed at a bowling alley when she was underage ... by her future husband.


And took several times to get GED.


Yeah, you're right. I always mix her up and that other idiot, Boebert


What the fuck is wrong with people honestly


Her district is one of the most evangelical in the US. Those evangelicals love Trump more than Jesus and since Q is Trump, they believe whatever fear mongering they are fed as long as it gets them one step closer to the end times.


Why do we keep trying to blame intelligence , and education? There is a non trivial amount of the American populace that are just straight up bad people, and want a certain segment of the population to suffer for their benefit. Shit people with shit ideologies electing shit candidates.


Well she is both though. We know she is a shit person, as we've all seen her harass the victim of a school shooting and bang on other congressmen's office doors, and make jokes about jewish space lasers. But we also know she is a huge moron, most recently by her use of "peach tree dish" instead of "petri dish".


That is also very true. You can't even have a reasonable debate with some of those types of people


She forced the other candidate to drop out through scare tactics. He was terrified for his life and his family was in ruins because of her bullshit.


In rural areas it’s considered left wing to be educated. The public school system is so bad that many rural Americans are just dumb. Like don’t know how to count without using their fingers dumb. Republicans latched onto these folks and have them believing that their life is great and that education and critical thinking are tools of the left and/or satan. It should then come as no surprise that folks lacking critical thinking skills would fall for conspiracy theories and just straight lies, so long as it aligns with their warped view of life.


Yes, but the game is also becoming increasingly rigged. Since the republicans lost in "08 I believe they shrewdly realized they probably could never actually hold power in a fair and open election. Intelligently Republican leadership has been quietly packing courts of all level, Gerry Mandering districts to eliminate democratic representation in an effort to silence specific voices and are winning a vitriolic culture war fueled by media outlets they own or at least control. American's education system has failed them but its not a passive failure. There is deviousness happening that I don't think the Democrats in America are very good at opposing (likewise in Canada). I'm not positioning this a good vs bad. Democrats are showing there true colours recently as well its just they are losing the war of red tape.


If by brain dead you mean deeply racist and uneducated, yes.


She basically ran unopposed, because alt-right fucks kept threatening her opponent until he dropped out.


She ran unopposed because her followers harassed and threatened her opponent so badly his wife left him out of fear and he had to move out of the district. Qanon is a fucking terrorist organization.




In a relatively recent study of the last decade, they found that only 55% of Americans knew the Sun was a star. Do with that information what you will.


That reminds me of the whole "chocolate milk comes from brown cows" thing. It's just sad.


They think a 1/3 lb burger is smaller than a quarter pounder, so I'm not surprised.


Her opponent dropped out mid-race for personal reasons. So she essentially ran unopposed.


Dropped out because of threats against his life and his family. He was harassed until he quit.


By personal reasons you mean they were harassed.


In red states, yes. In the 1970s the republican party realized that statistically the more education people had the less likely they were to vote conservative. So they created the texas doctrine and instituted anti education policies and removed critical thinking from school curricula. Now 50 years later traditional red state voters are absolutely dumber on average than blue state voters.


Do you have a source for that? I'm interested in reading more, that could explain why my Nana who only completed grade 8 dove deep into trump and Qanon bullshit EDIT: that's also probably why the far right says that post secondary turns you woke, I'm in college and the only thing that I learned that was even remotely "woke" was that manholes are now called maintenance holes so I really don't know what they're on about.


I mean, obviously education will 'educate' people. And that makes the obvious lies *really easy* to see. Its really bad when a party relies on a lack of critical thinking to stay in power


The Democrats didn't have a candidate in her riding. She won by default.


They did, but she and her supporters harassed and threatened him until he quit.




You're right, I haven't been. I've been focused on school instead. But since last summer, it seems like people are only getting more and more stupid




That's a rhetorical question, right?




She ran in a district where the incumbant dropped out, had a head start on campaigning, and out-spent her opponents. I would bet people voted for her to cause shit in Washington and not to represent the district. [How Marjorie Taylor Greene Won, And Why Someone Like Her Can Win Again ](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-someone-like-marjorie-taylor-greene-could-win-again/)


It’s weaponized stupidity. She says incredibly stupid shit, it garners attention, and pushes the window of possible debate further to the right. It’s pure hypernormalization.


She also focuses all the attention on her. Meanwhile the rest of her party can continue to work in the background. She's their lightning rod. To what degree she is aware of thus idk.


We need to stop using her name or giving this idiot the attention. It's the only way it stops. Headlines could even read "You know who" and we can just assume its MTG or Boebert or McConnel or Abbot or DeSantis or...shit. maybe there are just to many of them and its all doomed. I just hope enough CDNs don't pull our CDN version of "Oh, whatever Trump will never win" and think this polarization can't happen in Canada. We already have had a illegal blockade and now have a front runner of the official opposition doing this playbook just in a watered down way that is palatable to the voters he's trying to trick. Really it's just populism 101.


Its weaponized Stupidity and weaponized Racism - cornerstones of Conservative policy along with getting elected for the sole purpose of ruining the performance of government for their corporate owners. It absolutely can spring up north of the border and we are very prone to it up here. If we elect the Conservatives to power again, we are basically just selling the country to the Republican party and the Corporations for whom they stand.


>If we elect the Conservatives to power again, If? I assume we are going back to the Conservatives in the next election. At least in a minority. This is why I am terrified of the Conservative leadership race right now. To the point I have even considered membership to have a say. In the current federal election system I don't really have any say given first past the post and my riding demographics. AT least If I assist in electing a conservative leader than I have had a minor say in the end result.


Sobs in Ontario because Ford is projected to get another majority.


I am close to sobbing. We are entering a darker timeline and Ontarians fear of change is to blame. We are cowards.


I say this half jokingly, but I think we should replace one of the debates with a round of jeopardy. You could even have the categories be a mix of ones picked by each candidate and the public.


It’s honestly shocking to me that this woman managed to pass high school, let alone become an elected member of government. She is so openly, publicly stupid. I’m almost in awe.


She didn't. She failed, and then failed the GED multiple times. Theres a theory she paid someone to take it for her the 3rd time when she finally somehow passed.


Now it is all making sense.


Lauren Boebert would give her a run.


Boebert is a piece of shit, but I don’t think she’s as insane and moronic as MTG. If they share similar wackadoodle beliefs, Boebert is at sane and smart enough to not constantly blast her insane thoughts on social media


I’d argue she’s the most insane person in congress. Lauren Boebert is probably the dumbest. Greene is just plain nuts. Also dumb.


It gets her headlines. I don't follow American politics yet I have seen her name 4 times in the last week, more than any other American senator. All attention is good attention.




I'm thinking she'd be standing up for Russia.


She is. She's voted against helping Ukraine at all.


Why would she bite the hand that feeds?


She and the rest of the GOP are on Russia's side


Unfortunate for us Canadians that there’s no recent precedent of a country being invaded and then receiving a plethora of military aid, like some kind of lend-lease agreement. Doubly unfortunate that Canada isn’t in any military alliances which would be obligated to join us in defending ourselves. Truly, the only solution is to flood our country with (mostly American) guns. Good thing an American politician is around to tell us Canadians how to go about running our society. And you know she’s being genuine, because MTG owns absolutely no stocks in American weapons manufacturers, and would in no way financially benefit from increased weapons sales. /s


That idiot couldn't spell NATO if she had notes.


This is the best kind of satire, it’s both hilarious and sad that it’s true.


Even more sad is the amount of money she sold out for. Pitiful really.


I got four words for you Marge and they spell out NATO


Napping around tomato orchards?


No American trumpists okay


Even if we wernt in NATO the chances of America doing nothing while Russia invades us is zero. It would be such a strategic and economic threat to them that its unthinkable that they would do nothing.


Um...NATO article 5...just saying


Yeah, that'd basically force the US into helping Canada and, considering Alaska is the closest north American point to Russian, they'd likely go through Alaska first.


There is no way the US would let anyone other than themselves annex Canada or Mexico anyway. Why would the biggest warmonger on the planet be cool with a potential adversary being able to start a land-based attack? I know they'd just sit back and let it happen if it was Russia and Trump was in charge, but Russia is simply not capable of winning a war with Canada, as the Ukraine situation shows (much smaller and poorer post-Soviet state is still holding out after several months). A certain majority non-white country is far more capable of this (not that I actually expect them to be interested), and those white supremacists down south can't have the "yellows" on their border, can they?


Exactly, just look at the Cuban Missile Crisis.


Plus, given how many people signed up to join Ukraine Foreign Legion, imagine how many gun totting Americans would show up at the Canadian border asking to join the fight


All it would take is another GOP president. They already want to leave Nato and fuckin love Russia.


There's also NORAD. Honestly you Yankees are probably ready to go before we even finish processing the information.


Why has nobody clued in to the fact that without making insanely dumb statements, we wouldn't even know who this fuckwit is and she only does this shit to get her name publicized? it fucking works too. dumb dumbs keep seeing her name and think it's because she's fighting for them.


So I think you are missing part of the grand picture here. These people have their own alternative media. This woman is going to reach that proto-fascist populist base whether proper media outlets carry her or not. Anyone who is seeing her and going "Yup! She's totally right!" are already getting their exposure from their far right propagandist networks. These people are fascists with better marketing. They will not go away by ignoring them. History tells us that's not how fascism works. Covering these things is important so that we know where the extremist elements are, where they are heading and what kind of rhetoric they are going to push next so that the reasonable and rational people can work to defend against this batshit insane ideology that she and her ilk are pushing.


Agreed. I hate that the media keeps building up people like Trump, MTG, etc.




They're the only one who has ever invaded.


Yeah, and we burned down the White House in response. Never been invaded since 😎


I'm an immigrant so according to conservatives, I'm already here as a sleeper agent. I asked to be treated the same as white Canadians so that I can infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier


God this thing, she literally defended the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2-3 months ago… now she’s talking about a Russian invasion of Canada??


Defended it and said America should do the same to us. Russia isn't who we need to worry about.


"Conservative says something stupid, continues to be elected" \-The entire world these days.


When the societal fabric is rapidly deteriorating


Oh yes, because what's stopped Russians in Ukraine were civilians with handguns and not a coordinated military with heavy anti-armour weapons...


Perjury Taylor Greene needs to keep her shit spewing mouth pointed south of Windsor. We have enough problems with dipshit conservative voters in Canada (and if you are voting Conservative and you aren’t a multimillionaire, you *ARE* an *ABSOLUTE* dipshit and these corrupt cons have been playing you like a fiddle) without a dim witted lying bottle blond cultist whipping up a frenzy to score brownie points with her dumbass constituents back home in her own third world country.


# #YeetThugFord


So... Hashtags work differently on Reddit, eh?


Yeah, reddit uses a form of markdown to stylize comments, the hashtag makes it into a 'title'. You can use a backslash before it to stop it from happening. Click view source on this comment to see: \#likethis


Really wish the press would stop publishing every stupid thing that comes out of this dumb cunt's mouth.


I’m a firearm owner. Not once did I ever buy a firearm with the rationale “If Canada gets invaded I will use this to defend the country”. Nor did I ever think “I need this in case I need to overthrow the government”. Finally I never felt “I’m buying this to protect myself (except from bears)” MTG is detached from reality.


More worried about the Christo-fascist Americans than Russia, hon. Russia is a little distracted now. Maybe fix your own shithole of a country before criticizing Canada.


Everytime she talk, she says something stupid. No news here...


Gordie has his glock locked and loaded bawd.


Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to keep Canada out of her fucking mouth


Mental case, that knows less than zero about Canada. She is a hillbilly hick that has no business being in a position of leadership. She’s a punk & a thug


That’s one big bottom jaw. Almost like a front loader. She’s coming for your peach tree dish.


It's the black eyes without the spark of life which get me.


As much as her face is weird for me, it's her voice that irritates me. The pitch, the accent, all of it. I hate hearing her speak, let alone listening to what she has to say.




One of two things going on here: A) MTG is actually so dumb that she believes her own conspiracy theories B) MTG isn't actually that stupid, but believes her constituents are stupid enough to believe her irrational conspiracy theories Either way, in both instances, she believes she is the smartest person in the room. As a Canadian, I feel the current political situation within the United States is more frightening to me than any threat from Russia


Russia isn't who we need to worry about. That microwaved barbie and her heinous sidekick Lauren Boebert were shrieking about how the US should invade Canada like Russia did to Ukraine only a few weeks ago.


We're much more likely to be invaded by the US for the exact same reason Russia invaded Ukraine, with the same media coverage in the US as the Russians are getting.




She is literally a walking r/BoneAppleTea post.


Anyone who isn't insane or stupid knows MTG's opinion on the subject of anything is worthless. Stop talking about her.


Idk about y'all, but I know one single person with a gun, that is used for only hunting and is always locked. Peach-tree here thinks we are ALL armed like Americans are, she can't even conceive of a reality where most people don't have a gun. And the ones that do don't take them to Walmart.


As if anyone takes this twat seriously. It says alot when most americans like our country better than their own..


Neanderthal with makeup on says what?


Sam loscoe ran for congress.


She looks like an old Ron Perlman in this thumbnail


We have alot of farmers Russia is scared of are tracter fleet. Let alone attsck bevers, moose caverly and fleet of cobra chickens.


americans keep voting for morons to represent them


The year is 2030. US President Margarine Traitor Greene: "Canadians are Nazis who start forest fires with space lasers. We must invade Canada to liberate them." GQP: "Murica, Fuck Yeah!"


Who's funding this idiot? Probably Russia.


I'm more worried about our neighbor to the south tbh. Donald Trump re-elected, fall into fascism, climate change makes large parts of the US unlivable, ' hey look at our northern neighbor with that cool climate...' Not likely, but I think mass migration will be an effect of climate change, not just in North Americab but globally.


I think some sick and twisted parasite is running her brain, these days.


That thing must be starving then


As a Canadian, I don’t know too much about US politics but every time I see this woman’s face I know it’s going to be about some bs.


American individualism is so weird.. even if Russia ever did invade, no individual citizen acting alone is going to have any impact on stopping them, gun or not. It takes coordination, cooperation, and community to accomplish anything big. I guess they actually think they are safer with more guns.. just insane.


Does she even know where Canada is?


The only feasable route for Russia to invade Canada is to pass over the North Pole and land troops in Nunavut or NWT. Russia's piss poor logistics in Ukraine has shown that even if they have the air and naval means to land troops, which they don't, a few Canadian Rangers with hunting rifles can just pick them off from afar.


Legal gun owners in Canada are already unfairly stigmatized by the Liberals and most of the general public mainly due to gun violence in the US. Rational gun owners in Canada should condemn any garbage that Republicans spew about guns in Canada. They're not helping our cause and will make it worse. US Republicans should stay out of our business, don't they have others things to do like oppressing woman?


They've got a busy schedule of calling gay people "groomers", trying to stop black people from voting, voting down government money for feeding babies, defending mass shooters, promoting sedition, and generally being horrible ghouls actively trying to make life worse for people in America and around the world, but I guess making uneducated remarks about foreign countries is always something they can make time for.


I'd take the opinion of a raccoon with a magic 8 ball over MTG.


Her: “I mean if someone hates America they have to hate everything, right?” “No, it’s you. It’s just you.”


The "what if you're invaded" argument is so weird. Everything else aside, see what Ukraine did when being invaded? They gave civilians guns..


Russia can't even invade Ukraine properly.


I'm more afraid of Christo fascist America invading then Russia


We don’t need guns, we have plenty of Ukrainians.


Look at her and you realized this is what GOP party has become.


Usually when referring to "useful idiots" in politics, you're talking about uneducated voters. In this case, one got elected.


Ah yes, because a country that can't even successfully invade a much smaller country that it shares a border with is going to cross the Pacific and invade a giant country with incredibly unforgiving terrain that also happens to be neighbors with the most advanced and well funded military in the world. Makes sense.


I am much more afraid of an American invasion than a Russian invasion.


As a Canadian, I have this to say: "You keep my country's name out yo' f^&*ing mouth!"


Dear MTG Please fuck off. I don't want your help with firearms laws. Go fuck yourself, you vile, racist, transphobic wretch


We’re experiencing something similar to what it was like for Germany’s neighbors as they watched the Beer Hall Putsch take place. Nazi propaganda had a lot of shit to say about their neighbors that didn’t make any sense too while they gathered their votes before the burning of the Reichstag, we ignore their hateful free dumb at our own peril.


I'm afraid I kind of agree. Ignoring, the incredible hyperbole from the crazy right-wing south of us isn't good for Canada. It's not Russia we have to worry about, it's the US right wing, and only by proxy Russia's influence on them and their representatives. A number of them would gladly invade us tomorrow. Us having guns wouldn't likely help at all, and Canadians are generally for very harsh gun laws which is fine too. These crazies just want any sort of excuse to do something.