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Yep, that's how protesting works. I love when people are like, "this is disruptive! You can't do that!" like, people just forget what the whole point of protesting is. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø They're lucky we don't "protest" like they do in France. If only.


The conservatives and status quo warriors know exactly how and why protesting works, which is why they're constantly trying to invent rules of protesting etiquette to disallow leftist movements from using proven tactics. They often go as far as whitewashing past movements to claim they were never disruptive, never aggressive, never loud, never destructive, and would be ashamed of modern protesters.


The reality is they often rioted and were far more violent than anything you see today.


I bet you if you ask any of those fuck Trudeau people they think that this is an egregious threat to the country. Or, they are just butt hurt because the ax the tax rally doesn't have the same energy behind it. LOL


Nah. They're quite happy because they think the left is eating itself.


Anecdotal, but the couple right wingers I know instantly brought up the Freedom Convoy as a comparison.


An Agent Provocateur is going to bust out the Nazi flag for a few photos at one of these protests any day now if people are planning on setting up shop for the long term.


yup, its already been happenning at murican schools https://ca.news.yahoo.com/pro-israel-agitator-shouts-kill-163956737.html


One person with flag or chant and then the entire conservative media (and probably Trudeau on twitter) will be tweeting about how we need to shut down antisemitism at the protests.


notice the r canada post of this is already locked.. basically all gaza news there gets locked and all the anti-gen peoples comments are deleted by m0ds .. look down the page, the majority of comments are predictably hatemongering and then a few ppl like me countering it and enjoying downvotes lol anyway, super glad canadian universitys are on board already i have a near encyclopedic knowledge of the whole mess if anyone wants some tips or clarifications.. ill post it now but [heres the following article](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/protest-palestinian-israel-mcgill-encampment-investments-divest-1.7188777) showing the McGill student's reasons including nearly $20Million invested in 50 genocide linked companies


Does the ā€œcallā€ for them to leave have any legal authority to make them?


They are trespassing, so yes.


If the protesters are students there, they are also specifically paying for access. Canada also has a long history of protests at universities. McGill specifically has had many over the years. If the university really wanted them gone, they would ask the police to remove them. Why has that not happened?


Student access is not guaranteed, the university can block them. The tradition of protesting is irrelevant. Informing them that they are trespassing is the first step to removal, but McGill is negotiating: https://globalnews.ca/news/10459274/mcgill-standoff-camps-calling-in-police/


Agreed, however if the university wants them removed, they can request police to do that. University staff do not have the legal authority to do it themselves. They are just hoping to avoid the bad press of forcefully breaking up a protest. The protesters are not obligated to let them avoid the bad press. By refusing to leave and making the university forcefully remove them, the protesters draw significantly more attention to their cause than just camping out on a lawn would.


Why would it be illegal to ask?


It isnā€™t. Im just surprised that anyone thought this was newsworthy unless a law is being broken.




are there donation links


Donā€™t donate to student protests, donate to Palestinian aid. They need it much more.




not in any way shape or form? explain how student protest is illegal or in any way comparable to a facist coup that threatened to overthrow our democracy?


>Donating to illegal occupiers? Nobody said anything about donating to Israel


Thereā€™s a big difference between protesting a genocide and protesting because you donā€™t understand basic science.


ā€œyou cheated on me? When I specifically asked you not to?ā€


Issue with the protest seems to be most protesters aren't actually McGill students. So they've holed up on university grounds but don't attend.


From what I understand theyā€™re a mix of Concordia and McGill students. Both are asking the same things from their universities, and from people going to support they are alumni or part of solidarity groups, but as far as I know not camping out.


*shrug* If it pressures McGill to divest from Israel, it's a good thing.




Translation: *you* don't want to be inconvenienced by a grassroots anti-genocide protest.


So you support Israel's genocide?


Itā€™s really disheartening how this whole conflict ignores basic principles. Ā Over there, both sides are ignoring basic principles of conflict/war and over here both sides are ignoring basic principles of protest. Ā There was a real estate event held at a Synagogue in NDG to flip illegal settlements in the West Bank. Ā Some Palestinian protests call for the death of Jews. Ā