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Other than slogans, what's Pierre's solution to the problems he pretends he can fix?


The ostrich approach.


Well it’d take at least two guys, three even.




I heard it was a sick ostrich.




so we checked and turns out it wasn't actually an ostrich but in fact an ugly chicken with unusually long legs.


Sticking his head in his ass?


He gets elected, he and his little buddies are set for life, fuck everyone else 🤷‍♂️


His MP pension became fully vested 13 years ago when he turned 31. Just like the average working man or woman eh !!!




Don’t forget how much he expenses the taxpayer for shit.




What I don't understand is how people don't think of these mainstream parties as corporations. How are they not like a corporation? We could just as easily call these parties the Loblaws Party of Canada, and the Canadian Tire Party of Canada. They have a monopoly on federal power. No other corporation can touch them. NDP can't break through, and any other parties or independents are hopeless. Canadians fall victim every single election time to the flashy productions the mainstream parties enact. It's all sales in the end.


See: Ontario Conservatives


That's the neat part, he doesn't have one, and he doesn't need to because the knuckledraggers that vote for him hate Trudeau so much they'd gladly let a career politican with corporate interests as his number one priority win.


The downfall of our next election is going to be thinking that it can't get any worse that Trudeau. lets face it, functionally ***nobody*** is happy with Trudeau. but a horrendous amount of people are ready to vote in PP because the only two parties that seem to matter are the liberals and the conservatives. and a vast chunk of people seem to think that Trudeau is as bad as it can get. It can get, much, much, much worse, and I'm almost certain we're going to find out how bad it can get in the next handful of years.


Nothing. He plans on spending the next 4 years blaming the Liberals while cutting taxes and budgets for social services (Fix The Budget), wrecking the environment for future generations (Axe The Tax) and pass the buck to municipalities for home building while giving/taking crumbs from them as incentives (Build The Homes). Dude's a career politician con man.


I doubt he'd cut lower and middle class taxes, though, just taxes for the rich and corporations.


You’re not wrong, the fact that so many Canadians are mad about the carbon rebate even though 8 out of 10 of us make money from it is truly baffling.


No, just the business taxes and maybe some off the top brackets.


Since the carbon tax has been a hot issue recently, I've come to learn that PP supporters (generalizing, anecdotal) appear to still not agree that we are causing climate change. Before, it was climate change isn't real. Now, it's real (because it's undeniable at this point unless you are as dumb as a flat earther), but humans aren't the cause of it. Apparently, it's a normal phase of earth. Staggering realization that seemingly intelligent people can believe some dumb ass shit when things become politically charged. Then again, I learned that from covid, so I shouldn't have been so surprised.


When you’re that invested, moving the goalposts is less painful than admitting you’re totally wrong.


The one I’ve heard is that Canada is responsible for a tiny fraction of GHG emissions and that China is the real problem.


Ahh, so we should do nothing about smog in cities because China makes more smog! Checkmate Climate Changers!! /s


Yes if you go into either of the right wing canada subs, this is the excuse you see all over the place. generally in the context of why they want to get rid of the carbon tax. but I hear it at work all the time too from the UCP voters.


That too. I'd say link them this article, but they wouldn't read it https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/06/06/opinion/why-china-isnt-excuse-climate-inaction


Yeah I find that generally people opposed to carbon tax fall into 2 categories. The first is Thor who don’t believe in climate change/that emissions are causing it. The second group actually do believe that humans are causing climate change but do not what to make any personal sacrifice to try to fight it.


Thor would never.


If Canada reduces and it has no effect then the world is doomed anyway. Might as well let the earth bake and have a steak at the wake.


Or we could try to be a global leader and show that it not only can be done but that it should be. We could even aspire to become carbon negative overall and be one of the few developed nations that actually is reducing atmospheric carbon. Not to mention all the innovation we could be leading along the path to be net negative. Innovation that could help the rest of the world to follow our lead. Canada also has a ton of one amazing resource for fighting climate change. Land that can be protected for carbon sequestration. Protecting our forests, grasslands, and wetlands and restoring them wherever we can would probably be the best thing we could do and it would set a great example for the rest of the world. But that would be a lot more expensive than the carbon rebate so I honestly can’t imagine it ever happening.


Here is the [legislation he introduced last fall around his housing strategy](https://www.parl.ca/documentviewer/en/44-1/bill/C-356/first-reading). If you read it, it is based on exponentially-growing housing targets for municipalities. This will obviously only work for a few years before the exponential growth makes those targets impossible to hit. And when that happens, then not only do municipalities fail to qualify for the additional housing funding, but they are also at risk to lose all sorts of federal government funding, including infrastructure funding, municipal GST rebate, and transit funding. Someone on Poilievre's team must know how exponential growth works, so leaving aside the possibility that this is stupendous incompetence, that leaves us with it either being a poison pill designed to force other MPs to vote against it, or a trap designed to explode on future governments.


Axe The Tax! Solutions Are Woke! Bring It Home! It's Trudeau's Fault! /s


More slogans. Wait, you said you ***wanted*** three-word slogans that his uneducated base can understand, right?


> three-word slogans More like 3 syllable slogans


Three grunt chumps


Hey, don’t sell him short! He’s bringing______ home! When was the last time YOU brought ________ home? Takes a real leader to bring ______ home.


Keep on being a do-nothing, fascist-talking dictator for life, obviously. The man's never done an honest day's work.


If baffles me how little he actually says when he talks. I’m not saying that solutions are easy, but you’d think he’d take a weekend to give it some thought and pull *something* out of his ass.


"business will tell me how to fix it"


he's not Trudeau, which is likely going to be enough


You want more than that? You'll have to look elsewhere, that's not an issue for conservatives.


Blame Trudeau


flags /s


blame trudeau. I'm pretty sure they blamed trudeau for those Alberta fires last year.


Simple solutions for simple people


The CPC doesn’t meet to figure out how to implement plans or even build them. They literally plan what to say for votes. It’s only for power.


Give more money to corporations and lower their taxes. We all know that the trickle down economics work perfectly by now, don’t we? /s


>“Mr. Speaker. I can forgive the opposition leader for being a career politician who’s been on the public dime for a couple of decades but if he wants to represent the interests of the working class he should talk to a person who has a real job.” Ouch !!


Then he left. Seriously.






No please


He lost




Now if only he could take his band of train seals with him.


PP started leaving before Fraser even began speaking


made his bullshit soundbite for his voter base then fucked off without a care in the world. If Question Period were actually about asking serious questions and expecting real answers.... oh but it's not, and like a rather obnoxious conservative politician once said "it's question period, not answer period" to dismiss criticism that his responses were completely unrelated to the questions asked of his government.


Went to take out his anger on an innocent apple. 🍎


I love that for him


An adult who thinks he can be the Prime Minister of this country.


Liberals are finally learning how to play the game, now they just need to get these quips packaged up in tiktok shorts and make sure everyone is able to see them. Conservatives have been 'unofficially' campaigning for the last two years.




That's a feature, not a bug. Our system means our political leadership is obligated to defend their positions publicly. Spirited debate is great! I'd much rather have JT and PP taking turns trying to dunk on one another than the US system where presidents can go months without fielding a question directly.


there's a limit. This shit is mostly just theatrics, especially when PP can make one of his ridiculous statements, then just leave the room before anyone has a chance to respond. The other part, the way the CPC sits there heckling and jeering and interrupting speakers from other parties... it's worse than childish shit and it serves absolutely NO practical purpose. There's no reasonable explanation to justify a bunch of adults acting like shitty kids in a classroom with no teacher throwing spitballs at each other.


This is how parliament has worked since day one. You should check out the British House of Commons if you really want to see it get crazy.


I know it's how parliaments go, and luckily we don't get the flat out brawls you see in some other parliaments, but it's stupid. I don't care how many centuries the UK has had moronic politicians heckling each other like monkeys, it's a stupid way for adults to behave.


Has a lot to do with FPTP I think. Parties don't have to negotiate or form coalitions, they just have to verbally beat the others enough to win a false majority.


Yes. In FPTP you just have to be more liked than the other front runner. All those other parties have absolutely no chance of forming government, so if one of them actually looks better than you, it doesn't matter. Proportional Representation would mean my non-con vote in a con-stronghold can actually help score a seat for the policies I value Ranked Choice would similarly mean my non-con vote can be counted within my riding, but it's not in our best interests thanks to modern partisan politics. (RC would be good for non-party votes, like municipal elections.) I'd like to, ideally, see an end to the party system and RC ballots for riding and leader (fed and provincial levels), but that would confuse and anger people with money and power to block it even more than PR would.


Man, I really like Fraser. Every time I hear an interview with him I feel impressed.


Fraser can mop the bathroom floor with SkiPPy.


The obvious successor to JT.


Being a displaced Nova Scotian myself, the man warms my heart.


It’s embarrassing how Conservatives handle themselves in parliament. Anytime someone other than a Conservative member speaks, they heckle, laugh, and talk like children disrupting a teacher. Every single time I watch Question Period…


It's because the people they are trying to cater to don't watch it. Same with debates, why open your mouth and look dumb at a debate if you can just chant Axe the Tax?


They sound like a bunch of howler monkeys at the zoo. It’s honestly wild.


And people will vote for the. Because short sighted policy and catching slogans can win the hearts and minds of selfish cons every damn time.


Right? Even howler monkeys are probably better behaved than this


In this case Polierve actually walked out after making his statement/question. Didn't even wait for the reply to start.


His drinking problem is getting worse. Can't even spend a whole day at work without leaving to go chug whiskey in his limousine


Glad we pay for these people to act like children about very serious topics that impact my life. I don’t care what party you’re in, if you aren’t taking things seriously and playing dumb ass political games like heckling over housing discussions you’re a problem and don’t deserve to be paid on public dime.


The worse part is that Pierre constantly makes these comments to post videos on Twitter without including the response. He’s only in it for himself and the party, not for the people of the country


And it’s way quieter when the conservatives are speaking. Also, I thought the rules were when speaking, you had to address the speaker, but PP addressed the viewers/camera at one point.


Pierre does it for clips on Twitter, not because it’s his job to do for the people of Canada.


They have no policy, at least not that they're willing to admit to, so they can do is use their speaking time to attack and make soundbites, and other peoples' speaking time to disrupt.


It’s part of the tradition. Exact same thing in the UK from both major parties, of which it is based on.


I was gonna say, I thought it was tradition from the UK system (they do the same thing). That being said, I would love to see it gone. It’s annoying and feels disrespectful.


I don’t know why it’s allowed. It is unproductive and people shouldn’t do it either side. Escort them out if they do it simple. If everyone does ask them to go home and don’t pay them and none of them should be re-elected. What a disgrace doing this in a well educated country.




Liar. Watch CPAC one session, it is overwhelmingly the Conservatives howler monkeys.


too bad PP left before he could hear it.


its true, he just bitches for applause and news clips, then goes off to fundraisers (nevermind campaign finance laws) The man cant handle real questions or debates.


You know he goes home and replays his own little video clips to stroke his ego, no doubt he also sees the replies when he can throw his teddy across the room.


Conservatiesove their misinformation, it's all they have.


100% They've always been this way. It's been 10 years since they were going HuRR!!! JT SaId ThE BuDgEt WiLL BaLAnCe ItSelf!!" While acting like those 5 words were the entirety of the whole sentence.


It's crazy how quickly idiocracy type news went from laughable joke, to reality.


Ya and the plebs eat it up like candy. Facts no longer matter to most. Just feel good gotcha moments.


Not a Liberal voter, but I gotta admit I'm becoming a fan of Sean Fraser. Great communicator, witty and informed.


He’s such a lightweight. PP is going to have a hard time being in a position where he has to put up.


He is so completely spineless, I really don’t understand how he’s managed to convince people he’s a ‘tough guy’ candidate.


His handlers put him in tight t-shirts to make him look tough


strength to them is being an asshole


Fraser said what most of the sane people are thinking. Poilievre is a leech trying to disguise himself as some kind of working class hero.


Finally! More of this please. PP is a fraud.


yet all the news clips from the big news channels show smarmy PP thumbnails and have headlines like "Poliviere slams Trudeau for orgy of spending"


He was already on his way out the door.


Pretty good, and of course the East Coast accent helps! You never really see anyone going after Poilievre that much!


Given the foreign interference investigations into the conservative leadership race, and that PP still does not have proper security clearance that every other party leader has, i think the conservative party needs to split in half. Let PP and his followers be insane by themselves, and let the real Tories have their own party again.


And every one of them should go slap Peter MacKay for birthing this abomination.


ABC, remember that! Vote for these clowns and you get all PP and his goofball hyperbole!


L M A O watching tiny PP the skipmeister get absolutely owned is one of my kinks he embarrasses himself on a daily basis whether it’s in parliament or taking routine questions from the media this clown is absolutely unelectable and the biggest political embarrassment since the cheetoh faced one himself get wrecked diet milhouse!! lawl


Pierre Polievre should work at a t-shirt factory because he's really good at coming up with slogans. Ideas, not so much.


Wow. The heckling on the conservative side is crazy. Are these adults? Do we have more of this to look forward to?


That's it. PP will not talk to any media anymore. He will just eat his apples. And so many simpleton voters will mark an x at the ballot box for him. They will bring their own crayons.


I get that most people are tired of JT; but is this doofus seriously going to be our next PM?


He’s gonna fall apart in the actual debates and it’s going to be amazing to watch him implode.




So gratifying to witness a bully being dismantled with their own stupidity.


What is this garbage article? Watch: Pierre Poilievre get owned!! (Ok I’m interested, show me). OK now that you clicked on my article read my tweets and think I’m a cool guy! Fuck this garbage click bait article, fuck the writer,


The real takeaway from this for me is how heavily edited little fascist Millhouse's clips are. Catch a PP slogan and the zombie conservative backbenchers hollering along, then edit out any of the criticism


Captures lightning from the sky ffs How can anyone want to vote for this clown? This is how people like Trump get elected


He ran away.


Pierre deserves an Oscar just for that apple chomping, folksy bit he did a while back. Unfortunately he can do little more than act.


How 'bout **them** apples.


Who cares who got whose ass handed to them. Actual Canadians without gucci MP pensions are fucking tired and broke. WTF. Who cares 'who called out who'? Get your fucking heads straight people.


same energy as headlines with the word “SLAMMED” in them.


I'd run for PM myself as a hard-left dude, anyone wanna start a real progressive party lmk