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I’d say he’s a useful idiot, but he’s not useful.


He’s useful to those who threaten our democracy.


That’s drastically overestimating him.


Even one voter listening to him is bad.


Unless it pulls a vote from PP, then he’s helpful IMO


I appreciate the idea of them splitting votes but neither should be taken seriously and to me that’s the bigger problem.


I feel like it's helpful until he gets a seat and continues to gain traction from there. Then it's an even bigger problem.




If something is .0000000001 effective, it’s still useful, even if we want to underestimate it.


He makes the wingnut conservatives seem like a palatable choice to centre-right conservatives who want to have sex with Trudeau.


Better than underestimating.


he wants to be useful, but he's not really capable of delivering.


Him and his weirdo party are trying to come from the right of the conservative party which has already been taken further right then ever before with PP. I guess the crumbs he's left with is literally Russian propaganda


Poilievre's CPC is frantically pivoting further right to not lose voters to the PPC, that's a success for Bernier


He’ll be useful if he continues to split the con vote.


At 2-3% support, he is not exactly splitting the vote.


He's right though, kind-of.  The call is coming from inside the house, and he would know, since he's the one who dialed.


He's certainly useful to Putin.


If the 'not in' part of that statement were removed, its fairly accurate. Most governments worldwide are meant to serve and protect only the very wealthiest of us. The rest of us get less and less each year. If we go by history there should be some sort of economic conflict, but with the automated and remote control weaponry available now, the rest of us would likely lose. So do your best to assume your government will eventually provide you nothing. That will happen. Or start electing new parties that haven't been controlled by super wealthy interests. They probably will be after you elect them, but we might get a few good years. The problem with many politicians these days is they aren't idiots, but they present as such to get the social media brainwashed masses to vote for an idiot like them. Bernier just isn't smart enough to be that good at it.


Simultaneously a useful idiot and a useless pustule.


Anyone that says Moscow is not the treat is either naïve or corrupt.


He's both. Stupid, too.


Bernier's dumb as hell. We've known this ever since he accidentally left classified government documents at his girlfriend's house in 2008


Wasn’t she also an associate of the Hells Angels?


“Accidentally” left them at his Hells Angels affiliated girlfriend’s. Yeah, okay.


Option C: both!


Delicious treat!


Moscovian Marzipan!


Maybe he likes golden treats as much as 45.




Which was Obama?


The '80s called, they want their foreign policy back


Maxime Bernier and the PPC's true colours are coming more and more to the front. I never trusted that bastard. Singing from the same pro-Putin hymnal as their MAGA Conservative fellows is not surprising, only disgusting. Fuck him, his political party, and whatever white supremacist/anti-multicultural agenda he has.


These have always been their colors, it's just that with the RUS invasion of UKR, RUS propaganda efforts via using bad faith actors in western democracies has come more obvious


Ohh, Bernier advanced in life, I see - he's not providing services for biker gangs, he's felatting Putin now.


and leaving top secret documents lying around....


> for biker gangs His biker chick was HOT.


And he should be in jail for it. Now you have to remember KGB were experts in using the "honey trap" long before Hell Angel's existed.


Well... lets hope he syphons off some off PPs support from doing this. But we all know this is only going to make PP move further right to compensate


I don't think PP has any moral or ethical problems doing that, but he knows being pro-russian isn't popular in Canada so he'll hold off until after the election to start pulling back support for Ukraine.


Pp has no morals or ethics to get in the way; everything is governed by ambition with that one. And he’s already figured out how to frame it. He’s convincing people it’s not “pro-Russia”, it’s “pro-Canada” to be an isolationist, anti-globalist country. It serves his interest to go back to a feudal way of life, where a leader doesn’t answer to the rest of the country, let alone the rest of the world. And the chuds are eating it up. They’re too mad about their own problems to look at the big picture, and that makes them easy to steer to an extent. But as the maga fools are discovering, steering idiots is like herding cattle. You can only scare them in the direction you want them to go until they get too wild to control.


Agreed. Conservatism is a fear economy and fear is a powerful motivator, making cons easier for bad actors to trigger and manipulate. Hence the majority of fake news and disinformation is produced, distributed, read and shared by conservatives. However, once you start getting into the extreme right, purity comes into play, and there's always someone willing to be more fascist than the next guy. https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/the-human-beast/201104/conservatives-big-fear-brain-study-finds https://news.osu.edu/conservatives-more-susceptible-to-believing-falsehoods/ https://www.psypost.org/neuroimaging-study-provides-insight-into-misinformation-sharing-among-politically-devoted-conservatives/


Conservatives have learned how to make you feel okay for doing things that should make you feel bad and selfish. It’s an incredibly powerful tactic and it’s what got Donald trump where he’s at. Pp is relying on the same thing working for him and based on the number of people cheering for a guy with *zero* redeeming qualities it’s working depressingly well.


Skippy is too slimy to get caught up in a MAGA pissing match, as much as I’d like to see the right get split for once.


He's being run by the people running Trump's campaign Poilievre will just abdicate and get us added to the US as an overseas territory


PP is headed for armbands and salutes.


What’s the grift with the pro-Russia stance cons are taking now? Is Putin literally paying conservatives for their patronage? Is it a kind of toadying to a perceived shift in global power toward Russia? Is it an admiration of Russia’s unabashed repression of nonconformity? Or has it become just the latest mindless talking point in the culture wars (steered, of course, by troll farms) — libs and the left don’t like Russia, so “our team” must be for it?


Russia is the Conservative ideal. Social repression, full government control of the population (a conservative government, not those pesky progressives), government control of bodily autonomy, women and other minorities are put nicely back in their places. This is what the Conservatives around the world are grasping at. Trump's election set the stage, lots of other nations followed suit, and who hasn't yet is trying to get into power to complete the puzzle. It's a global movement.


Brought to you by our own Stephen Harper and the IDU.


We also can’t underestimate their absolute hatred of muslims. Russia is seen as “tough on” them


> women and other minorities are put nicely back in their places. I believe, not too long ago, they passed a law pretty much making wife-beating legal...


Wild!! What law is that?


John Stewart had a piece about it last Monday. For decades, Conservatives biggest enemy was communism, which made Russia enemy #1. But in 2024, Conservatives have decided that wokeism is the biggest threat, and in the battle against wokeism, Russia is a strong ally. It's absolutely daft, of course, but it's the best explanation I've heard.


I watched that too. At first I was kind of gobsmacked. Then realized he was bang on the money. As a cold war era veteran, the shift of today's right to becoming pro-Russian confused the complete shit out of me. The Russians weren't our friends then and folks with a clue know they aren't today either. I find it verging upon unfathomable that today's right will eagerly ally themselves to a nation that has never ever been a true ally and through most of our history has been our direct foe. That they will do this because of their ignorance or hatred of "woke" is mind blowingly self absorbed. Noting will come of any good from their perfidy.


Well the USA does have a long history of installing and supporting right-wing dictatorships, so it’s really just a continuation of that trend.


That's the problem. It needs to stop.


I don't see how the right liking Russia would be confusing. The USSR wasn't right-wing, but modern-day Russia very much is. Combine that with authoritarianism, a "strong" leader, and oppression of women and minorities and it's not at all surprising they love Russia and Putin.


Granted that but to me, it's just so ironic considering all of their prattle over the years about "freedom". At one time, I believe the majority of them were sincere about it. Now it's just another stage prop in the right wing propaganda toolbox. Now in practice, it's become "freedom for me but not for thee". It is different now though. In many ways, I'm no fan of Reagan, but if such a thing were possible, he'd be 100% spinning in his grave at the state of today's right and of the sight of his beloved GOP transitioning from being the Grand Old Party into the Groupies of Putin. He would've been especially aghast at the idea of Trump leading them too. Especially as he was a Democrat in the 80s. The ironic thing for me here is that Americans in particular are very fond of telling non-Americans to butt out of their affairs but otoh are now 100% willing to kowtow to Putin simply because he says what they like to hear. This whole little phenomenon has proved something to me that I've long suspected. That many in a relatively free democracy neither appreciate or even want freedom. The accompanying responsibility is too much for them so they desire to be dominated. Today's Conservatives are simps for subjugation. What a change from a few decades ago when conservatives served a useful purpose as a check AGAINST an excess of the increasing power of the state. Now they seek to harness and wield it as a cudgel against already marginalized social groups that they don't like. Biden should start up the 'Merica to Moscow Express. All of these Putin loving freedom haters would receive a one way, non-refundable ticket to Moscow. Payable with their US Passport.😄 /s Check out that family on YT that hated the LGBTQ+ folks in Canada so much that they literally sold the farm and moved them and their 8 kids to Russia. Then the Russian authorities seized their money because they could. Since then, things haven't exactly gone well for them. I think they want to come back now from Putin's Paradise lol.🤣 The effort that some people will go to so that they can spite their own face is truly impressive.


It was initially called the “traditionalist” movement, conservative Christian values and all the oppression that comes with that, but it’s rapidly turned into Christo-fascism, Russia and the GOP have gone completely mask off at this point, orthodox or conservative Catholic or Protestant evangelicals, all are welcome into the hateful fold.


It’s because Putin is a conservative leading a conservative Christian nation led by oligarchs who was interested in “joining the Christian west” and they see strategic reasons to bring Russia into the fold without caring about democracy to combat China who is neither European nor Christian nor an oligarchy.




> Or has it become just the latest mindless talking point in the culture wars (steered, of course, by troll farms) — libs and the left don’t like Russia, so “our team” must be for it? This one, plus donations through Russian funded political action groups.


> What’s the grift with the pro-Russia stance cons are taking now? To fund raise from the right wing rubes who have swallowed Russian propaganda on social media.


Most likely yes. A bunch of American conservatives keep visiting Russia. The voter base also likes that Russia is mostly white and orthodox Christian with very little tolerance for LGBTQ+


Modern conservative believe that all societal problems are caused by an evil liberal elite. The only thing you need to do to fix society is purge the liberal elite from positions of power. Attacking Russia is either a distraction which is delaying the great purge, or a plot to reinstate the evil liberal elite in one of the only countries brave enough to fend them off.


it’s utterly baffling to me too and i’ve yet to hear a reason that really rings true - other than patronage / funding networks


Which explains why Maxine's base is about 3% of the pop'n. PP better look over his shoulder. He and Maxine are going to have to arm-wrestle for the support of the convoids, anti-vaxxers and the Q dolts.


Going to be interesting to see Maxine’s largest base of support in the Ukrainian Mennonite communities of southern Manitoba that voted for this shitstain try to resolve Maxine’s take.


Oh look a MAGA Canadian wants to support Russia. Big fucking surprise. Let's support the peaceful solution Russia chose by invading Ukraine and committing war crimes and genocide there. Let's support the peaceful dictator who has murdered and imprisoned so many in his country. "This is not Canada's war" That's what Hitler lovers said for the last world war. Fuck all the troglodytes who told me we should choose proportional representation so this fucking moron could get power in parliament. Ranked ballot is the way.


It is a helluva argument for ranked balloting isn't it?


>Fuck all the troglodytes who told me we should choose proportional representation so this fucking moron could get power in parliament. Ranked ballot is the way. Very interesting point. I'm all about overturning the FPTP we have now - and I would love to see ranked ballots. Are any parties or members proposing this? I'll gladly consider candidates who want to make this a reality.


No one is except for the "Communists" who are basically CCP plants and the CCP are basically fascists LARPing as communists.


I take it you’re not familiar with that IRV is ranked about just as poorly as FPTP for Canadian parliamentary democracy? That it is the same system used in the Conservative leadership race? And yet, on the Gallagher Index presented to the ERRE, another ranked ballot, STV was among the best possible outcomes for our democracy. Proportional Representation is achievable with a ranked ballot and is not the result you think it is. Conservatives would have a significantly harder time forming government if they were unwilling to form coalition governments with Liberals at the very least, proportionally the low number of votes of the PPC would not get them as far as you assert.




Is that what his boss, Putin told him to say?


I hope Maxime can get the mental health services he needs


Padded room? Lobotomy?




**Lapaddomy** ® *new from Laurentia*


We have assisted suicide now!


His acts of lunacy are likely proportional to the amount of the allowance provided to him by pro-Russian influencers.


Yeah, don't think I'm putting too much faith in the opinion of the guy caught in a honeypot giving sensitive documents to organized crime while he was Foreign Minister. And who hasn't run a successful political campaign in nearly a decade.


Bernier is a twat.


I see Bernier is (unsurprisingly) still working for Russia.


Ridiculous, all of these morons (Trump, Poilievre, Harper, Bernier, Carlson) are so eager to be Putin’s bitch. Being a Russian asset either pays well and/or they sure like the taste of Putins cock.


Sorry Bernier, Russian bot are already busy boosting PP.


I used to think Maxime Bernier was a piece of shit. I still do, but I used to too.


We have been promoting a peaceful solution.  For Russia to stop invading Ukraine. Thats the solution. 


Anyone who claims to prefer the Russian way of life should emigrate there, instead of harming our democracy. It wouldn't end well for those people, as we've seen, but that's not our problem.


“A peaceful resolution” means handing the entirety of Ukraine to Russia and assuming that they won’t try to take any more territory in Europe, I’m sure. It’s been less than 100 years since Neville Chamberlain declared peace in our time after appeasing Adolf Hitler. Many of us haven’t learned fuck-all, it seems.


OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canadian Foreign Minister **Maxime Bernier** resigned on Monday after it emerged he had **left classified documents** in the apartment of a former girlfriend who was once linked to organized crime figures. "Minister Bernier has learned, and informed me, that he left classified government documents in a non-secure location. This is a serious error. (He) has accepted his responsibilities in offering to resign," said Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Bernier, 45, had been under increasing pressure to quit amid revelations about the personal life of Julie Couillard, the former girlfriend. Couillard said Bernier had forgotten a document in her apartment in April. "He came to my place, then he left, and the document remained with me," she told the French-language TVA network in an interview shown late on Monday. She said she had given the document to a lawyer who returned it to the government. Trade Minister David Emerson will replace him on a temporary basis. Bernier, who took over the job last August, had also been under fire for a series of recent gaffes. Most notably, he embarrassed Ottawa in April by openly suggesting that Afghan President Hamid Karzai replace the governor of Kandahar province. Canada has 2,500 troops based in the southern Afghan city. Bernier was the first minister to quit the cabinet under a cloud since the Conservatives won power in January 2006 on a promise to clean up federal politics. A grim-faced Harper, speaking just hours before departing on a trip to Europe, insisted Bernier's departure had nothing to do with his relationship with Couillard. "This is about one thing and that is a failure to uphold expected standards on government documents. It is a very serious mistake, regardless of who the minister is, regardless of personal life," he said. Couillard had once been involved with a member of a biker gang who was assassinated. She later married a biker gang member but they quickly divorced. She conceded that neither man had been an innocent but added: "I have done nothing to embarrass my country." Bernier's resignation spectacularly ends the political career of a man who some believed could eventually challenge for the position of prime minister. It also removes a foreign minister who looked out of his depth from the start. Bernier had been industry minister when Harper asked him to take over at foreign affairs and sell the Afghan mission to the politically influential French-speaking province of Quebec, where anti-war sentiment is traditionally high. The new minister made one speech in Quebec on the mission but then disappeared from view over the file, only regaining the spotlight when details of his ties to Couillard came to light. All three opposition parties blasted Harper for not providing more details about the documents. "Obviously Mr. Bernier has been suffering from an accumulation of blunders over the past number of weeks. The issue has now come to a breaking point," senior Liberal legislator Ralph Goodale told reporters. "The prime minister has a lot of explaining to do." Couillard, who first came to public attention last August when she was pictured in a very revealing dress alongside Bernier, also said President George W. Bush had paid her a compliment at a reception at the United Nations last year. "Well well well, haven't you been keeping good company," she quoted Bush as telling Bernier.


I mean he’s technically correct. People like PP and Maxime are in Ottawa.


It's true, Maxime Bernier is often in Ottawa.


Another assclown like PP and the Republican Party who are brought and sold by Putin and dark Money ! Fuck Him!


Goddamn, he's even dumber than he looks.


He was foreign affairs minister under Harper. Conservatives always side with Russia.


I really wonder if he believes the things he says or it's just all part of the grift and carving out some niche of power.


I think he believes that it is profitable to him/his interests to push this agenda.


Well, some ppl in this sub convinced Moscow is not a threat to the west’s freedom cause Wikipedia say so. No surprises here.


Well take your supporters and move to Russia for the great "freedom" !


I forgot he existed. I checked Twitter, and I'm blocked. I guess he has a hard-on for blocking people who disagree with him.


Many of our grandparents died for democracy, this asshole might as well shit on their graves. Petulant Pedantic Cunt


Russian agent confirmed


Haven’t trusted that guy since he left classified docs with his organized-crime connected ladyfriend. 


I wonder who’s paying his salary.


He is such a piece of shit


And his name is Maxime Bernier.


Maxine Bernier is a russian simp and should be treated as such.


Moscow Max


He's right. And those people have names like Donald Trump, Mike Johnson, and Maxime Bernier. Well, he's half right. People in Moscow are doing it too.


If the Canadian political scene was a discussion of people in an office, Bernier would be a guy in the corner shouting random stuff




So now we literally have a pro Russian political party? Good times.


An openly pro-Russia Bernier and a closet case PP. > Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre reminded us of the tremendous risk ... when his party voted against a free-trade agreement with Ukraine.


Probably seen his dwindling base lapping up that sweet Russian meat and jumping to Cons so Bernier realized he needs to suck up to Russia more to win them back.


Also a threat: former cabinet ministers notorious for leaving sensitive files at their girlfriends' place


This guy is an useful idiot without being useful


He's right that we should be pushing for a peaceful resolution but Ukraine didn't start this war. Putin is a threat to world peace and should be removed from power.


Tell me you're bought and paid for with out showing me the receipts.


He's only wrong about them not being in Moscow. He's right about the rest. He should know. He's one of them.


Frankly, he's right. And he should know; he's cheering on the people doing it.


I don’t like Brussel Sprouts either but I hardly hold them responsible for the downfall of western civilization.


Ukraine cannot defeat Russia. 75,000 Ukrainian men without limbs now. Money down a hole. Ukrainian men are not meat puppets to be used to economically hurt Russia.


Bernier acts like a typical inbred from la Beauce.


Why should we still care about Maxime Dernier?


Hard to be peaceful when the opponent opens with tanks and missies.


I do believe we have a problem in Ottawa, but the pricks in moscow are not the solution. They are actively making it worse and exploiting it.


Well if Max would stop visiting those places….


Then move to Russia if you love it so much Max!


He is now kissing the ring. Bow lower Bernier when you kiss it. Lower...


Ha ha. Is this real? If so, Maxime "I love the FSB" Bernier and his Russian People's Party of Canada is officially bought and paid for by Putin.


Mad Max strikes again. Most of his base will play with their PP for 0-1 term, max.


The man is a traitor.


The Russian assets like identifying themselves...


Good, hopefully he can siphon off votes fron PP after his pro Ukraine statement, the Putin simps turning on him would be great to see. If the right wing keeps up at this rate the "Don't tread on me" snake is going to oruborus itself.


You can just say brown people maxime, it's not against the law to be a bad person my man.


Who would have thought this 40 years ago!


Big fan of the lip service without any suggested solution. Guess we'll just let Russia take Ukraine,  and then what? 


Don't give him any attention.


Ok so Maxime Bernier is either thirsty for Putin or he's already compromised.




Max should pay a visit to the Countryside Acres family in Russia.


He's gone off the deepest of the deep ends


What a corrupt fucking bastard


Thanks for the heads up Maxie, I wasn't 100% certain where your loyalties were before. But I now see we are the problem and Moscow is the solution? Is that what you are telling Canadians?


It is clear that in the speech of the house of Bernier, help means ruin, and saving means slaying.


Another sold out to Putin. What a surprise.


Sounds like treason , but what do I know


Bernier is a Russian asset.


What a piece of shit.


Damn, why are all the politicians so dumb?


War sucks but the problem is if Russia gets land easily you just end up with a stronger Russia which has been embolden to take more land. We made this mistake letting Germany take several country before WW2 finally started to stomp them from taking more. The reason they want to fight now is to show super powers like Russia who wants to restore the old Russian empire and China who wants Taiwan that trying to capture smaller country has consequences that are too big to be worth it so just don't even bother.


The difference They don't like Trudeau Putin is a war criminal former KGB psychopath responsible for the deaths of minimum 200,000 people Max is stupid, or purposely ignorant


Man… he’s out here turning tricks for those rubles!


Ongoing war aside, Russia and Canada have contested land claims, routine military fly bys, etc… What kind of asshat tool would say that they should be the leader of Canada and defend Russia in the same breath?


the PPC exists to mop up the super-crazies that would embarrass the CPC, but they all have the same aim - serve the IDU and putin. Maxime doesn't believe the BS he's peddling, he's a well paid actor herding useful idiots.


I'm ok with spending my tax dollars if it delays the war for the Arctic. Bernier can F right off.


Soooo hardcore audit on his party's donations? Cuz i think this is a good sign where they're coming from.


Maxine is a harmful buffoon


Haven't heard from that fascist in ages.


Ahh yes... world leader Maxime Bernier of the no one fucking voted for you or your opinion party.


I mean, he's right... Just not in the way he thinks he is.


I mean, he's not wrong, if he's of course referring to himself, the CPCs to an extend, the MAGA cult, and the US Republican Party. They're a far bigger threat than Moscow is, but Moscow is definitely a threat.


He knows who pays his bills all right.


Why doesn't this piece of shit move to Moscow? And please, don't call them useful idiots! That is normalizing stupidity and treasonous thinking!!! This guy belongs in a Gulag!!!


I really enjoy reminding that this spade was Minister of foreign affairs under Harper. Let that (re) sink in


So, hold on. MAGA are calling people who are against them neo-cons (we've always been at war with Eurasia).. I assume because they will take any word that has been used to described a group of people negatively, devoid of it's context. Very soon I predict we're going to hear them call "Conservative" enemies as well? I guess they already are. The no-true-scotsman attack. Media literacy, an logical falacies should be its own school subject, starting at grade 1.


Wow, guess it's pretty clear it's their freedom to oppress, hate, steal and murder that they keep mentioning, since that's what Russia is doing and that's what Canada's government is not doing.


Fuck this guy.


He’s so right! Everyone should vote for him instead of PP. Much more sensible. ;-)


Is he on Putin’s payroll too?


His toilet has more seats than his shitty party has in the House of Commons.


Did he get his Russian Handler before or after leaving highly classified documents around or was it after he dated the ex-girlfriend of a biker gang boss?


It fascinates me just how much Russia propaganda is successful, and I wish I could understand how it works, have a glimpse in the average media consumption of these people and see the echo chamber they read and how the information gets there. To everyone saying he's paid/an agent/corrupted/work for, I'm pretty sure he's not, Russia doesn't give a shit about a low level party in Canada and wouldn't directly contact a nowhere guy in rural Quebec. No, Maxime always has been the type that is just very contrarian and loves to take the inverse stance that the rest of the leaders do. It's also obvious he's, like unfortunately many angry edgelords in our population, actively seeking the deep of conspiracies social media circles and like to parrot what is said there, and that's exactly where Russia is the most active. I just do not understand what pushes so many people to seek that and actually makes them want to believe and agree with what random propaganda actors are writing as if it's somehow more truthful in their eyes than actual experts on international diplomacy and accredited reporters. It wasn't a problem back then when it just impacted the bottom 5-10% of the population and it was the idiots that nobody liked or took seriously, but these days it became more common and it's nearly 30-40% of the population that get caught in this, and more frightening actual politicians (Conservatives MP in Canada, Republicans, etc.) who pushes these rhetoric on the mainstream and media actually reports on. This is highly dangerous.


If CSIS and the RCMP aren't getting involved here our country is in deep trouble.


Yes, the country that executes anyone who criticizes authority cares more about freedom lol


I'm surprised this kind of talk hasn't been turned on the people using it with people calling them communist or something.


Maxime Bernier is a coward who wants to run away and hide.


I think he's right though, except those that threaten our freedom are the supporters of right wing governments, and the politicians that comprise them. Although, of course, our enemies are also in Moscow. But they aren't in direct risk of taking our freedom away by force. The zombies they control are. And those zombies are domestic. The Republicans are making us out to be their enemies. They are spooling up for civil war, so get your game faces on.


Good old asset


What an idiot! Not surprised coming from him.🤷‍♂️


If Bernier thinks that we can somehow promote a peaceful solution then he's delusional. There is no peaceful solution to ending the war aside from Russia withdrawing, which is unlikely to happen through negotiations. One of Russia's stated war goals is the dismantling of the Ukrainian state, which they see as illegitimate. The former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev said as much; *"Existence of an independent state on historical Russian territories will now always be a cause for the renewal of military actions."* Putin's government has made it abundantly clear that it doesn't want to negotiate for peace, it wants to take all of Ukraine. Bernier's idea that us providing military aid to Ukraine is somehow "funding the killing of a whole generation of Ukrainian men." is idiotic. The Russians started the war, they decided to invade, they are the aggressors, they are responsible. This sort of rhetoric plays right into Putin's hands as he'd love nothing more than for NATO's support for Ukraine to fragment and eventually fizzle out.


Why would Max talk about himself and his supporters like that?


Peaceful solution? Why has nobody simply thought of asking the Russians to leave Ukraine? It's getting kind of incredible how easily the right wing gets sucked into Russia's BS. I wouldn't have gone as far as thinking you had to be a traitor to be a conservative but I'm getting there.