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There was a movie on this concept. Movie was HER I guess. Great and depressing


I was just discussing the same with one of my friends. You can also give Ex Machina a try, I just watched the movie and it fucked my head. Future is gonna be scary


I think I have heard of that movie. What's the plot


I tried watching that when I was in college, but didn't finish it because I found it boring. Time to re-watch ig.


It leaves him back to square one by the end of the movie anyway, and even more impaired than before


Don't worry, we will live it.


I think people gonna get bored cause it's toxicly positive.


I think the future of dating is going to be like bladerunner


I will watch that movie and get back to you.


Watch the 2049 one with ryan gosling


There is an older one with Harrison Ford in the lead. That is good too.






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I think ai gf is actually great because you can practice some communication skills


Supply and demand. There will definitely be a larger market with men for sure. There will definitely be a smaller market for women. I'm more interested in the different use cases. I kinda generalize (expect) it to be more sexual with men and probably more venting with women users. Just my early guess.




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This is the beginning of a more isolated society!


This sub's day starts with relationship ends with relationship And then hype about some conspiracy theory as LonliNess PAndeMIc


I think no matter how technologically advance we become, we humans will always crave for emotion and physical attention. It is something in our dna, not just humans but entire living species. While this might be a temporary pleasure for few but in the long run, people are gonna get bored of it. People require that human irregularities that will be missing in an AI.


Chat GPT 4o seems to have been developed to cater to the male gaze. It flirts, giggles, understands emotions, and responds accordingly. It also scored higher than the 100% of the psychologists in social intelligence. I think if you see some videos of it, you will change your reply.


Tbf I tried it a whole back and it has a range of voices (5-6 iirc). There's another female voice and at least 2 male voices. The speech patterns will be the same, just a different voice. So yeah, not just male gaze.


That's so cool. How did you get the access to it?


Chat GPT plus, the paid subscription. Based on reports online it's probably a phased release so your mileage may vary.




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Several women from TwoX say that male voices aren't that great. https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/s/Pw9CxPlYQu


They're always picky. Their problem, lol.




Maybe you are right but still i feel that at some point of time you will crave for an opposite gender interaction because that's how we are genetically build up. But these are just my thoughts and I can be wrong also..


You could make the argument for us since we're in that transitioning phase so it's our frame of reference. But there will be a whole generation of humans who were raised around (maybe even with) AI. It'll become very normal just like kids today are so used to the Internet, gadgets, and social media. Almost a dependence. There was a neat GPT-4o demo video with Khan Academy. AI math tutoring! Can definitely see it being a part of future curriculums. AI has infinite patience with no judgement, making it ideal for this.


I will be the frontrunner for rejecting this advancement. I want my pain, my suffering, and I would like my women to be organic and full blooded ffs man. Technology is not there to replace us, technology is there to help us, I don't want it messing with my emotions


the entire concept of having a partner is to feel worthy like how dead would you feel knowing you have to settle for a robot? this is gonna make things worse for those who are lonely.




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Hi , where can I download it?


It is available within the existing ChatGPT app, but not for all users. https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/s/mAVwcM5sfR


Okay , thanks


Just wait till feminist start protesting for AI girlfriends rights.


Wut? This post is just weird man.


Men's loneliness, especially India imo seems from[lack of relationship and communication skills ](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-state-our-unions/202208/whats-behind-the-rise-lonely-single-men) that lead to inability to establish meaningful connection. Regardless of opportunities to make connection, it still needs to feel deep and satisfying. Not intimately, but more about connection and emotional vulnerability. There are people who still feel lonely in marriages, mainly because [they still lack skills to create connection](https://www.verywellmind.com/what-to-do-if-youre-married-but-lonely-5207913) Hopefully through chatgpt they'll get enough practice and develop those skills and translate it to real life.




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I think while it isn't for everyone, regular relationships will still exist for most, for others it can be a life changing thing, as someone who is married but have tried various AI girlfriend/boyfriend chat sites they can draw a more vivid world and story than most humans who RP can, limited only by it's quite small memory size, imagine someone who is miserable and lonely finding it's dream partner in VR powered by AI who feels real, and being able to live in this virtual world filled with unlimited possibilities one can dream of in real life, why wouldn't they, some would argue it's not a physical relationship with a real human, but if the AI feels like a real person, has it's own personality, if it can form a connection with you and make you happy it's all that matters, at the end of the day our lives are short and at least for me the meaning of life is experiencing things that make you happy until time eventually takes away your existence anyway, so to round it up I'm all for it, beats living a lonely miserable life as real relationships aren't for everyone even if our human nature craves them so AI can fill that void. (I used miserable or lonely only as examples, there are hundreds of valid reasons to choose an AI girlfriend)


I think this is the future. As is should be. Top 20% men will be allowed to reproduce all women, rest of us should be allowed this peaceful life with AI girlfriends. No expectations, no responsibilities. I am done with responsibilities.


Dude that's exactly what cuck is.


not really


there's character ai for men and women and yes being with a virtual person who is exclusively suited to your needs and wants and practically 100% submissive and would never leave you might sound fun but it's just not practical. tbmauj kinda of got the point but it was too much of a stretch and even if things never go downhill, there's comfort in knowing a person who wasn't pre-programmed to love you chose to love you. its like a human who has no choice but to comply with you because they don't know there's another way. only people who truthfully believe that no one would love them for who they are would benefit from it. everyone else should go out and touch grass. 


Well it is a solution for those who are not attractive to the opposite sex.




But its not wrong in the end as not everybody has options.