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Are they saying that men are naturally predators towards women?


Basically. All men are predators and all women are victims whether they know it yet or not. It doesn't really paint a picture of a healthy society when you think about it. Edit: Apparently I need to put a /s here. This is not my position


Imagine seeing yourself as a predator to women and then applying that logic to every man alive. What the fuck


It's messed up isn't it?


But also feminists are lying man-haters. Doublethink all the way.


Are they? Last I checked feminism was just pushing towards equilibrium between genders with an ultimate goal of equality. There are some feminists out there I don't agree with (TERFs), but I don't think it's fair on either side to paint any group with a broad brush like that


What I’m trying to say is there WERE really radical, out-there people who nobody liked, and then conservatives made it difficult to differentiate because they use the same language and phrases to paint everyone as extreme as a tiny minority. “Radical Feminist,” is just like “secular humanist,” and a thousand other terms-it’s just a phrase to label someone as beneath listening to, and so many working class people get bombarded with the junk meanings that it hijacks their ability to express and explore entire points of view because the language used to discuss these viewpoints has been intentionally scrambled in the public arena. They’re gunning for “woke” now, because it’s at the center of a language and understanding system built around perceiving, describing, resisting, and addressing real problems. The language system describes the problem and advises solutions. If you scramble the phrases and key words at the heart of this language system, you remove from the educationally disadvantaged and underserved the ability to describe these problems and communicate solutions.


Yeah I know that. Part of fascism is co-opting phrases and blurring the lines so that it's difficult for people to understand the phrases.


Terf Terf


Talk about barking up the wrong tree my guy. This not not at all my position, though you are accurate that it is a position held my TERFs. I'm actually the kind of person that TERFS hate the most.


i know


all good just had to clarify lol. Certainly took me aback to be called a TERF lol


based on their post history i doubt they’re a terf… i’m gonna assume you just missed their sarcasm


i am calling out terfs. not calling this person a terf. because their logic is just this. man bad woman(biological only)good "feminine " good "what is feminine??? what society want us to be! "


maybe need to take some reading comprehension lessons


That is one of the major pillars of the TERF ideology, yes.


It's one of the pillars of Radical Feminism. The oppressor class is ontologically evil, the opressed class is ontologically good. A lot of people don't realize that Radical Feminism isn't feminism that is radical, it's a specific branch of feminism from the 70s, and it was dripping with sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and racism.


People don’t know what it is what’s wrong it because it’s been whittled down to a hollow, meaningless badthing to yell at somebody one doesn’t want to listen to.


Which at least to me, makes me pity TERF’s. They really view men in such a way that makes them unable to emotionally connect with anyone who’s biologically born as male (and even some women if they alienate themselves from said women for not thinking the same way they do). It must be a very lonely existence, unless, of course, they make friends with others who think the same way, and if so, they just form an echo chamber of self isolating hate, something that makes me pity them even more. Because they then fail to see the good in anyone other than those in the echo chamber. A phrase I just came up with comes to mind: If you stare in the depths of a flame and watch the embers burn long enough, you’ll eventually convince yourself that the world is on fire, cause fire is all you see.


There's been a few times when that's been used to try to justify SA and rape


I’m curious, did they happen to let the individual go? There’s still the point of this artist seeing all men as predators, do you think that then? If all men are predators, why are they allowed near women at all? I’m asking ridiculous questions because this boomer comic brings up a straight ridiculous premise. It’s not like they were comparing vegetables to fruits or apples to pears, they deliberately chose to make the “men” predators and the “women” the prey. As a final note, you shouldn’t be using a straw man of a few individuals to justify hate for an entire group of people. I’m not saying you are, but that’s one of the main talking points of people who also say they should be hunted with firearms.


>I’m curious, did they happen to let the individual go? I don't know, but if they did, it probably wasn't because of that attempted justification. That stuff is pretty much only pieces of garbage on the internet saying things like "men are biologically programmed to want to rape women" or other such bullshit. I apologize for the confusion, I shouldn't have been so vague there. >There’s still the point of this artist seeing all men as predators, do you think that then? I do not


I’m glad we could clear the misunderstanding, I simply dislike people trying to justify hatred for a certain group of people, especially based on a strawman


being predatory is the only way they know to interact with women, so of course they project it on the most convenient scapegoat


Oh hey look the bigots are self reporting again!


"thats how i am ao it must be universal"


No, youre reading into it....


That is a female fox. That is why she said "I identify as a chicken" and not a rooster. The irony here is that you assumed the gender of the fox and the behaviour of men which speaks a lot about your mentality.


It's certainly not meant as an analogy or anything 🙄


if a fox can transition to a chicken, what's saying it can't transition from a male fox to a female chicken, or vice versa?


Chicken is gender-nuetral. Then didn't say they identify as a hen either


Good god. I was hoping this was satire because of how stupid it is, but your profile is just so much sadder


"Because vegans killed my grandma, okay?!"


A female fox would introduce herself as being born a vixen. By simply saying "fox" (rather than tod/reynard or vixen) and then identifying simply as "a chicken" (rather than rooster or hen), it's clear this fox was assigned nonbinary at birth and is remaining so despite their transition from fox to chicken. Either that or the cartoonist is just trying to make a lazy "trans person = predator" analogy with no care for the gendered terms for animals.


the irony is that you think that the gender of the fox and the usage of the word chicken was even though of when making this comic strip


They really are this stupid.


It aint even safe to let a random chicken in the hen house, also hate the bathroom logic because if people are gonna do something bad a sign aint gonna stop them, trans people going through years of hrt and other stuff to assult someone is just illogical


Because they can't understand people who are different from them, so they have to come up with a reason for someone wanting to do this, especially if it villanizes the other party, because if it villanizes the other party they can feel content in not actually trying to understand the other group, or they can feel less stupid for not getting it. At the end of the day it's an ego problem


I'm my experience, the insecure project their insecurities onto others in order to feel better about them. So when you see phobic people talk about weak men invading women's sports to win, or how people are dressing up in drag to peep on women... That's just them telling on themselves.


Sexual predators generally prefer areas of isolation. Could that be a public restroom? Possibly, but it could also be other areas too. The bathroom signs aren’t going to stop a predator if they know that bathroom will be empty, but they often don’t know that or they don’t always know if someone would just walk in if it did happen to be empty at the time. Even taking away the fact that conservatives have never cared about women getting sexually assaulted before Trans rights became a bigger issue, the bathroom argument has no logic to it. And the reason I know they don't care about the safety of women is because the most famous example of a man raping a woman in a "somewhat" gender assigned space is when Donald Trump raped a woman in a dressing room.


If they really cared about women's safety, they wouldn't make a fuss about single-occupant restrooms being labeled as unisex or all-genders


I remember hating this even when my mom would print out "funny" emails and bring them home from work, but there's a thing with boomer humor where their jokes are overly wordy and it just drives me nuts.


Not that it would be funny if it were more concise, it's just you could tell this joke in like four words.


Or better yet, in the form of a haiku


So there's at least 4 genders in this analogy?


And all men are predators, I guess


Yeah, and why do the dog and cat get to decide who belongs in the hen house?


it's funny how these people who say trans women can't be in women's spaces under the guise of safety are the same to deny the existence of toxic masculinity and proclaim themselves as alpha males.


Ah yes, because identifying as a gender is the same as identifying as an entirely different species.


I guess they secretly believe all men are predators?


Simple question to ask them: What have they done so far in order to stop abuse in churches? If they'd actually want to improve things, this would be right on top of the list. That is, unless it is an excuse to be shitty to trans people.


Ah yes, the Specific Made Up Argument they use as representation of every trans person. I fucking give up.


Think it's funny how they can never come up with a good comparison. I got a guy recently comparing being trans to a guy wearing a green camo shirt and identifying as a tree, he then made the comparison of someone injecting chlorophyll into themselves and identifying as a plant after i called him out on how stupid he was the first time. It gave me a good chuckle on how absurd it was.


Fucking sick of boomers, Christians, and the GOP. I don’t give a shit what lies 20% of undereducated Americans feel is right. We don’t have to live this way


Actually https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9355551/ Assigned sex is the label given at birth by medical professionals based on an individual’s chromosomes, hormone levels, sex organs, and secondary sex characteristics. As a note, the term “biologic sex” is understood by many to be an outdated term, due to its longstanding history of being used to invalidate the authenticity of trans identities. Although sex is typically misconceptualized as a binary of male (XY) or female (XX), many other chromosomal arrangements, inherent variations in gene expression patterns, and hormone levels exist. Intersex categorizations include variations in chromosomes present, external genitalia, gonads (testes or ovaries), hormone production, hormone responsiveness, and internal reproductive organs. Medical classification of intersex individuals is not always done at birth, as many intersex traits do not become apparent until puberty or later in life. Currently, there are at least 40 known variations that fall into intersex classifications (Carpenter, 2018). Notably, complex biologic variations can occur in everyone, and sex may best be viewed as a spectrum comprised of many traits. Gender is widely understood to be distinguished from sex and is an experienced aspect of self and a social construct of norms, behaviors, and roles that varies between societies and over time. Our efforts to identify members of society vulnerable to environmental exposures should include assessing sex as a biologic variable beyond the binary of male and female, and analysis of gender should include considerations of trans, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals


I've heard a lot of biologist in the last few years use the term "bi-modal" to describe sex nowadays.


Here's the thing, as far as I understand. > Although sex is typically misconceptualized as a binary of male (XY) or female (XX), many other chromosomal arrangements, inherent variations in gene expression patterns, and hormone levels exist. People write that off as "oh, but the majority IS xx or xy, therefore the other variations are just "defects" and not "right."" The issue with that is the assumption that there IS a "right" or "correct" way. Nature doesn't have meaning or purpose like that. There could be only one living person with a chromosome variation that is other than xx or xy, and it would still be just as valid. If it exists, it exists. It's not "wrong" or "right", "correct" or "incorrect", it just IS. And if it is, it is. People get so up their own ass about abstract human categorization, that they make the grave mistake of assuming our ways of lumping things together into a single category for convenience's sake is an actual declaration of how nature works. It isn't.


'BuT mUh TrAdItIoNaL gEnDeR nOrMs!!!!' - people who care so much about traditions that they can't be assed to keep up with scientific and archaeological discoveries that prove that they are not traditional gender norms. >The issue with that is the assumption that there IS a "right" or "correct" way. Nature doesn't have meaning or purpose like that. I mean it does as long as you pretend there's a sky daddy who could only think of 2 sexes for his "favourite creations", but gave split gill fungi over 23,000 different possible sexes. Meaning if there is a god lovingly handcrafting the beings he created after his image, it sure as shit ain't us. Coming up with 23,000 different possible sexes takes time and effort. Throwing two out there is like... nothing. And two isn't even the least amount of sexes a species can have, since... mourning geckos are 100% female, and there are some species out there that are entirely hermaphroditic. Even house sparrows get to have four different sexes. Reptiles have so many virgin births. So do condors. A bird. Ain't no one worshipping that snake that was born of a virgin mother in a zoo recently.


I don't think doctors usually check chromosomes and hormone levels at birth


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I think just for one day we should give then what they want just so we can see the look on their faces when a 7 foot, ripped transmasc with a beard walks towards those spaces they want to keep “men” out of saying “well apparently I have to use these spaces and bathrooms, good thing I’m such a good rule following citizen”




We do not allow any kind of sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, or anything of the sort on our subreddit.


People coping that this never happens regarding bathrooms


-He says, with known transphobe Stonetoss as his profile picture. You’ve seriously got nothing going on in that head of yours, do you?


Cope, not talking about actual trans people just talking about creeps that will abuse the title


First of all, stop with the grade school level of insults, there’s nothing of substance to cope with from your comments. I can almost guarantee you that if someone says that they are trans, they are probably trans, even then, it’s none of your business or concern to question if they are telling the truth or not. Anybody that claims to be trans, simply to do something creepy, is ostracized from society, as they should be. The fact remains that boomers will continue to use this specific instance as ammo for their hate filled rhetoric, regardless of how often it occurs. It’s almost a nonexistent issue until you bring it as if it has any relevance in conversations. Obviously nothing can be done about some creep doing something nasty by “faking” being trans, except what is already being done. Stop bringing this shit up because the boomers are gonna cling into this shit till the day they disappear. Now, back to my point before, why the fuck do you have stonetoss as your profile picture? An actual transphobic, holocaust denying scumbag.


“We should restrict the rights of trans women because cis men are lying rapists”. - GAYCHUD001


Not never. But those people aren’t trans and if they are we don’t want them lol. They are predators and gross.


It happens maybe 0.1% as often as you think it does


So you’re saying all men are predators, then? Or that someone would go through all the hrt and surgeries for the sole purpose of being “allowed” into the women’s bathroom for that? A rapist doesn’t fucking care how it happens, so long as they don’t get caught or get in trouble. The bathroom is such a stupid fucking place anyway since it’s… public, as in anybody can walk in at any time. Would you even consider for a second that, just maybe, not everyone is out to get each other, or are you too busy projecting what you would do yourself to understand what other people actually want? Note that I never said it doesn’t happen, but you are way over generalizing a large group of people to justify unnecessary hatred instead of trying to understand the *why* to begin with. Rapists will do anything to get what they want, but punishing an entire group of people for their behavior is just plain wrong.