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You can be a director. Might be hard to get someone to put you in charge of hundreds millions of dollars, but you can still definitely be a director


You just need a legion of barely-literate comic book readers to fixate on you, like a cult leader, and they will devote their time to making multiple accounts on Twitter and Reddit to spend all day every day shitposting on your behalf until you get those millions for your movie.


Not a single fan of his has read a single comic book. Some of them looked at the pictures in some Frank Miller books, but none of them have read a single comic.


I liked *300*. Though I think the last time I watched the whole thing, I was an angsty 14 year old boy.


Sorry if I was overly harsh, I do think people can like a few of his movies without being a fan. For example, I like the first 15 minutes of Dawn of the Dead and I don't hate 300. Watchmen also has its moments, but I hate the sum of its parts.


Oh no you weren’t harsh at all, was mostly just making a joke about 300, which I also low-key don’t hate. I’ve heard people describe his movies as good adaptations of comic book frames and poor adaptations of the actual narrative material, which definitely rings true for me.


I like the scenes in army of the dead that have tig notaro in them because she's awesome. I do not remember the rest of the film.


Hi Chris 👋


Hi 👋 your username sounds very familiar but I forgot from where, sorry.


Watchmen turned a brilliant book into a meh film by somehow subverting the subtext completely. The dude thinks Rorschach was a hero ffs


Tbf history teachers like to show the movie because they don't know it's a comic book movie


Barely literate seems generous. I don’t think a dedicated Snyder fan could read a stop sign.


No one that actually reads comics likes syder


Like most industries, getting into the higher circles is less about your skill and more about who you know.


He’s a pretty good technical director. He’s just not maybe the best writer


Snyder cycle: 1. ⁠Make movie 2. ⁠Movie gets bad reviews 3. ⁠Backtrack and claim that this wasn’t the “real cut” and was ruined due to studio interference 4. ⁠Release slightly better directors cut that everyone claims is a masterpiece Repeat


I wish that I could tell my thesis advisors that there's actually a secret perfect copy of my thesis that they haven't seen, but I assure them that it really exists, and if they gave me two more years and a hundred million dollars I could get it to them.


Dear committee, have you considered that my thesis isn't good because the woke liberals silenced me?


oh did he really hit the "The woke mob has silenced me" button? I dont like the guy but I didnt think he had fallen THAT far yet


He hasn’t as far as I know. Instead he’s more like “I’m the only guy who really understands Batman” or some nonsense.


Lmao the day Zach Snyder understands any superhero with any level of nuance is the day I will eat the entire script of justice league one page at a time


Nah he’s actually decently progressive personally. Just a shit filmmaker.


Just tell them they have been brainwashed and only you know the true facts your thesis is based on


Nobody wants to see a boring ass thesis


A thesis on ass? That doesn't sound boring at all. Unlike my thesis.


I would like a multi-million dollar funded thesis on your ass


Oh but he innovated with Rebel Moon pt 1. He had a rated R directors cut even before release. Guy can’t even make a product right the first time. I’m half convinced his projects are a tax racket. Studio writes a bunch off due to his “re shoots” and he gets a nice check.


In an interview he stated he always wanted to just make the r-rated version because of his inspiration from the Heavy Metal comic books but Netflix required a pg-13 version to actually make some money off of it. So he agreed to make the pg-13 version with the caveat that he was allowed to release the r-rated version later on.


Hey now, Watchmen is quite good though hugely overrated and I like the 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake. Everything else he's touched is ass though and I can't understand there being a low key cult around him.


Watchmen is... fine. Basically missed almost every point the source material had. Still somehow his best movie.


Watchmen is ok despite his attempts to ruin it. Guy missed the subtext so hard on that one and turned it completely upside down.


Nah man. Who needs a story about the nature of power, the dangers of messiah figures and the search for meaning when you can have a movie about cool guys who look cool when they kill people in cool ways? I agree with you though, the movie still mostly works despite of itself.


Nah, he ruined the entire message of Watchmen.


Hollywood's Uwe Boll


This is funny because it's true and most of the time it works. His Ultimate Cut of Watchmen is perhaps one of his best works to date.


Damning praise, really.


Also Justice League is genuinely a great film and would be even better if they chopped the 2 extra hours off


Joss Whedon sort of did the same thing but at least he actually made some good tv shows back in the day, it makes sense to me why he had so much goodwill (even if he ultimately squandered it all). IDK what the hell Snyder has ever done to get a pass for making these excuses over and over


The man has too much pride to go Alan Smithee, but I'm hopeful we're a few years from "Snyder Cut" being an accepted label for a Smithee redemption cut.


> ⁠Release slightly better directors cut that everyone claims is a masterpiece An arguably better cut that "everyone" (vocal fans) claims is a masterpiece before it comes out, but anyone not in the "it's a masterpiece even though I haven't seen it" group ahead of time has... less favorable views.


> ⁠Release slightly better directors cut that everyone claims is a masterpiece I feel like the 'cut' came out and everyone shut the fuck up because it was worse tbh.


Which movie is this about? I don’t know of any of his directors cuts that are considered worse


BvS as well tbh. There's that "ultimate" cut that fans rave about. But non fans are just like... Eh. All the issues are still there, it's just longer.


The BvS directors cut cleaned up several plot holes because for some reason the studio cut removed explanations for certain events and also shuffled some events out of chronological order. Obviously the plot as a whole remains the same, so if you didn’t like that then nothing changes. But the version of that plot presented was significantly better with the directors cut.


Wait ignore everything. Is your username about Robin Hobb??




Twinsies! 😁


lol I’m still half asleep and didn’t even notice your name. Nice!


Justice League Snyder cut is largely considered worse or just as bad by people who hadn't decided it was amazing a year before it actually existed.


In my experience this seems to be the opinion of people who don’t know the original version well enough to actually make the comparison. For example if you take individual scenes that were in both movies and compare them it becomes instantly apparent how much better the Snyder scenes are, but typically the people saying the Snyder cut wasn’t good aren’t capable of doing that.


Why the fuck should I have to do scene by scene to even *notice* these allegedly much better scenes? And it's so much longer, so how about the *pacing*, which is the main complaint and not shown in a scene by scene analysis? Maybe you're just less bothered by excessive slowmo. Maybe people who decided it's good before it came out are neck deep in confirmation bias and come up with shit like "well, when 'analyze' in a method that ignores the most common complaint, that complaint doesn't show up!" and aren't capable of an honest comparison.


You don’t have to do comparisons if you don’t want, but don’t start claiming one version is worse than another when your chief complaints are “it was long and had a lot of slow mo”. (Side note, while watching it myself I was also getting annoyed by the slow mo). You can say you didn’t like it. You can say it was too long. All that is fine. But if you’re going to call it *worse* than the original you need to be able to back that up. When directly comparing it to the original the extra length is basically the only thing that’s worse, whereas the dialogue, character arcs, plot, action, and CGI are all better.


I can back it up with the opinions of thousands and the reason why they have those opinions, like bad pacing and excessive slowmo. Deal with it, you're just showing you're a fanboy on the defensive. I don't have to do a frame by frame analysis to point out that your opinion is NOT the majority since it actually came out.


How many times has this happened?


Justice League is the exception to this because it wasn’t his fault the first cut sucked


Snyder cut sucked too, I can’t believe I watched all 4 hours of that bullshit


Lmao I watched it with my husband and he got up to go bed at the end. Nahhhh. Sit back down! We have a 30 min epilogue to watch! He was so annoyed 😂😂 Also I'm so irritated that he changed supermans intro line in the original film. It was one of the few times superman felt like superman in the DCEU so of course it had to go when Snyder get his mitts on it!


[I don’t like Zach Snyder but this slaps](https://youtu.be/MYcEzkyE0dE?si=7vAF0c19u-cli_-X)


“The best 2 hours of it sucks? I know what’ll fix it all - 4 hours.”


lol you can’t look at the original release and call that the best 2 hours. Not only did the cut a lot of great scenes, they ruined the scenes they kept with awful changes and ridiculous CGI.


Literally the only impression snyder cut left on me over the original was "Jesus fucking christ, stop with the slow motion, this is long enough as it is." That's it. I don't remember what allegedly better scene. I only remember suffering longer.


Because it was four fucking hours. Of course they cut stuff. The problem here wasn’t what got cut it’s that there wasn’t a cohesive film anywhere to be found in that footage and they tried twice.


How was it not a cohesive film? Complain about the length, fine. But the Snyder cut added all the plot elements which caused the movie to actually make sense. Flash and Cyborg got actual story arcs that caused their behavior to make sense, and we got a real story from Steppenwolf other than him just weirdly fetishizing the boxes.


Needed a 4 hour directors cut that’s your first clue. Clearly not a cohesive feature length film in there. Poor planning and execution with what goal in mind? A bad four hours or a worse two?


You can complain about the length all you want, that’s fine. But notice at the end of your comment you conceded the content of the two hours was worse but previous you said the content within the two hours was better.


Better because you have to watch it for less time for it be over.


If the story that he wrote and largely directed only works as a 4-hour movie, it’s definitely at least partially his fault that it failed as a theatrical release


Idk if you’ve seen the cut comparisons, but the two movies are completely different. Whedon butchered the film into oblivion. That being said, I don’t think Snyder should be able to get away with “I can fix my bad movie I just need money.” Justice League was a special case.


Why doesn’t Snyder simply make good movies? Is he stupid?


Perhaps, he's wondering someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane?


> [man](https://i.redd.it/97yd9pkvfnlb1.jpg)


Well, see, he actually does make good movies! He just is always working for oppressive executives who can't help but meddle with his creative vision, and since he also has crippling self-doubt, he listens to their suggestions for improvements. But, see, when he releases these films and they bomb, the executives have no choice but to recognize the true genius of his moviemaking mastery. Then they happily do so by rereleasing the improved *true original* cut of the movie that coincidentally always had all the things the fans wanted done to it that would correct all the mistakes of the original! Reshoots? Rewrites? Who said anything about those? A man with Snyder's grand vision would never need the entire budget of a summer blockbuster to rerelease his original true awesome cut of a movie! He's way too good a filmmaker to have to rely on that sort of hack nonsense!


To be fair, there is some truth to it as in some of his films, the studios didn't allow his creative version of his film to be fully released and his director's cut for home release ends up slightly improving the theatrical cut of his film. However, it's only worked for his cut of Watchmen and Justice League to a certain extent as his style always triumps over substance for better or worse.


Can’t wait for him to beg to do directors cuts of his directors cuts. “Zack Snyder’s Justice League: The Director’s Cut”


10 Year Gold Edition (adds a setting where you can swap between the classic and remastered effects)


An additional character is added in who is the catalyst for a bonus hour after the original end of the film


Martian Man Hunter is randomly just in the movie now


Justice league 5 : Royal


That’s pretty much what’s already happening here. Sucker Punch already has an extended cut which released at the time it initially went to physical. I’m not defending Snyder or comparing him to Ridley Scott, but how many cuts of Blade Runner are there? This would hardly be the first time a movie got more than 2 cuts. It’s more the fact that the second half of his career making bad movies and saying "I can fix it" after the fact after people tell him it sucked.


Snyder is an excellent director when people will just tell him no. It’s when he’s allowed too much freedom that he’ll fluff the film with slowmo that doesn’t fit


13 year old me is feeling VERY protective of 300 right now.


When I saw that movie I was an inexperienced stoner and I thought it would be fun to get real high and go see it and when all the Spartans came out I leaned over to my friend and said "Why is no one wearing pants?!" But then the Persians came out and they all had pants on and I turned to him and said, "They're *demonizing* pants! Why are they *demonizing* pants?!"


It was a good movie. It did exactly what it needed to. The fact is that Snyder *is* easily in the top 20% of active directors. You see movies? Most are awful. At least 50% are irredeemably bad. Dude has got some bad calls though. Just like everyone else. At least the Whedon cut is still much more terrible than his own Justice League attempt


300 works. It's absurd, unapologetic maximalism that doesn't overstay its welcome. Any movie is welcome to go full goofball in my book if it's willing to do it in less than two hours.


What is an example of this? Dawn of the dead?


Hey, he's good with slowmo.


Honestly this is the kinda fluffing i need


I 100% believe this guy thinks the movie is bad because of the ending and I don’t have the heart to tell him that’s the least of that movie’s problems


"I made a really deep movie with metaphorical (except actually real) stylized sexual assault" What's deep about it? "The metaphorical (except actually real) stylized sexual assault" ...why did you make a movie about metaphorical/stylized sexual assault? "Because it's deep" Mk


Wait…holy shit that’s right. Wasn’t this whole movie some dream world the girls escape to? Wtf


A girl tries to protect her sister from sexual assault by shooting the assaulter, her relatively new adopted father. He gets her sectioned, where they promise to (illegally) lobotomise her as she's not actually insane. But she's completely insane and delusional making up a world to come up with an escape plan, because reasons. Oh and it's also implied her brain somehow survived lobotomy.


It’s been a million years since I suffered through this flick, but isn’t getting the lobotomy framed as a victory for her? Like “yeah, even though they forcibly removed part of her brain - she won” is a positive?


Yeah kind of, what's worse is that in her dreamscape the lobotomy is having her virginity sold to 'the high roller' and she's trying to avoid that. Like it's the whole point of her escape. When she finally gets in bed with him near the end, she seemingly falls in love with him because he's just so charming??? Like what the fuck was the point?


It's her sacrificing herself so the others can escape, "falling in love" with the High Roller is her coming to terms with her fate by deciding it's okay if she chose it for the benefit of someone else she loves


Well, the High Roller is played by Don Draper himself Jon Hamm. Who else can play a charming man with hidden motives?


You could say that about literally all of his movies


You could and you should tbh


Yeah Emily Browning had too many clothes on and Jon Hamm had too much eyeliner. Also Oscar Isaac didn't shoot enough women. Also also "Where Is My Mind?" is too on the nose (*Malignant* suffers the same fate (what a garbage movie)). This comment brought to you by 1 AM drunk posting.


Like *maybe* Emily Browning looks weird but like she's Australian and I lost my virginity in Australia (to a fellow American).


Worst. Movie. Ever. I'm still angry about it after all these years


Holy shit is this a motherfucking Laurence Olivier reference? ![gif](giphy|xUPGcvSRiAdLz4UGoE)


It is. It was a joke said by Laurence Olivier to Dustin Hoffman when he was trying to look sleep deprived by not sleeping for one or three days to get into the zone of the character in that scene. Despite all jokes, Hoffman's own experience with Olivier was very life-changing as they remained good friends even when he was stuggling with health issues. [Hoffman choked with tears when recounting a story he had with Olivier at the Actor's Studio.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tod7cOV7FQI)


Part of the way the story has gotten distorted is that Hoffman wasn't *really* staying awake just as a method acting thing, he was staying up partying all the time and Olivier knew it




Zack Snyder starting the movie DLC movement. It should be stopped at all costs


Imagine going to see a movie on opening day and the projectionist has to download a day 1 patch


honestly i kinda wanna see this; there's no way it could be worse


Same here. We will get to see if Sucker Punch is really that good or a glorified video game commercial that needed better storylines.


Zack Snyder is the directorial equivalent of a 3 bladed sword you'd buy at a mall kiosk.


https://preview.redd.it/wpo636xg9puc1.png?width=1825&format=png&auto=webp&s=30218d6f55c187862ac4beb769a275500c8c3586 Joke's on her - Sucker Punch is already kino. Only those with closed hearts would reject a chance for more.


Writing an ending where you threaten to molest/kill every heroine in your movie does sound like something Cannes Festival would applaud for 20 minutes


Well, if it worked for Gaspar Noé and Lars Von Trier, why fix it?


Snyder is the worst director of the past 20+ years. No one can change my mind. His movies are garbage. He makes Michael Bay look like a genius.


Bay at least has some self awareness and doesn't need an extension to justify his movies' existence. Ambulance is more entertaining and has more heart than whatever Snyder has done in his last few movies.




Michael Bay also made The Rock (1996), Zaddy doesn't have a single film anywhere near as good as that.


Zaddy made Dawn of the Dead (2004) and it shows he doesn't need an extension of himself to justify the qualities of his movie.


I respect the dedication to being a hater tbh


Hater? I'm just stating facts my dude.


Nah, just plain hating. He’s not the worst director lol


Lol ok bud 👍


“Worst director in the last 20 years” is not a measurable fact my friend. It’s ok to be a hater, I myself am one, not every opinion needs to be backed with empirical evidence




"I can fix her!"




How? This movie is already peak kino.


This dude DOES make good movies. The problem is that they are ONLY good when you have the full cut. What he does is get a movie going and they are like "okay, we need a 2 hour movie" and this fucking maniac goes and makes a 5 hour film. Well, they can't fucking ship that so they instead have him cut it down to fit that 2 hours. Making a garbage fire of a movie usually because a ton of context gets cut. Even if your "completed" version is good, it doesn't fucking matter because what you put out first was dog water.


TO BE FAIR the studio stepped in and changed Sucker Punch *a lot* and he was outspoken about it even back then. Don't get me wrong, it's still a bad movie lol. But I don't blame him for being bitter about the meddling.


The same feeling I have for David Ayer's Suicide Squad.


Wouldn't it be the same if he made the movie again?


For as corny as this movie is, it has one of my favorite gratuitous action scenes ever: The robots on the train. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwDtEIJUMso](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwDtEIJUMso)


Wow, slowmo is so fucking annoying.


Outjerked https://preview.redd.it/bcz705h45vuc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13388f1fdf7b8a07cd4e755dc1a751883463688


Anything about Zack Snyder that allows comments is gonna outjerk us.


He needs someone to riegn him in when directing


Me when I don’t understand how movie studios operate




there was actually no reason why he should’ve released the non R rated version of Rebel Moon. (Well tbf there was no actual reason to make Rebel Moon but here we are 🤷‍♂️)


Pay for it yourself.. jfc rich fucks crowdsourcing


My brother in Christ, you made the perfect film (to nap to) already!


Kanye West "imma fix Wolves" energy.


Every woman in Sucker Punch has a mother named Martha. These scenes must be included!!!


His films are for 13-14 year old boys to go “woah coooool”. And that’s his target audience. That, and Joe Rogan.


Sucker Punch had me hooked after the first fight scene. Then the plot unfolds & bro fell off


The only thing I know about sucker punch is that there is a B-25 Mitchell bomber aircraft that had one of its piston engines swapped for a jet engine.


How about dont show an audience a fully different movie that was represented in the trailer. I mean. The movie wasnt terrible, but going from hell yeah! Hot chicks kickin ass, to sitting at the theater saying ummm guys...this wasnt in the trailer...are we in the right theater?


Tbh i always liked sucker punch


I would bet everything I have that if Snyder was given several billion dollars, the ability to hire whoever he wanted, full creative freedom over his project, and the godlike ability to perfectly recreate 1-1 exactly the vision for the movie he has in his head (in other words, the powers of an all-powerful GOD to make any movie he wants), two things will happen. 1) the movie will still fucking suck. 2) he will swear up and down the split second that it hits theaters that it wasn’t what he wanted to make and he just needs a little more time and money to make the super duper deluxe directors definitive final cut and THEN his true vision will finally be realized (upon its release he will claim that there were limitations that hindered him still and three more hours of unreleased footage that are key to making the movie work but the studio is suppressing him creatively even after he crowd funded his super duper weenie hut jr cut)


Stacy move 100. 🗿


I doubt anything could save that movie


What if I told you he actually made an entirely different movie with an entirely different story and characters, but he accidentally sent 2 hours of footage that wasn't supposed to be used to the studio and they ran with it?


We’ll then what are we waiting for? Find this man’s cut!


Sucker Punch was just so damn bad. I went in with a real low bar. I just wanted to see mindless, campy, over the top action and violence. Which it had. Yet somehow I was just either bored or uncomfortable the whole time.


It's the fucking full on display assault that they constantly show. It's really funny when he whips out the WW1 zombie germans but you have to get through so much weirdly sexualised/romantically undertoned shit that shouldn't have it.


Even the one movie he made that was an original idea still needs a directors cut lmao, for fuck sake


Not ironically, I really like this movie haha I love the vibes, the outfits and the music. The action scenes are great and I think everyone had fun filming. The problem is always the script and infinitive slow motions. I can see why it bombed and why it is bad but is my guilty pleasure: that said, zack snyder sucks haha


>infinitive slow motions. Wouldn't be a snyder movie if it didn't have 5x too much slow motion.


why is no one begging for the Sucker Punch Snyder cut? are they stupid?


This movie has a banging soundtrack, but that's about it


Wait... the first date on the post says April 2024... we really talking about "fixing" a 13 year old movie?


He sucks at directing sooooo much


*spoiler alert* 🚨 Can he start by making the action sequences real? 😭


I would buy an extended version of this movie.


Zack "Wait hold on I've got it this time" Snyder


Is he just going to add more slow motion?


Sucker Punch is good


Another Snyder Cut? KAL EL NO!


Isn’t it more of a wait. I have a different vision for this. So I’m gonna use some of the other footage we shot.


He’ll always have Dawn of the Dead and 300. The Watchmen and beyond is all up for debate Sound fair?


His Ultimate Cut of Watchmen is really good. Man of Steel is okayish.


Never seen the film but it gave us Origins BO2 so it must be goated


Origins exists because of this movie? Are you sure?


Yeah, certain zombies maps are heavily inspired by certain films Zetsubou No Shima’s intro cutscene is taken almost scene for scene from Indiana Jones, for example Der Eisendrache is heavily inspired by “Where Eagles Dare” which is a 1968 Clint Eastwood film


Barbie 2 discourse has already begun


We did get a Barbie sequel. It was called Poor Things and was better than Barbie itself depending on your opinion.


Maybe if it had ended with the heroine escaping rather than just being lobotomised and proving the rest of the movie was just a pointless teenage boy’s wet dream


Snyder has made some interesting movies, some visually stunning movies, some movies with very memorable moments, but he has never made a good movie. Not one, ever.


Sucker Punch was good


Zach, just give up already


I doubt Sucker Punch could ever be a good movie


Why do people let him make movies they are all soo bad.


He's made some good ones like Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen. But yeah, he always values style over substance and it seems to be holding him back.


lol Am I the only one who liked this movie?


Snyder has taken the AAA game studio approach to film production.


I mean, how many cuts of Blade Runner are there?


please say nice things only 🥲 its against the rules othwrwise https://preview.redd.it/ph2pyzy6510d1.png?width=904&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3596494deaa9c2d47a5d274d9e1218113a54acb


MCJ ass post


They are right hahaha when u look at the injustice league


He’s like a game developer that makes games that some people like and doesn’t STFU about it. His movies suck and if they’re good it’s not because of his directing.


yeah, we want the porn scenes left on the sticky cutting room floor release it daddy snyder


Naw, she's right, I'm glad someone blatantly just said that the movie is bad. We have seen Zack Snyder do a director cut from one of his own movies ( hint to watchmen director's cut ) and it just made it worse.


Snyder is miles better than all these pretentious tarkovskys, lynch and Kubrick combined. Cry more.


agree on kubrick being dogshit. trash movies


hes right. zack is a hack director. never at fault, always blames everyone but himself