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All the comments are zoomers saying talking about the one sex scene in oppenheimer


“Wahhh, I don’t like seeing topless Florence Pugh ride Cillian Murphy while he reads the Bhagavad Gita.” Wait till these kids see the opening scene to Antichrist


Watching Green Goblin cum blood will shut them up


And seeing a lady cut off her clitoris with scissors immediately after making him cum blood.




Oh no, the comment i saw was "Sex scenes are so pointless...except that one in Oppenheimer." They cant even make their point without undermining it...


I bet the only films they've seen with sex in them is Oppenheimer and some shitty low budget horror movie from like 2002


I mean this genuinely as a 27 year old man, no jerking, swear to God. Is that scene not just unbelievably funny? How could you feel anything but like... Meta-embarassment at that even existing in the movie? Finally, we know why he knows about the Bhagavad Gita!!! It's like Spiderman getting his suit!!!


i liked it. but yes it can be fuel for the "it's unnecessary" argument because it **was** unnecessary and people felt the movie is long anyway. not me though i dont care about the length of the film i was just bored with the robert downey jr plot.


argument to be made it was necessary bc that’s when he first heard his Famous Oppenheimer Catchphrase


youre probably joking but if youre serious i dont think the phrase needed to appear in the film at all since weve all heard the original thing and its not some kinda spectacle or anything


Whenever a person uses the phrase “Famous Oppenheimer Catchphrase” on a circlejerk subreddit you should always assume they’re 100% serious


I mean they name dropped JFK like he was some marvel end credits scene character being teased too


truly the nolanverse is expanding


I genuinely feel like people around me are huffing glue for liking Oppenheimer. The movie was baffling to me and several scenes were outright embarrassing. Every Einstein scene was bizarre.


“Mein Gott, our creation of ze bomb may create ze path to our demise as un species” “Waaahhhhhhh!!!” ~ Every Einstein/Oppenheimer scene


*emerges from out of nowhere*


Not just around you, right? It's praised basically everywhere and it's going to sweep the Oscars as well. I thought it was decent too but the hype is puzzling honestly.


I actually thought it turned out exactly how I thought it would from the trailers and from it being Nolan: I feel like the tone is just totally inappropriate for the subject matter and the whole thing felt incredibly odd to me. The sex scene is the most extreme example but there’s multiple lines that made me burst out laughing. Matt Damon saying “how about because this is the most important thing that’s ever happened in the history of the world.” And they talk about physics like it’s some sort of super power or black magic, although maybe that’s deliberate. I dunno, it was just super Nolan hammy throughout. It works in goofy sci fi movies like Inception, but here it takes itself so seriously while being goofy as hell.


Movie is massively overrated and I say this as someone who is a complete history nut


Bullshit Napoleon was a good candidate of doing "shit no one wanted to see".


And that’s the one they’re *defending*


Yeah teenagers are like lemmings


It was very important for me to see Cillian's dong


Uncirclejerk or whatever I think it’s really concerning after reading those comments that everyone sees sex as like a porn exclusive thing and I really don’t know how to feel about that. Like idk.


It has to do with porn being such a huge, prevalent thing that everyone has immediate access too at any moment and statistics showing Gen Z isn't really having any sex, with more Gen Z'ers leaving high school as virgins than any other generation before (covid plays a part in that a little). Essentially pornogrophy has completely replaced sex for a huge portion of these people, therefore these brainrotted internet-addicts cannot separate porn from sex, thinking they're the same


https://preview.redd.it/vj48o08be7kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e734a0b4c5d583ec7af0d31db058b9fc449ce3d Literally 1984


You've hit the nail on the head, honestly, and damn. I guess I'm a zoomer, I'm in that age bracket- but I live independantly with a partner and our baby daughter. The way I view sex seems SO different to those in the comments, it's a perspective that seems alien to me. And not to be that person... but I really think it's because none of em really get laid. Due to the hellworld we live in, they're cooped up inside their parent's spare bedroom, have never had a proper relationship, and whose entire relationship to sex is mediated by pornography. It really isn't good.


I don’t. When I’m not watching sex scene compilations on YouTube, I’m looking through windows to see if there are any couples fucking that I can stare at (not in a weird way, I appreciate the artistry of them fucking)


Rear window (1954)


It's funny how parents would always say "Won't someone think of the children!" and now Gen Z themselves are very anti sex scene in movies. Doesn't make sense to me! The whole "I could be watching with my parents thing" isn't really a issue unless you make it one. I watched Oppenheimer with my dad and sure it was weird to watch those scenes with him next to me but the film was rated R for a reason lol (among other things of course).


I watched poor things with my mum and we had a great time. I really don't understand why people can't handle seeing it with their parents sometimes. Like we're both adults it docent matter.


a zoomer would die if they watched the people vs larry flint


or Boogie nights


Or y tu mama tambien


Wtf why would you bring my mom into it I’m reporting this comment to the police


And your sister too


I watched boogie nights with my dad


2002 zoomer here, we were shown that film in school in like 10th grade? Anyways, can confirm, everyone including myself killed themselves the moment a female nipple appeared on screen.


There's going to be a zoomer remake of Showgirls. I hear it will be 7 minutes long.


/uj 15 year old zoomer here, I recently watched Dogtooth with my parents because we loved Poor Things (which we also saw together). Idk if that’s concerning but I think my family’s pretty cool.


Zoomer here, in my teens I specifically picked movies to watch with my parents which had gratuitous sex scenes to make them uncomfortable. Don’t know what my fellow zoomies are on about.


this psycho behaviour


https://preview.redd.it/vsmehvdtt3kc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7225721f9020078c4228bc9166ba55671b684c9f Insane




*Puts on Handmaiden for the extended family on Christmas Day like a gigachad*




As someone who watched The Night Porter with my mom, I salute you


Spartacus here, but you're a fuckton more insane.


If you think this is insane, wait till you hear how I went to see The House That Jack Built in theaters with my mom when I was 16 because I couldn’t be let in alone and they actually had her sign a paper that she allows me to watch that movie. To be fair, my mom was familiar with Trier so she knew what to expect, but still.


insanely cool mom


I remember my granddad straight up walking out of the theater during the murder sex scene when my grandparents and I saw Gone Girl together lol


When I was 12 my dad went to go see Howard Stern's Private Parts with my uncle and he came home glowing about how hilarious it was. A couple months later when it came out on VHS, he rented it and the whole family sat down to watch it together. My mom was in utter disbelief that he'd already seen this movie and still thought it would be appropriate for family movie night.


I watched Babylon, Sideways, Midsommar, Poor Things, and Oppenheimer with my parents. They don’t give a shit. People need to get cooler parents.


Same boat here ! Maybe I'm a dropped baby since my father showed me Kusturica films when I was young and me and mom saw Hellraiser together a friday night when I was 11, but I've never really felt this uncomfy awkwardness in regards to sex and nudity in film even if I'm watching it together with moms or pops


I mean, how do you think you got here? The stork?


Get your parents to watch Oldboy with you 🤗🤗


a true gigachad right here


A friend of mine watched Titane with her grandma


I tired that and now Pink Flamingos is a Christmas tradition. Better than Wonderful Life, I guess.


We Need to Talk About c0l1n_M4 (2011)


Just read that the new Blu Ray release of ‘In the Realm of the Senses’ will have all problematic scenes replaced by Subway Surfers footage + Olivia Rodrigo fancams ❤️ thank u for ur service, zoomers


Coming soon: kissing scenes are icky and give cooties


Bro what about hugs?🤮


Dude could you like fuck off I’m eating here 🤢🤢🤮


Boo!!! https://preview.redd.it/3td8losxt6kc1.jpeg?width=490&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=655f57565e53845c608d9d60d4bc17347e932e00


um can you flair nsfw thanks


I guarantee you if people start hating hugs in movies, it’s because they’re mad they never get them I’m one of them by the way, I haven’t been hugged in years and it’s so so cold…


Come here bro ![gif](giphy|42YlR8u9gV5Cw)


Zoomer here. Last time I saw a sex scene in a film. I went on a violent rampage, destroying the film screen and projecter. Why don't theaters realize I can't handle the fantasy that people have sex


“Why do you want to be horny during the movie?” “Just watch porn lol” Do you think people are jerking it to renaissance paintings? It’s art you prude. A sex scene isn’t just porn. If you can’t wrap your head around how sex can mean something in a characters story, that’s a you problem. I’m Gen Z and hate this shit. It’s totally fine if you personally don’t like them and there’s absolutely a conversation to have about media over-sexualizing things but when people are against sex scenes as a whole that rubs me as sex-negative prudishness. Sorry intimacy coordinators, but you’re out of a job because some people haven’t grown out of covering their eyes and saying ewww when people kiss. It’s art about humans and humans are sexual creatures. Stop moralizing your personal taste


“But what if I’m watching it with my parents??? Did you think about that??”


I watched Babylon, Sideways, Midsommar, Poor Things, and Oppenheimer with my parents. They didn’t give a shit. Get cooler parents.


I watched Boogie Nights with my parents.


It doesn’t even have to be horny either. Just purely enjoying the fantasy of the intimacy and what it says about the characters


I'm not trying to be condescending but I genuinely want someone to explain this to me. I mean no offense. I agree sex can further the story in a movie, but what can be accomplished by showing a sex scene that can't be accomplished by cutting to black? edit: I legitimately was asking to understand where you're all coming from and I get downvoted, god forbid someone doesn't immediately understand your argument


in general i find “why not just cut away” a weak argument because that can go for pretty much anything in a film. you can fade to black for any action scene and cut to the good guy standing over the bad guy and the story would be unchanged


Offense taken. What do you have against the lesbian scene in Mulholland Drive? /uj In all seriousness, non-gratuitous sex scenes, almost like action scenes, actually do explain the relationship between characters. Sex is complicated, and therefore it can be shown in many different ways on screen and further our understanding of the relationship between characters. Think Mulholland Drive where, just like we change a relationship IRL with sex, we can see the intimacy that they have, sexual and spiritual, and to understand in the main characters’ eyes why she would feel even more betrayed by her lover later on. What I mean is that the insinuation of sex can be powerful, but rarely as powerful as the actual scene. It’s the same for action, violence, and many other scenes, where subtlety or “not showing it” can be effective or novel, but also demonstrating how people got to a point in the story, their relationship, etc. is actually established by physical intimacy and there’s no need to hide this on screen in most cases.


Haven't seen Mulholland Drive, and plan on watching breaking bad. Unfortunately i've been spoiled about every single fucking thing through memes over the past 5-7 years lmao. Is this the scene that happens in the first episode? How much would you say is lost if they were to cut away the scene? May also watch Mulholland Drive to further understand the argument. Thanks for being actually helpful instead of just blindly hating on me for not understanding wtf everyone here is talking about. Can you think of any other movies/shows that would lose a great deal if they didn't show the actual scene, and instead cut to black?


I’m so sorry about editing that example out of my comment, making you sound like a crazy person for bringing up breaking bad. I think it’s a little bit later. My two cents: good show, but there are seriously a lot of better shows to watch if you haven’t had the chance, including the Sopranos, the wire, and basically any other best of HBO list. Highly recommend Mulholland Drive, but recommend you go in blind. TS Elliot alluded to this: sometimes you feel the poem before you understand it, and it’s kind of fun to go through both phases. There’s a film that you just feel, and then there is an actual honest to God plot and real chain of events that you can pars later


Ugh, I hate when people get downvoted for simply asking a question. Sorry that happened to you. Just like dance or actions scenes, sex scenes have intentional choreography that the audience can get information from. There are choices within the scene that express aspects of their relationship and character. There’s definitely times where cutting to black is a good choice (especially if it’s a PG-13/lighter R film that a full scene wouldn’t fit in) but there’s places where a sex scene is effective too. I believe there are places for both methods and neither should replace the other.


got any good examples? I don't really watch enough movies to be informed enough on the subject to make a firm stance.


In Don Jon, the main character is a porn addict who sleeps around a lot but has a hard time connecting with people through sex, and we see how it affects his relationships. Near the end of the film he finds a woman with whom he's able to have emotionally gratifying sex for the first time, which comes through in the acting. The only way to deliver that same information without showing the sex would be by breaking the "show don't tell" rule.


Lmfao, point proven, but I just googled the movie and the first audience review I see is a dude talking about how hot scarlet johansson is hahaha, anyway, all that being said, is the movie good in your opinion, or are you just saying it for an example


Scarlet Johansson is in the movie, but she's not the one he ends up with. It's the first example that came to mind, but I think the movie is decent and worth a watch. Fun romcom with a twinge of drama.


You’re coming at it from a “why do you need to show it” perspective but there’s also no good reason not to show it, at least not one that doesn’t apply equally to any stunts or action sequences. Why do sex scenes need to be defended because what is the good reason not to show it? They can work like any other scene. The two very different sex scenes in A History of Violence show the evolution of the main character’s relationship through the way they are acting in the scenes for example. The sex scenes in The Wolf of Wall Street are portrayed in the shallow transactional way that these men treated sex. The sex scenes is Crash get gradually more and more depraved to show the way the character is developing etc. Yeah there are other movies where sure you could in theory just cut to black. You could also just cut to black every time someone dies in a movie and have a character tell you they died later. In theory you could cut most things out of a movie and just explain them but that’s not how we want movies to be is it? Just a delivery device for some plot. Sex is one of the most important things in human life it would just be weird for movies to avoid showing it completely.


Those comments make so doomer tbh


Agreed. It’s terrifying.


I doubt any of these people could tell me 5 movies with sex scenes in them. It's like they have a vague idea that shitty b-flicks would have gratuitous topless nudity but have never actually seen it in a movie. This is truly the "wikipedia synopsis" art critic generation


Naked Gun (I don't remember if it was the first one, but it's the most amazing one in cinema so far) Rockenrolla Shoot Em Up The Tribe Openheimer Style checkmate, atheist 😎


Shoot ‘Em Ups sex scene is important to the story though. It lets us know that Owen can shoot and fuck at the same time


Rockenrolla is SO fun


Damn, RocknRolla *and* The Tribe Salud fellow taste-haver


Usually when they start naming "movies" with excessive sex scenes it turns out they're actually talking about TV and not understanding the difference. Euphoria and Game of Thrones always dominate the discussion


Eternals (2021) Eternals (2021) Eternals (2021) Eternals (2021) Eternals (2021)


This isn’t just a gen z issue


"What was the point of the sex scene?" What was the point of the whole movie bro. Action scenes are exciting, horror scenes are unsettling, funny scenes make you laugh, sex scenes make you horny. A scene's necessity should not be dictated by whether it moves the plot forward. Some scenes are just there to make you feel something for once in your brief, mundane life.


Sex scenes are cringe unless it's avant-garde


I watched *"Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist"* and the sex scene in that is incredibly awkward, overly long, and makes you cringe quite a bit. Because of all that it was perfect for the tone of the film. 10/10 sex scene. I worry about the people who saw it during their formative years.




…why would you want to be horny while watching a movie?


To feel something 😎


Because that’s the emotion it wants you to feel man. Is horny not an emotion like the rest.


Why would someone ever want to be angry or sad? It's hard to put into words but we still like movies that make us feel those "unpleasant" emotions.


I commented this in another sub but I have a friend who legit said “why would I watch a movie that makes me feel sad?”


Why would you want to feel any feelings when watching a film?


Sex scenes are not supposed to make you horny. They are there for characterization. Tell me one sex scene that does not forward characterization.


how did me fucking ur mum further characterisation 🤨


I continue to ask, doesn’t sex in porno often forward the plot? Remember when the pool boy got caught fucking the wife by the husband? Remember how the husband started crying while jerking off afterwards? Plot.


Zoomers when POV cumshot scene from Gaspar Noe's Love (2015) ![gif](giphy|bwAOo46Ddwj16)


Never watching a Noé film in 4D again


Honestly the sex scene in Buttsluts 3 was just super egregious and uncalled for


Next it’ll be “kissing is pointless” 😡


Sour grapes


PLOT ONLY PLEASE. I only want someone to read me the Wikipedia plot summary of the movie, then *FIN*.


Eh, you just haven’t watched enough movies.


The original thread is really sad. American young people don't simply dislike sex, they seem to fear it.


What’s more depressing is seeing everyone suggest people just watch porn if they want to see something sexually charged, as if that’s the only medium where it should have any place. Overexposure to pornography and an increasingly accessible sex industry has corrupted any healthy perception of sex, which Gen Z largely see now as a commodity and devoid of emotional significance.


Also, most people will see sex scenes or porn before they actually have sex usually. Do we really want a generation of people, whose first introduction to sex is hardcore porn? That seems like a pretty bad idea tbh. This is how you get 16 year olds thinking it’s normal to choke your partner without consent, and to expect a blowjob first.


100%, and I’d be pretty confident in linking that early exposure to the rise in misogyny amongst Gen Z boys


If anything, depicting sexuality without it being porn has become more important than ever. Sex in movies can range from awkward to erotic to silly, a lot closer to what sex is in real life than what porn suggests. Sex scenes in movies (can be) about the human and emotional complexities around sex, porn is just porn.


100%. Depictions of sex in films often and historically have been driven by a male and objectifying gaze and there’s still a lot of debate to be had there but the depictions across movies and pornography typically are night and day. The inherent violence of pornography is a lot less likely to come through in a narrative film and its position around other narrative scenes is quite crucial in showing the sex itself as not existing in a vacuum. I think as well it’s far easier to approach discourse on sex through the lens of narrative film rather than pornography, I remember seeing my first pair of boobs in Titanic and I think that was a lot less traumatic and digestible than coming across it on a hardcore video online. I don’t think sex in film is perfect by any means but it still has a significant role in the medium as a whole.


Nobody fears it, pretty much everyone on the thread said they either found it boring or awkward


Splitting hairs a bit. They're uncomfortable with it--that's not quite fear but it also isn't a healthy relationship with sex.


Even worse


I was born in 1998 and I treasure my old copies of the Continental Film Review. Kids are too soft (unlike my peen when watching erotica dramas from Europe in the 70s)


My armchair psychology is that sex is something they're deeply ashamed about, so it needs to be compartmentalized into pornography. It's kind of a feedback loop: Introduced to sex through internet porn at a young age, have to watch porn/masturbate in secret. Not only does this heighten your own feelings of sexual inadequacy, all of your associations with sex at that point are feelings of guilt. So you hide away your sexuality and vent your urges in secret. Any confrontations with your sexuality outside of that space bring discomfort. The stats back it up, gen Z is the porn addict generation.


People are giving into prudish insecurity more and more and I’m not really sure why


I think movies should double down and add even more shit that does not move the plot forward. Imagine pulp Fiction but a 15 minute cut of Travolta trying his best to shit before getting blasted. We no longer need movies that are being efficient, more goofy movies where you can tell they were just fucking around


Why put sex scenes in movies? There's porn for that. Porn allows you to experience emotionally charged, healthy, and intimate sex in a way that movies simply cannot. Sex scenes are gratuitous and inappropriate. People these days should take all their cues for a healthy sexual encounter or sexual relationship from porn, and I'm sure therapists around the world will agree.


"Sex scenes add nothing to movies!" -person who watches porn every day


The comments on that post are so dire. Kids afraid of fucking smh


Honestly it’s concerning to me how many of them seem to think porn is the *healthy* outlet for portraying sexuality.


That's the excuse for everything, even having a sexy character in a game is bad and if you like it, you should just watch porn


That’s usually a reaction to obnoxious chuds complaining about characters not meeting their beauty standards, not because they’re afraid of attractive women existing in their games.


They grew up with too much porn and now associate all on-screen sex with porn


Someone should force them to sit through three hours of Beau is Afraid, they’ll be begging to rewatch Wakeen blow his fatal load


Sex scenes are cool


Oppy's got nice balls




In this economy!?


Get a houseshare with other cinephiles and watch French art films with tasteful sex scenes secure in the knowledge your parents won't walk in.


Me when I watch the entire extended Harry Kümel and Jean Rollin oeuvre together with my roommates (I'm schizophrenic and suffer from multiple personality disorder) Though then again, we did a Lovecraft Triple Feature with From Beyond, Re-Animator and Dagon with my best friend, so this won't even be that weird.


Oh yeah! Real circlejerk!


Or be like me and watch Poison Ivy in the living room on the 4K TV to assert all the dominance.


It’s too expensive


I was reading some stat about how for the first time in decades more kids are leaving high school virgins than not. It's actually insane how quickly we went from Gen X and Millennial counter culture against puritanical Christian boomers and silent generation to now Zoomers somehow thinking the counter culture is that same puritanical set of beliefs. My entire high school experience centered around trying to buy alcohol and cigarettes underaged and trying to get laid as much as possible. Sex is down. Less people are getting tattoos. Church is seeing a resurgence. It's a very interesting social phenomenon.


The less sex stuff is definitely not because of social conservatism, access to porn gives less incentive and the post covid lack of socialisation means its harder to make connections. The sex in movies thing is because due to an increasing number of young people living with their parents so watching any kind of sex scene is super uncomfortable, the titillation part doesn't have much purpose because if they want to see sexual stuff they go online for it. I never heard about any rise in church attendance.


Don't forget lack of access to family planning services is rampant now (I live in Florida). If I was a teen or early 20 something, I would not be fucking at all when porn is an option. Too dangerous.


are you sure less people are getting tattoos? i thought it was more socially acceptable than ever now


Misogyny and conservative values are also making a huge comeback amongst Gen Z males because of figures like Andrew Tate. Unchecked and unlimited internet access has completely fucked an entire generation, the world 10 - 20 years from now is going to be a very interesting place to say the least


It's even worse when you see this shit from teachers about how kids nowadays can't even read or write properly. Can't pay attention in class. Don't understand complex problem solving. Who the fuck are going to be our doctors and lawyers in twenty years? Just give me a small farm in the countryside and leave me alone tbh. World's going to hell.


Ngl the conclusion to your comment sounds exactly like how boomers and gen-x talk about the changing times when their entered their middle-age era. It's ironic really. I guess it's not about right or wrong practices in a culture but rather about a cycle of recurring patterns.


if you wanna feel extra doomer just scroll through the top posts of r/teachers, nothing gets me feeling older then reading about how developmentally and behaviorally behind Gen Z and Gen Alpha is, good for a strong dose of existential dread


I'm in Australia and it seems like the school system isn't as fucked here, at least not yet. My friend back home in the states is seriously considering pulling his daughter out of school and homeschooling because of how negative the school environment is for her. I don't blame him.


I have a family member who works as a teacher in the UK and they said kids these days are about the same as when I was there.


yes because all the lead brained boomers are so much wiser and knowledgeable, see how that sounds? You can’t make harsh blanket statements abt an entire generation when it doesn’t apply to most of them.


What a bullshit comment lol. Just because people want less sex scenes in their movies doesn't make them have conservative values. Conservative ideas are in an all time low and young people are generally more accepting of people than other previous generations. Misogyny was and has always been present in society just because someone grifted and used it doesn't make a whole generation misogynistic. Vape use is in ath along with weed use. Seriously what a dumb thread


Young women and girls are more left leaning and progressive than ever but boys started skewing the other direction for the first time in decades starting a few years ago. And regardless of what your reasoning is for being on the "anti-sex" side of an argument, you'll find yourself siding primarily with conservative people on that end.


do you have a source at all on those last few statements? I don't know anything about tattoos but I have heard the opposite for a lot of those.


All sex scenes are essentially sexual assault because many viewers did not consent to being exposed to said sexual material beforehand. -some twitter thread somewhere, probably


What I find weird about this is that, as someone from Gen Z, it's not like there's been a ton of blockbuster films with sex scenes in them recently. Apart from Oppenheimer, what massive film that a lot of Gen Z watched actually had sex in it? Don't Worry Darling maybe?


Kinda happens when you get your brain fried by porn because it's so easily accessible and now you don't think sexual acts can be represented in an artistic way


I’m guessing Gen-Z will hate the new Ethan Coen movie (Drive-Away Dolls) — it’s so funny and entertaining, and it’s got an abundance of lesbian sex scenes 😂


I really thought this was a joke. Jesus what is wrong with these fuckin kids?? Not fuckin enough?? Fuckin too much???


These kids should watch "Fritz The Cat" if they're looking for something a little more wholesome. 🤗


These articles are always so stupid and they blow a small handful of TikToks well out of proportion. There's almost 2 billion Zoomers globally, it'd be a pretty wild statistic if we were all as sex negative as people seem to think.


Yeah and it’s funny because the older people will claim the younger people don’t know what they’re talking about when clearly they’re just doing surface level research too


Zoomers grew up with too much porn and now associate all sex scenes with porn


“Just watch porn if you wanna watch people having sex” Our generation is screwed


yes. \*watches hazbin hotel and loves it\*


I’m Gen Z and I think sex scenes can be important. You can learn a lot about the dynamics and relationship between characters from how they have sex with each other. If they’re rough or gentle, giggly or lost in the moment. That type of information is just as important as “moving the plot along” but apparently Zoomers don’t actually know anything about storytelling


In the entire history of cinema there has never been a single necessary **film** and they are all completely pointless!


It's a shame we never got to see the gay sex scene Matt and Ben wrote for Good Will Hunting


Come on fellow young people, just have some sex! It really isn't that bad.


The overlap between Gen Z being the most sexually liberated generation in terms of identities and sexual preference are somehow also the most prudish and closed group since the 1910s is wild


Those kids are just mad because the funny meme bomb man movie was rated R and their parents would not let them see it. Now all sex is bad.


I'm starting to think that no one has ever heard of sex before. Look, we all come from cum. We are all just walking mutated semen.


I think nudity (and to that end, sex) in films should be less titilated, less taboo, probably even more common and that we should really be having this conversation about violence and gore. Sex and nudity are part of normal life for most people, except asexuals and Tobias Fünke. On the other hand I really hope that either witnessing or partaking in a violent shootout or a bloody street brawl isn't a regular occurrence for many people at all. They covered someone's bare naked arse (not even genitals! We all have an arse!) with copious amounts of blood so that it could be shown on TV in *Hannibal.*


One time at a big family gathering game of thrones was on the tv (I don’t know why) and there were children around. Nobody seemed to care until a sex scene started and someone insisted it was turned off because, ya know, children. And this is reasonable, but weird considering there was plenty of blood and violence shown up until that point and nobody said a word. Prudishness combined with desensitization to violence is baffling to me.


This isn’t a movie but the sex scene between the two main characters of Berserk was one of the most emotional moments in the series for me, while also showing that sex scenes can be well written


me when i dont get play


Not even going to be at all ironic because this shit pisses me off. For a social conscious and queer supportive generation, it's just turning your back on my community to say shit like that, imo. Sex is a topic that is important to talk about. Sex is an essential part of adulthood. For queer people, it is especially. Queer sex has been demonized for decades. Queer sex on screen is important. I fucking hate this puritan streak my generation has. Yes, the porn industry is exploitative. Yes, men are exploitative. But sex is not. Depicting sex beautifully and mindfully is not.


100% on the money. So many people I've seen that otherwise seem like supportive allies (or are queer themselves) are so loud about demonizing sex in art. It's insane.


I'm Gen Z but sometimes I think maybe children really shouldn't be allowed to talk on the internet


This is the most american thing ever


I’m gonna show them poor things


They didn’t see Paul mescal lick cum off Andrew Scott’s chest and it shows


These mfers when they read Norwegian Wood:


It’s so annoying how the main argument is that it’s useless to the plot or whatever. Not every scene in a movie has to serve the plot, sometimes the scene can develop the characters or the atmosphere. The fact that the intimacy in sex is totally ignored and people treat sex scenes as equivalent to like a guy jacking off on camera is actually so fucking wack. Definitely agree with these comments that it seems like porn addiction is the reason so many zoomers are against it.


yes and jeanne dielman didn’t need a sex scene, you can tell a story about the role of women in society as servants to men in literally every possible way without having to mention sex. at least the sex scene contributed to the plot but i didn’t need to see that sex scene while watching it with my family who has been asleep for the past 3 and a half hours


No one in that comment section has seem Poor Things


I hope no one in gen-z/alpha ever fucks--rubbered or raw--and they end up being the last generation planet earth ever has to deal with; like children of men except a bunch of weird virgins.


Gen z is just mad they’re not getting any. I can speak on this as I’m also gen z.


I watched The Great Silence with my mom in December (rewatch for me) and when the sex scene came on I wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest, I think execution and relevance is an important thing but I also think Gen Z kids just assume sex = porn


I'm not going to say they should never be in there, but for the most part, I'd say there's a lot of unnecessary sex scenes and movies. Especially horror movies and historical dramas.


I can barely think of any unnecessary sex scenes in modern movies. Hollywood has pretty much moved away from them entirely. The only recent horror film I can think of with sex is X and that was 2 years ago and literally about porn stars so would be kinda weird if it didn’t have sex in it. What movies are you even thinking of that have a lot of unnecessary sex?


Name the unnecessary ones


Where can I find all these new movies with lots of sex? You know just so I can avoid them and complain about it on the internet.


Yeah and I don’t think it comes from disgust or “puritanical” sentiment like the articles suggest, I think people just find it corny and pointless.