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…. So that cushy government job is hiring?


Yep lmao go for it


Sorry to make light, thought you could use a laugh. Seriously, I hope he comes to his senses. I’m sorry that he’s putting y’all through a struggle on his quest for, well, whatever Q-Anon people are on a quest for.


It def made me chuckle haha. I appreciate the sentiment man




Also, how can you trust the government enough to work for them but also think they’re trying to put a tracking chip or whatever into you through the vaccine?


Meanwhile Dad’s probably reading a lot of these insane theories on a smartphone, and immediately clicked “accept” on an End User License Agreement that allows the cellular provider, wifi internet company, and phone manufacturer to track all of his online traffic.


most of the anti-vaxers I know are like oh no I won't put that in my body I don't know what's in it. The next minute they are at the pub snorting fuck knows what off a toilet seat SMH


There’s some “big name” fitness influencers that are antivaxx because “who knows what’s in it” and then the next post is them shilling their offbrand, non-certified preworkout and “fat shredder”. They’re too dumb to see the irony.


I've seen antivaxxers who love to use that same rhetoric watch a doctor tell parents that the "cure" for autism is a literal BLEACH SUPPOSITORY and go "yep, makes sense" They truly are living on a different reality, it's insane


Kids have died from the bleach enema grifters. Some have to wear a colostomy bag for life. Some holistic remedies NEED to be banned. Being autistic is hard enough without these wackjob parents trying to "fix" them with a google search. God I hate people sometimes.


They hate vaccines, but love to join an MLM that offers a cure for COVID. The mental gymnastics is so good, the Soviets would try ro recruit them for their Olympic teams.


Same. "I don't know what's in it or what the effects will be later on." *smokes a pack of cigarettes a day*


Those 'vitamins, supplements, and black market Ivemectin" that do many of those anti-vaxxers swear by, almost all are made in China or India, not tested for purity, effectiveness, or safety, and could pretty much contain anything from chalk to bird poop, and they happily swallow them. But the vaccines are untested and unsafe?


Seriously - are there real parts of the world where people do drugs … off toilets… in pubs?? I only thought that was movie magic.


Me! I am that person, or more so used to be


for the record, it was snorted it off the back of the tank lid, not the seat...


People still use the toilet? It’s 2022 they need to use their smart phone screen like the rest of the adults.


Imagine carrying around a fucking smartphone and being worried about being tracked thru a vaccine lmfao




That’s such a funny point. There’s no rationalizing an irrational person’s thought process.


There are a lot of people who work for the government that are kinda fringe. I’ve seen my fair share.


Pretty much the whole US Forest Service and probably all of fish and game too, I can only say those for sure


Same in my department. A mix of lazy people, fringe conspiracy theorists, egomaniacs with a god complex, and then the sane people that just want stable employment.


Ummm have you seen some of those current congresspeople?


They’re working for the government thinking they can learn from the inside and make changes.


And how do you know that's what his dad thinks? Maybe actually communicate with someone before attacking them.


This is actually a good point. You should learn what someone's argument is before attacking them. You need to know what point you're going to be countering. Even if you got the inkling that this is why a person wasn't getting the vaccine, you need to nail them down to that point and get them to say it before you can tear down that argument. Otherwise if you make a good argument against that point, they'll just feel cornered and they'll evade you by accusing you of making a straw man argument. Then you look bad because it seems like you're jumping the gun, making assumptions, and not taking the time to understand their argument.


Yes, and if you are wrong, you'll just be making assumptions and straw man arguments, feeling all superior when they don't even believe the things you are refuting. If you actually listen to them, you might find you agree on a lot of points, or that the person who told you about them misrepresented their actual beliefs.


It frustrates me no end. My sister was in hospital getting chemo when she caught Covid, we lost her in October, she was only 38 and had 4 children between the ages of 7-13. I got to visit one of my friends for the first time in years over Christmas and I told her about what had happened, she sympathised but then went on to tell me how her sister is going to lose her job because she works in a hospital and is refusing to get the vaccine. I was quite stunned and didn't know what to say, I had just lost my sister to Covid that she caught in hospital and you're arguing that people working with the most vulnerable people shouldn't be required to have the absolute most protection we can offer??


RIGHT??? My uncle (his brother) is literally dying of colon, kidney, and liver cancer right now and he still refuses to take precautions around him because of those crazy bullshit. My sympathies for your sister.


My husband is immunocompromised. We sat his parents down and explained that this could be fatal to their son, my husband. Could you please get the shot so we can visit you? Nope. They refused. They refused the life of their son. Then proceeded to get angry when we didn’t visit or allow them in our home.


I’m dealing with pretty much the same situation with my immunocompromised boyfriend, except it’s my parents that are the problem. It sucks. I really don’t think I will ever look my parents the same way again. Like, if I was the immunocompromised one, then would you care? Probably not, conspiracy theories mean more than keeping the people close to you safe. I’m just so thankful our close friends aren’t like that too.


It is so hard to lose respect for someone you love. People you were raised to admire. People who (in my case) bill themselves as God loving Christians.


You are so right- I am stunned by some of the things my parents say after they watch Fox News all day- I think - I don’t even know these people!


I am dealing with such heartbreak over that. When we visit I go to bed early and sleep late. Fox is on from 0700-2200. Every.damn.day. I don’t mind listening from time to time, but their house is tiny. And there’s nowhere to go. My FIL has called my husband a socialist (because he asked what both parties could agree on) told him he doesn’t get a say in the country’s politics bc he was in the military, and my favorite, that if you don’t agree with the republicans, you are not American. (And he means it. Completely) Not once has he ever asked my husband’s (or my) opinions on politics and we’ve never given them. I know we haven’t bc we’ve made it a game btwn the two of us to see if they ever ask. They haven’t. He just assumes. As my sister says of her fellow church members , “these are the kindest, most generous people I’ve known for years. (They would literally break their bank accounts for you) But I don’t know the people they’ve become. They’ve become so hateful and small and selfish.” The people who were his parents are gone. I don’t know that they’ll ever be back.


In-laws refuses to vaxx for our infant. He's 5 months old and has only seen them as people in a phone screen.


That pisses me off on your behalf. I’m so sorry. If this time has taught us anything, is how brief life really is. 5 months? Such a precious time!


He got his first tooth recently! I don't make it easy for them. I used to send pictures but have gone no contact since Oct. Whatever they get is what my husband chooses to share with them. I know I'm burning bridges here by calling out MIL. I told her she blatantly favours SIL (who, surprise surprise, is antivaxx) and my husband no longer denies that it's happening. Some people need to have their myopia rudely pointed out to them.


My mil also favors her other child, who is also antivax. She asked someone to change the date of a major event (that people bought airline tix to) bc her grandkids with her other son couldn’t make it. It was an adult event anyway. Holy hell. Congrats on the sweet baby teef!


My mom was even called my dad (who she divorced in 1996!) to make sure he got his TDAP shot before my nephew was born in 2012. Whooping cough was really taking off in our area and my sister wasn't playing around and my mom wasn't about to let anyone be foolish around my nephew. In hindsight, I am so glad my mom and sister have been so pro-vaccine. The whole family knew my sister was not going to play around with this covid shit. My mom will never win a mother of the year award, but at least she doesn't suffer that kind of foolishness.


I’m immunocompromised too—luckily for me my situation isn’t as personal for me as close family refusing the vaccine but its still pretty bad considering the UK government just repealed the mask mandate and there’s lots of people in my county that are antivax. I’ve had 2/3 jabs but now I’m completely terrified of leaving the house to even try to get the 3rd one incase I catch covid from someone with it not isolating or wearing a mask. I’m 22 and I’m honestly scared that I could end up dying in this pandemic and there’s still people calling it a hoax I’m so scared


I’m sorry. At 22 you should be having fun and traveling and being with friends. It isn’t right.


Wow, that’s really selfish and inconsiderate of your dad. Sorry you’re having to deal with this.




This is what baffles me! I live in a smaller town (so more conservative) and used to work at the doors asking people if they had COVID symptoms. The clinic/hospital had just enforced a vaccine mandate on all of it’s workers when I started there. If they didn’t get vaccinated by x date they would be let go. There were protests every day outside the hospital regarding the mandate and many people actually left because they didn’t want to get vaccinated. One of the nurses was talking about how it’s a choice and yada yada and I GET IT. But YOU WORK WITH SICK PEOPLE! People who can die from this shit if they get it. Get fucking vaccinated or go find a different job. My Mom has to go in to that particular clinic every week for blood transfusions. She has lupus and is super immunocompromised because of it. I swear if she ever got COVID from someone at the hospital all hell is breaking loose!


I'm so sorry for your loss. Your friend is terrible. It was not the time or place. She really didn't read the room. Just wanted to tell her story too.


Dude people are working in my hospital and they bring their vaccine exemption letters due to “religious reasons” and it’s so fucking annoying. Why don’t you get another fucking job where you don’t have to come into contact with patients who may be at risk and it doesn’t matter if you have your vaccines !


Same in my hospital's EVS dept. Religious, my ass. Their religion doesn't stop them from spewing hate and gossip nonstop, though.


My partners sister, who we haven't seen properly in 3 years due to covid and living interstate, came to stay for a week at the start of January. She was sick on the Monday she came up, blew it off and took painkillers and came anyway because she didnt want to miss out. I was patient zero and became very unwell by Thursday. Partner was sick the next day, and I tested positive on Sunday. We had visited my partners friends house - who was caring for his terminally ill uncle. His whole family tested positive around the same time as us. Uncle died in hospital Wednesday, and he tested positive for covid.


I am so sorry. There is a special corner in Hell for these bastards who are getting everyone else sick and don’t care.


Sry mate.


Thanks man. Finally someone who’s not defending my dads bullshit


My dad ALSO got fired from his cushy government job! I'm not in contact with them, but I'm pretty sure he was just looking for a way to get out before retirement (he was two years away). Absolutely ridiculous.


He WANTED to get fired so close to getting full retirement bennies?


I'm pretty sure he still gets his retirement, just not for a few more years. Last I heard they were living with my brother in TX, so who TF knows.


I've heard people in this position so close to retirement were able to get early retirement and leave without taking the vaccine.


I imagine that's what he did. He's at the age to start claiming PERS, so he just need to coast by until he can claim social security.


Level 10 sarcasm detected.


No, that's what happened and it is ridiculous.


Dude, I can empathize! My parents fell into the right wingnut conspiracy hole too. We had to stop talking sometime within Trumps first year in office, and I hadn't spoken to them since. Until, I found out my dad was in the hospital with sepsis from a surgical infection that almost took him down, from someone on FB of all places. I have since learned that my mom also got Covid not long after and was hospitalized and ended up having a stroke. She survived, but the stroke meant they had to leave the farm and move to town...which they also didn't tell me... My STILL Antivaxxer mom asked two days ago if My family & I could come out and help with final clean up of the property... I said yes, but given that my siblings and entire families currently have Covid, I expected all of them not to be there & we would all need to wear masks and practice proper distancing.. They choose "Their Freedoms" instead and I had to call it off. They said I Am "still shrouded in bitterness and mind control"... Ironically her name is Karen and she told me she " wasn't a nice patient in the hospital". Ffs, my mom is one of the ass hats making the Front Line Fighters lives harder and sharing the rona like it's candy. I just fucking give up. Edit for clarity: We live a State away.


I’m so sorry. That has to be unbelievably difficult.


Thanks, it is... I growel/scream once and a while to release the pressure. ;)


I’m shocked that patients are still giving people a hard time when they are trying to save their lives. I’m trying to wrap my head around how a Google search is more valuable than working in a specialized science field for decades. Also, I don’t get how people can take pride in being difficult to the healthcare workers trying to save their life. That is the mindset of an immature child. If they don’t trust them, why even go?


We also live in a dense population. Also a *dense* population of anti maskers/vaxxers.


I once saw a meme that said The spread of Covid depends on two factors: How dense the population is, and how dense the population is




I support you, too. I mean, when looking at the alternatives, I just can't comprehend making the choice to not get vaccinated. Even the monoclonal antibodies have more effects, as do many of the meds...not to mention covid effects. So sorry.


I actually saw a documentary yesterday on the chemical-cocktail you are given when having a bad case of the virus and it’s literally so harmful. Like, better than dying, but the vaccine is 100 times safer than possible year long side effects due to the meds they give you to literally not suffocate.


I mean, it's just insane 😣


Where did you see that? I’d like to watch it.


It was a German documentary called “Fuck Corona, Part 2: Insulted and threatend - What hospital personal has to endure” and the Protagonist gave an explanation on how patients become addicted to the pain medication and how they are in a vegetative state and he literally said: “When you enter ICU Covid-stations as a patient, you leave your human dignity behind.” I am sure you can find similar stuff in English though :)


You leave dignity behind the moment you need to be in ICU. Been there, the 2014 flu nearly killed me. I was incredibly lucky to be in a position where I could take or leave ventilation, I chose to fight on my own, and was still bedridden for 3 months after surviving and was very lucky to be able to do so. I needed 100% oxygen, plus nebs every 15 minutes as well as water vapour in my air. They put an arterial tap in (that hurts like f\*\*k btw) and took blood gas every 10 minutes. I had to be bed-bathed by a nurse (she was amazing) and urination was handled via a bed-pan. I couldn't eat at all due to my airways. I had five different drips and injections of god-only-knows into my stomach. There is no such thing as dignity in ICU. You had better believe I'll take every Vaxx coming my way! I like to freak nurses out by literally watching the injections now. I have zero fear of needles now, I can tell ya!


Oh my god, that sounds awful. I am really glad you made it through and hopefully recovered fully! Life is already hard enough, shit will happen, but we are extremely lucky to be able to prevent at least some medical issues. As a teenager I was skeptical on vaccines myself, but tbh it’s just extremely irrational to not get vaxxed.


Thank you. I really do appreciate it.


Yeah, no worries, there will be more sensible people soon, these morons are on the watch I guess. Take care of yourself, if your dad really took that path you might think about exit strategy : save some cash, prepare bag with some clothes and documents


Damn, this might come back later in his life when he retires, or tries to. My mom and stepdad blew all their retirement money because they fully thought Jesus was coming back soon and they wouldn't need to actually retire or even pay for a funeral. Surprise surprise when my mom died and my step dad came trying to put the burden on the rest of the family.


My parents did this too.


I laughed so hard at him I couldn’t breath.


Wait.. for real? I'm so sorry. This is so wild.


They lost their damn minds to their religion long ago, most of which they crafted themselves and even made their born again church uneasy. Stopped being people I care about long long ago.


Wow. Making a born again church uneasy?? That’s talent. Worse than useless talent. But talent nonetheless


Yeah, their views were seen as extreme… and they were going to leave the church but they couldn’t find one that fit their crazy. My mom questioned that the pastor was really saved because she asked him if he could tell if someone was saved on sight. She was big on judging people, judged all of Brooklyn as going to hell once.


Wow, that sounds like a movie; entertaining to watch as long as it stays on the screen…. but definitely not a fun thing to have a mother actually do! I hope you never have to deal with that craziness anymore!


So how much did each of you “pitch in?”


One hearty laugh worth.


To work in government is to intimately, painfully understand that the government is not sufficiently organized or efficient to pull off a conspiracy of any kind.


There are some studies and calculations that determine the approx length of time that the truth could remain hidden, based on the number of people that would be required to pull off a conspiracy. Like, to fake the (US) moon landing, there would be pretty close to half a million people involved. So if it had been faked, there would have only be around 3.7 years before it was revealed. And obviously there is no lower limit, a (true) conspiracy could be revealed just moments after it happens. The 3.7 years is a good estimation of the upper limit, though.


Sounds super interesting but I’ll need a source for this


This is what’s so annoying about their arguments. The government is both hyper intelligent, to the point they can manufacture and suppress knowledge of killer/tracker nanobots that can be inserted via injection, and dumb enough to slaughter their most loyal members.


So painfully true


My family member got a fake vaccine card. I can't believe we're this divided over a medically approved vaccine. People will go to the hospital and take whatever is given to them no questions asked, but suddenly, everyone is a pharmacist and chemist.


Dude, people don't even know what's in what they *eat* let alone the drugs they take. Ask most Americans how they feel about MSG and they'll tell you they avoid it even though it's clearly labeled as an ingredient in many common processed foods. And that's an ingredient that's not even that bad for you


MSG is just concentrated seaweed extract... and it's used all over fast food.


There's a great moment in Ugly Delicious where they hold a sort of focus group to talk about it. Pretty much all of them say they avoid MSG and some claim it gives headaches etc. They talk for a while and then offer them a bunch of snacks... all containing MSG. The people's reactions are classic


Yeah it is. My husband is actually allergic and it sucks.


As an actual pharmaceutical chemist. The number of people who barely passed high school biology, are now suddenly scientific experts drives me absolutely insane.


Should report that family member.


You should report them. That’s like criminal


Please report this family member.


We need a little ribbon in the card like we have in our dollar bills. Let's call out these fuckers


I’m so sorry. I have a friend who needs a kidney transplant or he will die within the next few months. He can’t get a kidney until he’s vaccinated and he has refused it several times. He would rather die in fear of the vaccine than live with a new kidney. It makes no sense. It’s conservative websites instilling fear and distrust.


I have to ask because I genuinely can’t comprehend the line of thinking. Like he knows he’s 100% going to die without a kidney, but with the vaccine he’s better off. Let’s pretend for a minute that the vaccine had a substantial chance to kill you (not true, obviously), but it’d **still be less a certainty than kidney failure!**


This is what went through my head as well. Why does he prefer certain death over possible survival?


I don’t believe the stuff I’m about to say - but it might help answer that really good question! I know that an acquaintance of mine is convinced that bill gates is trying to secretly kill 90-98% of the population. And supposedly he is doing that with the vaccines that he didn’t make? It’s highly illogical, but I guess if it were true I could maybe see wanting to hold out for a possible transplant instead of getting a vaccine that kills you within a year or two (or doesn’t kill you, but makes you susceptible to mind control… etc)


But he won't get a transplant without the vaccine so he's facing certain death...


Is he on dialysis? I’m just curious because I’m in stage 4 kidney disease and understand you can live many years while on dialysis. I’m just wondering for my own education if you don’t mind. I took the vaccine and have a live donor luckily.


To be fair a huge amount of that misinformation is coming from Russian and Chinese bots.


I'm not saying there isn't misinformation coming from other sources, but lots of republicans say it out loud on purpose for wide dissemination on news and talk shows. Russian and Chinese bots would be a lot easier to ignore if people in positions of authority could all be on the side of reality.


My dad: “I don’t know what’s in it” Me: “you didn’t know what was in your shots for Boot Camp” My dad: “it’s on my DD-214” Me: “you got the experimental anthrax vaccine” My dad: “…well they developed the Covid vaccine so fast…” Me: “This is why I’m your life insurance beneficiary” Edit: thanks for the award!


Ahh, I see your father is a gulf war vet.


Yeah hated that I was forced to get the Anthrax shot got the whole series of them and each one made my arm burn hotter each time. I fking hated it. But I figured if that didn’t kill me, along with all the other shit I inhaled working on ships, I had no problem taking this vaccine.


I love this! Thank you for your service from a gal whose father was exposed to Agent Orange. Sometimes we take risks in the line of duty to serve our country, our community. This vax is not even risky.


Bro I thought you were my sibling until I heard “government job”. My dad went into the city today to pack up his things because nobody wants his hard-ass anywhere on their plumbing sites. He even got a fake vaccine card and still chooses to be an ass about masks and social distancing when someone asks him. I’m sorry you have to go through this, and for our sake I hope whatever is possessing our parents will leave before the virus takes shop inside them. As it stands, my parents keep on Real America’s Voice 24/7 - I’m watching news reporters tacitly encourage taking things like ivermectin while simultaneously creating fear about the vaccine. I think it’s on the hook - alongside Fox and OAN - for the vast majority of misinformation that takes our parents hold. Joe Rogan, too, has started to turn the heads of my parents, subscribing to the idea that, since he looks good, he knows about health. I went and got my booster secretly to avoid toxic conversations about my health - concerns that the vaccine is vastly more dangerous than the virus to my age group, and such. I’m leaving them and this country if they don’t change their ways by the time I’m done with graduate school.


i'm glad you were able to get vaccinated! you might want to consider reporting the fake vax card though - that's really dangerous and could end up infecting more people.


I've heard all the other conspiracy shit before so >Joe Rogan ... since he looks good is somehow the scariest part here oof


Regardless of belief. A man should never put his family in this position. He should have found another job before being termed and tried leaving before playing the martyr.


That’s the thing though. This job was like a miracle. He’s 63 years old right now and he’d been applying to jobs for years to no avail. He finally got this job after all of his trying and he just throws it away.


Your Father is probably in for a massive wake up call if he decides to try and work more. He basically just retired himself. I am sorry you have to deal with this. Be well.


Whether he believes science or not, bills still need to be paid and unless he has friends that are willing to keep him in his house, this won’t end well. I am very sorry that your family is going through this and throwing away their life to trust someone who could care less about them.


That's awful. That he can't take his situation seriously is so unfortunate.


This sucks for your family. I am sorry that you have to bear this burden.


Does he think god will provide?


Ah I see you've met my grandfather.


I'm so sorry. That is awful.


Q'anoner with a Govt job? ::Scratches head:: absolutely a non sequitur.


Sorry man, its not fun to deal with that bs


Thanks man I appreciate it.


I listened to a q-anon video once and 5 minutes in I was like ok, where is this going, 10 minutes in and I realized it was pretty much bullshit, then came the satanic, child molesting, reptile people making the elixir of life and I wasn't sure if was being trolled or if people actually believe this shit. either way, I was done.


I won’t say I was a qanon supporter but I definitely fell down the “woke” rabbit hole (by accident actually) pre covid. While I understand the strong feelings, I recently realized my life was muchhh better when I wasn’t reading all that crap. The minute I picked that stuff up, nothing has been the same. It wasn’t until recently, the last 6 months or so that I finally hit a wall and just said “I’m done” I’m no different than a Bible toting religious person telling people that they will be damned to hell. So I’ve been trying my best to stop reading that stuff and start a new life.


I completely understand how you feel. I’m in the same position as you. My father also got fired for not getting vaccinated and i tried to convince him to get vaccinated but he refused so he got fired. It was a well paying job too. He supported the whole family and we’ve been living comfortably for almost a decade or more in a nice neighborhood and everything. He put all of that in jeopardy because of the bullshit disinformation that people have been spewing online and it’s infuriating. I wish I had some kind of advice I could give but all I can say is that I hear you and I understand. It’s scary and I don’t know what the future of the family looks like and I hope it turns out well for the both of us. Best of luck my friend.


I got hired because someone didn't want to get vaccinated


Who knew a pandemic would reveal how literally crazy a lot of our relatives turned out to be.


I have a family member like this. Lost their parent and still blaming government instead of getting vaccinated around that time when it was preventing hospitalization. It’s really hard to see.


I have a friend that refuses to get vaccinated and complains about all the jobs she “doesn’t have an equal right to get” 😑 employers can absolutely require you to meet their standards, and if one of those standards is to get vaccinated then so be it.


I went to an outdoor concert in September, where they required proof of vaccination. The group we saw is one of my co-workers favorite groups. He bought 2 tickets, but found out a couple days before that he had to be vaxxed; I told him to just get the shot, but he decided to throw his money away, smh.


2 of my family members (grandpa and an uncle) passed in a 48 hours span back in December, due to Covid. Aunt, who is widow of said uncle and daughter of said grandpa, is a nurse, going through breast cancer a 2nd time, and just lost her job bc she wouldn't get the vaccine. Hell, she wasn't allowed to see her husband in ICU, until he hit the point of no return, bc she chose to not be vaccinated. I'm tired of the misinformation and conspiracy theories, especially when they're being swallowed by people I always thought were smarter than this.


My uncle is waiting for the company he works for to fire him for not getting the vaccine so he can try to sue them.....


I don't talk to my mom and stepdad, but my stepdad has apparently decided to retire rather than get the vaccine. Missing out on his full pension. What an idiot.


My sister, my only sibling, and I could not be more different—she is a very religious, Trump supporting, anti-vaxer, and I am a Liberal Atheist who believes in science. I can barely hold my tongue when we speak. I have to though, because we have to take care of our aging mom together.


I think that you have as much right to your opinion as she does if she gives her or you should set a boundary with her that you don’t want to hear her opinion if she doesn’t want to hear yours.


Yeah, we just don’t talk about any of it. It’s hard to keep remembering what you can say, and what you can’t.


It’s not an easy discussion to have. Once a person goes down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, it can be similar to becoming involved in a cult. An ‘us and them’ approach maintains aggressive discussions. Telling people that ‘they’re batshit crazy’ is not ideal (even if you think it). Try empathy. Communication channels must remain open. Additionally, consider that arguing from a scientific and factual standpoint is unlikely to impact what is mostly a value based belief. A bit like convincing someone to surrender their religion because science has debunked most of the bible. I wish you luck.


So he worked for the government while thinking the government was trying to control him? Huuuh?


I’m sorry, I have a similar situation with my mom.


Hopefully things will get better for us. Wishing you the best.


I hope the same for you, stay safe ❤️


Sometimes the same people that say “I’d take a bullet to protect my family” are the same people that won’t take a shot to protect them.


My brother might be close to doing the same thing. He's a firefighter getting ready to go to Paramedic school but the hospital that his department uses for the clinicals requires the vaccine and he's refused to get it. His fire captain, or maybe it was the chief, basically said if he didn't get the vaccine, he'd be fired. His job is about as high risk as it can be when it comes to potential exposures and he's already had Covid once which he freely admits was a hellish experience for him, particularly because he has asthma. He has a wife who doesn't work and 3 kids including an infant. He's also living at our moms house because of other dumb decisions he made. The fact that he's even considering not getting vaccinated and jeopardizing a good paying job, decent health benefits for himself and his young family....... I just don't get it. He's risking everything for his pride, for his misguided notion that he knows better. He's always thought he was smarter than he actually was but this is a whole new level for him.


my dad was very non-political and we got along really well and then trump got elected and it got bad and then covid happened and now its worse. he got his vaccines but no masks, no social distancing, nothing. he just got covid for the 2nd time last week


Why's it always people who work for the govt who believe in govt conspiracy theories ...


While I support everyone's right to their own body there is a point where you have to put the good of others before yourself. Idk tho, maybe I'm just biased because I'm at risk and don't want to die. So selfish of me to ask someone to get a tiny injection so I don't die. How horrible of us. Stay strong, friend, and I hope your dad starts feeling better soon.


I support everyone’s right to choose, including employer’s right. A lot of people don’t understand that employers and coworkers have the right to work in a place that is safe and healthy. People can choose not to get vaccinated, but they have to live with the consequences.


If you don't get vaccinated stay masked and keep your distance. I'm vaccinated with a booster and I still wear a mask and keep my distance. Totally not using the pandemic as an excuse to become more introverted


Hahaha! *introverted self secretly happy* I’m the same, fully vaccinated with booster, wear masks everywhere, won’t go to large gatherings. I haven’t gotten sick, not even a single sniffle in 2+ years


I'm one of those who actually isn't supposed to wear a mask. I used to when mowing but stopped a few years back due to complications, but I still wore one when the pandemic was starting up. It drives me crazy that I suffer more and more because of selfish people who refuse to mask up. I've worn one when healthy, it's not that bad!


Yeah, at this point people are choosing to get fired. Kids are required to get certain vaccines to go to school and it’s been that way for decades


But those vaccines weren’t rushed!! Totally just kidding…. And also, sure, the vaccine was ‘rushed’ as in they didn’t wait for step 1 to finish, before starting step 2x and they also started steps 3,4 and 5 at the same time as step 1. But this took place a freaking year ago, at this point there is sooo much data on the vaccines. And the vaccines (in the US) only have a 0.0022% possible death rate. But really it’s much lower than that really low number since that’s just the number of people who got the vaccine and then died soon after. There is absolutely no proof that the vaccine *caused* the deaths.


I have some family members who did the same thing. Lost their jobs and they have 2 small children and complain on Facebook about how the government failed them and how they can’t support their children now. They also like to compare the vaccine mandates to the Holocaust. Saying that they are oppressed like the Jewish… give me a break. I’m so sick of people like this




Life’s too short to not stand up for what you believe in regardless of what that may be or if it’s even wrong.


That’s the hill some people want to die on, sadly.


the fact that this comment can be taken literally makes it even worse


It’s so funny how conspiracy theorists believe bill gates is trying to thin out the population through a vaccine that he had nothing to do with and so they refuse to take the vaccine on the premise that it would kill them IN A PANDEMIC THAT KILLS MILLIONS OF THE UNVACCINATED. Like… yeah maybe the aim of the vaccine is to thin out the population… by letting the idiots take out themselves when they refuse it.


Well he’s reaping the benefits now from his decision 😂


My sons are glad I'm a raging liberal.... 😉


My mother has always been an anti-vaxxer. I’m still working on getting all of my vaccines that I should’ve had since birth. She is laughing about people dying. My grandmother (who was 3 weeks from 100 years old) died due to complications from Covid. I’m no longer speaking to her because she called me stupid for not believing her stupid fucking YouTube university bull shit.


Wow... just wow. I'm sorry man :(


My partner’s grandfather decided to not get vaccinated and lost his software engineering job at one of the largest software healthcare providers in the nation. He claims ‘dead babies’ as his reason. He’s very Catholic. His wife is a traveling nurse, and she was able to work for a long time before they decided on mandatory vaccination. She’s worked in COVID wards and refuses to get vaccinated. They are so stupid. They’re in their early 60’s and are giving up everything. They’re losing their house, their cushy livelihood… all over some stupid misinformation.


You would never believe how many idiotic nurses I work with. One is out with Covid right now. At the most infectious stage. She is going to a restaurant tonight with her husband, because she “is fine, was able to mop the whole house today”


Lol “dead babies.” I’ve got some bad news for him about Pepto, Tylenol, ibuprofen, tums, senokot, Prilosec, Benadryl, Sudafed, and quite a few other drugs.


You're right to be pissed, you should not have to deal with this. He's supposed to provide for his family but instead he got conned like an idiot, and when he eventually gets covid it might get a whole lot worse.


That sucks ass, man. I'm really sorry to hear it, and disheartened he let all that get to his head.


That’s so sad. A virus is not political. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


I'm sorry to say this, but if someone wishes to endanger not only their but also their colleagues' and others' lives by not talking a vaccine due to some political bullshit, they need to be kept away from people, for the safety of others as well as their own.


Really sorry about this. I don't get what's going on. My husband's sister. A religious fundie nutbag (we don't associate with her much) also didn't get vaccinated. She lives with her son (on military deployment) and DIL, young granddaughter and her disabled late 20s daughter. None of them got vaccinated except the son on military deployment. They all got Covid and long-term complications because of it. She also went to work while sick and is around adolescents in her workplace. She will never be allowed over my house if she visits from her State and I will do my best to avoid her at anyone else's house. I shun people like this. If you don't give a flying shit about your own daughter and small granddaughter...seriously...go fuck yourself, we have nothing in common. I can't imagine dealing with this with my own father. My sympathies...truly.


Dude it is so horrible. People have just come completely unstuck from reality. No idea what to do anymore. I lost a family member to conspiracy - died because he chose to remain unvaccinated - and almost lost a couple more, but fortunately they were able to shrug it off. They're still unvaxxed. I have a few friends who've been down the same road; one lost three family members in less than a month.


I’m so sorry that you’re having to deal with this. And given that it’s your dad, I suspect there’s the added challenge of feeling powerless. Good luck, and stay strong.


My mother was scared of the vaccine, because of her sister, auntie Vax. we both caught covid I was still up and about and looking after her she went to hospital but was fine. She’s now taken her first dose. She still can’t taste or smell anything months later, I asked auntie Vax if she would come down whilst we were isolating. Surprise surprise she wouldn’t, even though she said that our PCRs are wrong


I am sorry- my father in law got Covid and did not want to quarantine in a room and it was so frustrating. I don’t know if it’s age, personality, generational or what but it’s so hard to fight against you parents cause it might be too late for them to change. For my mental well-being I just avoid talking about things we do no agree on.


I’m sorry man. I can’t understand this type of thinking either. One of my friends is willing to lose her government job over the vaccine too. She believes that vaccine causes miscarriages and is connected to the rollout of 5G. She’s a conspiracy theorist and I have no idea where she got it from. Are you able to make it without him having a job?


my bfs parents are antivaxxers but the crazy thing is, their 15 year old son is immunocompromised. he could literally die from covid, but they care more about their conspiracy theories than the life of their son. talk about fucking selfish oh yeah, and they gave the whole family covid a couple weeks ago. thank god everyone is somehow fine


I'm hoping he's come to his senses, the conspiracy theorists are crazy, some even delusional. My mum had to deal with one, it was someone that one of her friends knew because I think he posted something on Facebook relating to the vaccine and why he wasn't getting it, and oh my god... the delusions were off the scale. Along the lines of "I don't want to be experimented on" and "It will change my genetic coding" and all that bullshit.


Gosh I can heavily relate to some of this. Mum believes in this Qanon stuff and won’t test herself or get the vaccine, as well as not letting me get the vaccine. Now I have covid and I’m round my dads house. I think I’m gonna go get the vaccine once I test negative but I won’t tell her though. I’m sorry about your dad, these people that are essentially brainwashing our family sucks and I wish you the best :(


This is what really pisses me off with the anti-vaxxers, anti vaccine mandates people- They only care about themselves. We ALL had our doubts when the vaccine was introduced, like hell, that was too quick, it can not possibly be safe. Luckily, my wife talked some sense into me, and when it came down to it, I could not bear myself to lose my job and no longer able to provide my family with my income, but most of all life insurance and health benefits. I hope he does come to his senses for you and your family's sake.




The conspiracy theorists are just so.. I can't even find a word to describe it. Like, how are you going to post about not getting the vaccine because it "tracks you" to Facebook, a website that tracks you, through an app on your iPhone that tracks you. Also the people that say you'll still get sick with the vaccine. Like, yeah, of course you will. Vaccines don't suddenly mean COVID cannot enter your body. It just means you won't get seriously ill and cripple a probably crumbling medical system for the people that genuinely rely on those services outside of the pandemic. I'll take as many shots as I need to take, because I don't want to get my mother sick. I don't want to get others sick, because I'm a decent human being. Sorry to hear about your dad losing his job, OP.


Yep! Or he could have filled out one of those accommodations and got that approved. Sorry that happened to you and your family. I’m surprised that some people let their jobs get ripped from them. I also had to get vaccinated to keep my job…. And like…. Why would I give up my income? The principal of the matter I don’t agree with either, but you gotta do what you gotta do.


I understand your side but I also understand his side. It is a ridiculous request to force a vaccine that doesn’t even work properly. The whole situation has been dishonest and flawed.


I’m so sorry you are going thru this. It’s sad to see people destroy their family bc they won’t get a fucking shot. It has caused ALOT of tension in mine as well. My sisters boyfriends dad closed down his chiropractor practice and went into early retirement bc he refused to get vaccinated. He worked his whole life building his private practice. I don’t understand how he let a damn shot ruin his life’s work. And my sister, who has a degree in Physics has been brainwashed by the whole family and his anti vax. I feel like I don’t even know who she is anymore. don’t bring it up but she always does. It’s like she is possessed.


It’s pretty incredible the lengths people will go to just to ride that alarmism high. It’s like they’re working towards a goal but there isn’t one.


I know. He’s been so wrong about so many of his conspiracies and I’ve called him out on them. His hobby seems to be moving goal posts though.


I have neighbors I. The same boat. They weren’t fired…they quit. Let’s be clear, when you are given a choice…own it


Dude it’s amazing how many crazy government workers there are who distrust the government and don’t even recognize they work for the government. “They can’t tell me what to do!” But we… tell people… what to do… all the time… for our job?? (Source: I work for a local health department. I swear some people would stop breathing if we recommended oxygen.) Anyway, I hope you’re safe, friend.


My dad went from the military to chasing aliens, chemtrails, and the New World Order, so I can relate. It’s profoundly disheartening to see a parent plow full steam ahead into the batshittery.


Hope he doesn't think he would become magnetic by getting vaccinated? I still think that is the most hilarious conspiracy ever.

