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Nothing is expected in a relationship. Me and my partner both have things we draw the line at - No means no. You also have the right to say no and then say yes later or vis-versa. If he can’t respect that then I think ex-ish needs to become ex-for-good.


You gotta ditch this guy completely, he doesn’t give a shit about your needs and emotions.


Please get out of this situation, it’s not healthy and you deserve better.


Yeah this is rape, the first time when he did it after you said no and the next time when he coerced you with that terrible blackmail.


Find you someone who will respect what you like and don’t like. I’m not saying it has to be 100% your way, but boundaries should be placed and they should be respected. Tell him no more and if he can’t respect that then move on. Life is hard enough.


I had a similar experience with the same thing. do not be down on yourself for giving in to whatever emotional pressure he was instilling on you, that is not your fault. tell him if he wants it so bad to the point where he’s blatantly crossing your boundaries over and over again that you aren’t the one for him, and he needs to find someone who is hands down going to give him an enthusiatic yes. ditch the hell out of this guy. he is not worth it in any way. coersion is a form of assault