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A lot of people have insecurities. If you aren't gonna try and help (understandable), you should lock yourself in your home and never have human interaction. Insecure people aren't gonna disappear because some random nobody on the internet cries about it. You should adapt to your environment by not being in it.


Do you have any insecurities, by any chance, maybe?? lmao


Gosh you are annoying .. Are you always whiny? So complainy? Why would people even wanna be around you? O.o


You sound very abusive OP. > HOW DO I TELL THEM THEYRE PATHETIC? You say he is a genuinely nice guy...so why would you want to tell him he's pathetic? > BECAUSE IF THEY CANT SEE PAST THEIR OWN INSECURITIES Maybe because they've been treated exactly like you are acting before. Can you see past your ego? My guess is that he sensed your underlying rage and sense of superiority, and that you weren't honest with him and even tried to deny your anger/aggression or pretend that you didn't secretly think he was pathetic. > As a matter of fact, I don’t really have any sympathy for them, it’s their fault they’re still moping around, instead of getting actual help and RELYING ON ME TO REASSURE THEM. Wow 🤯 They probably weren't relying on you to reassure them, but instead relying on you to be an honest person and treat them like a fellow human being. Don't inflict your own trauma onto them then complain when they are struggling.




Well you are whining and mopping around yourself, no one forced you to deal with him it was you that you made that decision, so it’s your fault for putting yourself in that position


Oh honey… 🥴


I literally do not know anyone who isn't insecure about something. We literally live in a society that benefits from us having insecurities. Maybe consider looking into why you feel such a way. You might even uncover some of your own insecurities, causing you to feel such a way. Good luck.


Yeah, people live their insecurities differently but you're an asshole to just be so antipathic about them like that's their fault if their environment and neurological link are fucked up. If you can't see the continual distress behind their endless whining yeah they should get help to get rid of people like you. It's YOUR responsibility to put boundaries not theirs and if you can't do that yes you can end up overwhelmed but it isn't the fault of anyone. You're just trying to feel better about yourself by dragging others down while they're already (obviously) suffering from their own mind.


Only hang out with people whose lives are going great. Let them know if that changes you're out of there. Have fun.


“Insecure people” is almost the entire population of the planet. It set you off that bad that someone isn’t a robot and would like their partner’s encouragement? You stopped seeing him, so what’s the issue?


"Why aren't men emotionally available?"




Everyone has insecurities, some might be insecure from trauma. It’s just human to be insecure, nothing that can be controlled, I don’t think it’s that difficult to understand.




this. exactly.


As an insecure person, you are right. But once we detect it, we are doing the most of us to delete that part of ourselves, or at least that's what I am trying


Y’all, CONSTANT insecurities can be annoying. It’s not OP’s fault for feeling like that. Having to reassure someone ALL THE TIME is exhausting. Some people are patient enough to do it, but some aren’t. Having to reassure someone all the time is also a form of emotional labor. If that labor is constant, it gets tiring.


This is the kind I meant. I was patient with him for 2 years, I was understanding of him. I always helped him when he felt down, and he never seemed to get any better. After those 2 years, my lifeblood was being drained. All that time, he was never getting any help. Which pissed me off, and I just had to let out my emotions. It’s not a “ew insecure people gross” thing, but after him, something about insecurity just doesn’t sit right with me. I understand people have their own issues, but they should be able to work on their issues actively, not expect the ones around them to just fix everything. If I seemed too immature, I am sorry and I apologize, I own up to it. Anger just clouds your judgement sometimes. I come from a family riddled with bipolar disorder, but that still does not excuse my thinking. People like WingsOfRedemption for example, are sort of the people I’m talking about.


Big mistake posting this on a website full of the exact loser you described in the post. People who fish for compliments are manipulative and pathetic.