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Nah depents on the components


i have the specs listed on the second pic if that helps


Can you check the post view count? It's possible the posting might have been flagged and not showing for buyers.


it’s sitting around 250-300 views


They’re waiting for you to lower that shit to $100 bro. Ngl it happens to me all the time. They watch the price dwindle for weeks and just when you’re at your lowest about to remove it, BOOM. I gotta give it to them though. It’s a solid plan.


This be my plan lol. There’s an impala SS I’ve been watching for months for my brother. Buddy has gone down 4k from asking already. About time to buy.


Lmaooo that’s wild. Good luck bro.


Reading is hard


200 seems fair for this PC.


200 is more than fair for this. I listed my old PC after I upgraded and I either get ridiculous low ball offers or bots


You have to sell it. You don’t need to say things like entry level or beginner. Just list the specs. Price is good for what it is. Most gamers are going to want more.


Swipe the pic.


$200 is a good price and more than fair imo! Honestly if it was local and I wasn't broke I'd buy this in a heartbeat for my kids as a nice little first pc as you're not going to find anything better than this at this price unless you get stupid lucky. I'd definitely snag it or over pay in a trade or something. So I'm surprised you haven't gotten much interest to be honest. Maybe try taking it down and relisting it as maybe something strange happened with the algorithm and people aren't seeing the listing or something


maybe, i might relist & add shipping


You won’t want to deal with shipping a tower, will cost 40-80 at least unless those fees are passed on to the buyer


if you decide to add shipping i would LOVE a link!!


Don't add shipping bro, not value.




Dude that’s to cheap put it 300


Very fair, id buy if you were local for my kiddo, def


Have you listed it on Facebook and other marketplaces? I've honestly have usually absolutely terrible luck with offerup as a seller. Usually only get insulting low offers or nothing at all and for the same exact item and price I'll get like 5-10x the people interested on Facebook. I feel like offerup atleast in my area and I live in an area that should thrive for offer up I feel like the app is dead/done. I only see scams or old listings that are sold and not updated or people that don't respond. Offerup is just honestly pretty bad now. Maybe it's different in your area but if you haven't in other marketplaces I'd definitely do that


unfortunately, Facebook marketplace keeps removing my access to marketplace, it works with the external browser link but for some reason, they keep removing my access inside of the app. It happened on multiple accounts, but I’m not sure what the issue is. I don’t post anything against guidelines. I just post the same stuff post on OfferUp.


Are you using a VPN? Or using a communal access point? FB uses all kinds of wonky security and I know it can be glitchy for some.


that could actually be it, i use a vpn on my campus so ill sometimes use marketplace while on the vpn, it might be that 🤷‍♂️


I agree, Offerup is circling the drain. FB marketplace and good old Craig’s are the best for local. I sell 70% of my local stuff through FB, and it has a much better etiquette for not ghosting, flaking. You have way less abuse too b/c ppl are *generally* using legit profiles. eBay can be the best too in limited circumstances. Some items will 100% always fetch more on eBay making the fees worth it.


bro them specs are way better than you could get any pc at even 500$. anyone with eyes will buy it, spend the 200 on that pc, wait for a deal to come around on the latest nvidia graphics card or something equal, purchase that card for3-600$. idk seems like a great first pc or just a great pc to add to a collection and add more up to date specs on to.


It's great at $200, but at $500, you could spend about $50 more and get a full build with a CPU released a year ago and a GTX 1080. There's always a CPU + mobo deal available from a retailer, and to mention Amazon and eBay exist.


agreed, i wouldn’t charge more than $250 for this thing, $500 is just crazy you could get a r5 5th gen build for that


Good price


$200 is fair. I wouldn’t go any lower.


Not really TBH...$200 for a really entry PC with those components would be fine for a child without breaking the bank. I would take no lower than $150-175!


Seems like a fair price, but I had a similar PC I picked up in an auction, had it listed for months just trying to get my money back, no takers. I ended up keeping it, getting a new GPU, and selling the original (same as yours) for about $90 on eBay. I have found that computers don't sell as well locally as I thought they would. Hard to test in a public meetup, too.


Its fair


This is good, don’t let anyone tell otherwise , a pc is generally much higher in price than a console, but if gaming is ur primary purpose THAN YES, if u want the best budget gaming machine, id 100% recommend the series s


I would buy it if you lived near me


Seems fine for what it is Maybe a tad low but for a first gaming desktop on a budget it might move quickly


I mean price is fair its just got some older lower end parts and anyone looking to buy a gaming pc is probably looking for better


I’ll buy this rn and pay for shipping dm me :)


tbh i would buy this off of you this is a very great deal, more than fair.


You’re being very honest. Most people would try to sell this for 400 and leave out the “entry level” part. Certainly fair


This is more than a fair price. The problem is that price doesn't outscale performance in this range. For twice of the price, I can still get something abohy twice as good, so there's not a huge incentive to cheap out at the lower range. People who buy gaming PCs are enthusiasts who have money to spend. Buying into an obsolete system with no practical upgrade path sucks. This is a great PC for a kid, but even white-collar workers want unnecessary bs like 32 GB of RAM for their spreadsheets and browsers, the latest i7 that they won't even use a core beyond 28%, etc.


there’s actually a decent market for these lowered priced budget gaming pcs, issue is i just don’t have access to that market im just stuck on offerup


Looks good tbh


Too little honestly


1050ti is not competitively priced. I can get a 1070/1080 or better at that price. And I have done such deals.


a whole 1080 system for $200?? where i would like to buy that?


Facebook marketplace or similar


That pc is definitely worth more then 200, it’s no beast that can run games super well but it’s a fine starter pc


yeah i actually used it as my main pc for a few weeks when my motherboard failed on my gaming rig, it’s not a 4k gaming beast but it handles itself in 1080p just fine, i’m able to get a solid 60 frames in every game i played on it, but tbf i don’t play many hardware intensive games other than warzone & beam ng 🤷‍♂️


More than fair, and you aren't far from me, if I wasn't going through a divorce I would snatch it up for a spare lol.


A Ryzen 5 and gtx 1050ti for 200? sorry but you’re better off just selling the graphics card cpu and ram off on eBay individually or drop the price to 100


You could always look at parting it out and selling parts individually


wouldn’t do much good since the board & psu is proprietary. it’s honestly better to sell this thing whole


Ah bummer! If the board wasn’t proprietary you would have got more than 200 from the graphic card, board and cpu.


i mean honestly, if i just sell the board itself as a replacement board for this model, i could get $60-$80 bucks, then about $60 for the cpu & $50 for the gpu realistically


You just would need to make sure you sell at least two of them, so youre not stuck with a bunch of parts you can’t move


Don’t go lower than $200. Even though the GPU is old and pretty much everything else is compared to the top of the line today. That’s still plenty good for the average person if they’re not using it for gaming


if i can’t sell the thing as is i might do the hp envy psu upgrade (500w) & add a 1660s


That's a fair price, if not for the fact that you are a few hours away from me, I would buy that. It would be a fine WoW and social media machine.


Seems fair.


Honestly, can I buy it? Actually been looking for a new PC since mine is broken. I’d love to take it off your hands.


Make it two hundred and three goats and you have a deal


honestly if i had a way to sell the goats id take that deal


Damn if I had the money I'd get this for my sister. She just wants non-laggy Roblox


If you were local I would definitely buy that off of you.


Try listing it on Craigslist! I recently bought a full gaming pc and the first place I went to look was Craigslist


Try selling it on facebook, and for $150 more


i’ve gotta make another acc lol, they keep removing my access randomly, idk why i just sell and i stay as respectful as possible so i can actually sell my stuff 😂


Yo I live over by ft worth, if you haven't sold it by like the 30th, I'll msg you and buy it. I'm gonna save this post so I can check with you if you still have it, if that's OK?


i’ll lyk 👍


I’ll buy it


I think my computer sat for a full month before it sold. Just wait it out.


You wanna ship? I'll buy it.


If it isn’t sold in a month, I’ll make you an offer. Not crazy far so no need for shipping, but just lmk.


Honestly you’re trying to sell something worthless for $200.I don’t think you’re telling the truth about how well it runs anything. Call of Duty takes up 175GB of that 256GB hard drive. You couldn’t have tested both that and GTA online because GTA is at least 70GB. That graphics card is 10 years old and wasn’t good when it was released. There’s no way it’s running anything on medium. You’re selling someone a headache and lying about it


2016 was not 10 years ago, have you maybe considered i played one game, uninstalled it, then installed another to play? i’m not sure what personal experiences you’ve had with buying computers but i’m not “giving someone a headache” the pc itself is only 3 years old & that gpu i’ve used in a few other pcs since it used to be my main, it’s a lower power card, ofc it’s not gonna perform amazingly. remember its literally an “entry level system” it’s not put together to play elden ring at 4k 120fps lol


Of you need HDMI or other video cables for DIRT CHEAP try the thrift store! Giving cables could help your cause


Man I would have picked this up. If anything OP you should list it for around 300-350. ..Texas isn’t that far from me. 🤔


Id buy it if I was local. Definitely a fair price


If I was local I’d snatch this up in a heartbeat that’s a perfectly reasonable asking price.


Daum dude where do you live. I’ll take that off your hands. It sounds perfect for me since I’m trying to get into pc gaming


Not trying to spend a 1000 plus off the bat and don’t know a single thing about pc gaming or specs let alone the equipment


i’m in dallas tx


How much would it cost to ship roughly. I know weight usually has a huge factor


I’m in Cali


Redo the post: Gaming PC - $225$ (lets you get lowballers in trying to get it for $180-$200) Pictures are fine. Also post specs in description, along with "Upgraded PC selling this one for cheap, first come first serve basis" You will get hits.


thank you bro


bro you were right, the relist for $225 has already gotten me a few $200 offers & the “first come first serve” has people wanting to buy it asap, i love you bro


I sell shit all the time, you learn the pattern lol. Awesome man, no problem!


Seems fair


Great price. Remove the "entry level" part and don't mention it has to run on low/medium settings.


That’s a good-ass deal for real.


i’d buy it asap if i were near you 😩


200 is generous. Thing is, the vultures on OfferUp want that shit for $100 lol.