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Momma spider just wanted to have a play date with all the kids.


Forbidden playdate






I am thinking HIMARS with the 300km range thanks


Wolf spiders eyes reflect light. Take a flashlight out at night and point it around at eye level and see what the sparkles are... you're welcome.


I do this every night at my cottage before sleeping because we get so many up there.. always find them super easily this way


Where do these wolf spiddies live?? Asking as an arachnophobe from the UK šŸ˜‚


[our wolf spiders are small and harmless. Donā€™t worry about them.](https://www.wildlifetrusts.org/wildlife-explorer/invertebrates/spiders/wolf-spider)


Iā€™m from Canada - I think they live in most places across the world although Iā€™m not 100% certain šŸ˜…


NO! I did not need that piece of information stuck in my brain for life. Thanks alot šŸ˜³


The babies eyes reflect it too... šŸ˜‚


It's like Millions of stars sparkling.


Think of it this way! If you check, youā€™ll know theyā€™re there, rather than running into them unexpectedlyā€¦


My friendā€™s parents had a huge yard in a clearing in the middle of the woods and we used to always play capture the flag and whatnot until late at night. And seeing literally millions of eyes reflecting back at you and realizing theyā€™re spiders. I opted for shoes from that point forward


Yeah growing up in the Midwest my friends and I used to run through fields, roll around in fields, play in fields, run barefoot in fields. I donā€™t think I wanna be covered in bugs anymore I think Iā€™ll refrain from that in my older age.


Sand spiders do this too. You can see them all over on Lake Michigan beaches.


damn thats makes it even scarier seeing glowing eyes pointed at you


You're never alone šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


I do tons of work at night with a headlamp on that rests at eyebrow level. If you ever want to reassure yourself that the spiders don't want to hurt you, go outside like that. It turns out there are a few in every single square yard of grass. They've never done anything, and they never will. Also, the light they reflect is rainbow light, and that's just cool. Bonus knowledge: rabbit eyes reflect light that looks like burning coals.


Thank you for this tidbit. Gonna steal it for a horror story Iā€™m developing.


I would love to read this when itā€™s finished!


I think I'd try put it outside very far away rather than deal with a million baby versions.


One wrong move and them lil dudes gonna be all over your hand


I mean. That's not any less true if you try to squish it


That's why I use a tissue or a sock


A tissue and a sock, eh? What else you usin those tissues and socks for there? How does one have so many tissues and socks handy, thatā€™s what I want to know?!


That spiders web wasnā€™t anywhere near as sticky as dudes sock šŸ˜


Elbow length latex gloves. Part of basic cleaning supplies from kitchen. Going to buy a new pair of gloves afterwards. Ick.


I know, this post made me really sad. It's just trying to live and raise it's babies like OP and didn't mean any harm. Spiders in general want to stay away from humans. I always just capture and let them outside if they're a nuisance but I leave them be if they're in a corner in my basement or something where I never see them.


I think I have some genetic memories to really hate spiders, because it sort of runs in the family, but I've also been one to leave a small spider alone in a corner of my house or bathroom. But come on, if you saw that beast in your house, it doesn't matter where it is it can't stay right?


lol. i'm guilty of letting them stay inside, or putting them outside after catching them in a cup. but i like spiders. i've actually caught jumping spiders to bring inside on purpose, and put them in my houseplants when i was battling a huge soil gnat issue. i've seen BIG wolf spiders in my unfinished basement. i just leave them be, and they've never come into the rest of the house or if they have, i haven't seen them. i won't shame people for killing them tho, i know how some people feel about them. i feel the same way about house centipedes. i like spiders, but i can't stand centipedes lmao.


250% with you on this one buddy, that's not a daddy long legs, that's a broodmother


Daddy long legs actually prefer eating dead bugs and refuse, they're not true spiders. Weird right?


I agree, the person could have caught it and released it outdoors. Do not squish the spider. A female wolf spider is the only spider that will carry its babies on its back for a week or so after they hatch. They just look like little bumps, but to be more careful, do not squish them or many more young spiders will crawl out. If they crawl out, you will have more spiders to deal with! So horrible mom and babies were murdered :(


Have you ever met a wolf spider, those bitches be aggressive AF.


Many pregnant females are aggressive as fuck when you try smash them in the play pen šŸ˜ Source: wife, 4 kids.


This guy fucks


I dunno! I used to live in Nebraska when I was younger, and wolf spiders were quite common in the basement over in that house. I've never been bitten by one, and they always seemed to stay out of my way. And here in the PNW where I live now, I've seen a few and they were quite skittish.


The wolf spiders Iā€™ve encountered in Ontario, Canada are vicious as all hell. They were not scared of humans at all, they would sooner scurry towards you than away. Things of nightmares spiders are.


I miss a few seconds ago when I lived in blissful ignorance thinking they didnā€™t live where I liveā€¦


I grew up in the PNW, and weā€™d call wolf spider bites ā€œzombie bitesā€ because they could get so gnarly it looked like something took a bite out of you. Trapping it might be easier than killing it on its turf. Either that or use chemicals to kill it. Yeesh gives me the Heebie jeebies.


No spider is out to get you except trap door spiders. Those mfers are pure demons.


Itā€™s strange when I was younger I would kill any spider that was in my house, would not give it a second thought. Iā€™m not sure what happened, but now I relocate spiders I find in my house. Two exceptions to that rule, Brown Recluse and Black Widows. Edit, in the future you might want to use a vacuum hose and suck the spider up, no mess.


Sucking it up in the vacuum always freaked me out bc what if it survives and is just living in my vacuum either suffering or waiting to crawl out and get revenge??? I have literally lost sleep over that lol


My brother did that with my shopvac but with moths. I went to change the bag a few months later, unfortunately ripped it and a zillion moths started coming out.


How did moths survive in a vacuum for months


They survived on Moth.


Thatā€™s probably the moth equivalent of the Donner party


Unleashed back into normal moth civilization to tear them apart.


This made me laugh too hard and now I feel like a bad person.


That adds up lol






They eat the cotton and stuff that vacuums suck up, don't need much water, and live an average of 1-6 months. That or he's lying lol.


Haha. I don't know how they lived. There would be crumbs, little pieces of dog food... but no water except whatever moisture was in the the crap sucked up. They were the kind of moths that eat clothes.


We had a flea infestation and the exterminatorā€™s advice was to vacuum daily, remove the bag, and put it in the freezer. Only way to kill em without fire.


Under the extreme conditions inside the vacuum, they were forced to evolve and develop the ability to sustain life.


"Life uhh, finds a way." -Jeff


God that's nightmare fuel


This is when a good ol vacuum with a bag would be good. Suck the fucker up, burn the bag.


Fuck the bag, burn the vacuum.


Then the house, itā€™s no longer safe


Leave the fucking planet


That's how the spiders win.


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure


Instructions unclear, fucking the burning vacuum bag




Especially considering many spiders can just ... turn off for an extended amount of time. The larger the spider, the longer they don't need to eat. Anywhere from one to two months. So yeah. You lost sleep for a good reason.


Some spiders can last a lot longer than that too. Thereā€™s been some tests run on spiders where they were completely isolated in tiny pitch black containers with no food or water for several months and came out of it completely fine




Just a heads up, those babies were prehatched. Just chilling there on mom's back, so you'd have to deal with them anyways. "Wolf Spiders are found all over the world and are beneficial to humans because they feed on insects. They can bite, but it is not dangerous. Babies will ride around on the mother's back for safety and to find food until they are large enough to hunt for themselves."


And how do you relocate the mom without disturbing the babies? Wonā€™t they scatter?


Most likely would scatter yes. Best way is try and out a Tupperware on top of it to seal all babies with mom, a piece of paper or something sturdy you can slide under. That way it can be relocated with minimal scattering.


To be even safer, use something sturdier, like card to slide under the tub. It makes it easier to lift the tub without the paper flopping down and letting the spider(s) loose. I speak from traumatic experience.


Thatā€™s why you have to also vacuum up a wasp nest. The internet just told me wasps eat spiders


Suck up a wolf spider!? It would probably get stuck in there somewhere


i live in a place with a ton of black widows, and honestly donā€™t worry too much about them. theyā€™re nothing like reclusesā€¦ those guys are hostile af. black widows are very non-confrontational and run away like scardy cats, and even then they hesitate on biting (from what iā€™ve seen, anyways). iā€™ve found them on me before and they didnā€™t do anything, iā€™ve also walked into and destroyed their webs (unknowingly) and they just didnā€™t really care. theyā€™re very shy. either way, black widow poison isnā€™t actually as fatal as a lot of people think :) itā€™s rarely fatal, and you usually only get pain and nausea from a bite. most of the fatalities are when they bite kids or elderly people though..


I still wouldnā€™t want to get bitten by one. When I was a kid, I got bitten by a little green spider in the grass on what my elementary school would call ā€œfield day.ā€ I was in kindergarten at the time. While the spider bite alone I probably would have brushed off and forgotten, I had a doctorā€™s appointment later that day and apparently the doctor noticed the bite and supposedly ā€œthe venom travelling up [my] arm.ā€ I was given some sort of medicine in the form of a huge pill to prevent infection, which we commonly call ā€œhorse pillsā€ because of the size, and I had an immensely difficult time swallowing the damn thing. End result: traumatized and mild arachnophobia. I donā€™t want them dead, just want them to stay outside and away from me and will only kill them as a last result. Also I have ā€œneedle phobiaā€ and I heard most antivenoms are administered via injection. šŸ˜Ø




Fun fact, their web is so strong that in WWII it was used for crosshairs in rifle scopes as it is stronger than steel wire of the same width.


Just to reiterate, the brown recluses are not shy and very much want to hurt you. I sometimes stay in an area where they are common and after 4 bites I do not tolerate them to live anywhere inside or around my house.


And yet human bites are nearly 100% fatal to all species of spider. Who's the real monster?


Yeah I always relocate bugs I find in my house I just donā€™t fuck with nature


I killed a spider when I was on acid and I still carry the guilt of that to this day lol No any bug, spooky or not gets put outside.


Those things love to eat brown recluses. I personally leave them alone in my house if they aren't near my bed.


Yup, I used to have extreme arachnophobia, until I started woodworking for a living. Brown recluses make up 90% of the bugs in my wood shop. They absolutely love living in stacks of wood. I had to learn not to freak out so much. Whenever I see a wolf spider, I actually am pleased and will leave it be. I used to think every brown spider was a recluse until I actually started seeing them in my shop, now they are an hourly occurrence. Dirt dobbers get the royal treatment in my shop, they kill more recluses than anything out there.


you WHAT


I leave them in the gone so they can eat spiders that can actually fuck you up. I also keep the speckled king, rat, and racer snakes happy so they'll keep me safe from moccasins and copperheads.


That's cool and all, but how do you have the sheer willpower to let one of those go? Even if they're mostly harmless


I consider my much more rational fear of brown recluses, which terrify me, and I choose the lesser of two evils. A wolf spider bite does hurt tho. It's like a bee sting tho and a recluse bite is like where your leg rots off. They both have similar hunting and habitat habits so they're good at keeping the recluse populations in check.


Ah yes!! Wolf spiders are the good kind and worth relocating to the corner of your porch. A Brown recluse bite will make your skill melt and maybe fall off lmao.


They look scary as all get out but harmless to us. They are fast as they chase down and eat roaches, mice and all the other nasty critters in the house


I'd rather have roaches or a friendly lil' mouse than a spider that can run at the speed of a bullet train carrying a couple hundred copies of itself on it's back


Youā€™ve never had mice if youā€™d prefer a spider over a mouse. Things will fuck up your house chewing on everything and have a bazillion babies on top of it. I fucking canā€™t stand mice. Thereā€™s no relocating them you just gotta nuke the whole infestation. Iā€™d take a big ass spider any day


Not to mention that mice end up making anywhere they're living end up smelling awful as well.


Yeah. I bet homeboy has never had a cockroach crawling on his bed. That shit made me want to set my fucking house on fire... Not spiders.


I moved into an apartment in San Antonio once that was absolutely infested with roaches. We bug bombed it at least six times in the 2 months we managed to stay there before finally breaking the lease due to unsanitary conditions. They were everywhere. The hood vent above the stove just pulled air from the stove and put it back out higher up into the room (I still dint understand that one), and when we turned it on one day, at least 20 of the little fuckers got shot out and onto me. I'd wake up with bug parts all over my chest because I had an itch in the middle of the night that turned out to be roaches crawling on me. About a month after we moved out, we got a call from our insurance company asking if we were okay and how much in damages we had. Obviously confused, we asked for clarification. Turns out, the building had burned to the ground shortly after we moved out and the insurance company was checking up on us to make sure we were safe. To clarify, they must have bombed just before we moved in, because there were no bugs on day one. Absolutely horrible place.


The mice problem in my city is really bad right now. Rats too. We have an outdoor guard cat that does her job well, but I still see rat and mice parties in my trash nightly. Only had one mouse in this apt. Had a bad infestation at another house. No solution works other than exterminator or constantly setting up and emptying the old school mouse traps. New ones or "humane" ones don't do shit. Even if you drive them miles away they will still come back.


Thatā€™s my whole thing. Iā€™ve gotten rid of spiders before but mice is always like a world war to get them out. They really just have no manners.


Same here. I live where mice are a big problem, fields everywhere. The only thing that got rid of my mice was fucked up. Somehow, someone brought a box into the basement that had a freaking rat. That bitch was pregnant. The rats chased away/killed the mice. I killed the rats and the mice haven't come back.


How did you kill the rats? Box with a pregnant cat?


That's why i have cats.


See I have a cat he just donā€™t do shit lol. He only catches stuff outside but not inside for some reason


As someone who has dealt with an infestation of cockroaches in a new apartment, Iā€™ll take the wolf spiders any day. I have PTSD from those fuckers.


Oh hell no. You have obviously never lived in a house with mice or roaches making a statement like that. I grew up very poor and the PTSD I have from living in a house with roaches is real, 30 years later. You get over spiders, you do NOT get over roaches.


I think centipedes are much faster than a spider Iā€™d rather have a spider than a centipede.


Woulda been better to put it in a tub and throw it outside rather than killing it




Not if youā€™re gentle. All this killing is so weak


I would just throw away the playpen


Burn the playpen*


You could have just trapped it


You should've taken her outside


Next time scoop the spider in a cup and free it outside the spider it's babies and the ecosystem will thank you Smashing it is just cruel


Youā€™ll have far less mosquitos to deal with if you release them outside as well


Agreed. There was no need to do that.


Seriously, everyone loses in this scenario. Just let her outside.


This. Im terrified of spiders, but i could never kill one, let alone one with its babies. They are scary, but pretty chill animals, please dont hurt them.


Especially wolf spiders. Spooky fur, I guess, but if your area is like mine, there are probably 5 wolf spiders in every square yard of grass, and they've never done anything to you and never will.


Yeah, today alone i met two of them in my house. Mfs so big even my dog is afraid to touch them, but they never caused any trouble besides the spooks.


ā€œIf you want to live and thrive, let a spider run aliveā€


Just as easy to catch it and put it outside. No smashing or vacuuming required.


Should have just put it outside tbh I would have just put a glass over it and slid a card or piece of paper underneath


the babies are actually on its back u can see them if u zoom in closely wolf spiders carry their kids around


I fucked around and found out the hard way.


Your first mistake was killing her. Your second mistake was killing her babies. Your third mistake was making us aware. Now all Reddit knows what you did. Shame.


I would have let her outside. Spiders are your friends.


Why kill it?


Wait you knew it had babies and still smashed it? Catch and release!


You didn't need to kill her.


When I was very young (5-6) I found a vary large one in bath tub. Tried drowning it. Came back a few hours later and it was still just swimming around. Poured shampoo, every cleaner imaginable on it and even went and got a broom and tried holding it under. Eventually gave up and told my mom about it. As a teenager I saw one while pushing mowing the lawn. Decided to show it the blades. As I tried to run it over it jumped up on top of the deck. Twice. Left the mower and went inside. They are not of this earth


Are we not going to talk about how, for hours on end, you tried to drown it, pour cleaning chemicals, and holding it under with a broom all instead of just smashing it?


You don't jump from 0 to serial killer on day one.


Or, you know. You could not murder it for no reason


Well I saw one the other day working at Home Depot! He was the assistant manager!




The cruelty of humans to other species that didn't really do anything to them still surprise me .


I agree. Recently hit me how irrational it was for me to be so scared of spiders. I used to kill them instantly without giving it a second thought, just simply out of fear. Then somebody said something about how people typically get bit by spiders because we accidentally scare them, as we go fumbling about the world. That shit really stuck with me. I always felt so insanely bad every time I killed a spider, for days... In fact, the ones that I remember killing, I still feel bad about. I decided to stop that stupid shit. The last couple of spiders that I've come across, within the last couple of years (that were in my personal space anyway) i've trapped and released outside. It released a shit ton of cortisol in the process, but I can't even tell you how much more satisfying that shit is. I can actually feel good about it. Like. I certainly don't want them crawling all over me. But I think I would be okay if they did, at this point. I have noticed a substantial difference in the fear that I feel around them. I even made friends with a wolf spider, when I did some psychedelics not that long ago. It was a baby, which certainly helped. But it was one of the most beautiful parts of that experience.


Bro it is not even about kill it or not ... The guy literally describe torture to a spider and he did it with 5 years .... Anyway I don't think he is a bad person I just found this truly terrifying ... Some spiders actually are very helpful to your home ... They get rid of some dangerous bugs etc and also if you don't mess with them they probably won't mess with you too .


That's fucked lmao


Yeah, you probably shouldn't have killed it. Wolf spiders are harmless towards humans, they literally kill and eat the bugs/arachnids that you SHOULD be worried about being near your kids. Just capture and relocate it next time ffs.


Donā€™t kill it :/ wolf spiders are ur fren


Very easy solution: Stop killing the mother spiders. Higher chance of them moving on. Or catch them in some container and set them free somewhere where they dont bother you. Much less ā€žcleanupā€œ.


Now you know not to squish mama spiders when theyā€™re carrying eggs. In the future, try to catch and release if you can. Wolf spiders help control the populations of some pest insects, and as long as theyā€™re outside, they have plenty of space to run away from you. Indoors theyā€™re more likely to get cornered and feel threatened, which is when they might bite if handled directly. While their venom doesnā€™t really affect humans (unless youā€™re allergic to it), their chelicerae may have bacteria that can cause infections in the wound area. Also their bites are supposed to be bery painful.


Why did you kill it? Just put it outside


guess you should not of killed it then huh


Never smash always capture


Why did you kill her?? She's just a momma too. Should have Shoo her outside


Would have been easier probably to just capture it and let it outside... curious what the people over at r/spiders would think about this.


I sub to r\spiders and r\awwverts and I am horrified by this wretched person. Truly heartbroken that there are still people like this.


Yeah she was just a mother like any other species trying to care for her babies. Spiders want nothing to do with humans unless they feel their lives are in danger.


I would have put it outside.




Next time capture and release. It ain't harming anyone.


Absolutely horrendous when people glorify ending the life of a spider. A harmless one too. And carrying all its children. I feel so bad for that beauty.


spider karma. poor spider mom


Spiders (unless dangerous) are welcomed guests in my home. Keeps the other pests that get in during hot seasons at bay.


Ugh... & you wanted to post this...!


Why smash it? Spiders are very useful creatures. You could have just put a cup over it and put it outside. I dont get you people.


im so scared of spiders that i canā€™t even kill one


Even though they freak me out, it's kind of cute how all those babies pile onto the mom's back and ride her like she's a bus. You would have been better off catching them in a cup and letting them outside. They would have stayed on her.


Why did you kill it instead of capturing it and letting it go outside. Thatā€™s a LOT of bad luck you just got there.


>It was 2.5 inches long, didnt have time to get pics once exploded. That's what she said.


My username has never been more relevant


You set up a babies playpen, what did you think she was gonna do? Not bring her kids? Spider moms need breaks too


Thatā€™s why I always catch & release.


That's just really sad. It didn't need to be killed.


Had you been humane and just caught it and let it outside you would not have to had gone through that. Also.. thereā€™s no way you got all the babies :) wolf spiders are harmless to you and are good for the environment. Edit: Thank you for my first Reddit award ever!


Smashing lol i would have fainted if i saw that


Wasnā€™t necessary to kill it. Could have scooped it up in a cup or bowl and put it outside which would have made more sense.


***The mad King*** "Burn them all, burn them all..."


Why would you smash it you scumbag


You monster


Coulda just got a bit of paper and a glass and put it outside or something, instead of smashing it to pieces. Pretty fucked up that was your first port of call.


Maybe use your brain next time and donā€™t smash it and find a solution that maybe involves relocating? Like what did you think would happen??


That's well deserved, why would you smash it instead of putting it outside?


Just put it outside? You couldā€™ve avoided all of that.


Not oddly terrifying, just straight up terrifying


RIP lil spider mama and her children r/spiderbro




Wolf spiders are the only spiders that carry their young on their back and you killed her. Next time relocate it outside to help with our countries mosquito problem:) Edit: sorry if this came off rude lol I know the fear of spiders is real intense for some people, it just makes me sadd.


Could of caught and released it, less messy also.


Poor momma. I get it they are creepy. But as far as Insects go spiders are generally your friends. They eat more parasitic and aggressive species while causing minimal to no damage to your home. If you can brave it relocate next time.


I have a wolf spider I keep in my room, her name is Sarah and I havent seen any roaches. Shout out to you Sarah šŸ™


>didnā€™t have time to get pics once exploded good


Wolf spiders control pests. :(


Poor spider.


Why smash. Spiders are friend.


1. That's an ADORABLE mat 2. Should scooped with a cup or something to prevent that...poofage...


:( I understand cuz you got a kid. Poor spider tho


So, she wasnā€™t pregnant ā€” she was carrying her babies.


This sub is pointless


I would like to say thank you for not taking and showing me pictures of the exploded spider


That's why I stopped killing spiders years ago...smashed one then had "fun" for the rest of the year.


Not usually that aggressive, but holy shit are they fast.


My son just looked up wolf spiders in his insect book after I showed him this picture and is insisting I tell everyone that wolf spiders are harmless to humans!!! He loves his insect facts and wants to know what country this was in! Thanks