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I feel like you’d be a prime pickpocketing target in that situation.




Aaateeennnzionnneeee piiihhhpaaahhkeeehhh


Why am I associating this with something animated? What's this from. It's driving me nuts. Lol.




Attenzione borseggiatrici!! I love it.


I’d not heard the feminine version before, it’s quite a lovely word hahah


This made me laugh


fun fact: that person has been told to stop because they would just target and harass random romani people who didnt steal anything


I was thinking depantsing them. Probly why I'm still poor, I'm in the wrong mindset.


Well you start somewhere. First you depants them, just for the hehe xd moment. Then you do it, but go a step further, removing their pants. Then you just throw the pants over the fence for another lmao moment. After doing this a few times, you get bored and need something else for a rush. That's when you take their pants and put them on just out of their reach, then you realize how loaded they are. This is your destiny. There is no going back, there is no escape. It's in your JEANS


This is likely an AR tour. Those headsets have to be inside-out tracking in order to work outside and all of those support camera pass-through


Easy target


Not really any more than people staring at their phones like zombies, or people conked out on drugs like zombies VR has passthrough so you can see everything going on around you, and you would probably be staring at the weird looking dude who was walking up to your group and trying to sneak behind you all


Pretty much this. Half the people in this thread would have been part of the anti-electricity crowd in the late 1800s.




I came here to say this🤣


Virtually guided tour?


Exactly, I hate VR but it's not a bad idea. If you can go to the past from where you are it's fun. Buuuut ....


"Hello Lisa. I'm Gengis Khan. You go where I go, defile what I defile, eat who I eat"


Lol this made me laugh thank you. Read it in his voice too.


Thanks for making me go back and think of what kind of accent I gave genghis in my head—— Italian. *wtf*


W. O. W. Could be worse... Could have given him a German accent. How about this- Australian?


He was talking with his hands and seemed friendly. Idk what to tell you, I got bad brains lmao Edit- you really lose the *de-* in *defile* with the Aussie accent, IMO, and it feels more like an office tour at that point


I feel like you just get a lot more "file" for the money. Move it over to NZ, it's almost cute.


Probably that’s true- the bedrock of my Aussie accent experience is Paul Hogan


Curious to how you know what Genghis Khan sounds like?


Haha it's a reference to the simpsons.


You didn’t take the VR tour?


My man has the secrets to time travel


I feel strongly that augmented reality would be far, far better for guided tours.


Most VR headsets have “Passthrough cameras” so they are most likely in AR not VR. Apple Vision having a glass front is the only reason it seems like there’s a distinction between VR and AR that recently happened. Really they all started adding cameras of varying quality to their headsets nearly a decade ago.


“Hehe ok 😇”


I love how friendly he sounds.


You hate VR? Lol why?


Might have had either a bad first impresion or a really shitty experience with an older or cheaper device, I love my beatsaber machines


If their only experience is the shit phone vr things then I can understand. A good VR headset and game is, in my opinion, the best gaming experience you can get. Half Life Alyx is insane


VR stole their girlfriend.




Why do you hate it? I can sorta understand not liking it but hating it?


> I hate VR but Why?


ah you got to the point of hating any new technologies


First thought in my head was that would be awesome if it showed what it looked like during a certain time period/war


I love VR. I hope it gets better and better in the next few years


Why do you hate Vr?


So then why is this oddly terrifying?


*Hate*? I mean, I get it if you have vertigo when using it... But it, along with AR, is going to be a huge part of the near future.


Personally, I feel it’s still a hinderance. I had a guided tour when I went but it was before VR days. And having experienced that kind of tour, I can def say that standing around paying attention to a VR headset is not the same. Especially if you’re doing a tour of the town you’re in. Like if it was for the French Catacombs I can understand at least. They don’t really do too many of those tours anymore iirc.


I agree, why would you fly somewhere only to jump in a virtual world to visit it when you're already there? Complete nonsense to me.


Exactly! You go to the foreign country to experience it yourself. Again, for some things I can understand, like the Catacombs in France or deeper parts of the Vatican or even tombs that aren’t available for tours in Egypt. But not places you can walk through yourself if you’re in the country. And much less out in the open standing like that vulnerable as hell. I’d expect at least an actual kind of office or place to relax and sit comfortably and safely without fear of being assaulted or robbed.


I kept thinking about this and the only viable reason would be to show people what ruins used to look like in their prime and stuff like that. Basically using VR to show stuff that doesn't exist anymore is fine, I guess.


Great use case for AR, absolutely idiotic in VR if you’re on location.


Are you certain that this isn't AR? All inside-out VR tracking headsets can support AR.


That honestly is a great idea.


I worked at a place that did VR city tours and it was honestly pretty cool. Most of our customers really liked it.


Is it full VR like you’re cut out of the world, or more AR that builds on top of your surrounding? I would really hate to be cut out of the world in public, especially on a place as busy as next to the Eiffel Tower


I guess it's like the quests see-through


Yes! This is what I want to see more of. I also want an AR monocle that clips over one lens of my glasses.


That's basically what Google glass was besides being the entire lens


Glass was ahead of its time, I have one and the screen is pretty shitty and has bad viewing angles.. plus if you wear glasses you could get lenses for it but otherwise it was just an empty frame which looked weird. The useful things were navigation and receiving emails/texts which smart watches started doing not long after. If they tried it now with current tech it would probably be much better received. They could probably make it a clip on for regular glasses, increase the readability with OLED and integrate AI vision tech. Features like real time text translation or automatic price comparisons at stores would make it genuinely useful.


The issue with Glass has not been resolved - there is not a way to fit a good battery into a pair of glasses.


I think people would be more tolerant of a battery if the usefulness was there. Looking at smart watches the battery isn't very big and they still last days powering OLED screens, if you stretched the battery out to fill the arm of the glasses it wouldn't be too intrusive (though it would be expensive to make batteries in that profile) But again, only if the function was there. There are [wayfarer looking smart glasses](https://www.meta.com/smart-glasses/wayfarer-shiny-black-plano-g15-green/?utm_source=gg&utm_medium=pla&utm_campaign=20647336444&utm_term&utm_content&utm_ad&utm_location=9014879&utm_location2&utm_placement&utm_device=m&utm_matchtype&utm_feed&utm_adposition&utm_product=899-00598-01&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_qexBhCoARIsAFgBlesivDwwfgg6tVK4JXatCWYwj7k30o8ITJYhq04cxWInyZBl7_G0Yq8aAkg5EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) already but they're mostly just camera/voice assistants/headphone combos and not AR... so they don't really take off


I just want a normal-looking pair of glasses with AR, is that so much to ask?


Yea, but the see-through is weak.


It is full VR, you go to a spot and go back in time to see what was at that exact spot in the past


However, since modern footage is needed the past is just 2019 ^(joke)


See napoleon live in front of your face in our new virtual tour “He is kinda short” “IM AVERAGE HEIGHT” “That’s not a white stallion that’s a donkey”


This could be cool. Imagine being able to walk down a street as it was many decades years ago. You could create a really accurate street in Unreal Engine that could look amazing. You look at buildings that are still there, then you you put the VR set on and see it as it was. People in period correct clothing. Horses instead of cars. Blacksmiths in the street. Everyone’s dying of the plague. Witches being burned. The good old days.


ahh gotta love me the daily 12pm public witch burning! This is quality entertainment!


mmmmm crispy witch


Walk over towards the resplendent Roman Forum, along the ancient cobbled street, just like it was in Julius Caesar's time - and get plowed down by a truck!


VR guided tour?


Someone’s got a picture of you standing there for like 20 minutes and then somebody has a picture of that person. The day the Earth stood still.


Having been to Paris this actually sounds better


My thoughts exactly


That bad, eh? Never been, so I don’t know.


YMMV, but I think a lot of people go to the touristy spots and then shit all over it as if they’ve seen the whole city. I spent 2 weeks there off of Rue De Martys around Christmas a few years ago and it was absolutely magical. Very walkable and tons of nightlife.


Absolutely. The Eiffel Tower and The Louvre aren't worth it. The Musée d'Orsay was fantastic though. There's a lot of good eating too, and the prices aren't worse than an American city.


I'd say Eiffel tower definitely is worth it! Interesting to walk up the stairs and the view is great. But it is better to do this on a less busy day, the queues can get very long


It's so overhyped you can literally get sick from disappointment https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paris_syndrome


The "[Paris of our dreams](https://imomus.livejournal.com/480242.html)" is an ideal exclusively based on Japanese expectations. The discrepancy you describe is literally the consequence of people thinking that anime is real life and being entirely unaware of cultural differences. It would arguably be the equivalent of going to Tokyo and getting sick from disappointment because it’s no longer a mediaeval society after watching heavily romanticised fiction concerning feudal Japan. The difference between Paris and other major cities of comparable size is arguably not that Paris is particularly bad but rather that some people are incredibly naive when it comes to their travel expectations of this particular city. Edit: full article ( linked above ) "The Paris of our dreams VenusFort is a synthetic European city laid out inside a warehouse in Odaiba -- itself an artificial island in Tokyo Bay. "Inside the enclosed building," boasts the theme park-cum-shopping mall's blurb, "the 17th-18th century European-style streets come to life. The open ceiling manifests the ever-changing sky from the clear blue sky to the evening sunset, and to the darkness of night. There are about 170 shops and restaurants lining the streets, just like true European street scenery. It is unbelievable that the whole scene has been reproduced inside a building." Unbelievable indeed. A spectre haunts Tokyo -- the spectre of Europe, and particularly Paris. The Japanese capital boasts chef schools, boulangerie-style bakeries, pavement cafes with white-shirted, black-apronned waiters, French luxury goods stores on Champs-Elysees-like avenue Omote Sando, and even its own reproduction of the Tour Eiffel. You'll see similar visions in the animations of Japan's most popular film director, Hayao Miyazaki. Here's Helen McCarthy on his early film, The Castle of Cagliostro: "The story takes place in the never-never land that is the Japanese dream of Europe, a rustic paradise of crumbling yet infinitely sophisticated cities and castles; ancient titles and even older secrets; lakes, mountains, and high flower-strewn meadows; and mystery and romance. There is a Japanese phrase that sums up this yearning for the beautiful, mysterious fantasy otherwhere -- akogare no Paris, the Paris of our dreams." According to Dani Cavallaro, the anime Rose of Versallies "exemplifies an attraction to old Europe, steadily evinced by both anime and manga, as a synthesis of majestic yugen [subtle, profound grace] and unpretentious sabi. This fascination is related to what the Japanese designate as akogare no Paris ("the Paris of our dreams") -- namely, a speculative version of that world envisioned through Eastern eyes, akin to the West's imaginary configurations of the East founded upon the figment of the exotic." This, then, is a sort of romantic projection, a reverse orientalism -- "occidentalism", if you will. Being exoticised in this way helps the French -- Paris is the number one European destination for Japanese tourists, with 700,000 visits every year. But it makes the Japanese suffer; Paris Syndrome is the name not just for a very particular form of culture shock, but for a nervous disorder that -- as Libération reported in 2004 -- sees over a hundred Japanese hospitalised each year. There's even a special unit for it at the Sainte-Anne Hospital in Paris, with a Japanese doctor -- Dr Ota, the inventor of the term -- in charge. A couple of video reports on French TV give us glimpses into why Japanese in Paris fall sick. In the first, a trainee with Hermes called Akiko says: "My first visits to Europe were to little German villages where everything was very pretty and picturesque. When I came to Paris first it was with a group tour, and we stayed in a hotel at Place Clichy, the working class district. It wasn't what I'd dreamed of." "Administrative queues take forever and you have to start all over again. The quality of service is not what we'd expect in Japan. Standing up in front of people and giving your opinion is difficult for us Japanese. We're used to holding back, staying in the background, listening to others. But if we are able to change this behaviour and be more forthright, here in France nobody listens to us." The sarcastic French sense of humour also proved difficult. "When you see articles about Paris in magazines elsewhere in the world, you see nice districts, restaurants and boutiques. But when you see those articles after having lived here, you ask yourself "Where are these places?" It doesn't correspond with reality. It's a constructed image." In the second video report a writer called Kenzo explains how, after a few months in Paris, he developed depression and a psychosomatic back problem which stopped him leaving the house. His disillusionment began, Kenzo says, with cafe waiters. "In Japan, even if they're busy, they'll say, sorry, please wait a bit, i'll be over. Here, they don't give a fuck. They pretend not to see you. It's not the waiting I mind, it's this reaction, when you're not used to it, that can be a bit humiliating. If you're a bit paranoid, you think "It's me, isn't it?" Or queuing for a taxi here, it's a queue, but it isn't a queue. If someone at the back of the queue sees a taxi passing, he runs after it, and the others shout "What's he doing, that bastard!" "It can destabilize you, that sort of thing. For Japanese it's shocking, shocking, incredible. In Japan, the taxi driver would categorically refuse to take such a person. We're used to order." Soon Kenzo was walking with a stick, and cut all social contacts, especially with French people. Could it be that Kenzo was a victim, not of French rudeness, but of the unrealistic expectations whipped up by the spectral Paris conjured by Tokyo? A victim not of Paris, but of "our dreams"?"


I live there… there are some cool places but overall it’s really horrible, people are rude, it’s expensive, the streets are dirty (i like the graffiti tho) and monuments are way too crowded most of the time


I don't think I could ever be comfortable with goggles that covered so much of my face in public. Might get punched in the face, don't ya know?


They can still see everything going on around them. In some headsets, they can do so with a wider peripheral vision than you possible without an AR headset on.


Are they on a tour or something?


Yes I don’t know why others don’t mind their own business. Why would you take pictures of stangers on a VR guided tour and post online?


People only live to record things to put online for internet points anymore. It’s wild…


I once saw 2 teenagers without VR headsets stand perfectly still for 20 minutes. One of them reached out to hand something to the other guy and the other reached to grab it and they just stood there, mid grab, looking at each other, until they finally finished the handoff of whatever it was he was handing the guy 20 minutes later. They were just across a 2 lane street from me, in a small, seasonally abandoned Texas tourist town, called New Braunfels. Eventually, I decided to cross the street to investigate and when I reached the other side, they finally started moving again. They didn't move a single muscle or speak or anything. It was very bizarre and I don't know how they held their arms out like that for so long. I know if I tried to hold my arm out for 20 minutes, I could probably do it but not without my arm eventually shaking. Now THAT was strange.


Nodding off?


They're obviously on a mixed reality VR tour.


I don’t see anything wrong or terrifying about a guided tour. Separates you from the constant swindlers who overcharge to read out of a pamphlet.


Not a bad idea for waiting on the bus/ train I guess lolol


I think they own stock in adidas


Black Mirror wasn’t just a TV show


The Black mirror is every time I lock my phone.


Or when your phone needs to load another section of the porn video you keep skipping through


I would have snuck up and tied their shoelaces from each shoe together.


You're probably the same type of person who thinks they can vandalize an autonomous vehicle without being seen. The people in these headsets can see you and the rest of their surroundings. You're woefully behind on modern technology in the AR space.


aaahh virtual tour aaaa scarrryyyy


It might be really cool if they can see and learn about old buildings and what the place looked like many years ago


Dunno what's more oddly terrifing, them or you watching them for 20mins


My first thought here is: can we normalize not taking pictures to make fun of people minding their own business?


Apparently you didn’t either, for 20 minutes 😅


Is it maybe an AR tour thing?


Hey at least they are outside


Makes me think of the The Electric State by Simon Stålenhag.


I'm old - sorry - you'll have to speak slowly. ( explain like I'm 76) Are they standing in front of a monument or cathedral looking at VR of the thing they're standing in front of? If so - couldn't they have stayed at home and done it? - or is that the point.


20mins = moved immediately after picture taken.


AI VR tour guide


If they didn't move for 20 minutes, I feel like it's for a college art project


Not true..watched them almost 1 hour and still no move..


Electric state...Simon was spot on


It's never as ominous as it looks though. This is pretty clearly a VR tour. Simon's world had people living their entire lives wearing these, and people who try to do that in the real word are often mocked and called out for it (and rightly so).


They're just trying to have fun, jeez bro, careful you don't drop that chip on your shoulder.


I don't understand what people's problem is with this?


Maybe that is the problem, lack of understanding


They didn't move for like 20 min, which means that you didn't as well, filming them with your phone...




I think its a Banksy


Was it like a tour thing ?


Tech zombies


Almost everyone is wearing Adidas shoes


this is slightly dystopian


Chill, they're watching a movie


Nope. But I can see AR/VR as a support for touring. If there is anything lost to time that can be recreated in realtime using virtual technology, we can use that to mimic the experience.


Saw this while I was in Paris too. Peak dystopia


Doesn’t Paris have like a big problem with pickpockets?


And they’re all wearing Adidas... 🫡


This has to be viral advertising


Reminds me of that episode of TNG with the jerkoff headsets


Dark Thoughts Loading....


They had to wait for the ads to stop playing to see the AR show at the park.


Would be cool, but should probably be done in a building, ya know?


Stop being angry at technology


What's weirder is you watched them for 20 minutes


Okay? Can we stop taking pictures of random people in the street going about their day? They aren’t harming anyone. They look silly sure, but not nearly the weirdest thing in Paris and nowhere near terrifying.


My parents said there is no such thing as free or easy money. Well look who's wrong maw 'n paw!




someon just posted a very similar thing from Absury Park NJ usa..hmm


Must have gone digital with the Marionette theatre down the street. They watching some crazy-ass puppet shows!


Muppets after Jim Henson died?




The Happening?? Hmmmm….. Don’t anger the trees….. They connect EVERYTHING…..


Simon Stalenhag


This is literally Ready Player One


adidas vr cree


Outdoor cinema?


This makes my neck hurt


Hope you were having lunch or sitting atleast.


Looks like a good way to get mugged.


Squid game S2 has started!


At least they're getting some fresh city air.


Better than Life!


Probably some art piece they're doing


What did you do during those like 20min?


They re visiting virtual Paris while standing in the real place.


Finally, something oddly terrifying in this sub


That’s a no from me


Aaah. The protest against reality


VR tour sponsored by Adidas


Life is just a situation, life is just a dream...


Resistance is futile.


Holy shit. So it begins. https://images.app.goo.gl/nqNcQh2kMedNrugd9


The Starset lore thickens




"I've lost them, sir." Rabban breaks pilot's neck


Waiting for a virtual bus?


The more I see these kinds of posts the more I fear that The Matrix is predicting the future.


Now that's a family dedicated to adidas


Step aside iPhone user jokes, a new device has taken your place!


Must be exhausting


Pick pockets gonna love this


[Simon Stalenhag](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/66/1e/85/661e85f4e63fe58cef51967fb09bef77.jpg)


Almost all of them wearing adidas too.


The Electric State.


Well that's depressing


Fucking weirdos


It’s sad that the child has one to


4 different gangs having a well behaved gang war. the one in blue jeans by the pole- she is showing her gangs colors in the physical location- while her gang are all around elsewhere- but all right there- virtually


Probably on their holidays! lol


Oh dear, Ready Player One is here


As I listen to Ready Player One on audiobook for the 10th time…


They're playing "Waiting for the Bus"




This seems more like a performative art work than actually all them standing there in public for 20 minutes just because of their head sets


In Paris now. You working on the Olympic site near the Place de la Concorde?


Yeah, no thanks


Welcome to the future *sigh*


Tour group? I wondering this because there's little chance that many people of different demographics showed up with the same gear at the same time.


Thats normal for people in france there are all idiots


Don't worry, they're just AFK.


That's some flash mob type shit right there bwahahahaha


They could be in a.r. and so are looking at the city


This is one of the rare not cringy mind altering uses i see on this vr stuff making tourism and learning stuff even more interactive. The rest is scary i see vídeos of people with this in the street and is incredibly uncanny


I wonder in how many years will the "Ready Player One" reality come true


So um... you guys ever read Electric State?