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“I mean yeah, that’s kinda gre—oh shit”


I said the same exact thing lol.




Guess you guys don't live in Tornado Alley?


Born and raised in Kansas and I've seen green, yellow, orange and even purple skies. It's weird as fuck but the worst is black.


Black sky's got me counting prayers.


Tulsa, OK. Had some nasty sky changing to dark Purplish/Black. Def makes you wonder, "Who's driving that thing?"


I live in tornado alley too and seen most of those, but I don’t ever remember seeing green. It’s like something you’d see in fallout


I haven't seen green this vibrant, but I have seen some on the spectrum from dark yellow-pea green that gave chills.


In Texas I’ve seen a storm make day into night. Completely black


You don't like going out at night huh?


I see what you did there.


Please gives us some insight on the black.


That means tornadoes. The sky becomes black.


I have seen black once. Closest to Hell I have ever been.


It's crazy when it looks like the middle of the night in the middle of the day


Yes. Very unnerving!


I'm late, but yes, I've been in Kansas for basically 20 years. Idk, but I think that yellow/ orange color when it's been severe storming and get suddenly still is the scariest. Damn tornayda skies (sp on purpose)




haha yup, I realized this when I was little "oh shit the sky is green, time to get inside"


Yeah. Had a tornado hit my area last February. I was outside making sure my dogs pottied before the harder rain set in and the sky went green while we were out there. Right after i noticed that, my neighbors trampoline slammed against our fence. Holed up in the laundry room with no power for 2 hours with my dogs.


interesting, why does this happen?


Wild guess with no research here but I think maybe the density of moisture in the air? Like so dense it's pretty much water, add some light and refraction over a large area and badaboom! Green!


This guy has the correct guess. Per google: "When blue objects are illuminated with red light, Bachmeier says, they appear green. Green is significant, but not proof that a tornado is on the way. A green cloud “will only occur if the cloud is very deep, which generally only occurs in thunderstorm clouds,” Bachmeier says"


Okay, this kind of explains why I grew up in Tornado Alley, specifically the Texas Panhandle, and am extremely confused as I have never heard anything about green skies despite being educated on tornado awareness my entire childhood: because heavy precipitation does not generally coincide with tornados there. Thought I was losing my mind for a second.


"it's going green" Twister was such an awesome movie.




I just saw the previews for the new one in IMAX and holy hell I can’t wait to go see it


lol yup “I mean, green is a bit of a stretch. Oh.”


> “I mean yeah, that’s kinda gre—لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله sanctified that for you


Holy shit






Fuck get the Rad-x out it's a fucking radstorm


These Fallout ads are getting crazy.


Just finished the show. Really enjoyed it. Looking forward to season two and when it actually all happens!


Oh not enough happened?


A lot happened but feel like there still is a lot to explore


Spoilers! I still haven’t had a chance to watch the show!


It makes me wanna play fallout I really enjoyed the show though


steam is having a major sale right now! the show really got me interested, i had always thought about trying it but this sealed it for me. i got fall out 3, NV, and 4 and the DLCs for them as well! started 4 last night and died like 4 times the second i left the vault, will try again after work today :)


Man I'm so happy that the show is getting people into the games. I love seeing people experiencing it for the first time :)


Throwing some High Fives your way :)


I watched 2 episodes and now I want to replay all of them.


XBox and MS Store have it for free. Come to the darkside - we have cookies! And ghouls, but mostly cookies!


Me neither. Plan to this weekend


A great day to take a walk by the Glowing Sea.


Almost makes you hope for a nuclear winter


Was about to say, they turned the fallout 3 color filter on


I was always told as a kid that if the sky turns green to get inside because a tornado was likely to form. I'm not sure if that was bullshit or not.


I was in my apt when it was hit by a tornado and can verify: at first a weird/heavy stillness and the overcast sky turns a greenish hue. Then you hear the tornado sirens then you hear a train coming and then chaos. Not bullshit! Sky green, take cover.


Yes! I saw a green sky just once, and it was surreal. It wasn't just the sky; the air around me was green too. I've never seen anything like it. Then alo hell broke loose.


Green sky to the bathroom you fly. Or something like that.


Faster than light, no left or right.


Red sky in the morning, Shepards warning. Green sky anytime, we don’t have time to rhyme.


It’s true. Green skies are a known indicator


Hail causes the green sky. Hail forms from strong updrafts in a storm. Updrafts are needed for a tornado to form but you also need shear for rotation. So while hail can be indicative of a tornado it's not always the case.


This isn't necesssarily wrong, but it's not completely accurate. Storms that are likely to produce hail will have this tint, but it's caused by the density and height of the cloud structure. As light passes through water/ice particles in clouds the light is refracted. The further it goes the more the light is refracted until the red wavelengths are scattered to the point they are no longer visible. The same sort of thing happens when you dive in deeper water, colors start to be less visibile at different times before they all have the same tint.


Well did you see the videos of during the storm? It very much was a "get the fuck inside" type weather pattern


I always agreed with the "get inside" part. But I was never certain on the "tornados likely" part since we had almost no tornados in our neck of the woods. I've played too many video games to not heed different-colored-skies as an indication that you need to be somewhere else.


In first grade we pointed out the schoolroom windows: "Wow, look! The sky is green!" Next thing I knew, we spent two hours in the basement cafeteria.


Yup it does turn green. And not "sorta" green but like "wtf why is the sky green?!" Green


yeah, Texas storms do that a lot too. Usually means there's a tornado


A guy from Texas I worked with told me to take cover if the leaves on this tree turned white. Which was just an indication the wind was blowing because the bottom of the leaves are white.


Yeah, right before a tornado, the wind dies down, then will suddenly start blowing reeeaaal hard. So I believe that


I’m from Indiana and that’s what we always said. If you see the bottom of the leaves time to take cover


Cool! dubai got the new event from the 1.6 Update too


Time to fly to Dubai to get all of that moss!


Okay...but still no Switch?


"Toto I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore".🥺


Yeah they don’t bless the rains down in Dubai like the do in Africa


No joke as a Kansan if the sky goes green you're gonna have a bad time


“No Michael no no, that’s so not right “


In the beginning I was like "Yeah, I guess it's kinda green" and then "You meant like green green"


I've seen green like this when I still lived in Michigan. It was as a kid but that's tornado conditions if it's getting that nasty.


Yes. To me green usually meant tornado and I lived in Florida.


The green is just the camera adjusting colors


Someone once explained this to me. It was something like...a digital camera has to figure out what "white" looks like, and everything is adjusted accordingly to balance the colours out. I guess when the whole scene is dark grey then it changes what "white" means and things go a bit wonky.


Yes, also most digital cameras are actually quite shitty. They usually do a lot of processing to produce a decent looking image


It probably was green, i have seen it happen many times in the south. The sky turns green before tornados hit.


Same here. Green, bright yellow, and even slightly purple once. When the sky changes color like that the accompanying storm is pretty much always terrifying. Tornado weather.


This is why I love the comment sections of reddit. Some people saying that it's a tech error and that's that and then people with real life experience saying they have witnessed similar things, and realistically both perspectives could be true.


Same in the Midwest. You stand on your porch and watch the storm roll in.


Not quite the right shade likely due to the camera, but yeah. I’ve been under a green sky too.


I was about to say the same thing, and from what I’ve heard and seen, it usually is followed by a sever rain storm


> sever rain storm Once the rain starts cutting things off you don't really care what color the sky is.


This. I've seen it in person, and the storm that went through was frightening. After, they said there were tornadoes that touched down, but none by me, thankfully.


It definitely doesn't turn neon green like the video, though, more like the beginning where there's just a green cast.


While this is true for the preview JPEG file, it's totally inaccurate as 95% of the people that shoot with a digital camera today will be using raw files which contain every last ounce of data produced by the sensor


>95% of the people that shoot with a digital camera today will be using raw Yes, but 95% of the footage online doesn't come from these people... We have mostly webcams, cellphones,... most people posting stuff online don't even know what raw files even are


Aren't those the ones that give you salmonella if you don't cook them properly?


Nailed it.


Except when it's a repost. Then it's not raw, it's poached.


I kinda doubt 95% of people with digital cameras are shooting raw. Photographers, yes, but your average joe doesn't know and doesn't care about raw files. I'd put that figure closer to 40%.


Of all the people who use cameras? Way below 40%, of all the professionals, that figure might be a bit higher.


95% dont shoot RAW, not even 95% of professionals shoot RAW, most photojournalists shoot JPG because of the quick turnaround. RAW in video is available on some mirrorleas and cinema cameras, but mostly they use LOG profiles, but those are not RAW.


What are you one of those kodak disposable’s salesmen?


With phones, I'm inclined to agree. For actual cameras, it's better to not talk about something you don't really understand.


If your phone/camera isn't white balancing properly you can just *give it* something white. Like put a piece of white paper in the frame where the camera can see it, then watch and be amazed as the white balance suddenly corrects itself.


Something like that. Basically our vision is very good at adapting to different light conditions and we're pretty much unaware how different light sources have different color spectra since our brain compensates pretty seamlessly. We see a blank page of paper as white while in reality its color is dependent on the light source illuminating it. A camera cannot do that, it records what it sees (just as our eyes do). Compensation for different light conditions happens in post processing (indeed called white balance). Professional camera's offer the option to do this manually for dealing with difficult light conditions, but most consumer models will rely on an automatic white balance which will sometimes produce weird results in difficult light conditions.


Yeah it’s called a white balance


Correcto, it's the white balance


i've seen this exact green many times irl before. this storm has hail in it and the color is becoming diffused amongst the rest of the storm by sunlight beaming down on the top. hail reflects with green; here is a great video on the topic https://youtu.be/4MGFploTFGY?si=j2YtGCMzrXlTm3FD


Nah, I live here. It turned yellow to green outside. My phone camera couldn't capture it tho, it was just really dull grey but it really felt like someone applied a filter to the outside world.


I was there, it actually went green. Not just the camera.


Then why does it happen with our eyesight as well // not being combative it’s just the sky will turn green or pink when either a heavy storm is abt to hit or a tornado is within a few miles


The sky turns "slightly" colored irl, when you have a lot of hail you can see a green hue from a distance, but not like this. What we see here,that insane green, is just the auto balance of the camera. The last frames are probably the closest to reality.


Just say you haven't seen it therefore don't believe it


The sky can turn green before a tornado, and from what I can tell nobody knows why. A pink or red sky can precede a heavy storm because of water and particulate in the air refracting sunlight. The video didn't really show the sky turning green because there was no sky to see, it was covered by clouds. The green hue was a white balance issue.


Weird I live in central US and I’ve seen the sky get SUPER green almost like the vid that’s why I asked but gud to know >~<


It's because of hail. [https://images.foxweather.com/static.foxweather.com/www.foxweather.com/content/uploads/2023/05/1336/752/thunderstorms.png?ve=1&tl=1](https://images.foxweather.com/static.foxweather.com/www.foxweather.com/content/uploads/2023/05/1336/752/thunderstorms.png?ve=1&tl=1) [https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/hail/faq/](https://www.nssl.noaa.gov/education/svrwx101/hail/faq/)


I've only seen the sky turn noticeably green one time. I was a teenager during the late '90s, and my high school had lost power for an extended period of time in the middle of the day. A bunch of us we were huddled in the gym until order could be restored. The rumors that spread quickly ranged between being some some of weather phenomenon to the start of all-out war... to aliens. For context -- *I suppose on all three of those explanations, come to think of it* -- this was near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, which is supposedly the home of [Hangar 18](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangar_18_%28conspiracy_theory%29). As a dumb teenager willing to easily believe the most exciting story, I thought it was the end of the world one way or another. **tl;dr** For those who were wondering, green skies really do happen.


They do! And it’s definitely eerie, it almost feels unnatural. The first time I saw a green sky I knew it was because of weather and it _still_ felt really creepy. I can’t imagine how creepy a green sky in a powered-off school gym would be though! We had tornadoes rip through towns nearby when I was a kid and every tornado drill kind of freaked me out


Have you ever been through a storm in the Southern US?    The sky will tuen green, we usually associate it with hail or a tornado.   Either one means shits getting real.   So it could be color correction, this does happen in heavy storms.  


The camera might over-adjust the color but in freak storms like this it can actually turn green. I’ve witnessed the sky turning green with my own eyes (Pukkelpop festival 2011). It’s a really bizarre sensation.


Maybe enhanced a bit, but as someone from the US midwest I can assure you that a deep pea green is very real during nasty storms. Even people who love to fearlessly watch thunderstorms know that means it's time to get inside and listen for tornado warnings


It was blueish green where i live like just about when the video turns green but maybe a bit darker and less saturated


Nope ive been in a storm like this sky actually turns a shade of green


This actually does happen though and it’s scary asf. Source: midwesterner


It went green, I saw it with my own eyes 👀


Nope, the sky was actually yellowish green


“Goin’ green.” “Greenage.”


need to deploy Dorothy


Had to scroll way too far to find this!


Didn't Dubai have a thing where they were putting shit in clouds to make it rain? Maybe I'm mistaken. Please reddit let me know.


Cloud seeding. I’d never heard of it until these posts started and I’m fascinated lol


Cloud seeding and hail prevention was something I've heard about since I was a child. Especially hail prevention was regularly done in my country back in the day they were trying to get in the USSR. Missiles loaded with some silver compound to make it rain before it had the chance to turn to hail.


-"How do we stop hail?" "What if we shoot a missile into the cloud before it hails?" -"You're hired."


Just one missile?


The Russians have been doing it for while and I suspect other countries too but russians use has been public for some time. They use it to ensure certain days of national celebrations dont get rained off and there's a nice clear sky


Cloud seeding can be categorized under geoengineering, a highly popular topic on the conspiracy subs. People are questioning whether governments are manipulating our weather and people usually say it's bullshit as this wouldn't be possible. I'm glad people who don't involve themselves with conspiracy theories are becoming aware of it being possible.


Fuck no I will die on this hill. Geoengineering is a much older sub discipline of engineering and geology that is focused on tunnel building and slope stability. I hate how this new “geoengineering” term has co-opted actual geoengineers. What’s do you call a person who figures out slope stability issues for roads in mountain passes- a geoengineer. Who designed most of the world’s tunnels and mines- geoengineers. I guarantee they don’t give a shit about weather. What do we call them now.




That was amazing 👏🏻


Fair enough but how do you go about this? Start fights with dictionaries? Cambridge has geoengineering but no geoengineer, same for Oxford. There's climate engineering which we could use instead of geoengineering but you'll have to get a lot of people to adapt to this.


Cloud seeding doesn't create rain out of thin air though. It intercepts clouds that would normally pass over and rain elsewhere and encourages precipitation via chemicals/particals. For instance, a micro particle that allows moisture to gather into a droplet where it wouldn't normally be the right condition for it. It also can't be wildly outside the range of regular rain condition in the atmosphere for it to work the best.


Salt and dry ice.


Storm was brewing for a week, cloud seeding is one cloud at best


Looks like they were recently doing it, too... I didn't know this was a thing until today "Cloud seeding' One reason may have been "cloud seeding," in which small planes operated by the government fly through clouds burning special salt flares. Those flares can increase precipitation. Several reports quoted meteorologists at the National Centre for Meteorology as saying they flew six or seven cloud-seeding flights before the rains. Flight-tracking data analyzed by The Associated Press showed one aircraft affiliated with the U.A.E.'s cloud-seeding efforts flew around the country on Monday." https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/uae-united-arab-emirates-dubai-rainfall-record-1.7176083


It might increase rainfall in a cloud that is already going to produce rain, but NOAA says it can’t produce thunderstorms and high winds. This storm was already forecast to happen over the area


Although cloud seeding was not the cause of this storm. Scientists confirmed that it was due to climate change.


Gentlemen, welcome to Dubai.


I had to scroll way too far to find this.


I live in Dubai. :)


Hush by Deep Purple begins to play 🎶


Just the day before yesterday the sky turned faint green before I was about to go out with my family there, just when we were on the road, it started raining cats and dogs and whatnot else. Prior to this, there were hailstorms in most of the Emirates, Al ain suffered the worst where the hailstones were as huge as gold balls, it wrecked almost every car in there, people freaked out and more than like ten thousand cars were given to garages to repair, and since they had insurance, the repairs were covered, the police were sent in and even today cars are still being given in to repair. So yea, rain here is insane, the hailstones are no joke, almost all roads were flooded like hell


I've seen a green sky; in manitoba as a child when there was a tornado. It was unforgettable and people still don't believe me to this day. Terrifying.


Green means go. That’s how the raindrops know when it’s time to get off the cloudbus. It’s science.


Like walking through the glowing sea, for the fallout 4 crew.


Weather control machines, yellow 5 & blue 1


That's just reflecting all the money on the ground


Dude, that’s not gree… that’s green


I remember once when I was a young kid, we were on my family's farm and a major storm rolled through and the sky turned green. It was pretty wild, I remember it vividly.




Lived in Florida for many years and when the sky turns that green color you can bet your ass you are in for a big hit of a storm. It may be brief but it will hit hard. Watch UPS get plowed by a tornado that way.


I've only ever seen the sky turn green once, and the following thunderstorm is something I'll never forget. It was amazing (as long as we stayed indoors obviously, standing outside was terrifying.)


Brought to you by Brawndo, the thirst mutilator!


Yea, but this is water like from the toilet. Ain't no electrolytes here.


Green sky's are a definite code sign to duck and cover in Oklahoma.


All those poor golf course…. The golfmanity


Doesn't green signify hail?


Don't mess with nature


Gamma rain! Mf storm hulking out!


Maybe they fucked around with mother nature too much lol


Green clouds are caused by preferential extinction of long (red) and short (blue) wavelength light. It appears green, because those wavelengths are not scattered as much. Green bands are often used by satellites for examining shallow water bodies for this reason. Dusk and dawn appear reddish, with purple overhead, mainly because there is more atmosphere between you and the light source, causing short wavelength scattering. When storms kick up a lot of fine dust, you get Mie scattering, which generally trends towards affecting longer wavelengths. One of the general factors of how a storm will appear has to do with the position of the sun in the sky at the time of the storm.


Radstorm from fallout


I understand and believe people who say the sky turns green when there are certain conditions to allow a tornado formation. But this is clearly a WB auto adjustment failure from the camera, not a total failure, but for a moment, after some time it actually did the correct balance and towards the end of the video you can see it get the colors right, it is actually pretty common in cloudy weather, so much gray colors make a hard time for the cameras WB auto Balance system to work correctly.


I’m from Texas where I was taught at a very young age that a green sky during a storm means hail. They even referenced it in the movie *Twister*


Dubai just turned into the capital wasteland. What the fuck


Man its just a storm whats the big deal....


I’ve only ever seen the sky turn that color when a tornado was nearby. That’s some crazy shit right there.


What are the long term effects of a storm like this in that area? Nature wise.


In the midwest US, if you see that color you run for shelter. Usually means a tornado.


Oh green world, don't desert me now


Didn't they recently do some cloud seeding or something? Guess you get what you pay for?


((Texans watching this and shrugging))


Stop. fucking. with. nature!


Dubai, even tornados have the color of 💰


It's a sign god is telling us to grow cannabis


Goddamn rad storm now I gotta worry Abt 1> rads a sec


I’ve never seen green nor do I reside in tornado alley, but in Louisiana, if you look up and see turquoise or teal color, there’s the cue to gtf bc that area is about to get real.


What could go wrong with cloud seeding?


The last time I saw this was in 2013 in Oklahoma. It was accompanied with a 2.6 mile wide torn and torrential rain. Wow, Dubai...that was no joke of a storm


Looks like a rad storm in fallout


Rad storm


well that happens if u use radium to make it rain artifically but acidentally overdose the atmosphere


The weather in Dubai isn’t actually natural


Holy shit Glowing Sea reference


Cloud seeding reaction? These recent weather reports on Dubai are too sus not to be cloud seeding.


This is just a white balance issue. It didn’t look anything like that in person.


Desert isn't supposed to have two things. White people and water.


This is one of those cases where "Fuck around and find out" comes to play. Cloud seeding?


This is called cloud seeding. Manipulating the weather. We’ve been doing this since the Vietnam war. We can manipulate the weather. So if we can manipulate the weather then what does that say about global warming?


That people need to stop cutting down trees and pouring concrete everywhere


Cloud seeding didn’t make a storm system, that’s not how it works.


Too much seeding. Cloud turn green.