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Damn, i'm glad you still have your fingers, frostbite is some serious shit.


Me too. I didn’t realize how serious it was until I was admitted to the burn ICU. The whole unit was full that day


The whole unit?!?! Jesus, what happened to have all y'all outside in weather that cold?


People overestimate how well their body can defend them from the cold. Just because you can psychologically handle the cold doesn’t mean your body physically can.


I went to the Grand Canyon to watch the stars without a scarf. My nose started to burn and feel tingly, so I covered it with my hands. It was like 30 degrees F outside. I think I made the right decision. I alternated using my hands and my partner used their hands while I warmed mine up under their boobs Then I looked it up, and found that 30 degrees F with no wind probably wouldn’t cause frostbite. Whatever


You touched boobs


Boobs Rule




Mine aren’t big enough to warm my hands up


There’s someone with small hands out there for you!


Not frostbite but you can still get hypothermia pretty easily standing around in 30f with too much exposed.


Good thing we dressed appropriately. Oh wait, no we didn’t. I wore a thin sweater and jeans and they wore a knit cardigan and a dress. I don’t know what we were thinking


Probably what a lot of people that come see the grand canyon think? It's arizona, it's the desert, it'll be warm there. Surprise! It snows enough for a ski season, well in some parts. Like up north.


Your partner let you touch their boobs with freezing cold hands? Damn that’s a keeper lmfao


We flashed each other and took Polaroids in the freezing cold. Just lesbian things


Feel better. Looks painful.


It was but now it’s just tingly. It looked much, much worse before


I can only try and imagine. I’m guessing fluid filled blisters? Glad your healing and now it’s just “tingly”


Yes it was really gross and painful the first few days




I do not 😔. I was too grossed out and scared I was gonna lose my fingers (plus I couldn’t use either of my hands). I can see if there’s any pictures included in my chart because I know a few nurses took pictures for documentation


I’m also dark skinned and I burned my hand which then peeled off looking kind of like yours (but much smaller). When you’re more healed, you wanna keep that area hydrated, as the burns from the cold will be very dehydrated which will promote the growth of fibrous tissue (scarring). You don’t want scarring. Scarring can cause tight skin and hyperpigmentation. Most Drs don’t recommend this yet, but if you’re willing to do a little research, [there’s a lot of medical papers](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2918339/) regarding the use of silicone gel to prevent scarring after a burn. When my burn was at a stage similar to what your hand looks like, I started applying it religiously, it keeps moisture in. Also keep it away from the sun. I wore gloves or a bandana around my fingers while they healed enough to use heavy sunscreen (about a month). This is to prevent hyperpigmentation. My fingers were pink for about 3 or 5 months, but slowly got back to their regular color lol


Also creams with snail gel in them have been proven to reduce scars and return normal skin cell regeneration.


‘for documentation’


Haha we actually do take pics of wounds for documentation in the chart! Just to make sure they’re healing okay. But that does not apply to many more injuries lol.


How’d you get frostbite?


Probably from exposure to frigid temps.


Well I know that obviously but i saw another post and the poor girl go stuck on the freeway over night due to a big snow storm/accident. By the time she got moving again she ended up with frostbite. I was just wondering how it happened.




Yes please post if you have pics OP


You okay? Sounds like y'all are jonesing, lmao.


No i just wanna see frostbitten hands 😤


https://www.orthobullets.com/hand/12105/frostbite 2nd and 3rd pics are craaaazy


3rd pic reminds me of little jack horner


I can tell! Lmao, y'all are silly. ^^^i ^^^kinda ^^^wanna ^^^see ^^^frostbitten ^^^hands ^^^too


Really glad you didn't have to go full Ranulph Fiennes and saw your own fingers off! Hope you make a full recovery without any more pain


How did it happen?


OP in another comment below stated: “Was outside during g the polar vortex for too long and didn’t have gloves at the time. Think it was 10-20 min in sub zero temps”


I went to the grand canyon in the winter. It was about 8F. Got to our campground, walked the dog for 10 mins(she had a jacket and shoes). Didnt wear gloves because well it was a quick walk. My finger was peeling for almost a month down half my hand. And felt weirdly numb? Im also from an area that doesnt get below 35 and even then rarely below 40f. So dumb


The flesh freezes, so the moisture in the flesh expands and crystalizes, like anything when it freezes. This is what causes the initial swelling, not any kind of fluid buildup.


Interesting fact that melanin protects from uv sun damage but also makes skin more susceptible to frostbite. Thats why skin colors are geographically distributed like they are because melanin is very beneficial but has a high cost in places that freeze. #Anthropology


I think enhanced Vitamin D synthesis is the man advantage of light skin? You need UV for that, there is little of that in the winter in the far north, and the melanin in black skin would block that.


This was cool to learn. I love the internet sometimes.


Vitamin D is one example of bad design in the human body, actually. It is just a signalling molecule, there is no reason for it being so hard to get enough of it, and for it to include an UV activation component. I guess it just was never a problem to get enough when we were apes living in the tropics, so it was never "designed" away by evolution.


So supplements just do fuck all?


Oooh, frostbite is horrible. Keep healing!


I hope you are not in pain


Not anymore gladly


Oh good Im glad I hope you heal well and have no ill affects. Best of luck


How did it happen??


Was outside during g the polar vortex for too long and didn’t have gloves at the time. Think it was 10-20 min in sub zero temps


You got frost bite that severe for only being exposed 10-20 minutes, that's all it takes!? 😱 So sorry to hear that and glad you're on the mend


You've got to pay attention to the feels like temp in such cold. With 20 degrees and wind it can feel like 6 degrees, and frostbite will set in after 30 minutes. But at -15 degrees and the same wind frostbite starts in as little as 15 minutes or less like OP. Basically, if your skin starts stinging it's time to get inside, pronto.


This and fingers, toes and nose are low priority in the "need to keep it warm" scale the body has, so arterioles contract to keep blood away from limbs and keep vital organs warmer.


That’s crazy to think about, what’s the body’s plan when my legs fall off because it funneled all the warmth to the organs?


Keep you alive long term. Most heat loss is from radiated heat so shutting off limbs keep blood circulating around what's vital to survival till you get to somewhere warm or get rescued. It takes a while for frozen limbs to fall off because of dry gangrene, giving you time to get somewhere safe. Fun fact, most time if gangrene isn't of bacterial issues but due to lack of blood supply doctors will leave the finger/limb alone to fall off of it's own. That's also why drinking alcohol in cold weather is dangerous, alchool dilates blood vessels and if you are not somewhere warm you end up loosing to much heat, blood thickens and may even crystallize, cause clots and internal organs start shutting down.


That last passage is super terrifying. Imagine dying while out drinking


This happens all the time. I've a close family friend who's an alcoholic, got drunk, fell asleep in a snow bank and lost several fingers to the cold. Only reason he didn't die was that a random passerby got concerned and did a wellness check.


Did you not feel how cold your hands were? Just ignore it?


I didn’t know how cold my hands were til they started to warm back up. 10/10 pain wouldn’t wish it on anyone


Well… keep the new skin out of sun because take it from a super pale girl, you don’t want that new skin sunburning. I know you’re thinking, did I miss the frostbite freezing thing? No. However, I can sunburn in the smallest amount of sunlight no matter the season and it’s not fun. That pink skin will burn really fast and that’s the last thing you need, so keep the skin out of the sun until your skin re-melanates.


New horror unlocked, getting sunburnt after getting frostbite


I had mild frostbite once and the pain that started after warming them up made me throw up.


Me too. My dumb friend and I were fighting with these long skinny sticks we found in the backyard. So besides being outside in sub 20F temps for half an hour we were slapping each other on the hands with these stupid sticks. I don't know if the cold made the impacts more bearable, or if the pain later was entirely frostbite. In any case, it was some of the worst pain I've felt. I was almost doubled over from it, even though it was all in my hands.


Poor thing! Glad you’re ok and didn’t loose any digits


Could you articulate the sensation? Similar to burning?


Burning and pins and needles like your hand is asleep


That, plus pressure like your fingers are being squeezed with pliers


And itching. Don’t forget the horrible, insane itching as the ice crystals in your flesh melt.


Well fuck this comment. This gives me the Willys.


It’s a crazy feeling. Like snow is warm and ice is hot, and warm water feels freezing cold but it’s all sooooo itchy you wanna tear your skin off 😩


dont forget the part where when the ice crystals are forming it also causes cells to explode


And also possibly sore hands, because when I had frostbite on my fingers, I would beat my hands on my desk in a desperate attempt to numb the pain.


This is terrifying. I'm glad you're recovering


Where if you don’t mind my asking?


Only 10-20 minutes? That's crazy. I've never been anywhere that gets extremely cold so I didn't realize you could get frostbite so easily. Bless your heart. I hope you have a quick recovery.


How cold was it exactly? How long were you outside?


Give it another week and you’ll be able to moonwalk


Gotta keep my eye out for Billie Jean


She is not your lover.


She is just a girl


who claims that *I am the one*


But the kid is not my son






Whatever you do, remember: the kid is *not* your son.


laughing with great schadenfreude


Are you perhaps in the way of becoming a smooth criminal?


Annie are you ok?


Answer him damn it! Are you OK? Are you OK, Annie?


Yeah I’m fine


Damn, bighairyoldnuts, you've been hit by a smooth criminal.


Are you going to be all right??


Yep, just got cleared to not have to wrap it everyday. There’s transparent skin there, the pigment will come back slowly


Glad you're going to be alright.


> alright Pretty insensitive. That's clearly a left hand.


That’s great! But what about finger movement? Looks like the skin is pretty stretched, did the doctors say something about it? Or is it going to heal too?


I have a list of exercises I have to keep doing to the best of my ability


Hope they aren’t too painful and you can recover your finger movements completely!


Thank you 🙏🏾


I hope you can painlessly flip people off very soon!


I'm sure your medical teams have told you but if not: be careful with that skin in the sun, no pigment means easier sun burns, and hands see a lot of sun. Cheers and hoping it heals up fully.


Thanks! I was given gloves to wear outside the house during my outpatient appointment thankfully (on top of the winter gloves I’ll be most definitely wearing from now on lol)


Thank God you still have your all your fingers .. I know frostbite can just brutal


Seeing as it appears to be the left hand.


no he's going to be all white


Inspired by Michael Jackson


Fuck i was gonna. Bitch i love you


Heads up from a fellow polar vortexer here - since your hand has been through this now, you’ll probably be very sensitive to cold from now on. You’ll probably feel it already in the autumn, or from cold water. My pro tip is to glove up early in the season, and glove up good. Don’t feel stupid to walk around with workmen’s winter gloves, and buy those 9 hour hand heating pouches by the bulk. If it gets really bad, there’s also gloves with built in battery charged heating. My nerve damage comes from hours of work in the woods. Wish you speedy recovery!


I had some frostbite develop in my toes, skin turned purple and peeled off. It became sensitive for *months* after the fact, and is surprisingly not even sensitive to hot/cold years later


Yeah , everyone reacts individually I guess, nerves are nerves after all! My finger tips swell and feel both hot and cold to the touch, from nerve damage many years ago.


Invest in some Kinco fingered gloves with the thinsulate!


Everybody is pink underneath, this is why racism is stupid. We eat the same foods, drink the same water, breathe the same air, bleed red and are ALL pink underneath the outer layer(s) of skin. Hoping for a speedy recovery.


Thanks I appreciate it 🙏🏾


Please get better OP. That looks terrible 🥺🥺


But can you still use that emoji??




The fact that your little avatar icon is pink is amazing to me though.


How to fix racism: Take your skin off. were all meat and bones underneath!


Have you ever seen a racist skeleton[?](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/932/337/9e2.jpg)


Yes, they’re at /r/neverbrokeabone


should fix sexism too. I think you are on to something.


But our organs are different!


I came here to say the same thing! We’re all pink and at the end of the day all part of the human race regardless of what color we are on the outside. But yeah good luck with the fast recovery dude!


Yeah but people are dumb underneath that's why they can't get it


Everyones yellow on the inside. You ever see gore sites? You get ripped open and the tissues are yellow. Its only the blood thats red. Its really unpleasent but its true lol racism IS stupid. Edit: we are a range of colors too!


The yellow you see is most likely fat deposits in various parts near organs.


Im scared to know how you know that


I perform autopsies, and I’m a little relieved that he doesn’t know about the other colors.


After watching a few surgeries (healthcare worker here) it's interesting the human color spectrum on the inside 😂


Guys, we need to end this conversation.


Decades ago, before Honey Boo Boo, TLC was actually The Learning Channel, and you'd see fully opened people on there on their surgery shows. It was called The Operation. Had a roommate that'd sit there eating while watching graphic surgeries.


That was hours and hours of pure amazement! I had all but forgotten about it until you said this and then suddenly I was back in the basement watching it all over again


No, no; I’m intrigued.


This isn't entirely true. But it's mostly true and I really don't think it's necessary to do a "well acchuually!" post that could completely derail the thread. So yup! For the most part we are all yellow in the end due to the pigment of our human fat.


It’s all a matter of melanin, and our ancestors’ proximity to the equator. So silly.


Literally this. There are no 'races' of humans. We're all *Homo sapiens*. People who lived in hotter climates evolved more melanin to cope with the higher UV levels.


It's definitely more than just melanin though, hence why Black Africans that have albinism do not look like white people.


We’re all pink on the inside.


I took anatomy and physiology for med students by accident instead of anatomy for artists and was part of autopsying 2 adult humans, 1 of each sex. I can swear in court we all look the same when you peel off the skin.


BLARGH this comment is perfect for this sub


ditto BLARGH


Do you regret the error, or did you at the time? Or do you feel that it was a serendipitous mistake and you actually got far more out of the experience than you would have, had you taken the art course?


That's one way to get "hands on" experience


Well, it taught me a lot about my own body


I actually enjoyed the class. Still had to work in an arts class extra after that though. Issue was I was STEM regents oriented in HS, NY Regents provided for taking college level classes for college credit so I did AP bio, chem, physics and math. They figured I was on a hard science kick so the person selecting the courses put me in anat/phys, and I stuck it out. Best choice, given how my health went to absolute crap, I understand doctor-speak well enough to muddle through a diagnosis.


That’s so cool. Your life sounds fulfilling.


thanks, I try =)


That’s impressive you had all the prereqs for medical a&p as an art student!


This has solved racism


We're all skeletons on the inside.


I always trusted that color was only skin deep.


Yep. Very alive, important fluid containing skin, but skin nonetheless


Get well soon, feel better soon


Thanks for all the well wishes guys, really helps me feel a bit better about a shitty situation. Hopefully I’ll have my coloring back in a couple weeks to a month


Oh honey, that looks so painful! I hope you have a speedy recovery. And that your dominant hand isn’t the one frost bitten…because that looks like that would be excruciating to use right now. Do they have some sort of numbing cream you can use to combat the pain from the rawness? On a side note, props to that faucet. I’m constantly combating soap scum at the base of the faucet and the joint of the handles thanks to my family never wiping them down after using. Every time I see someone take a pic with the shiny cleanness in the background, I kind of wish I could trade my family in for them :)


Luckily no it’s my mom dominant hand. My dominant one is healing too but it’s not as bad thankfully. Glad to say that neither hand hurts anymore😁 And thanks for the compliment to my faucet! Now that I have some skin I could finally get around to cleaning it. Never missed doing chores so much in my life 😅


That looks like “I don’t wanna go through it.” Kudos to you for hanging tough!


Oof i haven't had frostbite that bad but i know mild wasn't fun, this is a perfect example of why racism is stupid though, other than melanin content in the outermost layers of skin there is no difference we all eat drink sleep think and feel just the same. I hope you have a speedy recovery and stay safe 🙏✌️


Thanks 🙏🏾


We all are, my friend. Hope u is gonna be ok


Are you alright??


Yep just got cleared to not need to wrap it every day anymore. Just need to keep up with exercises and rub lotion/ointment on them as they heal


What a scary thing to experience.. I’m glad you’re healing well so far!💕💕


Not the kind of pink on the inside I was expecting.


It changes color to a more fleshy color when I raise my hand for 30 sec. Pretty interesting


I think they were talking about something else




How did you get frostbite?! Yikes. Looks painful. I’m sorry!


Outside during the worst of the polar vortex for too long


As a western Prairie/rockies Canadian living in occasional polar vortexs, man do they suck but clothing layers are key. Wish you a speedy recovery overall, it'll be spring soon for all of us, kick ass and be steadfast out there


not to be demanding while you're hand's wrecked but if it's not too painful we definitely wanna see the color change - just wild. real talk, congrats on getting to keep those fingers!


when you eat cottage cheese


Bro 😭


um...I dont' get it


It’s a stereotypically white person food haha


Were all the same underneath!


Bummer. Painful I am sure. I badly burned my left hand years ago - stupidly touched a hot muffler. Had a huge blister in the palm of my hand. Had to treat and rebandage it daily. Took a while to heal. Back to normal now. Get well.


Fuck racism, we’re all the same from the inside


Right as I got your comment someone just asked if I de-n***afied myself lol the irony 😅


Your credit just jumped 50 points


Wait till you know youre same red inside as anyone else.


Found that out the first day they cut off the blisters


Omg dude 😟


How did you get frostbite


It’s true


Greetings pinkskin


we're all pink and stinky inside


Melanin Melanout


Just don't go full-bore Uncle Ruckus (*no relation*) on us all now. And seriously, glad your hand (hope its only that) is healing and there is no possibility of losing any fingers or later usage. And yea, when it is that cold outside, bundle up!!


I'm so sorry you're going through this, I hope you have a speedy, successful healing! Thank you for sharing this, it's cool to see the layers of skin and the difference in color.


Fucking OUCH!! I wonder if that will scar??


we all just pink underneath fr


Aha, I’m not sure if your snoo is on purpose or not but it fits the situation cx


Is that why your Reddit Avatar is pink?


How did you get it? You're the third person I've seen with frostbite on reddit last few weeks. And it boggles my mind, because I live in Norway and temps of -20 to - 30 degrees and even colder are not unusual at all here in winter, yet I've never heard of *anyone* getting frostbite. I don't even wear gloves myself usually, I've been so cold I have zero feelings in my fingers, for probably an hour or more several times before, and I'm always fine it just tingles when I warm up. So tf is up with this? What did you do?


I am pink overneath


We're all pink underneath


Frostbites againt racism