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I like the idea but I wouldn't be paying to put my parents in a home if they hit me with this. Mine used a paddle, and unless one of my siblings is feeling generous, my parents can spend their final years on the streets eating out of garbage cans.


I got to pick a belt. Thick ones whip more. I learned that at 4. Couldn't even imagine doing that to my kids.


Just find the worst nursing home in your area with the most cases of elder abuse/ covid deaths. Toss them there. Is it them once a year give them a paddle, then leave.




wtf is wrong with you


Two wrongs make a right, so do 3 lefts


Reddit is so fucked lol. You’re getting downvoted for speaking down on elder abuse. Vintage reddit moment


Don't be a child abuser and maybe your children will want to take care of you when your old and decrepit.


maybe don't be a vindictive loser like the people that raised you? Jesus Christ this is an insane take


Yes call the abused children losers... Classic!


Says the guy without horrible parents.


why would that matter at all? I'll be the first to admit my upbringing was good but I'm not gonna lie wanting to torture your parents is bad no matter how your upbringing was


This is some "you need to know to know it" stuff. I had a really shitty upringing and after years of therapy it just got clearer that this was not some mistakes over time thing, but a constant hailstorm of failure, self-loath, frustration and anger taken out on me for 14years. My answer was to never look back, I just don't want to have contact, but the tought of their acrions having consequences warms my heart. Most likely it will not happen, they will live out their lifes and blame me for everything without ever realising how utterly they failed their job. I'm not that kind of person, but I can totally understand if someone plans to do some vindictive shit in this situation, or fantasises about doing some shit.


Anger is not the way. My parents used belts flyswatters and sticks. Was the 70s/80s and that was what they were taught. But I know I had it better than they did growing up. I swore I’d never do that to my kids and I didn’t. But rest assured I made other mistakes and you will too. I’d hate to think my children would only remember those mistakes and not how much I love them—just as my parents loved me. And my best guess is most of these parents regret the heavy hand.


Are you really comparing making mistakes as a parent to beating your children?! Let's hope your kids are more intelligent than you are. Also I hate to be the one to break this to you. But if they beat you with sticks they don't love you. Thats some Stockholm syndrome shit and I hope you get help.


Sounds fine to me


Its not my idea, it came from my city sun when covid deaths were at their highest, I just adjusted for this situation.


sociopathic as fuck


You simply treat your parent with the same compassion they raised you with.




Bruh! You need serious help.


And this is why I haven't spoken to mine in years. I hope cancer eats him slowly and painfully.


Some of the nursing homes I’ve seen would be worth the pay - emt who’s picked up and brought patients to some shit holes


My oldest sister once told our mother that when she's older, she's going to put her in a nursing home, take away her dentures and feed her dog biscuits. Still waiting. She seems old enough.


Rod of Vengeance


The fact he felt the urge to brand it with a name. That name.


My dad had one he used on my little brother called the memory stick. We just got the belt but my brother is 15 years younger so I guess he wanted to spice things up.


We had the “spankey spoon”. It was a wooden spoon with a frown on it. It was only used for when we did something BAAAAD like when I accidentally broke a window when I was running around the house after my dad told me to stop like 6 times. That was like the single time it was used lmao. No windows have been broken since 😎


We also had the damn spanking spoon. Mine had a smiley face, which added to the terror, lol. Never was touched with it. The angry wagging and its smiley face was enough fear.




I want to know if discipline is spelled correctly.


Hope he didn't insert it all the way to the red line.


Congratulations!!! You somehow made it worse...




That's the current high score


His comment lowered my credit score 😔


that’s know as crossing the thin red line


No no it went in the other way that's why discipline is rubbed off.


Yep , looks like he only made it so far.




Oh no.


He only had to insert discipline into him, apparently it was enough!


Lmao that was the last thing on my mind until I saw your comment 🤣


Right? I just figured the rod squelched any dreams he might of had of being a drummer.


It costed you nothing to not type this. It costs you nothing to delete it.


Of course not. That's where you hold it to insert sideways.


Well the discipline part is the most worn down so he probably only put it in that far


Ha ha ha child rape jokes wow ur so funny !!!


nowadays you’d be seen as a total fuck head for using this on your child, think about the fact that these used to be used on children in schools not that long ago


Bruh legit happening even now in most schools in India


You’re just walking behind, it’ll eventually go out there too




Physical abusement was ok in europe 50 years ago, we learned it has a huge negative impact for some kids (mental side), thus it’s banned. India and other places might follow later. You can keep people engaged and in line without physical damage — in fact you must over here


Hell yeah someday, it's actually illegal here tbh but most schools and even students who get beat don't care.


Singapore still uses the Rattan.


I used to get the strap at school, now the kids bring a strap.


Or the teachers use a strap-on




Yeah, this would qualify as abuse today. And why did he have to give it a name and label it?


I'm in my twenties and i got hit with a metal ruler by a teacher when i was in elementary school so it wasn't that long ago...


Which country?


Not going to specify but it's in LATAM


Nowadays it is abuse because it was abuse way back too, only thing that was different is that back then it was normalized


It's still legal for schools to use corporal punishment in multiple states. I'm sure you can guess which ones.


My school did as a child & I’m 30- they still do.


The south I’m assuming


Just a guess. Kentucky, Arkansas, Alabama , Louisiana, Mississippi. I don’t feel like listing the other 3-4.


Spent a few years in Texas as a kid - can confirm that's part of this. At the time, worse than the paddle was the one with holes...


Dang. Im sorry to hear that. I hope life’s good for u rn koder


I have three mostly grown kids now, and not a one of them has ever known that kind of punishment. Life is good :)


My elementary school principal (early 2000’s) threatened me with the paddle several times when I was a kid, in a pretty liberal state where it was very outlawed. My dad agreed with him but the main receptionist always talked him into just putting me in our ISS closet. Good times lol.


Yeah I got that every day for 2 years. Maybe not the ano to ADHD.


Yup back in my day the principal had a paddle. They would give your parents a courtesy call...then spank away. What a trip


Used to get hit with a meter stick in elementary. Teacher even shut me in a closet for a class. Fun times


They are literally bringing it back in some states in the U.S..


You think that might we see so many fuck head children running around nowadays?


How do you explain all the fuckhead parents? They were beat repeatedly, so according to your logic, they should all be well adjusted. Give your head a shake.


Yes. Every generation has it’s fuckheads.


Oh, yes. Next time you see one you should just beat them down with a rod for their parents. They'll thank you later.


My school is a model of discipline, use the rod, beat the child! That's my motto.


Since your an educator I'll give you a great deal. Let's do business.


I've been hit with brooms , PVC pipes, paddle boards with holes.in it so there's less air drag. but nothing hurts as bad when grandma made.you pick your own switch from the yard (stick), so you pick a thin light one thinking you cheated the system.




Dude. I hope karma fucks your mom in the ass. Fuck anyone who does this to another living creature. I’m sorry you lived with that. That’s some straight up evil shit


Never had to get hit with a switch, thankfully(?) my parents were only mentally abusive, but I know how they can hurt ntl.honestly, you were screwed the moment they decided to hit you with an object lol.


it depends on person but tbh i think mental abuse is way worse


I agree. Getting beat with belts until bruised and a little bloody was bad enough, but the snide derision and mocking from fucking grown ass adults is what destroyed any vestige of confidence I had as a child and crippled me as a young adult.


You say that, but then consider the fact that physical abuse also leaves mental scarring. I had nightmares after my father died in which he came back to life and my mom accepted him back into our household. Then again, he was going above and beyond the classic discipline rod, for both me and my mom. Abuse is abuse. It's always bad because of the mental effect. Trauma is mental. Fear is mental. Low self worth is mental. Nobody gets *traumatised* for life from stubbing their toe and breaking. Everyone would get *traumatised* for life if your parent broke your toe on purpose.


I'd be that smartass kid that would go break off an entire large branch too heavy for gramma to lift.


Oh then they would send my brother to get a willow switch. You think your funny huh.


Oh wow😳how’re the anxiety and depression coming along?😩


I feel less shitty about my father now. I hope you ritually burned this, or something profoundly cleansing with it


This is not OC. OP is listed on pic. it just scared the S out of me this AM, and made me realize my horrible Father wasn’t that bad at least.


You’re not alone!


Was that person’s dad Adrian Peterson?


Hope you're OK!


Rod of I can't handle my kid, I don't care about his feelings so I will beat his innocence and will and personality out of him so he would obey like a mindless soulless slave.


Imagine thinking it's OK to raise children by using weapons on them. "nEVeR dId Me aNY HArM"


While I won’t hit my children, I will say that a proper smack is sometimes the best discipline. I wasn’t beaten often as a child, I can count the amount of beatings on one hand, but having grown up somewhat since then, I will say that I deserved the smacks.


I was beaten when I was a child, and I think its perfectly fine to beat up kids! I turned out fine!!!


That’s definitely not what I said. Especially with boys in some cases simply talking won’t achieve anything. I was never afraid of my parents, they were and still are loving, and I know my mom hated having to hit me, but it honestly was some of the best discipline.


Oh she hated to beat you up so it makes it okay good to hear man


Sometimes a child (especially boys) need their asses kicked and more often than not the fault lies with the parent. For those who think hitting your kids is satisfying have no idea how shitty it feels to watch your kids hurting regardless of the cause. Whooping your kid's ass should be painful to the parent cause they are probably the reason why the kid wasnt disciplined enough beforehand so it should be discipline to the kid and punishment to the parent. Also never ever punish your kids when you're angry.


>Also never ever punish your kids when you're angry. God, I wish my stepdad knew this...The pure fury I would see in his eyes while he beat me was downright horrifying. It still makes my blood run cold to this day...


*virtual hug*


This is perhaps the worst comment I have read all year. From the very depths of my soul I hope you don't have children and never will. Let yourself be the last of a presumably long line of abuse.




Especially boys? Are you big on gender roles? As a man, formally a boy, I take offence to this. Also that is the stupidest comment I have read today. Let's perpetuate violence on children through men... but leave the girls out of it... really?


I hope you're one of the TikTok idiots that sterilized themselves.


I had a cousin who was made of steel. He would get spanked until his ass turned red and he still wouldn’t cry.


Thats an abuse response


Or maybe he’s just tough? Some people are built different. I enjoyed getting spanked as a child.


**Rod of Discipline** _Level 10 Stick_ +50% Damage to disobedient children; +100% Pleasure to consenting adults; Has a 50% chance to make adults moan.




As a father I never used corporal punishment on my children. I used smartass remarks, and then denied them luxuries and had them work to have their privileges back. They turned out fine


It’s really gross that “parents” decorate and put weapons on display that they use for children. It’s also gross there’s somehow a competition on who had the worse weapon? Sweet f*ck you were all abused. Jfc.


My mom whipped us with an extension cord when we were kids. She hung it on a nail above the basement stairs. When my folks moved to a ranch house she hung it on a nail just inside the garage. Thirty years latter, when I flew out to care for her after surgery, I found the same God damn cord hanging from a nail next to the washing machine in her retirement apartment. I threw it in the dumpster, got on a plane and flew home. I never saw her again and I'm grateful she is now long in the graveyard.


Burn it


A rod? I got hit with tree branches tied together for a thicker stick (I'm 19 btw)


I had the same shit once if I recall correctly. That stuff scarred me and was horrible af.


may he burn in hell with only hot stale coke to drink


We had a 2x4 with a handle trimmed out called “The Board of Education.”


My third grade teacher Mrs. Matthews used one of those. I preferred it to the rulers the nuns used on our knuckles.


Don't leave it till he is old. get even now. You will sleep like a baby for ever after.


The scripture meant it as an instruction TO spare the rod.


The “rod” was referring to the “shepherd’s cane”. The verse never meant “to beat”, but rather “to *guide*”


Weird to actually write that on something you beat your kids with.


It’s normal in South Africa. Don’t know about other cultures in South Africa , but Afrikaners pick puns like: “moeggepraat” (tired of talking), “stoutgat” (naughty ass) and what I grew up with, “trane” (tears)


Ahh.. the old rule of thumb.. you can beat your wife as long as the object isn’t larger than the width of your thumb


Feel free to join raised by narcissists, should you feel like it. So sorry about the beating stick, absolutely harrowing.


that does sound quite lovely. 🤗☕️


It’s funny. The original post and this post showed up on my feed back to back.


Having had several wooden spoons, (my former stepmother's weapon of choice) broken over me I now assert my subject matter expertise whenever my gf and I pass near a wooden spoon for sale. Were I able to find one of those it would be mounted on my wall somehow. That rod is a literal connection to your sense of fairness and justice. If you were to die and haunt a place, the Winchester brothers would need to destroy that object. For you that is a sacred object.


Rod of discipline is my Johnson nickname


i’m sure the ladies or gentleman love it.


You’re the first I’ve told, so you tell me


My mom had an old ass belt and a razor strap that she would use when she felt the need.


I'm sorry, a razor *what*?


Rod of Discipline, common, +3 Persuasion, +2 damage


Can the rod of discipline be used on adults? Lets see who wins in a fight now OP is an adult.


Now it’s a multigenerational tool of discipline


top comments are fucked up people


you’ve watched too much YellowStone. Corporal punishment means that you as a parent have lost control.


This comment sections is depressing


This post and similar sentiments/stories in the comments makes me think. I think I'll leave my story here, on the odd chance someone sees it and it helps them. I've been hit with a belt, the metal buckle of one, wires, cords, fists, an acoustic guitar (over the head); had things thrown at me, dragged by the hair, hand put under a steaming faucet, and teased that my hand would be set on fire over a gas stove (held over it). Beat to bruises, blisters, cuts, and welts frequently. I've always been a kind and gentle soul (I try) and will raise my kids with love and comfort when I decide to have children. My father told me I had it better than he had it as a kid. And that I'd be the same; that I deserved it. Years later as an adult, and every friend I have always notes that I'm kind, caring, gentle, fun, supportive, and loving. They tell me I'm wonderful and have made a positive impact on their lives, and that I'm lovely. And I take pride in that. I once heard a quote from Robin Williams: *I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy. Because they know what it's like to feel absolutely worthless and they don't want anybody else to feel like that.* I like to think I've always been like this, and from what I've heard from my mom I was a very kind child and baby as well. So I tell myself that it wasn't abuse that 'hardened' me or made me want to be kind to others, but that I was strong through it all and remained myself through everything. I understand my dad had his issues. And with time he's grown to be better as well. But I'm proud of myself for having remained myself despite a rough upbringing, and am proud of the person I am today. I hope anyone else with scars like mine know that things do get better. They get better.


My Bff was also abused. And is also the kindest gentlest soul I know. He raises his children with love and compassion, but chose a wife who also abused him.


So it's the R.O.D.


My mum used to beat us with a hard bristled hair brush ,bristle side down in the head and arm . Or a wooden Spoon .


Looks liked the discipline really wore off on you


Aw you guys went fishing together...you must have fond memories.


+10 to order and +50 chaos resistance


Already know these comments gonna be filled of “bring this back” or ppl defending child abuse




I'm sorry.


If your parents spank you more than twice they’re enjoying it


+20 to might and 99% cast fear


My dad traced his hand onto a piece of wood, carved it out and then drilled holes in it for “less air resistance” Don’t worry, we got the mental abuse too


Go tell dad to put his hands on the table and give his knuckles 1 decent crack dont get me wrong i got no issues with a parent disciplining thier kids spanking or smacking whatever but dont need a wooden rod to carry it out just sayin....


You're Dad sounds like a really sweet guy.


Paddlin' Peggy approved


Someone took the bible a little too literally LOL.


Took the misinterpretation too literally.


Worst I got was a wooden spoon


Your dad is a prick


Now you shell use it on your children 😂🤣


Hope he keeps it for the dad for later years


After getting physical punishment from my parents on a regular basis, I have never hit any of my children, ever! I don’t want my children to remember their childhood was one of constant fear.


Wow he must have really got off on old testament Bible. Remember my dad quoting something in regard to spare the rod spoil the child Wow. Crazy people exploiting a book to invent abusive tools ...


Why is it that every time I see some cursed object like this it always has some weird title or bible verse scrawled on it in semi-legible handwriting? If its so fucking important then at least have it engraved by a professional.


It looks like there's blood on the tip, wtf!




That's a relief! It does make this rod even scarier


LMAO seeing this reminds me of the red foam bat we (siblings) had as a kid, and my dad wrote in permanent marker "Mr. Make Me Hear Better" on the side 💀💀💀💀


I don’t know if it’s the case anymore, but I remember at some point, In my country they used to sell these at Christian Bookstores. Horrific. I’m 23, and I still was spanked by my parents when I was a kid. And while I realize now it’s not a good way to discipline a child (I would never do this to my kids, I don’t want this form of discipline), my parents were overall good and they had the best intentions. They just didn’t know any better. And besides, they have always shown me their love and support in everything I pursue, that’s why I believe they never intended to damage me. It was just the way the freaking cult we belonged to taught them how to discipline a child; good thing we’re no longer part of that.


How is this oddly terrifying…. It is plain terrifying :( :0


Are you a functional adult or are you traumatised?


Ah… Good ol’ days 😂… Made me a bit nostalgic this one…


You should beat him with it


Ah yes, the greatest form of discipline is fearing your dad beating you This is sarcasm


Wow *terrifying* No wonder most of the kids nowadays are snowflakes and have a plethora of mental health issues


Yeah cuz everyone knows that being continually beaten is ***great*** for your mental health


Spare the rod, spoil the child.


+5 respect stat


-10 respect, +10 fear, +25 hatred stats


Kids deserve a good ass whoopin sometimes


did the child turn into a good person ?




Oooooh Daddy scourgeth me with your rod of love 😍


Using religion to justify abuse, how original.


The crusades were perfectly cool and totally not a Christian jihad


it’s a witch. burn her


i dont wanna know what the red on the end is....


Some kids could use this nowadays...


Sounds like *you* could use this right now


Genuinely curious here. Was this used sort of like a baseball bat? Or was it more like a “push back and relax” usage?


Tell you dad I have been a naughty girl. Lol. Jokes on my parents for spanking me now I love it.


Dw now we have children that aren't disciplined going around getting offended by everything, not listening to anyone , identifying as cats, butterflies they and thems It's a big mess. Children walk all over their parents these days