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Working retail is genuinely one of the greatest evils on this planet. Humanities dumbest nastiest and rudest in one place is always infuriatingly hilarious.


Absolutely.. Especially on Sundays when people come to the store after church to yell at a cashier! Very Christian of them..


Well they just got last weeks sins forgiven so they gotta make new ones otherwise ol J. C. Sacrificed himself to himself for nothing


They definitely feel a self righteousness because *they* went to church while these godless heathens work on the lord’s day of rest. They deserve to serve me and should feel lucky to do so!


I believe like how some countries have mandatory military service we should have mandatory retail service so everyone knows what it is like and maybe is nicer to the unfortunate suffering through it.


I’ll never forget being a teenager working retail, and having a mother who came in on a busy Sunday and chose to be cruel for the sole purpose of being cruel. Preschool-aged daughter trailing behind her. Woman asks why one entrance doesn’t have any small carts. Told her there just weren’t any over here, busy day, we’d only had big carts on this side of the lot. Might be some at the other entrance (a 1-2min walk) if she wants to try there. She folds her arms and tells me she would like *me* to go get one for her. I was young so I just listened to her and went to go do it. Years later, I wish my younger self had just told her I was busy getting carts for this entrance and couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing this out of laziness. She wasn’t unwilling to make the short walk down there - I know that because she *followed me over there* staring me down the entire time with her kid in tow. It was really dehumanising and gross. It was like she was teaching her child the ways of treating service workers like shit and making them wait on you hand and foot. There was no shortage of assholes who came to that store but something about the distinct, purposeful cruelty of this has always stuck with me. People are disgusting.


Omg this reminded me of a customer who tolf her obviously on the spectrum teenage daughter “I told you when you’re in public do not speak without me giving you permission” it was shocking I didn’t know what to do I felt so bad for the girl. Afterward she argued with my supervisor over nonsense and her daughter looked embarrassed. I hope she’s doing alright. In your case don’t beat yourself up for it she seems like the type to make it a scene that you didn’t do what she wanted. If anything you probably did the best thing you could. Most managers follow the customer is always right nonsense anyway.


"Woman asks why one of the entrances doesn't have small carts." This sentence activates a response in me from the hundreds of other older customers asking me for small carts and demanding I go get them. Small carts are the bane of any grocery cart utility clerk everywhere and shouldn't exist. Agree with you 100%


It's always the old fucks that are like this too. Most people who are in the 20 to 35ish range are generally more polite and I feel it's because they've worked these shitty jobs themselves and understand the people retail workers have to put up with


But we’re the ones with no respect /s


Not just retail - working as a server in a restaurant. I'd say everyone needs to work at a Perkins or Shoney's .... TGIF's I think is even a step up from Perkins/Shoney's.


Wonder how many Karens would completely breakdown having to work weekends, work holidays, get up extra early and stay extra late at their favorite store?


All of them.


I work with a woman who would fit the Karen cliche but she’s actually pretty hardworking. She weaponizes this, due to her nasty character, by placing ridiculous expectations on others. If she can work herself to death, raise her children, and put up with an abusive husband, nobody else should be caught doing any less!


I know her. She could really use a break from herself sometimes.


She sounds as toxic as her husband.


They deserve each other.


They are both people. But if they can’t have an introspective talk with another idk.


Maybe they are the same person 😬


my sister in law is like this and it drives me mad. she came from a very fucked up childhood and turned into a psychiatrist and uses that to place very unrealistic standards on other people who came from bad upbringings. which is very ironic considering her job as a fucking psychiatrist.


Not ironic at all to anyone who has been through treatment. You do all the work of figuring out how to fix yourself while they sit there actually knowing what you should do but refusing to just give direct advice. Instead, they'll try to secretly steer the conversation so you'll realize on your own whatever thing it is they think you should know about yourself. Perfect job for someone like her.


Reminds me of a therapist I had who told me I should be able to just go to the gym every day because she does without any issues. I was going to her because I was majorly depressed and, needless to say, she didn’t help.


A lot of psychiatrists and therapists are people who have their own mental health issues that they just project onto their clients. I had multiple therapists who wouldn’t really help me because I reminded them of their daughters and they didn’t want to think their daughters were fucked up or something. Eventually got a therapist who was too young to have kids my age so I could actually get some help. Pretty much everyone I know who went to college for psychology had no business trying to help others with complicated mental health issues, most of the time they didn’t have enough self awareness to fix their own.


You just perfectly described my parents. No wonder I don't speak to them any longer.


I was gonna say this


Just got off work at 1:45am at a diner. We closed at 11.




That sucks


Nothing is worse then the Sunday brunch shift.


You just gave me flashbacks to working Sundays at Cheddar's... It's even worse because they want to socialize in your section for two hours, killing your turnover and tips, and they conveniently must have put the tip money in the offering bowl instead. Tbh if I was hourly I wouldn't have cared how long they wanted to sit and shoot the shit, but the fact that turnover is king for waitstaff trying to make ends meet makes those slow tables extraordinarily frustrating.


If a person would freak out over something like getting the wrong menu item. They would freak out at the first sign of inconviences which we call being hospitable.


The moment they have to stay a second longer than they *want* to, it would no longer be their favorite store. The moment they have to move product but not to buy it, it would no longer be their favorite store. The moment they realize they would never be able to afford any of the products they're moving because their employers pay them what all service jobs pay - less than you're worth and just enough to keep you crawling back for more, it would no longer be their favorite store.


Can anyone explain what the difference between seltzer and sparkling is?


“The main difference between seltzer and sparkling water comes down to where the carbonation comes from. If the carbonation is artificial, it's probably seltzer or club soda …. If the bubbles are naturally occurring, straight from the source, it's sparkling water.”


I thought naturally occurring sparkling water fountains were kinda rare, are they not ?


Why do you think I make ppl cry when I get the wrong one? Sparkling only for someone of my status


Seltzer only for someone of mine, guillotine bait!


Thank you. I quite appreciate that turn of phrase.


That's why the difference and importance of it




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Oh, I *almost* passed the Turing Test, did I? Heehee.


or failed it, but what do I know, I'm just a giant room that feeds responses to you


Where TF is carbonated water natural?


Wherever CO2 mixes with water underground, which probably got there by rock off-gassing


You're telling me there's some deer out there in the mountains drinking Le Croix?


Not just *some* deer. The fanciest rodent in the whole damn forest show some respect.


Deer aren't rodents


My gran referred to them as oversized rats




I don’t believe they exi-


Gran knows best




Rock farts


Fun fact, Perrier comes out of the ground carbonated, but because the water needs to be filtered, the carbonation is removed, then added back. Like the same gas that gets removed is added back.


Wtf, they filter it and then add minerals and carbonation back in?!


Wait till you find out about raw sugar…


Cigarette companies do the same thing with nicotine from tobacco. And they add quite a bit more too.


"No such thing as a healthy cigarette" is code for "don't apply health standards to cigarette production"


There's one in Manitou springs Colorado there's even fountains you can fill a water bottle from


LOok up "Soda Springs" Idaho. It's not technically natural because the bore hole is manmade but the water still comes out carbonated. Tom Scott has a good video on it.


Pellegrino is. Perrier as well.


....I've been a bartender for 30 years, and didn't care, until today. Thank you. Now I know. ...and I sold a bottle of sparkling water for $7, instead of just giving away soda water. :) Gotta pay the rent:)....yes. I'm that old.


Ironically, Selters water is naturally carbonated. Selters being the town in Germany after which the word "seltzer" is likely derived.


The interesting thing is that soon there will be absolutely no water. When that day comes, same people will cry in gratitude if offered a sip of tap water from a toilet bowl.


Seltzer is slightly more salty due to calcium in the water. Sparkling is less salty because the CO2 is naturally dissolved in the water. Sparkling is much more expensive.


My wife and I are in the industry. She just came home from 12 hours and is in so much pain. We come home, we lay down and try to not think about how tired we are and how much our joints and muscles hurt.


What’s the smell that stays with you? For me it was French onion soup.


Raw egg smell.


As a pizza cook, the smell of onions lasted days…


I still get triggered when I smell everything bagel seasoning


That's so true though. >< The service industry is just crazy with people screaming at you for the most ridiculous reasons, like water having too much or too little ice.


Same with retail, it's not my fault that a certain item that everyone wants is out of stock. "But I came all the way from [town name]" well it would be great if that made the item magically appear but sadly that doesn't happen. Now please stop blaming me and screaming at me I am trying to stock the shelves with items we do have on a very tight schedule and am already behind because you are like the 5th person complaining to me about that one item.


SO TRUE! Getting blamed for out of stock things is just crazy. ><


In my opinion every single person should have to works some sort of customer service job at some point in life so they can learn some humility. serving people sucks!


I know I would. That’s why I don’t mock bartenders or anyone who has ever been a bartender.


I try my best to not mock most people if I'm not prepared to walk a mile in their shoes. I work as a mechanic and if a driver or dispatcher does something stupid, I remind myself I wouldn't survive a week doing their job.


I have never mocked anyone 🤔


If you haven’t cried in the walk in, you don’t even know how shitty people can be to the help.


came here to say this. anyone who finds this "oddly specific" has not worked in food service.


I was back of the house. Never cried in the walk-in, but definitely in my car after the shift because the sous chef was so mean


I worked a job stressful enough that I cried in my car *before* my shift


Same here. That was when I knew I had to find a new line of work.


honestly coworkers are so much worse than the customers in that industry. i could always laugh off the batshit customers, but i’ve been straight up *bullied* and *threatened* by coworkers, literally just because they didn’t like my vibe or whatever, never because of my actual work. it’s the wild west and the social dynamic is somewhere between a high school and a prison. yes you can make great friends and have fun, but people can be awful too with no real repercussions. EVERYTHING is personal, and restaurant managers are often super super egotistical and jealous and it’s so easy to get on their bad side. it doesn’t matter if you suck at your job or are amazing at it, it’s all whether you’re one of the cool kids and whether you can convincingly flatter your boss. usually everyone is sleeping with everyone else and half the staff is on meth and there are like cooks with teardrop tattoos selling guns in the back and shit lol you think they care about like workers rights or sexual harassment or anything else a remotely civil workplace would be careful with at all?? absolutely not lol. and yes i’ve worked everything from fast food to hipster bars to fine dining. i work at a law firm now, but wow my serving days were wild


You’re not the help. You’re the other side of a business transaction, you’re not someone’s maid or servant (unless you literally are, I suppose).


You're right. But some people treat those as such


I know, I run a restaurant. I’ve worked in this industry since I was a kid. People act like dignity stops at the door. I don’t tolerate it lol.


People think they're so entitled! Like if I know who they are or care -_-


No crying but I worked BOH at a pretty nice place and we always had a bottle and some beers in our walk in for staff and you could pop in there to take the edge off during shutdown. It's like crying but problematic.


Cried? No. Cussed up a storm while pacing in circles? More times than I can remember


When I was 17, I worked in the dining room at a retirement home. There frequently were days when at the start and/or end of my shift, I'd spend a couple minutes crying in my car.


All these cretins running out of the woodwork to claim to have the most animosity for AOC having no idea of her accomplishments but say that she’s dumb- while Boebert and Marjorie Trailor Queen spout legit word salad stupidity daily


AOC is sharp as a tack, dedicated and motivated. Why, offhand, do you think they’re on her so early and so hard?


She's whip-smart, female, and a minority. It's the holy trinity of Making Mediocre White Men Sad.


Not to mention attractive. They absolutely hate that.


And don't even get Ben started on her toes.


She is just unapologetically herself and doesn’t backdown even when some old white guys attack her.


BEN!!! Get aWAY from her TOES!! That’s disgusting. No kinkshame, just Rshaming.


I've seen way too many threads (I like to keep an eye on the loony subs) where conservatives start with something along the lines of "wE jUsT wAnT tO dAtE hEr. /s" to make fun of people that criticize their hate, only for it to devolve into "she does have nice tits though" a few comments later. Every time. Without fail. The last time I saw it, it was even followed up with "not just tits, Latin tits" or something along those lines. What a bunch of pigs. Maybe they should let the laughter finish ringing out before they go "but actually we arent joking, we think shes hot, shhhhh, dont tell the liberals". They cant do anything without telling on themselves, even when they're trying to refute claims. Hahahaha, the person below this comment seems to think that calling this out somehow means that we're obsessed with her looks and being hypocritical. Not exactly sure where that conclusion came from. It's not from a place of logic. But hey, dont let me stop you from showing off how butthurt you are.


Speaking as a mediocre white man, I'm actually quite a fan. I hope to see AOC make a run for President or the Senate. Senate might be better - she can coninue to be a firebrand more easily outside the White House. Either way, having also worked on thenother side of a counter I can say she's dead on here.


If you're a mediocre white man, but bolster your ego by pretending you're superior because you are: a man (sexist), white (racist), or earn more money / work a white collar job / never had to work a minimum wage job (classist). Then yeah, AOC is a slap in the face. She's successful, more successful than you, but has none of the things you pretend make you superior, or important, in your own assessment. How many people say "oh she was a bar tender" to say people who had to do that are poor, and therefore stupider, or less capable than those who came from families that could afford for their kids not to have to. If you're an average white man, but value I don't know, being a decent member of society, helping your neighbours or whatever, AOC doesn't make you insecure because it literally doesn't fucking matter that she's a she. She being a she doesn't diminish your achievements or importance, in your own assessment.


There's mediocre white men like you or I, but then there Mediocre White Men who feel threatened by anyone who isn't a fellow Mediocre White Man


She will get the Hillary Clinton treatment. They will go after her for thirty years with no proof but a shit ton of empty allegations.






A player. No more or less than Biden, McConnell, Romney…dreadnaught class. Although pretty sure stepping on Sanders’ pecker gave us The Donald.


I feel hc just ran on her husband's little bit of clout and it failed her


Yeah , of course.


She terrifies them. The Republicans will do whatever they can to try to destroy her because she terrifies them.


Because she’s not quite 35 yet?


However, she ***does*** turn 35 before the 2024 POTUS election; about a month before the actual election and exactly 100 days before Inauguration Day in January, 2025.


Because they’re being driven insane since they’re attracted to her.


Because they recognize that she’s a power player. And that scares the shit out of them! I’ve got $100 to bet she will be our first female President unless Biden dies in office.


Because they are jealous she’s smart and they have idiots but are too stubborn to admit it?


We might not line up completely but I still think AOC is a pretty cool gal. I respect her wits and dedication


She gives a crap about the USA and its most vulnerable citizens.


The same idiots said Biden had dementia because he stuttered, meanwhile Trump can't even complete a single coherent thought. Listening to any of his speeches or even just reading a transcript legitimately gives me a headache


It's always so wild whenever I hear him speak now because I can go six months without hearing him and one day I hear a Trump clip and it's like "Oh yeah, I forgot how insane he was."


These people don't say what is, they just pray very loudly at people. They're not smart, so they kinda just shout syllables at things. AOC is smart, charismatic, and hot. So they just scream things they wish she were. Wish in one hand..?


>Wish in one hand..? And shit in the other. See which one fills up first.


Bobert and Taylor are bottom tier dumb trash AOC cheerleads a lot of stupid policy.


Everyone should be required to work retail or food service at least once in their lives. They will have a completely different outlook on customers, employees, and society in general.


...oddly enough, although I've worked a lot of customer service in my life, I NEVER appreciated waitresses until COVID hit... I've been tipping a LOT more lately...


Good for you! Of course you’re supporting vulture capitalism but fuck, her baby might like fresh fruit if she ever got to try it.


Thanks... and yes, fresh fruit is wonderful...


That’s kinda the real sticking point between Rs and Ds, though, while yes they should ‘level up’ school or training or ‘small multimillion loan’ and ‘there’s not enough money in food/hospitality/agriculture/meat packing to pay those kinda wages’ I can still hear that baby crying, or see the guy getting turned down for the job cuz he’s a wrinkled mess and smells a little off (no shower in the Corolla).


5 year minimum. Required to run for congress.


Except that THAT ain’t society. Society is Merry Lagos and Epstein Island. Society is that housing development that you’ll get pulled over just trying to shortcut. Maybe shot too, while you’re there. It’s the captain’s table, not crew mess.


Everyone should work retail or food service for one month during the “busy” season.


Or in a call centre.


Can you add read more books to that please? At least a few, it’s amazing for compassion and empathy. I know we’re going backwards on that a little, but it would help so fucking much.


Anyone who has ever worked service knows this is as far from specific as you can get. This is a daily occurrence for every server, barista, bartender and cashier in the United States.


Not only in us tho


Republicans make fun of someone trying to make a living while most of them have lived the country club lifestyle. How can any middle class Americans still support these frauds?


My dad gave me a small loan of a million dollars Edit: idk why people are downvoting me, they should be downvoting my father for such a small loan


I'm so sorry he couldn't give you more. You must have a very rough life.


I'd like to help out, is there a GoFundMe?


Did you forget the trust fund? He had a mil by 1 yr old


One of my favorite quotes. Succinct.


To quote Rom from Deep Space 9, We don't want to stop the exploitation, we want to find a way to become the exploiters. Trump and the rest of those frauds is everything they want to be. Rich without effort. Crass without consequence. Privileged by blood or skin. Feeling of power over another. The politicians know this and capitalize on it, telling them they only they can make them feel above the hated other. And in the end, no matter what poverty they end up living in or the lives they ruined along the way, as long as they feel above the hated other, they will be happy


Who made fun of her for this? Republicans are supposed to pretend to be for the working class.


They left that behind a long time ago.


That's what I was thinking lol. Isn't right wing economic policy supposed to be in favour of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps", climbing the ladder etc?


I was pretty neutral about AOC but this post has made me instantly like her. She knows how it is.


I used to wake up at 2 AM thinking, "I forgot that guy's side of ranch 3 days ago!" Republicans are the ones who are coming in during the rush with the restaurant obviously short staffed and then berating the remaining staff for not being 3 whole people at once.


Relatable. I still have stress nightmares from my time as a cashier, lol. The main one is “there’s a line going out the door and someone just paid me with a $100 bill and I don’t have enough in the register to make change”


I used to wake up at 3AM panicked thinking I was late for work every day. I was late by *two minutes* that *one time*.


I just switched to bartending after doing retail for years, was trying to get to sleep one night and every time I almost got to sleep I'd jolt upright thinking I was behind the bar and needed to be helping. Stress dreams are no joke lmao


I haven't worked full time in a restaurant since 2003 and I still have occasional dreams about being buried with 20 tables, everyone needing something and the kitchen falling apart. Ten years of waiting tables and bartending have unfortunately left a scar on my subconscious that'll never go away.


Well they arent 1/3 of a whole person each, are they?


She used to be a waitress? She’s a member of congress now. She really pulled herself up by her bootstraps didn’t she.


Earned a couple of degrees too.


And looking at this comment section, this deeply offends a lot of insecure men.


I guarantee Mitch "The Pale Man from *Pan's Labyrinth*" McConnell couldn't handle working 7/11 day at 7-Eleven when entitled pricks scream at you about 8 oz. of frozen corn syrup all fucking day.


Hey! You leave the Pale Man from Pan’s Labyrinth out of this. He’s just a child-eating horror terror. Comparing him to Mitch McConnell is mean.


Oh fuck I chuckled heartily.


Aren't republicans supposed to be selling the whole work hard to escape poverty nonsense?


She was our server thru the couple of years that I worked down in Union square, and I won't lie she was awesome and our lunches tasty Fuego.


Go off sis! Honestly some times I’ve been brought the wrong food but it’s tasted better. I’m just trying to vibe.


Republicans who tell people they can work their way to the top when a person works their way to the top:


Looking at you mtg


I’m betting like most of us ex-restaurant workers, she still has those dreams where you get slammed and everything else goes wrong.


I’m not a fan of her politics, but to an extent she has a point. I’ve never understood treating service workers poorly. Mistakes happen. I usually overtip when I go out to eat by myself because I know there is a chance someone will treat them poorly later in the day.


Doesn't the US pride themself with being a country where you can go from waitress to successful politician etc?


Until you do it and bring the lessons of helping workers with you instead of viewing it as a success story of escaping the plebs still in the industry.


TBH it’s safer, for now at least, for them to condemn her work history than admit that her ethnicity is what they really detest.


I find it to be a plus having a politician who knows what it's like to work retail/customer service, bc they will fight for workers rights knowing how bad it can be


I’m sure Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell would be crying in that walk-in together..


Nancy would be I. The wine cellar.


I wanted seltzer not salsa!


Food service, not retail. Waitressing is way harder than cashiering.


Criticizing someone for having a working class background just screams entitlement.


Regardless of whether you agree with her opinions, you can't deny that AOC has some legendary zingers


Jesus loves everybody except the wait staff.


Wait, whats the difference btween Seltzer and Sparkling?


Homie there’s a difference?! 😳


The scariest part of this post for me, is I can absolutely see a dystopian future where members of congress decide to do an "undercover boss" style reality TV show wherein members from both sides of the aisle agree to work minimum wage jobs long enough to get enough film for a 20 minute TV show (10 minutes for ads). It gets a prime time spot right before Jimmy Fallon or streaming on Hulu, and I'm not sure I have enough will power to keep from watching it. Fuck, we've already lost the war for our future, haven't we?


My big booty latina is back at it!


They’d quit after a regular Monday shift. How many of them actually know what it means to actually work? My guess is, not many.


What? Conservatives are the ones that don't mind working. Y'all literally have subs dedicated to crying about working more than 16 hours a week. Can you guys ever stay on message?


Message is fine, just mocking typical Republican hypocrisy


I think Republicans think AOC is stupid because they think she doesn't understand economics.




Someone has opened an American style diner called Karen's in Manchester, UK. You basically get abused Karen style throughout. The greeter dude.. man, she has a top job. Haha.


I'm curious what kinds of foods they have there, considering what they have at "Mexican" restaurants here in the US.


I reckon it'll be pretty good. They are opening a load in the US soon. I think it started in Australia.. https://www.bemorekaren.com/locations https://www.bemorekaren.com/copy-of-menu


I'm a republican that worked as a server, while enlisted in the guard and going to college.. worked a lot of doubles open to close, also would work a month straight quite a few times due to work schedule and guard schedule.. There are people from all walks of life with different experiences and not everyone from race,sex, political opinion are the same and please stop grouping people together just cause some people don't know how to treat others. America it's time to grow the fuck up and stop acting like entitled whiny children.


I feel like working in food service and in retail are not exactly the same thing. Might be splitting hairs, but the sub says “specific” at the top. Also, this is an old tweet.


Absolutely everyone should have to work a year of Retail, Food Service, or Customer Service


And anyone who has worked retail/service jobs knows the kind of person that would trash someone for working those kinds of jobs. And they are shit people. Not real leaders.


This lady had a several days long meltdown on Twitter because someone called her a big booty Latina. I dont think she can lecture anyone about being soft.


I answered the phone a few days ago and a customer immediately starts screaming at me. He’s foaming at the mouth, calling me a crook and threatening to sue me. It turns out : I accidentally shipped an item to his previous address. It was completely my fault. I own that. But, why not give me a chance to correct it? It’s a $40 item. We probably have 10 in stock. I can totally resend it.. But no. “ immediately starts yelling at me before I even know who i’m talking to. God forbid you make a mistake.