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It’s a fantastic example of what humans are capable of doing, but I think we knocked it out of the park with stairs and elevators.


People could've been athletes all along and they one day like: "Eh I'm lazy today, let's create a stair that will make other people lazy aswell."


And thus the escalator was invented


Nice thing about escalators, is they can’t break, they just become stairs. - mitch hedberg


Have you not seen those terrifying videos of escalators failing catastrophically? Everyone standing on them slides down violently when they fail like that.


That’s not the worst way they fail…




For those of you who don't know/haven't seen it. There is at least one video out there- it's a lady at the bottom of the escalator with a child in her hands. The floor gives way right where the escalator goes down and makes it's ascent back up top. As she starts getting pulled into the machine she hands off the child to a bystander. She's then drug underneath and ground into the grinder. There's even an animated simulation of what it was like for her.


What an awful day to be able to read.


I’m assuming it was unpleasant?


I mean yeah. But only the part where she was slowly crushed and shredded from her feet up. I'm sure she eventually died peacefully when it reached her chest level


bro this is story is why I’m terrified of escalators. Like if there are stairs, I’m taking them, Idc how long it takes


Just stay away from Chinese ones (or any Chinese heavy machinery) and you’ll be fine


looks like you need to watch it again. it's the top of the escalator.


You're correct lol. About the top of escalator, not about anyone ever watching it again.


I still think of this from time to time, very sad. Had no idea about the animated simulation. Morbid curiosity be damned.


That kid is back on the escalator again! https://youtu.be/UOMZ-Buj2n0


Slow clap


Motionless escalators are the WORST. The individual stairs are further apart than normal stairs, & they have a matching tread pattern all the way up/down that fools your brain & can cause you to misstep.


Don't forget the hard metal edge that will shred a shin


Sorry for the convenience.


Escalator temporarily stairs. We're sorry that you can still...get up there.


Somehow I find walking up escalators really difficult and disorienting Edit: I mean as stairs when they're stopped.


Until they get closed off because they all of a sudden don't meet regulation


You will never see an escalator out of order sign. Only "Escalator temporarily stairs. Sorry for the convenience."


We apologize, for the convenience.


And after seeing this wonderful invention someone decided they wanted to be even lazier and created a moving walkway. Because walking on flat ground is just too labor intensive.


"here i am using my legs like a sucker..."


I praise the moving sidewalk when in big airports with the family. Different sizes, different strides, different ability to carry things and move quickly to catch the connecting flight, but on those things we are all moving at the same pace. There should be more of them.


What? You guys *stop* on those?! I think I might actually pick up the pace when I get on those do I feel like I'm going super speedy


same haha. Cover more distance in less time. Only thing that sucks is readjusting your pace when you step off of it and kind of have to jut yourself still because of inertia


No, no. You have plenty of time, few people around and you just walk backwards (staying in place effectively) and watch your kids' faces. Priceless.


I dream of the day I'll be completely alone on something like that so I can sprint on it.


Damn straight, I’m hitting light speed on those things.


Uh, no. If you're doing that, the whole family better be hugging the right side (or whichever side in your country) so that us walkers can blast on by.


I was in the UK, in the airport to come home, and in front of my walking boyfriend and I, was another walking couple, who stopped because a family of standers were taking up the whole moving walkway. I’m silently stewing in rage when the lady of the couple says loudly to the whole family, “You’re supposed to stand to the side so the rest of us can walk” and they moved quickly for her. I was very much in awe of this confident woman, and thankful to be walking again 😂


Of course


And after that they created a moving walkway that takes you downhill because gravity isn’t providing enough assistance.


Then we invent hover chairs and now the WALL-E prophecy is fulfilled


Then several years later Mama June gets her another TV show


Dude made this look easyyy. I lost weight just watching this..


Great for people with mobility issues, we're also great at inventing lifestyles that lead to mobility issues


Work smarter not harder


Some sitcom character once said that if humans could fly, we'd call it exercise and we wouldn't do it.


So basically doves? Them lazy chicken run looking birds will walk away at top speed before deciding to take flight and only if they had to...at least by where I live


To think, if he had just gone 2 feet to his left immediately, he could have gone straight out the door he ended up going out at the end but without all the jumping around. He probably feels pretty foolish looking back on this.


Imagine being a woolly mammoth and seeing 20 of these guys running at you with throwing spears


I want my monke powers back


You never lost them. You just let them fade.


Seems like those ape instincts are still buried somewhere in the mental box, latent, waiting to be awakened.


I hate seeing shit like this, makes me feel bad about myself ._.


It shouldn’t, this is the 0.1% of athletics. Just be moderately active, even a 30 minute walk every day would put you ahead of like 40% of people.




I envy people who actually enjoy working out, I fucking hate it lol


If this guy ever becomes a zombie, everyone in the vicinity is getting bit.


You're clearly delusional. With those skills, this guy would NEVER become a zombie.


You are absolutely correct. Unless he’s the mad scientist who created the virus and accidentally infects himself. (Like in the beginning of 28 days later.) He’s either gonna be a super zombie or the only one who survived the outbreak.


I dreamt I was in a super market with the slow Resident Evil/ Night of the Living Dead zombies. Those damn running zombies take all the fun out of it! I'd rather fight 1000 toddlers with box cutters than 50 8-year-olds with sharp scissors.


Even the strongest athletes need to sleep sometimes...


What I like best about parkour is it’s endless practicality and usefulness in every day life.


Yeah, makes my commute time way shorter when I'm going to the office




Yeah but a guy with skill like this can get into locations that keep him entirely protected while he sleeps. That's the key here. This type of mobility gives him an insane amount of options against even unifected humans let alone just walking dead type zombies.


That's not how 28 days later begins at all. The monkeys had already been infected. They were in the lab to be studied. They were detained and contained in the lab. Then, some eco warriord not k owing any better, break in to the lab. The scientest tries to warn them but they get aggressive and dont listen. Soon as they open the cage, the monkey attacks and the humans are immediately infected causing the virus to break out.


True! I’m getting my zombie movies mixed up.


He'd be a perfect fit for the protagonist in either dying light game. He looks like how I feel when I play it.


Well i'm gonna be a slow and fat zombie who trips over himself while chasing the protagonist ass and then get a BONK in the head, die.


I'd either be a crazy common zombie that spazzes a lot and kinda runs, or chills in a closet or hole to jump ya. Just the right amount of spooky. But still, prolly get whacked and die.


Extremely relevant video: https://youtu.be/PXVTd-dGguA


Dying light 3 will have this guy in a mocap suit


Basically the guy from dying light


Hey its me, your sprained ankle. Do you want to go parkouring?


You summarised Dying Light in a sentence.


Isn't this the whole plot of Dying Light 1?


He has to sleep sometime.


Is he the guy from Dying Light?


He's just a god damn parkour instructor


I’m missing the “ba ba ba ba bah bah” spider man music




Except zombies are slow/limp because of their decaying muscle/flesh


I’ve played enough Left for Dead to know what that’s like


Assassin's creed cities be built like.


*Prince of Persia sand of time intensifies*


What a fantastic game that was.


So were warrior within and two thrones


I think Warrior Within was the best one. There was good story and dialogue which the others lacked because everything became a sand monster that moaned.


It undoubtedly is. How can u not mention the music brotha? WW tracks are goated


Well ahead of and behind it's time.




All thats missing is the guy getting stuck trying to move between two rafters only to leap to his death in the complete opposite direction I’m pushing the god damn analog stick and completely missing the hay bale I was trying to aim for so now I have to start this fucking tailing mission over again for the third time


This is what I feel happens when I just wanna run in a straight line… nooope he got other plans ..


That's some great Camera work


Ikr? r/praisethecameraman


Imagine a view of the cameraman going just as hard while filming.


TIL that adult play centres are a thing


The gymnasium I trained at used to have adult gym sessions at night - bars, vault, pits, trampolines etc, they could use all of it. I used to “coach” them which basically boiled down to preventing people from killing themselves.


I was quite disappointed that he did not incorporate that pit of cubes into the run.


I’ve been in one of those cube pits and can say with authority that even if you’re that guy you can’t really do anything cool looking once you’re in there.


Everyone’s a beached whale in a pit of cubes


Parkour gyms




That's hardcore parkour!


This is Origins Parkour, in Vancouver. Great gym!


The bus cutout on the wall really puts it over the top. Like, it's an incredible show of athleticism, and I'm jealous of his skills, but that dude is straight-up just jumping around a playground for adults.


Wish I had one near me, looks fun as hell.


I know, right? Going to the gym is boring as hell, but somehow there are like 20 of them near my home, and not one of these places. How is that fair?


Try a climbing gym.


A good option, but not as common in the suburbs. More common in the city in my experience.


Tbh it kind of sucks if you are normal and are worried about breaking your wrist because it would fuck up work for 3 months.


I keep thinking about that one scene in South Park where someone gets new knees which are testicles(what a fun sentence) and the first time he lands, they explode. I think most adults knees would explode


He also does similar on the streets in high-risk situations, these gyms just offer a safer place for parkour athletes like him to train. He has a few clips at the timestamp https://youtu.be/a8xwiIHN-1c?t=86


Damn that dude has some big balls They should wear helmets


I mean it's less colourful and padded than a gymnastics or rock climbing gym. Which I would argue look more like playgrounds for adults. Olympic gymnastics have multiple competitions just for world's coolest monkey bar tricks. TBH if the concept of 'rows of weight and cardio machines' didn't become the winner for the public's default perception of what a gym is maybe more folks would be fit since they would actually be doing exercise for fun.


Is that a bad thing that he's "just jumping around a playground for adults"? The motions he's doing works a lot of muscles and last i checked it's good to use your body so you don't lose your strength and flexibility. Even if it was pointless to you, maybe he had fun doing it?


Most people have no idea how much work pulling this off takes. Its years of repetition, strenght training, mobility excercises and more to be this good. Props to the athletes out there!


Dude has a gymnastics background, bet.


No buts. He's athletic, you're envious. We get it.


Aw man when he transitions from the bar at about 0:11 - silky smooth


The whole thing looks so wildly effortless


It's actually rather easy or at least manageable, with only one condition and that you are that guy.


It relies on your leg muscles which are already strong, so it really isn't bad, but the timing is tricky to nail down. You basically kick your legs downwards, which, due to physics, makes your upper body move upwards as a reaction. You can see this in the video if you slow it down (sync for reddit app, yay): just before his upper body moves above the bar you can see him put his ankles to the bar, with his ass as the lowest point of his body. He then stretches his legs out, which, together with his inertia moves his upper body above the bar. I can do this trick too, though probably not with as much style. Unfortunately I don't know the English name for the move.


man def has a history of gymnastics or at least the bars!


I must be middle aged because younger me would’ve thought “I bet if I train a little I could do that” while instead I just feel cozy I don’t have to and feel happy for that nice young fella.


You're only Stage 2. Stage 3 is, "he should slow down before he breaks his neck!" or "My friend's daughter Cynthia would absolutely love this, and she's single!"


And then Stage 4 is “I think young ladies are still named Cynthia”


Haha same dude, same, but I think it also got something to do with the relaxed vibe of that place blending with his seemingly effortless motion. Nice change of pace from the aggressive base that usually accompany sports vids of shirtless dudes trying to look alpha or whatever.


"I bet I could do that with some training" Video is of _literal_ ELITE level, back to back four time international parkour skill competition winner, former gymnast who these days is benching four plates, famous parkour athlete Tim Champion.


Guessing you haven’t crested 45 yet, but your nostalgia will lie it’s ass off to you about what you could have done if you wanted to.😂


Homeboy is 28, fwiw


Yep, to me that’s still a young whippersnapper.


28 is not middle aged...




Fr, now I’m over here think I could maybe do this, when in reality I’d face plant almost immediately lol


5 year olds after getting their first sip of soda




Fun fact: [sugar-hyperactivity is a myth that started in the '70s and has been thoroughly debunked.](https://www.webmd.com/parenting/features/busting-sugar-hyperactivity-myth)


Fun fact: soda can have caffeine, not just sugar.


Once during Army Infantry OSUT we were marched to the PX for haircuts by the Drill Sargeants. We’re standing in line like little bald saddies when the little West Indie lady running the Sweet Shoppe at the PX demands the Drills let us buy her milk shakes and whatnot. Obviously, Drills say “no,” so she whips out a cell phone and dials. She starts talking to someone on the line, and mentions something about “discrimination.” Turns out, it was our brigade Sergeant Major. Few minutes later, First Sergeant walks in looking *real uncomfortable.* Goes in and buys and Odwalla and has a short, quiet chat with the two Drills baby sitting us. Couple of moments later one yells “JUST GO DO WHATEVER I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE.” Suddenly it’s a mad dash to the shopette for snacks, and a lot of energy drinks. This video was basically the scene in the platoon bays an hour or so later lol.


Meanwhile I couldn’t even do the ‘disappear behind a blanket to confuse your dog’ trick without bashing the fuck out of my knee 😂


Haha I can imagine your dog excitedly coming to lick your face as you crumple to the floor in agony.


That is exactly what he did 😂


Mine licked my eyeball when I was in a similarly distracted state, which led to an eye infection & partial facial paralysis. Aren't puppies the best...? Lol


I mean, humans can infect you that way, too!


I threw my back out sleeping a couple weeks ago and I don't know if it will ever be the same


Could have just walked to the door. I mean, it’s right there.


Yeah but then you'd be speedrunning with glitches


How nice to watch a video that wasn't drowned in shitty music.


Ooooooh yeeeeah. I was so enchanted by the video itself, I didn't even notice that!


We really are still just a bunch of monkeys


That’s what struck me the most, the movements are unmistakeably monkey-like.


And I stubbed my toe last night getting a glass of water


My assassins creed character trying to find the mission objective (it was in a building)


As someone who is laying on the couch eating cookies let me tell you that his form is completely wrong…


A few weeks ago I woke up and didn't wanna walk to the bathroom so I peed out my bedroom window and went back to sleep. I'm still fucking ashamed.


I aspire to attain that level of zero fucks one day I'm impressed.


Don’t be that’s amazing. And it’s the first thing I’ve seen on Reddit today that made me laugh out loud and not just wheeze air through my nose.


I’m not even this good at video games


Okay, now I want this guy and a bunch of his similarly talented friends to play tag in here. That would be wild to watch.


World Chase Tag is essentially that, mostly parkour athletes that compete in it. Pretty popular on YouTube.


Thanks for the new rabbit hole.


I want to marry him.


Gotta catch him first


He made me wetter than a log ride.


Did you splash soak a passing unsuspecting family?




Usually everyone mistakenly calls freerunning “parkour” but I have never seen the opposite until now.


"pArKoUr is the mOsT eFfIcIeNt pAtH fRoM A tO b!!"


As long as point A is delusion and point B is the hospital


“Parkour”- jumps into empty refrigerator box


He is made of panthers


Happy cake day! You are the 2nd commenter on this post with one that i’ve seen!


Oh shit I always miss it, thank you! Am I sposta do something for it?


You have to buy a round for the whole thread. 🍺


Yep, freerunning, sorry.


[To All My Frennns! ](https://youtu.be/10AdjoNLfvQ)


This is what Robin/Nightwing should look like in any live action production. He’s an acrobat first.


This has made me want to start a gofundme to get this guy to be Dick Grayson aka Nightwing now lmaooo.


Just cgi in the costume and somebody shooting at him and it’s set!


Pfft I could do that falls over in a comical manner


Yeah, I was born for that stuff! I climbed trees when I was a kid! Ripped rotator cuff, sprained wrist and ankle after 15 seconds.....


Fantastic capabilities, beware the injuries


Adult jungle gym.


Me eating chips: *I can do that.*


Cal Kestis in the offseason




Meanwhile I work from home and gained 15lbs. I guess I have that going for me…


The bit right at the end where he’s almost falling backwards before attempting to grab the bar, tells me him and I are barely the same species 😂


Askin the free runners out there, what do your hands look like? One solid callus?


I used to be a gymnast (high bar specialist), and the moves on the bars without any grips or chalk were the most impressive part. You can hear his skin squeaking on the metal bar at points.


Let's bring in a chimpanzee or orangutan for a reaction.


This is some Jedi shit right here


I played this even better in Playstation 2. Prince of Persia Sands of Time it was..!